Mosley vs Cintron:

For Mosley a win over Cintron means another belt as well as another victory over a very good fighter to add to his Hall of Fame career.

For Cintron the win would bring him instant credibility throughout the boxing world and additionally erase all doubts that the Margarito loss brought to the surface.

Margarito vs Berto:

After losing his belt and suffering his first loss since 2004 Margarito would be well served by challenging and beating a highly touted up and comer. For Margarito the win would place him right back in the thick of things and although it would not erase the loss to Williams it would go a long way in healing those wounds.

For Berto a marquis victory such as Margarito would catapult him into title contention and instantly change his status from hot prospect to serious contender. The match up would appear favorable given Margarito's average punching power and speed.

P.S. Before somebody states that Margarito is to much of a step up for Berto let me just say this. Timing is everything and another loss for Margarito means his stock will plummet, which is exactly why this fight should happen soon before it has lost some value. If Berto and Margarito meet after Margarito is presumed to be washed up it does nobody any good. Conversely if Berto loses to a mediocre fighter his stock takes a whack. I think these match ups are win-win for the fighters and the fans.