Okay everybody...the Rankings & Ratings System has been rebooted as of September the 17th, 2007!

For those that aren't familiar with the Official Saddo's Rankings & Ratings System...you can click this link : http://www.saddoboxing.com/boxing_fo...html#msg591240 & BAM!!! There it goes!

I will try to keep us updated from month to month...if possible...from fight to fight...which is what I would like...but I gotta eat & sleep...oh yeah...& drink massive amounts of liquor...so during the mean time...I will do my best to keep this updated at the start of each month.

Seeing as how we got massive amounts of mouth watering matches coming up just around the corner during the month of November...you can expect some changing of the guard.

Alot has changed over the past seven months...so if you are wondering what happened to all of the previous posts...I thought that I'd reboot us so to speak & get a fresh start for the fall season.

The point that I'm trying to get at is that it's time once again to break out some new opinions necessary to keep this thing going....

Suggestions are all needed. This is our baby...let's make it work.

Also…the Official P4P list is up for debate…so debate way. Here’s the link for the spot : http://www.saddoboxing.com/boxing_fo...c,53045.0.html

Be sure to post your lists so that we can get this thing crackin!

Cheers bitches…& koneecheewah.