I was browsing through boxrec and noticed some fighters have a register option next to the manager list.

Clicking on it to my suprise I found you can register as a fighters manager for just 10c a day!

This was Lopez and Moldonado I checked looking for the result from the prediction comp.

Anyone know what the hell this mean?

If you register will boxrec say you are their manager in the their fighter's bio?

What do the fighters think of this?

And does this entitle you to a percentage of their winnings? Can I pick their opponents?

I'm just loving the possibilities, registering as Audley Harrisons manger under the name Parcel Force Inc or maybe Danny Williams as Mr Kiplings Cakes!

Just checking every fighter is open to management offers.

Here's Floyd


Now if I become Floyds manager at 10c a day and allow him to keep 90% of all profits I'm still a multi millionaire in a couple years right?

This could be the biggest new job opportunity of a lifetime.

I could sign up EVERYBODY and become the biggest promoter in boxing history, like Dana White in the UFC