If their was ever a referee who could influence the outcome of a fight, it's Nady..

Cortez lets fighters fight THEIR fight using THEIR style. He doesn't stand for crap, but he's not going to jump in every two seconds... He lets the fighters sort it out and then breaks it up when it needs to be...
Nady has a preconceived notion of how a fight is supposed to play out and uses all his influence to make sure the fight goes in that direction... i.e. fighters can't lean on each other.... He want's every bout to look like 'boxing' and tries to keep it from looking like 'fighting'....
In some fights it pays to clean it up, surely!! But when Ricky is inside, he is ALWAYS looking for angles and throwing body shots... He's not just hanging on to hold a fight up for 10 rounds, and Nady would be a total wank to pull him off his opponent every time he went to work in there... It would pretty much pull apart Hattons advantages and hand the 'tempo' of the fight to his opponent...

Whether Nady would actually step in that much against such an active inside fighter like Ricky is questionable,,, but i'm still glad Cortez is the referee on this one....

You never really want to have to factor in the Referee when considering your predictions for a fight...