It seems to me that Mayweather simply outlast all of his opponents over 12 rounds. His stratagy seem to keep the first 6 rounds even knowing his opponents waste so much energy in the first half of the fight that his supreme stamina will get him past the second half. It reminds me of the Marathons were everyone keeps pace with the African in the first half only to falter in the championship miles which is the last half. I believe it is because he keeps himself in Great shape all year round. Oscar , Judah, Hatton all fell victim to the same thing, fatigue in the second half of the fight. In order to beat him you must have an extreme punch or extreme wind over the entire fight. Not impossible but it wont be easy. Cotto has extreme power and Williams has extreme stamina. Williams seems better fitted to me. He looks like a super middle in a welter body with stamina.Get your wind up if you want to contend with THE CHAMP. ROAD WORK PEOPLE. 15 miles a day.