(ya guys sick of southpaw threads yet? haha )

I've often heard the southpaws jab referred to alot by people as "The Southpaw Jab".. As if its some whole new punch with its own mechanics and uses. I've always wondered why its differentiated and labeled as such, since wouldnt an orthodox jab against a southpaw be the same thing? Also, lately i've been trying to think of ways to improve my jabbing game. So what are some things i should begin to consider so that i can have an effective "southpaw jab" against a righty?

Now i know that since both ortho and southies have their lead hands on the same side. Its kind of hard to pop off and land clean jabs since they're in each others paths. So im guessing at that point, the jab game changes drastically between an orthodox and a southpaw fighter. It leaves less opportunities for an offensive jolting jab and has you rely more on a more probing, fast, feinty jab.

I've noticed from my own experiences, that i landed a majority of my flush, solid jabs from just out of range, when me and my opponent are circling and he leaves his guard a little low or circles too close into my range. Then i lash out and pop him with a good quick one. But when it comes to a battle of the jabs, it becomes alot more complicated to land a flush jab with his lead blocking my path (Which i see is the natural obstacle with ortho vs southie). So i guess at this point is where i have to learn how to change up my game to effectively use my "southpaw jab", since it isnt possible to be trying to blast him with stiff jabs all the time.

The reason i wonder also is because, i see the battle of jabs between an southy and an orthy to be an important medium in the match (not that its not important between an orthodox vs orthodox also).. But since both fighters jabs are technically cancel each other out, Whoevers jab is more learned in battle should control the tide of the fight. But as i said, since both guys can easily negate each others power jabs, it becomes more a chess game. So thats why im asking you guys how to improve my "southpaw jab" and broaden my game a little bit. Fundamentals. Variables i should consider, all that good stuff.

Besides, the discussion would benefit not only a southpaw fighters jab game, but an orthodoxes jab game against a southpaw also. Its somewhat symbiotic. The information would be beneficial for both. Catch my drift?