In the time I've spent here at Saddo's Charlie Zelenoff and his aliases ProBoxer18 and Baller27 have been a running joke and a focal point of discussion among Saddo forum members.
Of course Zelenoff himself elevated his own status with his verbal ramopages broadcast internationally via Youtube.
For many posters here, his story was one looked upon as bothe a source of puzzlement and amusement.

I only fleetingly came to know Charlie before I lost interest in the whole debacle, i have no persoanl interaction with him, but I feel we should kill the story here. When we spent time laughing at a faceless forum poster that was fine, but his own name and identity are now the source of our collective ridicule and I feel that this has to be emotionally damaging for him.

From what I have gathered Charlie during this entire melee, was only motivated by the affection he received from his mother and his uncle's encouragement. Apart from one vague reference, which he never elaborated on Charlie never mentioned that he had friends. He never alluded towards any education or employment and although his "fight" took place in a school gym, I feel that he may be lost in life.

It has also crossed my mind, that mentally, Zelenoff is not "fully there." I'm not excusing his actions saying that he is mentally disabled, but from his posts he certainly gives the impression that he is a little simple, to put it bluntly.

So, I ask you guys, can we let this thing die.
I honestly feel too sorry for him to let this continue.
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