I box and do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. What type of weight routine to you recommend I follow? Something specific to the sport. I'm interested in staying around the same weight that I am now 5'9, 140lbs. I don't want muscles that are conditioned for aerobic, seeing as how much of boxing and jiu jitsu is anaerobic. But I can't get huge either. Explosive strength is obviously key as both sports require quick and explosive movements. I must also maintain and improve my flexibility (I also do some yoga).

I basically want to be as quick, strong, and explosive for my weight as possible.

I have read all sorts of theories on how to incorporate weight lifting. Some say high reps (I don't think I believe in this), some say explosive body weight exercises, or low rep, explosive weight lifting.

Ross Enemait insists on low rep, explosive lifting. How do I explosively lift a weight that I can only lift say 4-6 times? Am I doing regular lifting exercises? (bench press, shoulder press, curls, squats, dead lifts, pull ups etc), or something else?

Another form of exercise that I've seen on some MMA forums is performing a series of exercises, say 6 exercises that cover various parts of the body, in a row, and then breaking. Example: 10 reps bench press, 10 curls, 10 squats, 10 dead lifts, 10 pull ups, 10 burpees... break.

As far as diet, I think I have a good idea of what to eat. Lean meat for protein, veggies (especially green), fruit, low on the dairy, complex carbs (pasta, rice, oatmeal), protein shake, multivitamin, easy on the bread... especially on non training days.

Sorry that's a lot to look at, but any insight would be appreciated.