I'm pretty tired of this shit! I never expected it here on this forum as it has a good reputation and the majority of posters seem to be smart and make logical posts. However I am tired of the double standards that I have noticed not just here but with boxing fans in general!!

For example;

Mayweather is a coward and cherry picker despite fighting the most champions of any current active fighter (According to the ring).

Calzhage however is great (I agree) although he thought no where near the quality of opponents Mayweather has until recently

Kessler is a elite fighter? He gets too much credit considering he is a one dimensional fighter with a good jaw and huge power! Kessler lost his only fight against elite competition (Calzhage) and so in my opinion is unproven.

Williams/ Marquez/ Winky/ Haye get a lot of stick for calling out the best fighters; people say they are whiny etc blah!

Margarito/ the fans etc get a lot of credit for calling out opponents apparently they are feared etc?

Who can honestly say Williams is not feared? he is 6'3 a nightmare for ANY welterweight does not mean he's a great fighter (he is) but he is big and awkward enough to make him not worth the effort.

Winky/ Mayweather/ Hopkins are boring? No these are not boring fighters watch the technique used for boring see Wladmir Klitscho there is a lot more but the white rum in my system will not allow me to type any more sense people. bye bye.