As a long time reader of this forum but not a poster til now, all people seem to do is constantly deride British boxers. Since the Ricky Hatton fight, and before it, people have been slating him. It is almost as if people are wishing him ill. He is in the top 10 p4p fighters and is the most successful active British boxer at the moment, but it seems that people will not stop badmouthing him until he has won everything. Howsabout a bit of support?

This seems to be similar to Lennox Lewis. When he was fighting evrybody constantly slated him, and even when he did things like knocking out Tyson it was 'Only because Tyson wasn't in his prime' and against Klitschko he was lucky. Rubbish! Sure he was losing on points, but Klitschkos eye was a mess and had the fight been allowed to continue his vision would have continued to deteriorate and Lewis would have knocked him out or won points IMO.
However now Lewis has retired people are beginning to look back onhim with fonder memories. Instead of looking back fondly we should support fighters while they are active.

Why is everybody so negative?

FACT: Ricky Hatton has not been beaten by anybody yet
FACT: Ricky Hatton has called out PBF (monster payday for both, if Hatton is so shite why doesn't PBF fight him and take a big purse and his belt, or perhaps PBF doesn't think it would be that easy?)