I think he could have put on a better effort even though he got cut... I figure he had 2 rounds to go before it could have been ruled a no desicion, he didnt even try.... I thought his opponent hit him with some good shots and was not troubled by Guerrero... I think Robert took the easy way out since the rules stated he could... He let a whole arena down that came to see him, showed a questionable heart.

Max Kellerman asked during the Kirkland fight if he though James would have quit if he got a cut like that... The guys were like NO!!!!!

Its a boxing match people get cut and hurt, whether by punch or head, elbow etc... its part of the game, I think he really hurt his image last night showing a diva like behavior..

Judah heard crap for it against Clottey and so did Rahman against Toney.. I'm not giving Robert a gatepass on this one