There are some good Hatton fans, and then there are a buch of as*holes who were slapping each other on the backs downing their beers 5 minutes before the fight, who have now posted on here selling Ricky down the river..

For those good Hatton fans, Hatton is better than a quick KO, and could comeback and beat some good guys.

For those Hatton fans who were there for all the glory and the first to put the boot in, all I can say as a Tszyu fan, how do you like it now that the boot is on the other foot. Having fun?

I think the problem was Mayweatehr Sr, he set Hatton up to lose huge. As soon as I saw 24 7 I knew Hatton was in trouble with loud mouth chocking on his Taco at the drive through. Noway he shouldve dumped Billy Graham for that guy. Stuff Mayweather sr and his bs JAB theory, if Hatton was going have a chance, he had to come inside quick and blunt the right hook which was the weapon as a southpaw coimng right over Hattons.

At least the Preacher would've had him feingting then coming in uunder the Pacquiao right hook. Mayweather Sr stuffed Hattom more than anyone. Stylistically, it was hard against a southpaw for Hatton, and Mayweather wants him playing around on the outside trying to have him jab and move his head. Best defennce is dont be there in the first place. I bet Mayweather is got his head out the window at the drive through as we speak.

Hatton desrves better than some as*hole fans who belong with Mayweather Sr, not Hatton and the people he ORIGINALLY fought for, and with

This message is for those yellow bastar*s