Brähmer sentenced to 16 months | Boxing News

WBO light heavyweight world champion Jürgen Brähmer has been sentenced to 16 months in prison for an alleged assault which caused bodily injury in a bar incident. Brähmer’s legal team plans to appeal the decision. Promoter Klaus-Peter Kohl continues to believe in the innocence of his fighter and hopes the decision will be overturned. “Today’s verdict is not yet final,” said Kohl. “We will calmly look at the sentencing memorandum and discuss it with Jürgen and his lawyers Eisenberg and King. They’ve already announced that they plan to appeal. Therefore we’re going forward with the presumption of innocence. Due to the positive statements of the experts and that not a single prosecution witness other than the plaintiff testified against Jurgen, I continue to believe in Jürgen’s innocence. We will continue to plan with him.”


Be interesting to see how this pans out. Braehmer has been making a lot of noise in the ring in 2009 he went 4-0 (3 KOs).