I dont know if its just me but listening to Degale makes me cringe , he is such a prick.
He has done nothing yet as pro but is so far up his own arse it beggers belief , yes he may beat Groves , but so what, it is a good domestic dust up at best.
I will never take to Degale and i do hope he fights the elite of the divison as i think and hope he will get badly beaten.
For me the guy doesnt even deliver his punches correctly , he isnt as powerful as he thinks , and he doesnt have the public support like a Nigel Benn or Watson.
He does love himself , but I dont like him as a boxer or person.
He is also an ugly long faced bastard who seems to think he is better looking than his oponants.
Basically he is a wanker.

What did you guys think of his interview on ringside , and what do you think of Degale.