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Thread: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

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    Default Re: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGB View Post
    The man changed as he grew. This 'little man' has left his mark on the world. I'd love to know what you've done in comparison.

    No what you haven't done, what you have?

    Freed any hostages recently?
    I have worked hard, been true to those around me and paid my taxes. What more should one do?

    I'm not the one preaching racial segregation to anyone. That is a stupid view for one to take at any point in their life.

    All one can do is try to be a moral person. Ali wasn't a moral person. Maybe he has changed, and if so, then good for him. But most people don't cause all the shit that he has tried to do.

    Nobody is perfect, but some are much worse than others.

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    Default Re: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

    Quote Originally Posted by Tam Seddon View Post

    What a guy !
    *yea... He's on film saying"kill whitey"... and a draft dodger... awesome guy!

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

    Quote Originally Posted by bigstinkybug View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Tam Seddon View Post

    What a guy !
    *yea... He's on film saying"kill whitey"... and a draft dodger... awesome guy!
    Mind you, I think he was correct in refusing to fight in Vietnam. One should not fight in an immoral war and I hold that principle to all human beings. Anyone showing submission to the military industrial complex either has no soul or needs a long hard look in the mirror.

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    Default Re: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    @Althugz and @TitoFan you are both going way off subject here and are sounding pretty desperate with your silly troll accusations. Again you bring up Calzaghe and project a fanboy persona onto me that most other posters are well aware exists only in your two tiny minds. If you can't be men and discuss the subject in hand like a grown up then maybe you should both take a deep breath and STFU.

    The subject here is Muhammad Ali, upon which I mentioned Joe Frazier and how sad it must be to carry a grudge to your grave. But you couldn't resist seeing a post of mine, so you attacked my viewpoint, saying I was "patronizingly pitying" Frazier... when in actually you know FUCK about what my intent was, and after I rubbed it in your face... you started insulting me.

    And I brought up Calzaghe, who obviously is not related to the subject at hand.... to make a point. The point that since I first started criticizing Joe, you've done a 180-degree turnaround as far as I'm concerned. You used to agree with, and sometimes compliment my posts (I can dredge them up, in case you've forgotten).... and now, like some scorned little kid (like the red-headed idiot on "The Incredibles".... you must've seen it... it's a cartoon).... you seek every opportunity to criticize me AND my posts.

    It's so fucking obvious, even YOU can probably comprehend it.

    Word of advice, fuckwad..... if you can't take criticism about your beloved fighters, you're in the wrong forum. I'm sure there's a "Boxing for Dummies" forum you can probably get accepted to.

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    Default Re: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGB View Post
    The man changed as he grew. This 'little man' has left his mark on the world. I'd love to know what you've done in comparison.

    No what you haven't done, what you have?

    Freed any hostages recently?
    I have worked hard, been true to those around me and paid my taxes. What more should one do?

    I'm not the one preaching racial segregation to anyone. That is a stupid view for one to take at any point in their life.

    All one can do is try to be a moral person. Ali wasn't a moral person. Maybe he has changed, and if so, then good for him. But most people don't cause all the shit that he has tried to do.

    Nobody is perfect, but some are much worse than others.
    If all he'd done in life was work and pay taxes then maybe you'd be right to look down on his flaws... I think the positive influence he's had on the world out weigh his flaws more than being a tax payer... But that's just me

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    Default Re: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

    He was a very good boxer and represents corporate sponsors very well. I respect the man for his good points, just like Tyson. Great boxer, but I don't need to care for anything more.

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    Default Re: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

    Don't worry, nobody will force you to.

    Now back to comparing Ali and Tyson's actions to each other you go.

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    Default Re: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGB View Post
    Don't worry, nobody will force you to.

    Now back to comparing Ali and Tyson's actions to each other you go.
    What are you talking about, you silly boy? I like fighters. Tyson was a good fighter. Ali was a good fighter. There lies my comparison. Morally they were both abysmal. It is isn't a complicated logic.

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    @TitoFan you and @Althugz have become a couple of paranoid inverted stalkers. You both seem convinced that I go out of my way to attack you which really is not the case. I am a huge Joe Frazier fan as anybody who has read my posts on here knows. That was why I felt inclined to answer your post. I reserve the right to disagree with anybody on here, it is a forum for debate, not a place to come and have smoke blown up your arse. It doesn't mean I have an agenda against people who do not share the same viewpoint. It is also quite ironic that you should be jumping up and down having a hissy fit, because I pointed out that Frazier had good reason to feel slighted by Ali's constant cruel jibes about him being ignorant and a gorilla. I never once berated your hero and yet you then have to resort to the language of the playground, with your preening side kick chipping in with the hilarious troll comment. The pair of you like to dish it out but can't take any attempt at reasoning like men, you resort to calling people, fuckster,troll,being in a wanking circle, living in Disneyland, being prepubescent, the list goes on. I am sorry if you take everything so personally but nobody else can grow up for you. I have never resorted to using the ignore button or giving someone negative rep, but you whine more than my grandson and he isn't even one yet. Move on the pair of you, I've probably pissed off loads of people on here, it isn't personal. I speak my mind because life is too short to be piddling about and certainly too short to carry a grudge against someone on a forum............

    Except maybe @Kev :-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by THE PHILOSOPHER View Post
    The N word is a rife on the vast majority of mainstream music CD's eminating from the united states!

    My parents were not given any opportunities, they worked hard and forced open doors that were slamed in there faces! They now run there own successful business yet both grew up on council estates! Try being working class in england and then tell me you dont have to struggle to really make it!

    Lets not pretend that ali was some unjustly treated slave, he was raised happily and healthily in a quaint town and nurtured by numerous white men like i.e angelo dundee and the community police officer that introduced him to boxing was black! Hardly an ill treated child lacking black role models was he?

    I don't mean to be mean spirited but i don't buy the mass media hyperbole that surrounds ali, he's far from the greatest sportsman ever, he's not even the greatest sportsman in his sport or his division! Most ppl, don't even know who boxers charley burley, teofilio stevenson, laszlo papp or harry greb even are! Most 'famous' sportsman ever yes but certainly not the greatest in the sense that i measure them by. I wish him well though and he is a legend no doubt.
    Who is this stupid arsehole troll?

    Tell us who the greatest sportsman is then?

    Ali was not only the greatest sportsman but one of the greatest men to walk the regards to the ali frazier situation those comments were used to sell the fight and ali and frazier were friends behind the scene.
    Sticks and stones fella.

  11. #41
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    Default Re: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

    Quote Originally Posted by imp View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by THE PHILOSOPHER View Post
    The N word is a rife on the vast majority of mainstream music CD's eminating from the united states!

    My parents were not given any opportunities, they worked hard and forced open doors that were slamed in there faces! They now run there own successful business yet both grew up on council estates! Try being working class in england and then tell me you dont have to struggle to really make it!

    Lets not pretend that ali was some unjustly treated slave, he was raised happily and healthily in a quaint town and nurtured by numerous white men like i.e angelo dundee and the community police officer that introduced him to boxing was black! Hardly an ill treated child lacking black role models was he?

    I don't mean to be mean spirited but i don't buy the mass media hyperbole that surrounds ali, he's far from the greatest sportsman ever, he's not even the greatest sportsman in his sport or his division! Most ppl, don't even know who boxers charley burley, teofilio stevenson, laszlo papp or harry greb even are! Most 'famous' sportsman ever yes but certainly not the greatest in the sense that i measure them by. I wish him well though and he is a legend no doubt.
    Who is this stupid arsehole troll?

    Tell us who the greatest sportsman is then?

    Ali was not only the greatest sportsman but one of the greatest men to walk the regards to the ali frazier situation those comments were used to sell the fight and ali and frazier were friends behind the scene.
    Sticks and stones fella.
    To be fair, he was a complete dick. What is it beyond the fighting that you find so commendable? One of the greatest men to have walk ed the earth? Do you know nothing of the mans personal history?Just odd.

  12. #42
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    Default Re: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

    I've been one of Ali's biggest critics over the years, but I can't say I wasn't entertained by his boxing and personality for the better part of 20 years. As for Ali being a great man, not really, a famous/infamous figure who became known and recognized all over the world, but other then having a superb career as a boxer/entertainer what did Ali accomplish which would qualify him as a "great man"?
    Last edited by Mars_ax; 07-29-2012 at 02:07 AM.

  13. #43
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    Default Re: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

    Quote Originally Posted by imp View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by THE PHILOSOPHER View Post
    The N word is a rife on the vast majority of mainstream music CD's eminating from the united states!

    My parents were not given any opportunities, they worked hard and forced open doors that were slamed in there faces! They now run there own successful business yet both grew up on council estates! Try being working class in england and then tell me you dont have to struggle to really make it!

    Lets not pretend that ali was some unjustly treated slave, he was raised happily and healthily in a quaint town and nurtured by numerous white men like i.e angelo dundee and the community police officer that introduced him to boxing was black! Hardly an ill treated child lacking black role models was he?

    I don't mean to be mean spirited but i don't buy the mass media hyperbole that surrounds ali, he's far from the greatest sportsman ever, he's not even the greatest sportsman in his sport or his division! Most ppl, don't even know who boxers charley burley, teofilio stevenson, laszlo papp or harry greb even are! Most 'famous' sportsman ever yes but certainly not the greatest in the sense that i measure them by. I wish him well though and he is a legend no doubt.

    Tell us who the greatest sportsman is then?
    You asked

    John Michael Landy

    Landy is remembered for his performance in the 1500 metres final at the 1956 Australian National Championships prior to the Melbourne Olympic Games. In the race, Landy stopped and doubled back to check on fellow runner Ron Clarke after another runner clipped Clarke's heel, causing him to fall early in the third lap of the race. Clarke, the then-junior 1500 metre world champion, who had been leading the race, got back to his feet and started running again; Landy followed. Incredibly, in the final two laps Landy made up a large deficit to win the race, something considered one of the greatest moments in Australian sporting history. Said the National Centre for History and Education in Australia, "It was a spontaneous gesture of sportsmanship and it has never been forgotten.
    Hidden Content " border="0" />

    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by imp View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by THE PHILOSOPHER View Post
    The N word is a rife on the vast majority of mainstream music CD's eminating from the united states!

    My parents were not given any opportunities, they worked hard and forced open doors that were slamed in there faces! They now run there own successful business yet both grew up on council estates! Try being working class in england and then tell me you dont have to struggle to really make it!

    Lets not pretend that ali was some unjustly treated slave, he was raised happily and healthily in a quaint town and nurtured by numerous white men like i.e angelo dundee and the community police officer that introduced him to boxing was black! Hardly an ill treated child lacking black role models was he?

    I don't mean to be mean spirited but i don't buy the mass media hyperbole that surrounds ali, he's far from the greatest sportsman ever, he's not even the greatest sportsman in his sport or his division! Most ppl, don't even know who boxers charley burley, teofilio stevenson, laszlo papp or harry greb even are! Most 'famous' sportsman ever yes but certainly not the greatest in the sense that i measure them by. I wish him well though and he is a legend no doubt.

    Tell us who the greatest sportsman is then?
    You asked

    John Michael Landy

    Landy is remembered for his performance in the 1500 metres final at the 1956 Australian National Championships prior to the Melbourne Olympic Games. In the race, Landy stopped and doubled back to check on fellow runner Ron Clarke after another runner clipped Clarke's heel, causing him to fall early in the third lap of the race. Clarke, the then-junior 1500 metre world champion, who had been leading the race, got back to his feet and started running again; Landy followed. Incredibly, in the final two laps Landy made up a large deficit to win the race, something considered one of the greatest moments in Australian sporting history. Said the National Centre for History and Education in Australia, "It was a spontaneous gesture of sportsmanship and it has never been forgotten.
    Landy is your choice and thats your opinion. Not mine and many others.
    Its the combination of things that makes ali great. I dont believe in allah or the muslim faith but that helped him to stand up for a certain race where others before him couldnt or were too scared too.

    I like to reverse the tables on every issue i look at, if black people refused to let white people compete in boxing for whatever reason and then suddenly you have a man called jack johnson that is finally allowed in and dominates all blacks with ease
    But then the blacks invent laws to ruin his life and career just because his white.
    Then steps in a subservant white man named joe louis and to some degree ray robinson who cant really be themselves as history does not want another jack johnson.
    Finally a young white heavyweight called clay stands up for what is right and wont conform to anyones rule as he a human being first and a colour second.
    Everything comes into play with ali not just being a great heavyweight.

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    Default Re: Muhammad Ali to Lead the parade at Olympic openings

    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    @TitoFan you and @Althugz have become a couple of paranoid inverted stalkers. You both seem convinced that I go out of my way to attack you which really is not the case. I am a huge Joe Frazier fan as anybody who has read my posts on here knows. That was why I felt inclined to answer your post. I reserve the right to disagree with anybody on here, it is a forum for debate, not a place to come and have smoke blown up your arse. It doesn't mean I have an agenda against people who do not share the same viewpoint. It is also quite ironic that you should be jumping up and down having a hissy fit, because I pointed out that Frazier had good reason to feel slighted by Ali's constant cruel jibes about him being ignorant and a gorilla. I never once berated your hero and yet you then have to resort to the language of the playground, with your preening side kick chipping in with the hilarious troll comment. The pair of you like to dish it out but can't take any attempt at reasoning like men, you resort to calling people, fuckster,troll,being in a wanking circle, living in Disneyland, being prepubescent, the list goes on. I am sorry if you take everything so personally but nobody else can grow up for you. I have never resorted to using the ignore button or giving someone negative rep, but you whine more than my grandson and he isn't even one yet. Move on the pair of you, I've probably pissed off loads of people on here, it isn't personal. I speak my mind because life is too short to be piddling about and certainly too short to carry a grudge against someone on a forum............

    Except maybe @Kev :-)

    I can't be bothered to respond to all that shit. So I'll just make two comments:

    1. You don't sound old enough to be a grandfather. When they were handing out maturity, you were standing in another line.
    2. Ple-e-e-e-e-a-a-a-se use the "ignore" button. Please. That way, you don't have to read my posts. You can join rocco, who you're starting to resemble. Personally, I prefer not to use it.
    Have a nice day.

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