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Thread: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

  1. #61
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    As soon as a saw the tread title, I realised that the possibility of pictures of tits would be quite low.

  2. #62
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    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Quote Originally Posted by ono View Post
    As soon as a saw the tread title, I realised that the possibility of pictures of tits would be quite low.
    oK @ono
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  3. #63
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    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Miles, much like people confusing socialism and communism you are confusing corporatism and capitalism. Corportism is only possible when the government leverages the the market in favor of an industry.

    The difference between the NHS and a private system is choice and freedom. We have a mix in the US of private and public and isn't really a good example for free market economics. Regardless if you don't see the difference in the government forcibly taking ones income to pay for a service and citizens involved in voluntary exchange I dont' know what to tell you. At the end of the day your policy preferences are based on mob rule empowering government agents to steal peoples income on their behalf. If your are ok with a worldview based on coercion then ok. I prefer a society based on voluntary exchange. I'm not anti-government at all I just don't think it should pick winners/losers or coerce its citizens. Unlike many functions of the government the military is actually an enumerated power of the federal government in the Constitution.
    Most bad government has grown out of too much government. Thomas Jefferson

  4. #64
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    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    I think people in the Middle East are generally pissed off with America because America has propped up basically every dictator and tyrant in the region for decades. If you were living under Saudi rule for instance you may be so angry with America that you fly a plane into a building.

    They're still pissed off about the fucking crusades there too Kirkland. It's not America's fault that people we are friends with abuse their power, I mean what's the solution to that problem? We throw out people who will at least not bomb us because they abuse their power and what are we left with? A population where 100% of the people hate America.....don't be simple Kirkland.

    Also if the Middle Easterners REALLY wanted to be pissed off at a country they should be pissed off at guys have been fucking about in that part of the world for waaaaay longer than the US has, infact you guys INVITED the United States to help put the Shah back in power in Iran....thanks England, that worked well.....twats
    Why is it not America's fault that for decades they've propped up dictators, overthrown democratically elected governments and installed dictators etc etc in the Middle East? I thought Americans were supposed to believe in personal responsibility? Are you saying Americans can't be held responsible for their actions?

    Middle East people are pissed off at England too. We get terrorist attacks over here as well. They're just not as pissed off with us as they are with you because in the living memory of the people who live there America is 99% responsible for hundreds of millions of them living under tyrannical regimes. And are you trying to introduce moral relativism into the argument here?

  5. #65
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Why is it not America's fault that for decades they've propped up dictators, overthrown democratically elected governments and installed dictators etc etc in the Middle East? I thought Americans were supposed to believe in personal responsibility? Are you saying Americans can't be held responsible for their actions?

    Middle East people are pissed off at England too. We get terrorist attacks over here as well. They're just not as pissed off with us as they are with you because in the living memory of the people who live there America is 99% responsible for hundreds of millions of them living under tyrannical regimes. And are you trying to introduce moral relativism into the argument here?
    I'm pleased to see you're still unbiased as always. America can't make everyone happy, but it doesn't keep people from wanting that to be true. If we leave we're bad if we stay we're bad if we kiss their asses we're bad if we tell them to fuck off we're bad if we buy things from them we're bad if we DON'T buy things from them we're bad. The way you talk everyone in the Middle East is a slave to capitalism....which isn't the case at all. Were it not for oil (that EVERYONE buys not just the US) the Middle East would be no different than it was the days before T. E. Lawrence. I'm not going to call the people there "savages", but they aren't far off.

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    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Why is it not America's fault that for decades they've propped up dictators, overthrown democratically elected governments and installed dictators etc etc in the Middle East? I thought Americans were supposed to believe in personal responsibility? Are you saying Americans can't be held responsible for their actions?

    Middle East people are pissed off at England too. We get terrorist attacks over here as well. They're just not as pissed off with us as they are with you because in the living memory of the people who live there America is 99% responsible for hundreds of millions of them living under tyrannical regimes. And are you trying to introduce moral relativism into the argument here?
    I'm pleased to see you're still unbiased as always. America can't make everyone happy, but it doesn't keep people from wanting that to be true. If we leave we're bad if we stay we're bad if we kiss their asses we're bad if we tell them to fuck off we're bad if we buy things from them we're bad if we DON'T buy things from them we're bad. The way you talk everyone in the Middle East is a slave to capitalism....which isn't the case at all. Were it not for oil (that EVERYONE buys not just the US) the Middle East would be no different than it was the days before T. E. Lawrence. I'm not going to call the people there "savages", but they aren't far off.
    Why is it not America's fault that for decades they've propped up dictators, overthrown democratically elected governments and installed dictators etc etc in the Middle East? I thought Americans were supposed to believe in personal responsibility? Are you saying Americans can't be held responsible for their actions?

  7. #67
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Why is it not America's fault that for decades they've propped up dictators, overthrown democratically elected governments and installed dictators etc etc in the Middle East? I thought Americans were supposed to believe in personal responsibility? Are you saying Americans can't be held responsible for their actions?
    Who's responsible for the other 1% Kirkland?

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    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post

    .....this looks suspiciously like one of those retarded Liberal "Blame America first" arguments.

    I guess if the US & England had just gotten rid of Saddam earlier then we would be loved? No? Maybe if we kept Saddam longer we would be ok over there? No? Well maybe if we rebuilt their country we would be seen in a better light? No? Well maybe if we gave them top teir trade status? No?.....are you getting the "no matter what we do they won't like us" vibe yet Give them money & they hate us, don't give them money & they hate us, keep their leader & they hate us, get rid of their leader & they hate us.....any of that getting through

    You know what all your scenarios have in common, Lyle?
    They all involve U.S. intervention.

    Just maybe... if the U.S. would not intervene in other countries' issues that do not present a threat to U.S. citizens... some of this hatred would not exist. Anticipating your response, you'll surely mention problem areas like North Korea, for example. But surely you are aware that North Korea right now is not viewed favorably by the global community, because it IS perceived as a threat to other countries.

    The trick here, one so "skillfully" practiced by George W, is to learn to separate those issues to require U.S. intervention, from those that don't. Historically, the U.S. intervenes way too much. Cut that to a minimum, and the hatred will naturally decrease.

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    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    The problem is that the us govt and its people see a fucking enemy aorrund every fucking corner.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    The problem is that the us govt and its people see a fucking enemy aorrund every fucking corner.
    On every corner and now in every home. It is essentially a fascist state. Barring a moustache and a uniform, an American leader is essentially no different to Nazi Germany according to Nuremburg and UN principles and now they really do spy on all you say.

    Global dictatorship is now aplace.

  11. #71
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    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Quote Originally Posted by gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    the problem is that the us govt and its people see a fucking enemy aorrund every fucking corner.
    on every corner and now in every home. It is essentially a fascist state. Barring a moustache and a uniform, an american leader is essentially no different to nazi germany according to nuremburg and un principles and now they really do spy on all you say.

    Global dictatorship is now aplace.

  12. #72
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    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Why is it not America's fault that for decades they've propped up dictators, overthrown democratically elected governments and installed dictators etc etc in the Middle East? I thought Americans were supposed to believe in personal responsibility? Are you saying Americans can't be held responsible for their actions?
    Who's responsible for the other 1% Kirkland?
    The west in general. Now stop trying to change the subject and answer the questions you keep dodging. If you want to argue about just how much America is to blame for how it's hated in the Middle East fine, but give specific answers to these questions at the same time. Here they are again, for the third time :

    Why is it not America's fault that for decades they've propped up dictators, overthrown democratically elected governments and installed dictators etc etc in the Middle East? I thought Americans were supposed to believe in personal responsibility? Are you saying Americans can't be held responsible for their actions?

  13. #73
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    The west in general. Now stop trying to change the subject and answer the questions you keep dodging. If you want to argue about just how much America is to blame for how it's hated in the Middle East fine, but give specific answers to these questions at the same time. Here they are again, for the third time :

    Why is it not America's fault that for decades they've propped up dictators, overthrown democratically elected governments and installed dictators etc etc in the Middle East? I thought Americans were supposed to believe in personal responsibility? Are you saying Americans can't be held responsible for their actions?
    The US has had friends that get a bit too comfortable in power, it's true but what would you have the US do Mr. Charts & Graphs? We could help overthrow the "dictator" but that's meddling....Well we could stop trading with them and levee sanctions against them, but that "hurts their citizens", we could let them vote and if that "vote" turns out to support the guy who has been in charge forever then what should we do? If we take action we're meddling if we don't take action then we're heartless, so Kirkland (and you are the PERFECT person to ask) how does the United States win in such a situation? Given your view I don't see a "winning scenario" but I also know that's exactly what your kind wants because for some reason you think perhaps the world would be better off without the United States.

    Did I dodge your question? Will you continue barking at me in attempt to gain further insights on this topic or are you mollified? I certainly hope you got what you wanted out of this answer because I'm done reading your bullshit because here's the deal you want me to take 100% of what you post as the Gospel truth and yet I supply facts and statistics and ask questions and you don't believe my facts, pooh pooh my statistics, and never answer my I'm done debating you.

  14. #74
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    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    The US has had friends that get a bit too comfortable in power, it's true but what would you have the US do Mr. Charts & Graphs? We could help overthrow the "dictator" but that's meddling....Well we could stop trading with them and levee sanctions against them, but that "hurts their citizens", we could let them vote and if that "vote" turns out to support the guy who has been in charge forever then what should we do? If we take action we're meddling if we don't take action then we're heartless, so Kirkland (and you are the PERFECT person to ask) how does the United States win in such a situation? Given your view I don't see a "winning scenario" but I also know that's exactly what your kind wants because for some reason you think perhaps the world would be better off without the United States.

    Did I dodge your question? Will you continue barking at me in attempt to gain further insights on this topic or are you mollified? I certainly hope you got what you wanted out of this answer because I'm done reading your bullshit because here's the deal you want me to take 100% of what you post as the Gospel truth and yet I supply facts and statistics and ask questions and you don't believe my facts, pooh pooh my statistics, and never answer my I'm done debating you.

    Fuck, I'm gonna quit typing the same shit over and over again, and just cut and paste previous posts until I get some kind of response. Or do you (Lyle) only discuss foreign relations with Kirk?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post

    .....this looks suspiciously like one of those retarded Liberal "Blame America first" arguments.

    I guess if the US & England had just gotten rid of Saddam earlier then we would be loved? No? Maybe if we kept Saddam longer we would be ok over there? No? Well maybe if we rebuilt their country we would be seen in a better light? No? Well maybe if we gave them top teir trade status? No?.....are you getting the "no matter what we do they won't like us" vibe yet Give them money & they hate us, don't give them money & they hate us, keep their leader & they hate us, get rid of their leader & they hate us.....any of that getting through

    You know what all your scenarios have in common, Lyle?
    They all involve U.S. intervention.

    Just maybe... if the U.S. would not intervene in other countries' issues that do not present a threat to U.S. citizens... some of this hatred would not exist. Anticipating your response, you'll surely mention problem areas like North Korea, for example. But surely you are aware that North Korea right now is not viewed favorably by the global community, because it IS perceived as a threat to other countries.

    The trick here, one so "skillfully" practiced by George W, is to learn to separate those issues to require U.S. intervention, from those that don't. Historically, the U.S. intervenes way too much. Cut that to a minimum, and the hatred will naturally decrease.

  15. #75
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    Default Re: The Terrible Hypocrisy of England and America ın Geopolitics

    Anybody hear something?
    Most bad government has grown out of too much government. Thomas Jefferson

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