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Thread: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

  1. #1
    El Kabong Guest

    Default America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    THIS my friends is the "entitlement mentality" VC let me know if I'm wrong in this.
    Last edited by El Kabong; 11-14-2012 at 11:22 PM.

  2. #2
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    That's what "The Welfare State" makes....worthless, lazy, good for nothing, shit for brains, leeches on productive society. The guy & girl could have been any color it doesn't matter, it's the attitude that irritates the fuck out of me. "I get money from the government for rent but I use it to pay for other things" I see it everywhere....allow me to repeat that I SEE THAT EVERYWHERE and we wonder why we can't balance a budget well there ya go.

    Liberals...please explain this to me. Explain this away for me. Please it is YOUR policies that cause this bullshit and I want answers, so tell me how those 2 leeches benefit the United States. What purpose do they serve?

    What would I tell them?

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    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    Whilst I think benefits can be and are abused, you are living in a country that has been sold down the river. People need something to fall back on when their job has been shipped over to China. It's all very good for investors in that corporation, but the factors of production are sold out. Sure, weed out the rot, but you need a safety net. In a heartless capitalist system, only a minority do very well for themselves, the rest are swimming to stay afloat and with no lifejackets you will see poverty and needless death.

    I won't watch the video's as that kind of TV is for simpletons. Along with Fox News and Jerry Springer, I assume you to have a nice array of sources for your views.

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    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    and now a word from the right:

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    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    Now that video I did have to sit through until the end. It is captivating to see just how stupid ordinary people really are. That deranged old hag 'He is a Muslim. His father was a Muslim. His father an atheist and his father was a communist'. Well, I am glad that was cleared up then. All too many crazy moments there.

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    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Whilst I think benefits can be and are abused, you are living in a country that has been sold down the river. People need something to fall back on when their job has been shipped over to China. It's all very good for investors in that corporation, but the factors of production are sold out. Sure, weed out the rot, but you need a safety net. In a heartless capitalist system, only a minority do very well for themselves, the rest are swimming to stay afloat and with no lifejackets you will see poverty and needless death.

    I won't watch the video's as that kind of TV is for simpletons. Along with Fox News and Jerry Springer, I assume you to have a nice array of sources for your views.

    Very good points. My comments on some:

    "benefits can be and are abused" - Exactly. The system is flawed. Everyone agrees on this. Government economic aid, in whatever form, should be exclusively for those with real needs, not leeching bums. The fact that this does not occur is indicative that the system is flawed, and needs fixing.

    "People need something to fall back on when their job has been shipped over to China". - Right again. Employment is the backbone to a productive, healthy society. If a willing, able person cannot find gainful employment and is unable to meet his/her financial obligations, the government should be there to help. This again cannot and should not be abused. The fact that it IS, is indicative the system is flawed. At this juncture, I feel the need to say that Obama did not create unemployment or the outsourcing of jobs. This was a malady way before Obama. It needs to be fixed.

    "Sure, weed out the rot, but you need a safety net". - Ideally, a good system will differentiate between the "rot" and the real needy people.

    "In a heartless capitalist system, only a minority do very well for themselves" - Of course, you'll never expect the wealthy minority to agree or admit this... but it's nonetheless true. The so-called middle class is getting screwed, are losing their homes, are getting by without adequate healthcare, which is too expensive for the average American.

    But once again, this will meet with the "all-or-nothing" mentality. ALL people getting government aid are leeching bums... the only worthy people are the "haves". The "have-nots" aren't worth a damn.

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    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    More of our well informed voters

    Most bad government has grown out of too much government. Thomas Jefferson

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    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?



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    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    Quote Originally Posted by Youngblood View Post


    Husband: "Honey... does this mean we're not having sex tonight?"

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    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    You know.... a woman running over her husband because he didn't vote against Obama is one thing.
    But this talk of secession by some butthurt states?? It's freaking ridiculous.
    And YET..... secession talk is child's play compared to THIS:

    Coal company fires 150 workers in response to Obama re-election - Business on

    You have GOT to be fucking KIDDING ME!!!

  11. #11
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    Question how much does the crazy guy in YB's video cost the taxpayers?

    TitoFan you are GROSSLY misinformed about capitalism. Its not a zero sum game, the masses can profit. Though I guess that is lost on liberals

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    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    This thread is little more then exploiting low hanging fruit. And it's frankly, weaksauce. It's an easy game to play dragging out the lowest common denominator of either side of an argument to try and make some sort of a point. While maybe it helps make you feel better, really it's just wasting energy and only comes across as petty, and bitter.

    I suspect the collective might be in some kind of a grieving process. Currently in the anger phase. We already saw the denial part election night. Meh, hope ya all can work it through and start to focus on solutions some time soon.

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    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    The reaction to Obama's reelection has been unprecedented. States talking of recession... companies laying off employees in some sort of sick, twisted, vengeful manner... etc, etc, etc.

    Seriously, how is a President supposed to get a fair shake in an attempt to direct the country on the path to prosperity? The President is calling for unity, and he's got half the country trying to defect. WTF is wrong with people nowadays?

    Lyle, I'm sure you'll have some witty response as to why all of this is ok... but it still reeks to the rest of us. WTF is this?

    Whatever happened to the democratic process? You have elections... the people vote for their candidate... the candidate with the most electoral votes wins... the country MOVES ON. It's been this way since the Stone Age. Why the epic butthurt... to paraphrase @Youngblood?

    Is any of this supposed to help fix the country? I thought the U.S. was bigger than that. You know that TV commercial where the white guy named Michael Jordan gets a bunch of disappointed "oh"s from pizza delivery guys, restaurantiers, limo drivers... who were expecting the "real" Michael?

    Well.... that's about the same reaction the rest of the world must be having to these silly, stupid antics by the butthurt rightists.


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    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    Strangely, I am kind of in the middle on an issue such as this. If you want a job then you do have to make sacrifices and on that basis I am hard on a lot of benefits users. If there is no job in your hometown then look further afield to somewhere that is growing. But you aren't going to go anywhere staying in a shell of a community. Look at Chinese people who separate from their families to work in urban centres and that is real sacrifice. You don't just give up easily. It is hard, but you have to try. That is for the people that want to work, but in a country where full time work is on the decline it still is easier said than done.

    I am against permanent benefits for people who have simply bred or don't look for work. Having a child is your responsibility and if you haven't prepared for hard times then you shouldn't be a mother. Part of me would like to be very extreme to people like that. They are not good for society and should not be classed on the same level as the man striving, but unable to get hold of regular work.

    For a start America should stop immigration and boot out illegals. That nonsense only reduces wages and makes stingy employers happy. I don't believe citizens should be sold out to unskilled uneccesary labour. You see the same thing with Eastern Europeans flooding the richer European nations. It is good for employers and immigrants alone. Get rid of them and you have more jobs for Americans. However, the government needs labour protection and that is something that is sorely behind most developed countries. It is only when Americans still refuse the jobs then you cut benefits, but you have to make the job worthwhile. There is no need for slavery and employers don't like that.

    As for stupid people, well you have to laugh at them. Very few of them can produce cogent sentences let alone formulate logical and reasoned thought. It's funny.

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    Default Re: America is gonna be ok, know what I'm sayin?

    The thing about safety nets is they should be just enough to get by. Life on the dole should be uncomfortable. Even lazy people should have to think twice if it is better to take a gov't handout or take a job or three they normally wouldn't. I'd like to see unemployment as something you have to opt into and personally contribute to as well.
    Most bad government has grown out of too much government. Thomas Jefferson

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