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Thread: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

  1. #76
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    If you re-evaluate your views and come to the same conclusions as before:

    1. Arabs bad, Jews good.
    2. Guns good, control bad. Any control... don't give a shit.
    3. Government aid bad, all recipients are moochers.
    4. U.S. is center of universe.
    5. Democrats bad, Republicans good. Candidates don't matter.
    6. Klitschkos = gods
    7. Me Lyle... never wrong. Facts are irrevelant.
    8. Give me my sipping bourbon while I sit on the porch of my plantation.

    Then hell..... at least you gave it a try.
    OK, and I'm sure all of that was meant in a non-racist tone right? Pretty special for you to take time out of your busy day to imply that I'm some kind of slave owner....but hey, I'm the extreme one right? I'm the "racist" one right? I'm the one that is irrational right?

    I'm going to allow my blood pressure a chance to go down before further response

  2. #77
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    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    If you re-evaluate your views and come to the same conclusions as before:

    1. Arabs bad, Jews good.
    2. Guns good, control bad. Any control... don't give a shit.
    3. Government aid bad, all recipients are moochers.
    4. U.S. is center of universe.
    5. Democrats bad, Republicans good. Candidates don't matter.
    6. Klitschkos = gods
    7. Me Lyle... never wrong. Facts are irrevelant.
    8. Give me my sipping bourbon while I sit on the porch of my plantation.

    Then hell..... at least you gave it a try.
    OK, and I'm sure all of that was meant in a non-racist tone right? Pretty special for you to take time out of your busy day to imply that I'm some kind of slave owner....but hey, I'm the extreme one right? I'm the "racist" one right? I'm the one that is irrational right?

    I'm going to allow my blood pressure a chance to go down before further response

    All kidding aside, did you even read the article? It's back on post 59.
    It wouldn't hurt.
    One of two outcomes:

    "A", you might see the Arab-Israeli conflict with slightly different eyes,
    which in turn might make you a bit more broad-minded on the subject.


    "B", you read it but still choose not to agree,
    and continue seeing the Arabs as the evil party in this whole conflict.

    Either way, you'll have learned a bit more about the subject.

  3. #78
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    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    Don't go wasting good rum by adding coke to it. The only thing that should be added to good liquor is maybe ice and in the case of rum a squeezed lime.
    Most bad government has grown out of too much government. Thomas Jefferson

  4. #79
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    If you re-evaluate your views and come to the same conclusions as before:

    1. Arabs bad, Jews good.
    2. Guns good, control bad. Any control... don't give a shit.
    3. Government aid bad, all recipients are moochers.
    4. U.S. is center of universe.
    5. Democrats bad, Republicans good. Candidates don't matter.
    6. Klitschkos = gods
    7. Me Lyle... never wrong. Facts are irrevelant.
    8. Give me my sipping bourbon while I sit on the porch of my plantation.

    Then hell..... at least you gave it a try.
    OK, and I'm sure all of that was meant in a non-racist tone right? Pretty special for you to take time out of your busy day to imply that I'm some kind of slave owner....but hey, I'm the extreme one right? I'm the "racist" one right? I'm the one that is irrational right?

    I'm going to allow my blood pressure a chance to go down before further response

    All kidding aside, did you even read the article? It's back on post 59.
    It wouldn't hurt.
    One of two outcomes:

    "A", you might see the Arab-Israeli conflict with slightly different eyes,
    which in turn might make you a bit more broad-minded on the subject.


    "B", you read it but still choose not to agree,
    and continue seeing the Arabs as the evil party in this whole conflict.

    Either way, you'll have learned a bit more about the subject.
    Oh I'm sorry, I'm too busy whipping my slaves to read your article....does that fit your stereotype of me correctly?

  5. #80
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    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    If you re-evaluate your views and come to the same conclusions as before:

    1. Arabs bad, Jews good.
    2. Guns good, control bad. Any control... don't give a shit.
    3. Government aid bad, all recipients are moochers.
    4. U.S. is center of universe.
    5. Democrats bad, Republicans good. Candidates don't matter.
    6. Klitschkos = gods
    7. Me Lyle... never wrong. Facts are irrevelant.
    8. Give me my sipping bourbon while I sit on the porch of my plantation.

    Then hell..... at least you gave it a try.
    OK, and I'm sure all of that was meant in a non-racist tone right? Pretty special for you to take time out of your busy day to imply that I'm some kind of slave owner....but hey, I'm the extreme one right? I'm the "racist" one right? I'm the one that is irrational right?

    I'm going to allow my blood pressure a chance to go down before further response

    All kidding aside, did you even read the article? It's back on post 59.
    It wouldn't hurt.
    One of two outcomes:

    "A", you might see the Arab-Israeli conflict with slightly different eyes,
    which in turn might make you a bit more broad-minded on the subject.


    "B", you read it but still choose not to agree,
    and continue seeing the Arabs as the evil party in this whole conflict.

    Either way, you'll have learned a bit more about the subject.
    Oh I'm sorry, I'm too busy whipping my slaves to read your article....does that fit your stereotype of me correctly?

  6. #81
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    How about you read the Protocols of The Elders of Zion so you can be more "open minded" about what the Arabs think the Jews are up to.

  7. #82
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    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    How about you read the Protocols of The Elders of Zion so you can be more "open minded" about what the Arabs think the Jews are up to.

    Unlike you, I don't have "knee-jerk" reactions when discussing Arab-Israeli conflicts. Painting either side as "all bad", or always wrong, is... what phrase did you use in another post... the lazy way out? I will always prefer to read and/or listen to the accounts of an objective, knowledgeable 3rd party... in this case, one who has personally been there and talked to average, everyday people. You see Lyle... contrary to what you might think, not all Arabs are hateful, violent, fanatical maniacs bent on killing Jews and burning American flags.

    And although you might dismiss someone like miles and his anti-American rants, you might stop to think about the average, peace-loving Arab citizen who gets the shit bombed out of him, in the name of "peace-keeping" by the U.S. After a few bombs rain down on his neighborhood... he might start developing some bad feelings toward the big, bad U.S. Wouldn't you? If you were in his shoes?

    But all this is pointless. I suggested some good, objective reading material..... and you declined, choosing instead to dismiss it with your jokes and insults. That is par for the course as far as you are concerned. Which is once again why..........

  8. #83
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    So I haven't done my due dilligence is that it? I guess I haven't been studying the issue as much as I'll differ my opinion to happy yet

  9. #84
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    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    Chill dude. Or i WILL produce a chart on the matter.

  10. #85
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Chill dude. Or i WILL produce a chart on the matter.
    I was just going to ask "Could you produce a chart?" God man, GET OUT OF MY's like your thoughts are now mine

  11. #86
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    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Chill dude. Or i WILL produce a chart on the matter.
    I was just going to ask "Could you produce a chart?" God man, GET OUT OF MY's like your thoughts are now mine

    Stop it! I'm still laughing over the Tyson-Wlad thread post.

  12. #87
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    @TitoFan I read the article you linked to and was expecting an unbiased, neutral and balanced discussion of the subject and was disappointed but not surprised to find an article full of inaccuracies and blatant dogerel and propaganda. Ignoring the fact that the presentation style was somewhat akin to a children's Encyclopedia you would still have to be a very ignorant and unread individual to fall for such nonsense and have your own agenda which is more about discrediting another poster than sharing facts.

  13. #88
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    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    @TitoFan I read the article you linked to and was expecting an unbiased, neutral and balanced discussion of the subject and was disappointed but not surprised to find an article full of inaccuracies and blatant dogerel and propaganda. Ignoring the fact that the presentation style was somewhat akin to a children's Encyclopedia you would still have to be a very ignorant and unread individual to fall for such nonsense and have your own agenda which is more about discrediting another poster than sharing facts.

    @Greenbeanz I'm disappointed. It took you almost 24 hours to come running to Lyle's aid. But I knew you'd pop in sooner or later. Tell us, in your infinite wisdom... exactly WHAT are the inaccuracies you found in the article? And please be specific. It's quite easy to throw around accusations, as you're prone to do..... but it's another thing altogether to back them up with cold, hard facts. Exactly WHAT are the inaccuracies, Greenbeanz? And tell us.... what would you say is the agenda of a U.S.-born journalist, with no known Arab ties or interests.... and what would be her objective in putting out such "propaganda", as you so "wisely" put it, when these types of views obviously place her (and her other nonpartisan supporters) in a non-popular stance with the general U.S. population? You're good at throwing around accusations. Give me FACTS. Also... I want to know where you GET your facts. Spend much time in the Middle East, have you?

    Bottom line here: You're so intent on kissing up, that you blatantly ignore the one-sided hatred toward Arabs that comes out of Lyle's mouth. I push an agenda of tolerance and understanding. Neither you, nor Lyle, nor I are qualified to judge an entire race of people solely based upon what we read in the newspapers. Oh, but THOSE are gospel, right Greenbeanz? Who's being the naive fool now, gramps?

    Do me a favor. If you're going to persist in your blatant ass-kissing, you gotta come at me with a better job than that.

  14. #89
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    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    I’m getting just a tad fed up with your nonsense. You routinely bust into arguments you know nothing about. All you know is that Lyle is on Side A, and I’m on Side B. Lyle could be arguing that the moon is made of cheese, and you’d come running in, as long as it meant arguing against me. Are you sure you’re a grandfather? Typical grandfathers don’t display this type of juvenile behavior. Another way you display your childishness: Normal adults don’t feel the need to purposely “flower up” their writing with big words just to impress other people. Any of us can sit with a thesaurus and write something “flowery”. But your prose tends to bore and confuse people. You’re so intent on impressing, that you go on and on about nothing. It’s called “talking shit”.

    I still remember your stupid comment about me “hedging my bets” and “keeping my options open” because I was making a point about not everything being “black and white”. And yet people do that every day. On some subjects, we have hard and fast opinions one way or the other… while on others we may have some ambivalence, or see things as “grayish”. It’s called “thought”. Try it sometime.

    Of all the people I’ve argued with on this forum, you’re probably the lowest life form of all. I’d rather argue with someone who has his own opinion, which might not agree with mine… than argue with the little kid in the back, hiding behind the bully saying: “Yeah! What he said!” You can’t go it alone, so you hide behind the backs of those I argue with and talk your flowery shit and make unfounded statements. How can anyone respect such a low-lying troll?

    You have the option to keep posting on how you and your missus get matching tattoos, or how you have this cool ponytail and ride your Harley ‘cause you’re a cool gramps. And you have the option to stay the hell away from the posts where I’m arguing with someone who has their own opinion. And if you’ve noticed, I’ve tried to stay away from your stupid posts and threads. But don’t think you’re going to get a free pass every time it suits your fancy to come in and do your famous ass-kissing. ‘Cause I’m gonna continue to bitch-slap you like the phony you are.

  15. #90
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    Default Re: What is "israel"? Somebody please....?

    Hmm... hopefully THAT shut the little fucker up.

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