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Poll: Would you like to see Alex Jones on mainstream TV subverting from within?

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Thread: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

  1. #1
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    Default Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Some of you might have heard the hilarious news that Piers Morgan has once again proven himself an utter failure and has lost his show on CNN. In a way I am a bit saddened by this as Piers is part of my evening relaxation routine and his phoney posturing and paper talking heads routinely had me in stitches with the bizarre things they would say.

    Alex Jones was ranting about CNN for a rather long time in his show and claims that if he were to replace Piers Morgan that he would have ratings of 2 million immediately and 15 million in a matter of weeks as his truth is what people want to hear about rather than endless state governed propaganda. It is for that reason too, that a corporatist dinosaur like CNN would never employ him.

    I think it would be great to have someone like Alex Jones on my television. However, it is unlikely to ever happen. They will probably give the job to some wanker like Tony Blair and it would be endless corporatist war machine propaganda. I can laugh at Piers Morgan, there is nothing funny about Tony Blair. Except his hair, though even that is getting less amusing and seems to be in permanent decline.

    So the question to set the world alight, would you like to see Alex Jones given a mainstream audience. Personally, I think he would be a delight.

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    Who could possibly watch more than two nanoseconds of a sanctimonious idiot like Morgan? Jones is no better though, the shouty twat. Why don't you watch the BBC's newsnight on the internet or listen to the radio like a proper Englishman?

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    I get the BBC, but they only show newsnight once a week. I watch it though and watch other things like that and Question Time on the computer. For general news though, I avoid the BBC and CNN as I don't trust them. Newsnight can be very good though.

    I totally agree with you about Piers Morgan and on a moral and ethical basis, I shouldn't watch. However, it is on at 9pm in the evening and is perfect to help me wind down for my 10pm bedtime. It's a rubbish programme and I totally agree with all criticism of Piers Morgan. He is a moron and his campaign to rid America of guns was particularly cringeworthy. I have been called a cunt in my time, but if any man in the world is a cunt Piers Morgan would be in the top 10 list of most people.

    In saying that though, Piers Morgan has improved my sleeping habits. 8 times out of 10 I am asleep within minutes of his programme ending. That's an impressive feat.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    alex is alright by me........ he always says the truth, albeait exaggerates his ass off but I would rather THAT than the shill-scum mainstream scum.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Does anyone have CNN's phone number? We should alert then to this groundbreaking poll.

  6. #6
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Alex Jones is exactly what CNN needs to take them over the top as the laughing stock of cable news....sure MSNBC has the advantage for the moment what with Rachel Maddow being berated by fellow liberal Bill Maher for being too focused on the Chris Christie highway off ramp-gate, but Alex Jones will show that CNN is serious about how agenda driven their narrative is.

    However I'm betting CNN shows Jay Leno the money and signs him up because he can still draw a crowd and he won't be as controversially liberal. Plus he's American and isn't likely to be so fucking smug and judgmental like Piers.

    My favorite part of Piers Morgan's firing/resigning is the reaction of one Jeremy Clarkson who tweeted the following....

    I'm feeling strangely contented this morning. I wonder if something wonderful has happened somewhere

    I understand that Nigerian TV is looking for a new chat show host. Anyone got any suggestions?

    Hmm. Morgan has told us for years that his ratings are sky high. So obv he wasn't sacked for that reason. Why else could it be, I wonder?

    That has made me feel good

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    piers morgan is a buffoon, interviewing people and doesn't even know what he's talking about. Very little knowledge of the subject matter that he's expounding his opinions on.

    Alex Jones is kind of a paranoid nutbar though he's informative, but I quickly grow weary of him too and his cult of fear propagation. But at least you learn some things from him... (which one should try to verify rather than believing right away.)

    The real problem with mass media in our capitalist world is that a handful of corporations, about 6 of them, literally own all the media, channels, newspapers, new sites, etc, you name it.
    With a corporate-owned media, and with many corporations having interests in environmentally-damaging, high-profit industries like tar-sands, rare earths mining, lumbering, deep-sea oil drilling, the mass media is now merely a corporate tool to control and misinform people. It's all propaganda.
    There is no freedom of the press anymore except for some small independent media.
    There are no longer journalistic ethics.

    There's no longer right and wrong, just what makes money and what one can get away with.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    People laugh at Alex Jones, but he is on our side. He froths at the mouth, he gets silly, and that is because he admits he is not smart. He is not pretending to be Chomsky. However, like Chomsky he is on our side on most of these issues. The elite are on none of our sides, the media has left us by the wayside.

    Alex Jones is doing something good and I don't think he would ever sell out. CNN sold out with the people they do ads for, by constantly telling us about the stock market and who to buy cars from.

    Real news should be telling the truth about the Fed, about the financial terrorism being carried out by HSBC and only a slap on the wrist. This bank in particular is a perpetual criminal and a tiny slap on the wrist is enough as 'We don't want to hurt the global economy'. This is now legal mafia.

  9. #9
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Chomsky is a twat

    Alex Jones IS smart, which is why when he is pressed on information he consistently switches subjects. His views are more than a bit odd, but the whole "I just want to ask questions" shtick is something the media actually USED to do. Jones just fucks it up by being way too conspiracy oriented

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Why is Chomsky a twat?. When you comment on the now, then you will underestimate things sometimes. Chomsky is only human. Hitchens a twat, sure. Dershowitz a twat, sure. Chomsky is the smartest of them all. The reason he is is because he is the most consistent and is obviously most difficult to catchout.

    Jones, can be taken to task because he gets silly. Chomsky doesn't get silly. One is an entertainer and the other is not an entertainer. That is the key difference. Chomsky doesn't pose.

  11. #11
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Chomsky is a professor of LINGUISTICS...he knows fuck all about politics, economics, or anything else. To sidle up to him and just take his word on EVERYTHING is idiotic but go right ahead, be my guest.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Chomsky is a professor of LINGUISTICS...he knows fuck all about politics, economics, or anything else. To sidle up to him and just take his word on EVERYTHING is idiotic but go right ahead, be my guest.
    Don't be so ignorant Lyle.

    Chomsky has taught us a lot of in terms of explaining how we use languge. Let's not pretend that politics or economics are somehow noble fields that can tell us anything more than the casual observer. The are fraudualent subjects and I will say that having studied one of them. Chomsky is smarter than the casual observer and shows how futile those fields are. They are infinitely less than rocket science.

  13. #13
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Enough said....Noam Chomsky is one of those bastards if I ever saw in person I'd punch him right in the face because he is a liar and a twat

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    David Horowitz? Are you serious. You are on a mission to assassinate a character, but are doing it through people who nobody respects.

    You can't do that unless you expect to come across the same way.

  15. #15
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Typical, never trust a guy who "left the plantation" eh comrade?

    Christopher Hitchens comments about Chomsky will no doubt fall on deaf ears, but whatever. You want to drink the Anti-America Kool Aid that Chomsky spews then be my guest, the world has no shortage of dolts who follow that idiot

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