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Thread: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

  1. #31
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    Default Re: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Max Power View Post
    The only thing you can REALLY say about Klitschko's style is that it is based around his range.

    He only outweighs about 50% of his opposition and his average opponent weight is a little smaller than himself at nearly 240lbs now (just shy). Weight which is ALWAYS an advantage even when the boxer with it is bummy.

    But he out-talls most of his opponents, which is only a major advantage in itself (out-talling) when the boxer is skilled and knows how to effectively utilise height and range (as Klitschko obviously does better than anyone else).

    However if you want to slam Klitschko for this, you also have to slam..

    Geroge Foreman (who out-talled AND outweighed nearly every opponent faced)
    Muhammad Ali (who out-talled nearly every opponent AND outweighed 70% of them!)
    Lennox Lewis (who out-talled and out-weighed nearly every single opponent faced!)

    As you can see, signature favourites of yours are no better in this regard but in fact had bigger advantages over the competition!

    If you take Wladimir's height away, he would not be nearly as effective. IF you take Muhammad's height away, and paint him white, he is Jerry Quarry!
    Out -Talled
    It is a technical term and not made up at all. Honest.
    yup, Just like David haye's loss to Wlad:he got out toed.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Max Power View Post
    The only thing you can REALLY say about Klitschko's style is that it is based around his range.

    He only outweighs about 50% of his opposition and his average opponent weight is a little smaller than himself at nearly 240lbs now (just shy). Weight which is ALWAYS an advantage even when the boxer with it is bummy.

    But he out-talls most of his opponents, which is only a major advantage in itself (out-talling) when the boxer is skilled and knows how to effectively utilise height and range (as Klitschko obviously does better than anyone else).

    However if you want to slam Klitschko for this, you also have to slam..

    Geroge Foreman (who out-talled AND outweighed nearly every opponent faced)
    Muhammad Ali (who out-talled nearly every opponent AND outweighed 70% of them!)
    Lennox Lewis (who out-talled and out-weighed nearly every single opponent faced!)

    As you can see, signature favourites of yours are no better in this regard but in fact had bigger advantages over the competition!

    If you take Wladimir's height away, he would not be nearly as effective. IF you take Muhammad's height away, and paint him white, he is Jerry Quarry!
    Out -Talled
    It is a technical term and not made up at all. Honest.
    yup, Just like David haye's loss to Wlad:he got out toed.
    Out toed is like a Brooklyn style shoe in da ass?
    Hidden Content " border="0" />

    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    THEY STOOD THERE, GUARD BARELY UP, ...... I know what Im talking about! They only stood there. They didn't try to bull their way in, like Rocky Marciano would do. They didn't try to get low, all the way down, and come up from underneath. I am a heavy hitter for my weight. I know I am talking about. I would get underneath, and punch upwards, I have a heavy hand, my hands are heavy. I could break their ribs, or split into their spleen, while they are flailing their octopus arms all over the place, looking so stupid and amateurish. I would show them good.
    Would you say maybe that you were a................................................

    monster ? for your weight ?
    @Max Power @Greenbeanz @maxpower You know it that I can use "left hand punch" and "opposite fist" (Jess Willard my main man showed me that on a video), so stop trying to deny it, that I can punch and I would PUNCH HARD to the spleen and appendix areas of Wlad, any fighter can be a Spleen-Splitter ATG who has a heavy hand and can PUNCH HARD to the rib cage of taller fighters, but Max Power is in denial, and Greenbeanz isn't so off-target as Max Power about the "opposite fist" that I would UNLEASH (AND I WOULD UNLEASH IT SO STRONGLY AND OUT-TALLERS WOULD PROVE FUTILE AGAINST MY ARSENAL) so quit hatin' on "opposite fist" techniques, because I am a monster for my weight and I can PUNCH HARD LIKE HELL.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Max Power View Post
    The only thing you can REALLY say about Klitschko's style is that it is based around his range.

    He only outweighs about 50% of his opposition and his average opponent weight is a little smaller than himself at nearly 240lbs now (just shy). Weight which is ALWAYS an advantage even when the boxer with it is bummy.

    But he out-talls most of his opponents, which is only a major advantage in itself (out-talling) when the boxer is skilled and knows how to effectively utilise height and range (as Klitschko obviously does better than anyone else).

    However if you want to slam Klitschko for this, you also have to slam..

    Geroge Foreman (who out-talled AND outweighed nearly every opponent faced)
    Muhammad Ali (who out-talled nearly every opponent AND outweighed 70% of them!)
    Lennox Lewis (who out-talled and out-weighed nearly every single opponent faced!)

    As you can see, signature favourites of yours are no better in this regard but in fact had bigger advantages over the competition!

    If you take Wladimir's height away, he would not be nearly as effective. IF you take Muhammad's height away, and paint him white, he is Jerry Quarry!
    Out -Talled
    It is a technical term and not made up at all. Honest.
    yup, Just like David haye's loss to Wlad:he got out toed.
    Out toed is like a Brooklyn style shoe in da ass?
    No, he said Out Toad, like a proud homosexual amphibian

    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    every era had a giant.
    every era had a bully.

    this is the first era where David just had no balls to think about slayng goliath.
    David did fight Goliath...

    He actually did a lot better than most give him credit for. He made Goliath miss all night and landed a few shots of his own.

    David simply failed to produce.

    This Goliath is no regular bully.
    "Enough with the games mate! Your messing with the Grand Master!"

    Lennox Lewis

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    @Silkeyjoe dont you understand @Max Power i will get underneath {{Underneath! Underneath!! Archie Moore was calling to Foreman in Kingaston, jamaica, January 1973}} Fighters who cant get undeneath are just NO GOOD.
    Man I HOPE your taking the piss cause your bloody delusional!
    "Enough with the games mate! Your messing with the Grand Master!"

    Lennox Lewis

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Simple because they are all shit and devoid of any god given talent, skill, courage and desire.

    Secondly Wlad ties the fuck out of them if they get anywhere near him and tires them out.

    Thirdly Wlad control’s the negotiations, fees, referees and judges.
    BAM, just like that ey!

    Your objectivity is just right off the scale!

    Talentless bums, that's gotta be it!
    "Enough with the games mate! Your messing with the Grand Master!"

    Lennox Lewis

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

    Quote Originally Posted by Max Power View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    @Silkeyjoe dont you understand @Max Power i will get underneath {{Underneath! Underneath!! Archie Moore was calling to Foreman in Kingaston, jamaica, January 1973}} Fighters who cant get undeneath are just NO GOOD.
    Man I HOPE your taking the piss cause your bloody delusional!
    ARE YOU SAYING GETTING UNDERNEATH IS NOT THE WAY TO FIGHT A GUY WHO OUT-TALLS YOU? OK, genius, what are you going to suggest, to stand back IN THE FIGHTER'S RANGE at the end of his punches when he has 10 inches reach on you? "opposite fist" takes care of that. But you won't listen.

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    THEY STOOD THERE, GUARD BARELY UP, ...... I know what Im talking about! They only stood there. They didn't try to bull their way in, like Rocky Marciano would do. They didn't try to get low, all the way down, and come up from underneath. I am a heavy hitter for my weight. I know I am talking about. I would get underneath, and punch upwards, I have a heavy hand, my hands are heavy. I could break their ribs, or split into their spleen, while they are flailing their octopus arms all over the place, looking so stupid and amateurish. I would show them good.
    Would you say maybe that you were a................................................

    monster ? for your weight ?
    @Max Power @Greenbeanz @maxpower You know it that I can use "left hand punch" and "opposite fist" (Jess Willard my main man showed me that on a video), so stop trying to deny it, that I can punch and I would PUNCH HARD to the spleen and appendix areas of Wlad, any fighter can be a Spleen-Splitter ATG who has a heavy hand and can PUNCH HARD to the rib cage of taller fighters, but Max Power is in denial, and Greenbeanz isn't so off-target as Max Power about the "opposite fist" that I would UNLEASH (AND I WOULD UNLEASH IT SO STRONGLY AND OUT-TALLERS WOULD PROVE FUTILE AGAINST MY ARSENAL) so quit hatin' on "opposite fist" techniques, because I am a monster for my weight and I can PUNCH HARD LIKE HELL.
    You really SOUND just like a Wladimir opponent (pre-fight) here just now!

    I will even lay a fiver on you brock!! Good luck!
    "Enough with the games mate! Your messing with the Grand Master!"

    Lennox Lewis

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Max Power View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    @Silkeyjoe dont you understand @Max Power i will get underneath {{Underneath! Underneath!! Archie Moore was calling to Foreman in Kingaston, jamaica, January 1973}} Fighters who cant get undeneath are just NO GOOD.
    Man I HOPE your taking the piss cause your bloody delusional!
    ARE YOU SAYING GETTING UNDERNEATH IS NOT THE WAY TO FIGHT A GUY WHO OUT-TALLS YOU? OK, genius, what are you going to suggest, to stand back IN THE FIGHTER'S RANGE at the end of his punches when he has 10 inches reach on you? "opposite fist" takes care of that. But you won't listen.
    I was commenting more on your self-glorification, rather than your strategy
    "Enough with the games mate! Your messing with the Grand Master!"

    Lennox Lewis

  11. #41
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    Default Re: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

    Quote Originally Posted by Max Power View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Max Power View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    @Silkeyjoe dont you understand @Max Power i will get underneath {{Underneath! Underneath!! Archie Moore was calling to Foreman in Kingaston, jamaica, January 1973}} Fighters who cant get undeneath are just NO GOOD.
    Man I HOPE your taking the piss cause your bloody delusional!
    ARE YOU SAYING GETTING UNDERNEATH IS NOT THE WAY TO FIGHT A GUY WHO OUT-TALLS YOU? OK, genius, what are you going to suggest, to stand back IN THE FIGHTER'S RANGE at the end of his punches when he has 10 inches reach on you? "opposite fist" takes care of that. But you won't listen.
    I was commenting more on your self-glorification, rather than your strategy
    [COLOR="rgb(255, 0, 255)"]"opposite fist" IS the strategy[/COLOR]. Young fighters of today only use "matching fist" or "same fist".

  12. #42
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    Default Re: Fighters who just stand there and let the Klits tee-off

    Quote Originally Posted by Max Power View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Simple because they are all shit and devoid of any god given talent, skill, courage and desire.

    Secondly Wlad ties the fuck out of them if they get anywhere near him and tires them out.

    Thirdly Wlad control’s the negotiations, fees, referees and judges.
    BAM, just like that ey!

    Your objectivity is just right off the scale!

    Talentless bums, that's gotta be it!
    Yes now you see it too.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

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