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Thread: Black Lives Matter? Eh?

  1. #91
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    Default Re: Black Lives Matter? Eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by denilson200 View Post
    You won't find hardly any posts started by me about race.
    Took all of about 2 minutes to find these my friend, no one had mentioned anyones colour in these threads until you entered the conversations

    It's a good white man Vs Black Man fight.

    Eubank Snr is well, eccentric, a black man born of Jamaican parents calling himself English?

    Tyson Fury is white. So that will affect how the powers that be treat him. That is, his denials will be taken more seriously and the penalties won't be as harsh as they would have been had it had been Wilder or Josh.

    Look at what happened when Sharapova admitted to using steds (2 year ban) if that was Serena Williams she would have never been allowed to hit another tennis ball again.

    If this was the other way round would Blackwell (a white man) give a blackman 100 grand out his purse ? Happen. Not. Gonna

    Bet you loved Rocky 3 ? Didn't ya ? White fighter beating a black fighter. Right ?

  2. #92
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    Default Re: Black Lives Matter? Eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by denilson200 View Post
    You won't find hardly any posts started by me about race.
    Took all of about 2 minutes to find these my friend, no one had mentioned anyones colour in these threads until you entered the conversations

    It's a good white man Vs Black Man fight.

    Eubank Snr is well, eccentric, a black man born of Jamaican parents calling himself English?

    Tyson Fury is white. So that will affect how the powers that be treat him. That is, his denials will be taken more seriously and the penalties won't be as harsh as they would have been had it had been Wilder or Josh.

    Look at what happened when Sharapova admitted to using steds (2 year ban) if that was Serena Williams she would have never been allowed to hit another tennis ball again.

    If this was the other way round would Blackwell (a white man) give a blackman 100 grand out his purse ? Happen. Not. Gonna

    Bet you loved Rocky 3 ? Didn't ya ? White fighter beating a black fighter. Right ?

  3. #93
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    Default Re: Black Lives Matter? Eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by denilson200 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by batman View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by batman View Post
    reading this entire thread does nothing more than make me feel sorry for denilson.
    i think sometimes he even makes fairly astute observations. I don't think denigrating and abusing him is going to do anything more than make him dig in with his fairly entrenched positions on race and power.
    your right he does make good points at times but it is also clear to see that his warped view of racism has consumed him, he lumps all white people together and believes each and every person to be racist which is a massive generalisation and racist in itself.

    I don't have a problem, with him going at it hammer and tongs in this thread but it's when it spills out into his other posts on the forum, he sometimes struggles to make a single post without bring 'the black man' into it, as i say he is completely consumed with his own racism and can't even let it go when speaking with a bunch of faceless people online about people he will never know, he isn't going to change the world by spouting off at every opportunity on a boxing forum, he isn't going to achieve anything other than mildly annoy the odd person.

    Having said that this thread does appear to be helping him out because he hasn't really been having any underhanded digs about race in the boxing section of the forum whilst all of his energy has been going into this one
    you won't find hardly any posts started by me about race.

    But you see in your white world, when your around your white friends (mum, dad, uncle aunties) talking shit about black people is just normal, saying slick racial comments is just normal.

    You surround yourself in that bubble, that's why my posts hit a raw nerve with you, it comes from outside that bubble.

    I believe white supremacy should be met with maximum retaliation. We see the milwaukee shooting last night

    the world is burning right now. America is on fire.

    and this not a one off. This is every week

    but yet you still sit there "what ? What's the problem ? We have no problem"
    we dont have any problem, bitch. The idiots who are getting shot by cops and thinking it was cool to reach for a gun and to not freeze when a cop says freeze and to resist arrest and assault officers---- they are the stupid bitches with the problem.

    We dont have any problem. Someone reaches for a cop's gun,----boom!!! Motherfucker is dead.

    Problem solved.

    No problems, denilson, i have no problems with that system.

    Boom!, he's dead. Works for me. Booom!!! Booom! Boooom! He's dead!
    So in that case if they could not figure out a way to arrest him/her without killing them, but they could with this white man who actually killed an officer during a standoff while barricaded in a house.

    And how do you explain how they did not kill this white guy who killed a Pennsylvania State Trooper and then went on the run for 48 days.

    And how do you explain how this white guy — an Indianapolis police officer — who shot one of his colleagues and then led other officers on a chase until he was finally captured.

    Or this white guy who opened fire inside a family restaurant in Louisville.

    Or this white guy who stalked Portland, Oregon police for months and was finally arrested while parked outside a precinct station with a car full of guns and ammo.

    Or this white guy in Idaho who killed a cop, went on the run, and then refused to come out of his hiding spot when police first cornered him.

    Or this white guy who pointed a weapon at three New Orleans officers and told them to “drop your fucking guns.”

    Or this white guy who shot up a movie theatre full of people and was arrested outside without a scratch.

    Or this white guy who was walking around menacingly downtown in Louisville with an 18-inch knife.

    Or this white guy who literally beat the crap out of two police officers before getting away.

    All of them lived

    But when Police came to get Korryn Gaines for minor vehicle and traffic violations (Yup. Baltimore Police going after the real hardened criminals) She had to die.

    They had come to haul her out of her house in the presence of her child. They said she (Korryn Gaines) pointed her weapon at them (And I don't believe she did. They just said that she did) which is the

    Yet the question remains : Let's just say Gaines pointed that gun at the officers, was their only recourse to fire upon her ?

    Especially when they knew she had her five year old child close by ? Especially if they believed (rightly or wrongly based on previous encounters) that she may be dealing with some form of emotional or mental distress?

    If they had decided instead to fall back, de-escalate the situation and perhaps try again another time to serve whatever warrant they were trying to serve, what would have been sacrificed by such a choice? Nothing really, but pride.

    And that's what this about and a lot of these cases. They could not, would not, allow this black woman to win the day. Even for some minor infractions.

    And what of Paul O’Neal ? Chicago police fired at his fleeing vehicle, in complete defiance of department policy, common sense and the law, then chased him, and when he exited the car on foot they proceeded to run him down and shoot him in the back as many as fifteen times.

    He was unarmed, he posed no threat to the officers, and his death was of such little concern to them that even as his body lay on the ground they were giving each other high-fives, complaining about the inconvenience of whatever investigation might follow, and checking to make sure their body cameras were turned off.

    Because to them, a dead black man is less important than whatever vacation days they might lose as punishment for his murder. And after all, he stole a car—a crime for which the punishment is not, I beg to remind, execution.

    But for Gaines and O’Neal, police could not let them live. Because to do so would have been to allow Gaines and O’Neal (black people) to show them up, to put one over on them, to wound their fragile white ego.

    And so they could not in either case extend to these two (And many others) the same treatment they gave to an entire group of white guys on the Bundy Ranch, who not only pointed guns at law enforcement, but promised to use them - and even to use the women on the ranch as human shields.

    Now imagine what would have happened if several dozen of Korryn Gaines’s closest black friends had shown up at her house, armed and vowing to defend her against being arrested, all the while pointing guns at police?

    The search for the perfect victim is impossible

    Everyone has done something but in your case why even have trials? We should simply check to see if people arrested have a record already, and if so, pronounce them guilty on the spot or maybe even put a bullet in their heads, saving the state the expense of incarceration. No ?

    But no you only hold out this standard for black people.

    If police were to kill corporate executives or bosses who steal their employees’ wages by refusing to pay them for work done, or paying them less than the law requires, or cheating them out of overtime(and wage theft is a bigger problem, financially, than all the street robberies in the USA combined) according to the FBI. It is unlikely FOX News or you or anyone in Saddo would rush to rationalize the killing, by pointing the dirt they have done in the business world.

    And yet you act stupid and prattle on about so-called “black-on-black” violence:

    What about Chicago !! What about Chicago !! What about Chicago !! What about Chicago !!

    But you must know that most of the black folks killed by other black folks likely had records ? Many were rival gang members.

    So am I supposed to believe that white people suddenly care about non-angelic black people when killed by other black people ?
    Last edited by denilson200; 08-15-2016 at 05:32 AM.

  4. #94
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    Sounds as though someone has hit a raw nerve there demils on mate.
    also you constantly remind us that the white man resorts to insults when they have no point to make, at the end of your last essay you told the previous poster that they were acting stupid, sounds like an insult to me.

    You sir are just as bad as the white man

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    BOOM! BOOM!! BOOM!!! @denilson200 reach for your crotch when a cop says DONT.MOVE YOUR HANDS? BOOM!!! BOOOM! BOOOM!!!

    stupid motherfucker is dead.

    Try to reach for a cop's gun, punch a cop in the face or grab his gun BOOM BOOM BOOOM!!!!

    stupid motherfucker is dead.

    Stupid motherfucker is dead.

    Works for me!

  6. #96
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    Default Re: Black Lives Matter? Eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    BOOM! BOOM!! BOOM!!! @denilson200 reach for your crotch when a cop says DONT.MOVE YOUR HANDS? BOOM!!! BOOOM! BOOOM!!!

    stupid motherfucker is dead.

    Try to reach for a cop's gun, punch a cop in the face or grab his gun BOOM BOOM BOOOM!!!!

    stupid motherfucker is dead.

    Stupid motherfucker is dead.

    Works for me!
    Just what I expect from a suspected white supremacist

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by denilson200 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    BOOM! BOOM!! BOOM!!! @denilson200 reach for your crotch when a cop says DONT.MOVE YOUR HANDS? BOOM!!! BOOOM! BOOOM!!!

    stupid motherfucker is dead.

    Try to reach for a cop's gun, punch a cop in the face or grab his gun BOOM BOOM BOOOM!!!!

    stupid motherfucker is dead.

    Stupid motherfucker is dead.

    Works for me!
    Just what I expect from a suspected white supremacist
    BOOM BOOM BOOM! you're not using the brain God gave you. BOOM BOOM BOOM! ANY COLOR PERSON who reaches for his crotch or into his waistband WHEN TOLD TO PUT HIS/HER HANDS UP BY A COP may get BOOM BOOM BOOM!

    Asians, Indians, Arabs, Greeks, Mexicans, whites and YES, BLACKS.



  8. #98
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    Default Re: Black Lives Matter? Eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by denilson200 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Yes @denilson200 I troll you and send you stupid ignorant pm because you deserve it. I will not even try to debate someone like you. It would be the same as debating a neo nazi who I also think are scum. So yes I purposefully try to piss you off because I realize there is no way to talk sense with a rascist and I will continue to troll you and send you nasty pm in the name of all that is good in this world. Since I can't break your face open I shall just try to annoy you, you who call for the death of people you ignorant fool
    There is nothing racially a white person (or non black person) can say to piss me off. There are things that white people can do. But nothing they can say.

    The truth is blacks imagine little. Discrimination in hiring, housing and education has been well documented. The government should take forceful action to end it as it goes against the value of equal opportunity for all regardless of race.

    Yet almost no white person talks like that.

    Why ? Because denying racism is the new racism.

    Also I don't know why you try to separate yourself from the so-called "neo nazi scum" I don't view as that much different.
    Idiot did you forgot you told me you would hunt me down and cut off my head if I kept doing @denilson200 you see, you don't scare me because I know you are just a bag of wind. I would never threaten you with violence but if you showed up me door with a knife I guarentee I would have that knife out of your hand in 5 seconds. If you continued to make a move for it I would severe your spinal cord. I've been trained and qualified with several semi and automatic weapons. I wouldn't even bother going for my gun. People say, well denilson makes good points now and again, I call bs on that. You @denilson200 are a pig. I knew people like you in the military and I mean on both the black and white persuasion. If you dismiss a group of humanity on the basis of skin, religion or culture you are just a narrow minded stunted being. True humanity is realizing how similar we all are. In my war days I had many opportunities where I could have used deadly force but I found other ways to handle situations. Strange, there was a guy of color attached to us who looked at Muslims much the way you look at whites. Some other guys both black and white considered having him go down in friendly fire. Me and a couple guys made sure it didn't happen on our watch. Point being, your view of the white race and I imagine you probably have others you look down upon leave you no redeeming quality. You state what a tragic impact all us rascist whites have had on the black race and yet you perpetrate racism in your words, interactions and here on the forum. It just shows how little you truly grasp the issue. Once a week at the end of my weekend job I get together with two of the security guards in my building at work to enjoy a fine Cuban cigar. Both of these gentlemen happen to be African American. We smoke robusto cohiba, montecristo and on occasion a Churchill Romeo y Julieta. These are decent size cigars so sometimes our get togethers can be a two hour affair but I actually thought of you as we smoked and laughed this week. I kept my senses acute to see if I could detect any underlying hostility emitting from them towards me. I tried to pick out things that make these guys different other than the color of skin. The only thing I could pick was a little different use of verbiage as they both grew up in a tough part of DC and I spent only a few years growing up in a tough part of Boston. But @denilson200 when we talk we just talk. Baseball, boxing, weather, cigars and a lot of very funny conversation. To be honest the three of us were making some stupid joke about something and we sat there laughing for five minutes straight. @denilson200 of course you don't know me but for many years I worked for CSSD and the department of mental health. CSSD is court support services division. I would go to prisons and work with inmates who had mental health issues and develop release plans with them. Now get this @denilson200, I've probably worked with thousands of inmates and mentally ill. Oddly, my case load was probably even amongst blacks, whites and Puerto Rican. And I can tell you @denilson200 I would present my case to the DA and judge as emphatically for an African American as I would for a white or Spanish speaking gentleman. I've always been opposed to the way this country locks people up I always felt a bit of pride if a judge would side with me on treatment rather than jail. I don't know why I'm writing all this it's not like I think sick @denilson200 will listen or take anything in but I know an anti Semite at work and he reminds me of @denilson200. We have all have our prejudices I don't like master cause he's English or Andre as he's Australian but to dismiss whole groups of people like denilson does I really do see it as a form of mental illness though not an innocent one like depression in which some people can't change. I think it takes a lot of work denial and ignorance to maintain a rascist state of mind. Now for crying out loud can we do something about the Jewish problem.

    In closing, I did not write this SA for the benefit of @denilson200 it was merely just musings in my head. I really wrote this for all of you who oppose @ruthless rocco

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    Outstanding outstanding bit of work there walrus in really good treatise on how ignorant it is to dismiss people by the amount of pigmentation and their epidermis.

    I on the other hand I'm completely opposite of Keith and I only dismiss people on the basis of their IQ or sometimes on the basis of their Clarity of thought and Common Sense or lack thereof.

    Color of their skin does not matter to me. But the color of their brain sure does!

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    Smile Re: Black Lives Matter? Eh?

    Reminds me of someone with his sideways hat.
    Looks like a real pillar of the community.
    What a sad loss to mankind.
    Attached Images

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    Default Re: Black Lives Matter? Eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by denilson200 View Post
    You won't find hardly any posts started by me about race.
    Took all of about 2 minutes to find these my friend, no one had mentioned anyones colour in these threads until you entered the conversations

    It's a good white man Vs Black Man fight.

    Eubank Snr is well, eccentric, a black man born of Jamaican parents calling himself English?

    Tyson Fury is white. So that will affect how the powers that be treat him. That is, his denials will be taken more seriously and the penalties won't be as harsh as they would have been had it had been Wilder or Josh.

    Look at what happened when Sharapova admitted to using steds (2 year ban) if that was Serena Williams she would have never been allowed to hit another tennis ball again.

    If this was the other way round would Blackwell (a white man) give a blackman 100 grand out his purse ? Happen. Not. Gonna

    Bet you loved Rocky 3 ? Didn't ya ? White fighter beating a black fighter. Right ?
    Yup. And none of them are posts started by me. They are comments. I'm talking posts started by me.

  12. #102
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    Default Re: Black Lives Matter? Eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Point being, your view of the white race and I imagine you probably have others you look down upon leave you no redeeming quality. You state what a tragic impact all us rascist whites have had on the black race and yet you perpetrate racism in your words,
    Couple of things to bear in mind.

    You seem to think I'm in the business of telling sob stories to appeal to the pity of whites. That assumes a favourable view of whites and a paternalistic view of blacks.

    As I have made plain elsewhere whites have hearts of stone when it comes to blacks. You have have to have a heart of stone to do what white people do. To poison black people's water supply as they did in Flint a couple of years ago. To redline black areas. To use black people as guinea pigs in white hospitals. So I don't try and appeal to any morality or any sense of right and wrong in white people. Because I know it's not there.

    And you know what's interesting is that often when whites feel backed into a wall they often try with the shaming tactic. "Your looking for pity" "Can't stand you and self-pity" they like to get real big bad and act like tough, but when they get taste of racism, they fall apart.

    There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1999. He changed himself from black to white

    He grew up in Maryland and had plenty of Black friends. He was one of those white people who did not believe his black friends. He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse.

    So what did he do ? He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his white skin brown. The doctor warned him that it could lead to liver damage. He shaved the hair off his head but dressed the same, acted the same, talked the same. He had the same money and education. It was just his brown skin and bald head that were different.

    This is him.

    After one week he was done.

    Even though he was going to do it for about four months and visit different parts of the country.

    As a White man he looks and smiles at White people and they smile back. But as a Black man whites look away, lock their doors, assume he is dangerous or up to no good.

    The police would stop him even though he was just walking down the street minding his own business.

    Restaurants would tell him they were full, even when they were not, restaurants where nearly everyone sitting down was – White.

    White respect and friendliness that he took for granted was gone. Instead Whites regarded him with disdain, even fear. He met a homeless White man, blond hair, blue eyes, who had almost nothing in this world: even he looked down on Blacks.

    By his second day in he was in tears.

    Oprah did a programme about it.

    This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics because they can't handle racism for a minute.

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    If you dismiss a group of humanity on the basis of skin, religion or culture you are just a narrow minded stunted being.
    I have not dismissed anyone. Do I think all whites are racist ? Yes I do.

    I believe that all people (white or of color) raised in a society where racism has been (and still is) so prevalent, will have internalized elements of racist thinking: certain beliefs, stereotypes, assumptions, and judgments about others and themselves.

    So in countries where beliefs in European/white superiority and domination have been historically embedded, it is likely that everyone in such places will have ingested some of that conditioning.
    Last edited by denilson200; 08-15-2016 at 10:12 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by denilson200 View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    If you dismiss a group of humanity on the basis of skin, religion or culture you are just a narrow minded stunted being.
    I have not dismissed anyone. Do I think all whites are racist ? Yes I do.
    You've just dismissed all of them right there.

    You are brainless and could never earn an education.

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    Default Re: Black Lives Matter? Eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by denilson200 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by denilson200 View Post
    You won't find hardly any posts started by me about race.
    Took all of about 2 minutes to find these my friend, no one had mentioned anyones colour in these threads until you entered the conversations

    It's a good white man Vs Black Man fight.

    Eubank Snr is well, eccentric, a black man born of Jamaican parents calling himself English?

    Tyson Fury is white. So that will affect how the powers that be treat him. That is, his denials will be taken more seriously and the penalties won't be as harsh as they would have been had it had been Wilder or Josh.

    Look at what happened when Sharapova admitted to using steds (2 year ban) if that was Serena Williams she would have never been allowed to hit another tennis ball again.

    If this was the other way round would Blackwell (a white man) give a blackman 100 grand out his purse ? Happen. Not. Gonna

    Bet you loved Rocky 3 ? Didn't ya ? White fighter beating a black fighter. Right ?
    Yup. And none of them are posts started by me. They are comments. I'm talking posts started by me.
    Yep all comments made by yourself when race hadn't even been thought of by the other people involved in the conversation yet you took it upon yourself to purposely try to derail the sensible conversation that was being had by making it about race.

    You can try and deny it all you want but it is pretty obvious what you were attempting in those threads.

    In this thread it is an active point of topic so it is fair game, in those other threads however you were just trying to cause a bit of trouble and provoke a reaction

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by denilson200 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by denilson200 View Post
    You won't find hardly any posts started by me about race.
    Took all of about 2 minutes to find these my friend, no one had mentioned anyones colour in these threads until you entered the conversations

    It's a good white man Vs Black Man fight.

    Eubank Snr is well, eccentric, a black man born of Jamaican parents calling himself English?

    Tyson Fury is white. So that will affect how the powers that be treat him. That is, his denials will be taken more seriously and the penalties won't be as harsh as they would have been had it had been Wilder or Josh.

    Look at what happened when Sharapova admitted to using steds (2 year ban) if that was Serena Williams she would have never been allowed to hit another tennis ball again.

    If this was the other way round would Blackwell (a white man) give a blackman 100 grand out his purse ? Happen. Not. Gonna

    Bet you loved Rocky 3 ? Didn't ya ? White fighter beating a black fighter. Right ?
    Yup. And none of them are posts started by me. They are comments. I'm talking posts started by me.
    Yep all comments made by yourself when race hadn't even been thought of by the other people involved in the conversation yet you took it upon yourself to purposely try to derail the sensible conversation that was being had by making it about race.

    You can try and deny it all you want but it is pretty obvious what you were attempting in those threads.

    In this thread it is an active point of topic so it is fair game, in those other threads however you were just trying to cause a bit of trouble and provoke a reaction
    Well put Batman Keith from Liverpool does try for reaction he must be a Everton supporter LOL.

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