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Back-tracking already ?
Let's see what he does.
Trump supporters are like those boxers who claim "Everyone is scared of me. No one wants to fights me !!" But their man had a shot at the title and won despite being a big underdog in the betting.
The thing is Trump made a lot of promises about what he would do on his
But his supporters don't care about whether or not he follows through on his policy proposals.Trump’s opponents take him literally but not seriously while his supporters take him seriously but not literally
Maybe Congress will let him build a building somewhere, since that's what he knows. Mostly he'll whine and bluster, and blame the banks and the insurance companies and foreign governments and the Democrats and even his fellow Republicans, but he will not achieve a god damn thing.
There will be no wall because it's an infrastructure project the Repubs won't want to pay for and Mexico surely won't. He'll sign whatever legislation Mitch and Paul can muster up. Goodbye planned parenthood, hello fetal personhood. I don't know whether Mitch gets rid of the filibuster--that would be a radical step even for him--but he'll threaten to do it and that'll stop the Dems from using it. Pence chooses the SCOTUS pick.
Things will go on this way for a few weeks until one day a foreign leader pisses Trump off, and then it's hello, war. Obviously he'll want to hit ISIS, but they're already doing that, and Flynn has to get Putin's permission first to do anything rash. Everyone know he's hankering to sock it to Iran, but that will take time too. My bet is that it comes in March or April when North Korea usually gets riled up. Kim will be itching for a confrontation, and he knows Trump will bite. It'll escalate from there.
This sounds like doomsaying, but I see nothing in Trump's character that would prevent him from launching a nuclear missile at Pyongyang five months hence.
I do think he’s going to repeal Obamacare, obviously, whether or not he replaces it with something else. He’s going to replace Scalia with an even more far-right fire-breathing nutjob. He’s going to try to heavily pressure Kennedy to step down so he can replace him with the like. He’s going to begin the process of privatizing and ending Social Security and Medicare as we know them, and all other entitlements.
Gone will be all of Obama’s executive orders, especially ones intended to right wrongs and level the playing field. Torture will be back in style, big time. Boots will be back on the ground in the mideast. Trade deals will be abandoned. The Iran deal will be nullified. Putin and Erdogan will be embraced, and Bibi will have his own room in the East Wing.
Oh, and black lives officially no longer matter, more police killings of black men, more black people locked up, more closing down of black schools and business and limit investment in black areas, tighter controls on black immigrants, he'll look to open the door to more white immigrants
But relax. Your white. Your safe.
I'm not back tracking I'm just not some idealist who has all their eggs in 1 basket. If Trump doesn't do as he has promised the tide that swept him into office will drag him back out of office it's as easy as that.
I don't get where you are headed with the boxer reference
Politicians make a lot of promises, it's what they do before they get elected and yes we will see what he actually does. Obamacare was never going to be the full time law of the land it was a means to an ends those ends being single payer and EVERYONE knows that even Obama. Ending the war on coal is a good thing, mining states have been very hard hit by unemployment and those proud people (of all racial and ethnic backgrounds) want to work and if they are put back to work and America gets it's energy right here at home then all the better no? Do we NOT want to remove criminal illegal aliens? I don't understand.
I can ASSURE you that Trump's supporters will be watching him closer than Obama's supporters watched Obama. Remember we were angry enough to put Trump in office, it won't take much to remove him should he not produce what he promised.
You seem to be attempting to read the future in a lot of your whining....EARTH TO DENILSON you're not even American pal, why are you so upset?
What Obama EO's are the most important to keep and why?
The Iran deal will be nullified....yeah and that's a GREAT thing, read the WikiLeaks not even Hillary's people liked that deal! Allow me to provide evidence
Now regarding Putin....would you rather have A) World War III or B ) Have America and Russia get along? Hillary wanted WW3 and we would have had it with a Syrian no-fly zone....think Pootsy would just take the US shooting down a Russian jet or two on the chin? I don't think so and it wouldn't take long for that situation to escalate. And over what? Russia is fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria....I say leave them to it and with our blessing. I don't like Assad but there could be a worse leader there and besides that's in Syria....the fuck do I care about Syria?
Black lives no longer matter
Again, you ARE aware that many a black person voted FOR Donald Trump right? Trump wants to lift those in poverty up and out of poverty and provide them with safe communities to live in and be proud of....and you have a problem with that because why?