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Thread: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

  1. #16
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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    Quote Originally Posted by GaMo View Post
    Somebody should invade North Korea and capture Kim
    Then Putin and him should fight hand to hand in a pit
    In a fight to the death with a mortal kombat style ending
    I wanna see Putin uppercut fat boy onto some spikes.
    Which one of my longtime friends is this? Your avatar is confusing

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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by GaMo View Post
    Somebody should invade North Korea and capture Kim
    Then Putin and him should fight hand to hand in a pit
    In a fight to the death with a mortal kombat style ending
    I wanna see Putin uppercut fat boy onto some spikes.
    Which one of my longtime friends is this? Your avatar is confusing
    Yeah, that's not me in the avatar
    Who doesn't like Hearns? I'm confused those people exist.

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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?


  4. #19
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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Big Gay Al?

  5. #20
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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    At least 95% of all the comment makers in this article argue positions like those of mine and Beanz. We are only a minority on this extremist forum. In the real world and beyond our views are the consensus. It is a bit sad that a bunch of US posters here show that they cannot think outside of the CNN/Fox extremist mindset.

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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    Quote Originally Posted by GaMo View Post
    Somebody should invade North Korea and capture Kim
    Then Putin and him should fight hand to hand in a pit
    In a fight to the death with a mortal kombat style ending
    I wanna see Putin uppercut fat boy onto some spikes.

    I'd buy it.

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    Tito why did you ask what people think when you have no interest in what they think unless they agree with you? Please don't end up like Lyle and Brockton and turn this place into one of the crappier boxing forums that we all chose to avoid when posting here.

    You are basically saying that what is good for the goose is not good for the gander. NK cannot test fire any missiles and the USA demonstrated why that is unacceptable yesterday by......firing missiles.

    Trump explains why threatening other countries is unacceptable by threatening with "Fire and Fury" and then doubles down on the demonstration of keeping up with NK in the recklessness stakes by threatening to cease trade with China which would trigger a worldwide economic crash that would dwarf the last one.

    I can see why from your conservative American standpoint that Miles and my views might seem outlandish, but they are anything but that. Here we are being moderate, and you are just signing up to the kind of blind extremism that Brock and Lyle submitted to a while ago.
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  8. #23
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    North Korea

    UN led sanctions against them with the support of China to starve them to their senses.

    Race Relations in the U.S.

    Trump should take the side of anti-racism and not perpetuate the hatred further by condemning the racists that killed the woman.

    Climate Change

    Trump should sign the Paris Accord.
    The individual states should ignore Trump and try and meet their requirements.
    U.S. foreign policy

    They should have one that support the UN.

    Gun control in the U.S.

    Phase out gun use through education and tighter restrictions until all guns are banned for civilians.
    Well the North Koreans have the means to feed their people, the North Korean leadership however would rather focus the time, energy, and money to build nuclear weapons.

    Trump addressed the racism issue properly there was violence from both sides, now only 1 person was killed. 1 white person killed by another white person, hardly a "racist" crime but the perpetrator was apparently a racist. If Trump were to condemn just 1 side of Antifa or Neo Nazis as were in Charlottesville, then that is giving oxygen to both of those bad actors......yeah they both suck, they are both identity politics focused and authoritarian in their views, they are both totalitarian and I'm sorry I don't like either.

    Why should Trump sign the Paris Accord?
    Why should individual states follow the Paris Accord?

    The United States pays the most for the UN and the UN operates under the false assumption that every nation is equal, they are not.

    So I shouldn't be allowed to hunt then? I shouldn't be allowed to protect my family or my property? No thank you.

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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    The argument that beings in miles make is garbage. It's like saying that there is no difference between a police officer threatening a criminal and a criminal threatening a police officer. They literally see no difference and they are sure that the United States is the criminal but in this analogy North Korea is the criminal Rogue Nation launching missiles over Japan and threatening to Nuke countries and the police officer is simply saying oh really oh really well before you think about doing something suicide like that you criminal maybe you should take a look at the missiles we will launch today during an exercise and you should tell yourself that that's how quickly will take you out. So beans and mile see no difference between the police officer saying that to a criminal eand the criminal launching missiles over Japan. That is how paltry and poor the Lefty arguments are ...the leftists make the least logical arguments of all time and think it is perfect logic but they love to compare apples and oranges and then say it's the same thing @Beanz @Gandalf

  10. #25
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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Tito why did you ask what people think when you have no interest in what they think unless they agree with you?

    You argue your point... I argue mine. Is that what you construe to mean I have "no interest in what you think unless you agree with me"?
    Hmm.... ok.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Please don't end up like Lyle and Brockton and turn this place into one of the crappier boxing forums that we all chose to avoid when posting here.

    Beanz, you may not realize it... but you've been pushing this "so-and-so have turned this forum into crap and now everybody who's worth anything is avoiding it" agenda for like forever. It gets tiresome dude. People come... people go. It's how it is in all forums. Also, I pick and choose who I engage or pay attention to. These "conspiracy theories" really are becoming tiresome, bro. And I mean that in a constructive way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You are basically saying that what is good for the goose is not good for the gander. NK cannot test fire any missiles and the USA demonstrated why that is unacceptable yesterday by......firing missiles.

    We're going round and round. You and Miles gleefully ignore what I flatly state when I criticize both Trump AND Kim Jong-un. But you both ONLY read the Kim Jong-un part. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you must both be related to the man.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I can see why from your conservative American standpoint that Miles and my views might seem outlandish, but they are anything but that. Here we are being moderate, and you are just signing up to the kind of blind extremism that Brock and Lyle submitted to a while ago.

    "Moderate", Beanz, is seeing both sides of the equation and leveling criticism where criticism is deserved. Did you NOT see Miles' cute description of NK's threat to Guam?? Where Miles says NK was threatening to...... QUOTE: "drop some missiles into the sea around Guam"?? Does he and by extension do you REALLY think we're all mentally challenged over on this side? Did Miles really think that woeful misinterpretation of the truth was going to slip by unnoticed??

    I'll keep stating the fact ad nauseaum.

    Brock and Lyle criticize NK and defend Trump.

    You and Miles defend NK and criticize Trump.

    I criticize BOTH..... and catch hell from you and Miles for my troubles.

    And yet you're the moderate ones?

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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    tito fuck them, stay safe from irma now

  12. #27
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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    You gleefully ignore that I constantly say that the North Korean regime is bad too, Tito. It always ends up being in condensed form 'You are an identity crisis ladyboy, who hates America and worships Baba Huey'. You know, do I disagree with the genocide of the native population, do I disagree with the continual invasion and toppling of regimes (something ridiculous at about 70 or something since WW2)? Of course I do, yet to point any of this out just means you are a hater with your recent attitude. I think there is a big difference between disliking foreign policy and being a genuine hater. You won't see me arguing for the nuking of NYC. Yet you all turn a blind eye if Brock argues that on other countries, even going for China lately I see. Instead it's me that is the extremist as I said something about prefering to live next to NK than be a starving Gazan under occupied Israel. If I hated America I wouldn't worship at the altar of Lou Reed, I wouldn't say how much I respect its development during periods of the 19th century, I wouldn't read Burroughs. I love a lot of things about America and often those things were intelligent people able to look at the reality of their own society in a mature way and that means to accept its many faults too. I don't put you in the same category as Brock who has taken extremism to a new level, but lately you have resorted to a default mode that isn't so cool too.

    NK threatened to put missiles into the sea around Guam, I am not sure what I am missing there. As usual they didn't go through with it, so what do you want to do? Have a big cry? You live in Puerto Rico. It is nowhere near the region, in fact North Korea is in the middle of nowhere geographically when it comes to the US. It seems like with the 1980's America needs a bogeyman and Kim is filling the role played by Gaddafi who seemed to get a buzz from it as people were actually talking about him for once. Beanz made the point that if you ignore them they tend to fade away, but the more you play the brinkmanship game the more it continues and I guess there is money to be made in that too. More arms sales, more media views, Kim looks strong at home, Americans have someone to 'fear'. Good for business. It's absurd the way it gets to you considering that North Korea is nowhere near the US and would be commiting suicide were it to attack the US. It is just common sense to point this out, but the fearmongers and warmongerers need an enemy and all I have been doing is pointing out contradictions and suggested negotiation is the only way to settle things. I think most would agree that this is a moderate position.

    You cannot bomb your way to victory anymore. The world doesn't work like that now. Everybody can destroy everybody else. It's a new reality we have to live with. It's not nice, but it is what it is. If you want NK to give up its weapons then you do too and that is never going to happen. China has argued the moderate position that both sides are at fault and Putin has argued that sanctions are a 'Road to nowhere'. We have to face up to the reality that China and Russia, certainly when it comes to foreign policy, are now the moderates. Trump and Kim have both shown themselves to be extreme. Both have threatened nuclear war, shot missiles and tested nuclear bombs. The difference is that NK has no history of destroying other sovereign nations.

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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    Trump is a great leader and America are lucky to have him
    He's making good decisions and trying his best to improve the country.
    Too many people these days are so scared of being labelled homophobic
    Racist or sexist. Trump doesn't care what people think and gets on with the job.

    Obama was so desperate for approval and acceptance that he played it safe
    Shied away from tough decisions and basically bent over and took it up the arse!

    It's always been said that the democrats aren't willing to roll up their sleeves
    And get their hands dirty and that accusation fits Obama (like it fit Clinton)
    Whoever voted for Hilary should receive six uppercuts to the testicles
    Before having a pineapple shoved up their arse
    And the same treatment should be given to these hippy social justice pussies.

  14. #29
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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    Quote Originally Posted by GaMo View Post
    Trump is a great leader and America are lucky to have him
    He's making good decisions and trying his best to improve the country.
    Too many people these days are so scared of being labelled homophobic
    Racist or sexist. Trump doesn't care what people think and gets on with the job.

    Obama was so desperate for approval and acceptance that he played it safe
    Shied away from tough decisions and basically bent over and took it up the arse!

    It's always been said that the democrats aren't willing to roll up their sleeves
    And get their hands dirty and that accusation fits Obama (like it fit Clinton)
    Whoever voted for Hilary should receive six uppercuts to the testicles
    Before having a pineapple shoved up their arse
    And the same treatment should be given to these hippy social justice pussies.

    Welcome back Bilbo
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  15. #30
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    Default Re: Ok.... so what do you REALLY think?

    Congrats England you are on the list. 40 times nk has threatened various countries not only the us. One BBC writer put it at over 50. Remember the north holds war games as well but the shell South Korean islands and ships

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