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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #241
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    It's amazing how Gandalf thinks that Trump is not an outsider. Gandalf thinks that anybody who has money it's just part of the whole same problem. He doesn't realize what Trump has been doing Against The Establishment since before day 1. The British are very weird like that they don't seem to understand stuff in the same way that we Americans do x

    "The British are very weird like that they don't seem to understand stuff in the same way that we Americans do x"

    Bwahahaha! Aww, nice little kiss on the end too. I take it that you and Walrus are both bum chums again now then Brockyboy
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Beanz you Dominican Dildo, that x was typed as your thumb hit the submit reply and since when we're me and #BitcoinBoy NOT chums

  3. #243
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Beanz you Dominican Dildo, that x was typed as your thumb hit the submit reply and since when we're me and #BitcoinBoy NOT chums
    Brock you will not come betwixt beanz and I that is a line you will cross but once
    Last edited by walrus; 12-03-2017 at 02:48 PM.

  4. #244
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    It's amazing how Gandalf thinks that Trump is not an outsider. Gandalf thinks that anybody who has money it's just part of the whole same problem. He doesn't realize what Trump has been doing Against The Establishment since before day 1. The British are very weird like that they don't seem to understand stuff in the same way that we Americans do x
    Trump got in because he was famous and people didn't like Clitnon. Simple as that. If he was called Joe Bloggs and nobody had heard of him a) he wouldn't even be able to run and b) even if he could nobody would vote for him as he isn't a celebrity. Outsider!

  5. #245
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    It's amazing how Gandalf thinks that Trump is not an outsider. Gandalf thinks that anybody who has money it's just part of the whole same problem. He doesn't realize what Trump has been doing Against The Establishment since before day 1. The British are very weird like that they don't seem to understand stuff in the same way that we Americans do x
    Trump got in because he was famous and people didn't like Clitnon. Simple as that. If he was called Joe Bloggs and nobody had heard of him a) he wouldn't even be able to run and b) even if he could nobody would vote for him as he isn't a celebrity. Outsider!
    What utter bollix to the n-th degree FFS, what's the point of Joe bloggs you nutcase, of course Trump's personality and saying it like it IS got him elected.

    Let me sum it up to you you whack-job British expat over in the Far East:

    Deport all illegals

    Build That Wall

    Cancel the trans-pacific partnership TPP

    Cancel NAFTA

    Open the oil gas and Shale production again in the US

    Bring production back to the United States which was all sent overseas by The Establishment over the past 30 years

    Completely destroy political correctness which is the baby of the establishment coward globalist mind control idiots

    Honor the border patrol once again on of them in honor of the police force once again after Obama told everybody that it was okay to shoot police officers

    Defeat Isis which was a baby of Obama and Clinton and Bush

    @Gandalf must I go on or is this list a good start for you to digest

  6. #246
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    This tax cut bill is currently polling as the second most unpopular piece of legislation in history. And that's before voters really find out what's in it. And as soon as it passes, guess what? After adding trillions of dollars to the deficit Republicans will suddenly become deficit hawks and there'll be attempts to make massive cuts to Medicare and Social Security to make up for the losses caused by this tax cut. They're starting already: Tax reform is only one piece of the overall puzzle needed to revitalize the American economy, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) told a group of Washington, D.C., lobbyists and policy analysts this morning at a Politico Playbook Interview sponsored by the Financial Services Roundtable. The other part? Reduce the deficit and offset the cost of the reform, which the Congressional Budget Office estimates at $1.3 trillion. “I analyze this very differently than most,” Rubio told the crowd. “Many argue that you can’t cut taxes because it will drive up the deficit. But we have to do two things. We have to generate economic growth which generates revenue, while reducing spending. That will mean instituting structural changes to Social Security and Medicare for the future,” the senator said. Candidate Trump raged at the rigged economy and promised to unrig it and make everybody better off. Instead he's rigged it even further in the favour of corporations and the wealthy. Surely at some point the people who voted for him are going to realise they've been conned?
    SSI spent one trillion dollars for the first time last year. It is unmanageable. I'm not really counting on SSI payments if I make it that long. SSI and welfare have been the political third rail for so long the only way to save it is a big percentage drop in payments and raising the age again. You can take numbers out of this bill to support either cause for or against. I'm not against cutting the corporate tax but it needs to translate to the people which it didn't do while these companies reaped in record profits the last almost 9 years, I'm not convinced it will. I beleive there is a sunset clause on the individual cut if it doesn't translate to increased ecomic blah blah but no sunset on the corporations. Should be the other way around. Kirk, every line on the tax code has a special interest group supporting it. Do you think tax lawyers don't fight simplification. If we can get money out of government it would function better. This bill may be the best we can get. If trump only adds a few trillion to the deficit I'll consider that a cut at this point. It's getting to the point every president spends more than all the other presidents in history. It's frickin crazy. I'll see if I can dig up a graph
    SS is perfectly manageable and if you're convinced it won't be there when you retire you've been successfully conned by an ongoing multibillion dollar operation by the right's big donors to make you believe it's unsustainable. You're right about the corporate tax cut not doing much. It's just another giant upward redistribution of wealth, more class warfare from the GOP. And with you living in a state with state taxes you're probably going to get a tax increase to pay for the corporate cut. The bill is definitely not the best you could get, it's outright robbery. It's the GOP who create the deficits and the debt and the Democrats who have to clear the mess up. Nine out of the last ten recessions have come under a Republican in the White House. Res ipsa loquitur. Every prez spends more. Growing economy, revenues, population, inflation etc. The fact they spend more is irrelevant. It's how much they spend in relation to GDP that matters. There's a graph. You can look it up. This tax bill will not simplify things and leaving the government facing a deficit crisis will not make anything better.
    Dude are you nutz. You know nothing of SSI and it's spenditures. You surprised me with that one usually you at least come across like you know your shit even though you don't. you usually flash some shit showing how little you know. I've payed all kinds of taxes here Kirk, I've talked to accounts, tax lawyers and the IRS agents. I can tell you straight out you don't know shit.
    I've forgotten more than you know about your social security system. You've discussed SS with an accountant, seriously, who the fuck talks to accountants about SS, and tax lawyers, your income and investments are so complicated you need somebody who costs more a year than the average person earns? If you really have and they've told you SS is going down the tubes then they're as ignorant as you are. What you really need to do is talk to an insuranc eactuary, or some fucking know it all like me. You explain to me why SS is going to collapse and I'll school you about the reality.

    Do you know what I do for seven hours every day. I read. Mainly financial data*, but also other stuff like economic data and so on. I've been studying this stuff for decades. I can tell you all about the government expenditures and pesnsion systems and welfare programmes in every major economy. I have literally forgotten more than you know about every aspect of the American economy and the American government. And I read five times faster than you do too. That's like you reading thirty five hours a day five days a week. That's 175 hours and there are only 168 in a week.

    *Ever seen any financial data? A page is eighty percent numbers, twenty percent legalese/businessese and throw a small handful of Greek letters at the page. And I read over a thousand pages of that stuff every day. The exciting world of high finance.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Believe me, there is nothing to be jealous of. The UK is what will happen to America when this tax plan passes. I don't think ordinary Americans deserve to be abused like that really, but it is your call. Twisted.
    Dude don't but kirks bullshit about the taxes. This is the first time taxes have been overhauled since Reagan. We still don't have the completed bill, it now goes back to adding and subtracting things both houses approve. This is just another day in the life. All the sudden the dems are fiscal hawks after their boy Obama blew through 10 trillion in eight years. It's a fucking facade. All the sudden the roof is gonna fall in. I probably save a little money on this, Brock will, certain parts of it aren't cool but guess what, ITS FUCKING TAXES. Who is completely gonna be happy with any tax. I give trump credit cause he is trying to do something that is very difficult and risky in American politics. It's easier to send stimulus checks out like bush did than fight the behemoth of special interest tax groups. The government is also gonna tax Bitcoin profits. I'll tell you this miles, some people will be happy, some people will be sad with this new tax bill. Same with every fucking other bill. The sun will come up the day after it passes and we will still be paying some taxes. It is amazing how the deep state hates trump and the dems won't give him a chance. Our republican senate sucks but they did try to work with obama on bills. The dems are shameful especially when the act like they give a shit about the national debt
    This bill is a gigantic handout to the wealthy. It'll save Trump a billion dollars in inheritance taxes alone. It reads like it's been written by his accountants. It's difficult and risky to sign a bill giving yourself huge quantities of extra money?

  8. #248
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    84% of the country worse off under the Trump tax plan. That's according to the Trump JCT which has goosed the nubers massively with dynamic scoring bs to make it look better than it actually will be. All to give a gigantic tax cut to a bunch of globalist firms who are half owned by foreigners. Fifty percent of this tax cut goes to foreign globalists, the other half to American globalists.

    Trump supporters must be exhausted with all the winning. And with that, the weekend beckons.
    See I've read something completely different and it was from a liberal rag that stated it was trying to look at it objectively. They found the majority of the middle class will receive tax relief. Now let me ask you, the senators complaining this may increase the debt, where we're the the 8 years Obama spent 10 trillion. Kirk you prob know little about us tax code but the majority of the middle class don't itemize, it is those that don't, which is most, will benefit. I don't know what they will do with the deductions that is still being worked out
    That comes from Trump's own government department staffed with people he appointed. Most of the middle class will get a tax cut of a few hundred dollars for a few years but the cuts gradually sunset and in eigh t to ten years almost everybody gets a tax increase over the current situation. That's what the graph says if you actually read it. Again, who is likely to know more about the US tax code?

  9. #249
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    84% of the country worse off under the Trump tax plan. That's according to the Trump JCT which has goosed the nubers massively with dynamic scoring bs to make it look better than it actually will be. All to give a gigantic tax cut to a bunch of globalist firms who are half owned by foreigners. Fifty percent of this tax cut goes to foreign globalists, the other half to American globalists.

    Trump supporters must be exhausted with all the winning. And with that, the weekend beckons.
    See I've read something completely different and it was from a liberal rag that stated it was trying to look at it objectively. They found the majority of the middle class will receive tax relief. Now let me ask you, the senators complaining this may increase the debt, where we're the the 8 years Obama spent 10 trillion. Kirk you prob know little about us tax code but the majority of the middle class don't itemize, it is those that don't, which is most, will benefit. I don't know what they will do with the deductions that is still being worked out
    That comes from Trump's own government department staffed with people he appointed. Most of the middle class will get a tax cut of a few hundred dollars for a few years but the cuts gradually sunset and in eigh t to ten years almost everybody gets a tax increase over the current situation. That's what the graph says if you actually read it. Again, who is likely to know more about the US tax code?
    Dude u are so full of shit, how are your taxes in the UK let's talk about that. As far as who knows more about the tax code I have three businesses, equities, commodities so I do thank you
    Last edited by walrus; 12-05-2017 at 11:33 AM.

  10. #250
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Us and uk bith suck

  11. #251
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Patting a felon on the back and flat out endorsing an accused..multiple times..child molester. I live in the South and dammit Alabama is better than this. I cannot even pretend to have belief or faith in this man. We're not draining a swamp we're just pouring in more snakes.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Patting a felon on the back and flat out endorsing an accused..multiple times..child molester. I live in the South and dammit Alabama is better than this. I cannot even pretend to have belief or faith in this man. We're not draining a swamp we're just pouring in more snakes.
    Dude you're showing your patriotism but what about the principal at this country was founded on innocent until proven guilty? How quickly has that been abandoned as these people just get fired like dominoes

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    It's funny lower taxes. Faster growth, less red tape and Nancy peolosi says its the end of the world. They do not want the country doing better, they want America ruined, they are scared shitless the economy will look good in 2020. Unemployment down and growth upis Armageddon to democrats, sad

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    A divisive president who was in bed with the Russians and the gun lobby that gives jobs to his family is all good then.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  15. #255
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    A divisive president who was in bed with the Russians and the gun lobby that gives jobs to his family is all good then.
    Gives jobs to his family, do you know what Harry Reid has done with his family. Wtf why are all these things that are done everyday in politics bad when trump does it. Remember bill gave Hillary a job doing the healthcare thingy
    Last edited by walrus; 12-06-2017 at 09:09 AM.

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