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Thread: Today in Trump

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    #Spicoli~DRILLS~ walrus"with-the-word-bud"

  2. #1232
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I prefer bff or honeysuckle even powder bottom anything but bud. Spics wouldn’t know but in the US bud is equivalent to a racist word used against the Irish

  3. #1233
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    WASHINGTON — The Trump administration took one of its most aggressive actions against Russia on Friday, announcing sweeping sanctions against members of Russian President Vladimir Putin's inner circle, along with top officials and several businesses, including a state-owned weapons trading company.

    Senior U.S. administration officials said the sanctions are not aimed to punish Moscow for any particular event, but are instead a broader measure aimed at the "totality of the Russian government's ongoing and increasingly malign activities in the world."

    The Treasury Department, in connection with the State Department, targeted seven Russian oligarchs and 12 companies they own or control. It also issued sanctions on 17 senior government officials, along with a state-owned weapons trading company and its subsidiary, a Russian bank.
    These the same tough measures Haley was making a case with right before she was thrown under the bus by administration just 1 week later? Then after that officials meeting with Russian finance minister to smooth over and 'discuss'.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    He's done some good things and some bad things.

    He's made some good decisions that will have a positive impact on the economy.

    He's been as bad as any President in dividing the country. If you see a divided country as a good thing, I guess that's your prerogative.

    Domestically never was my fear about Trump.

    Globally was where most of my concerns lie.

    And frankly...... Trump has proven to be Putin's bitch.
    By doing what? As compared to who?

    The very same policy wonks who used to tout Obama as brilliant want Trump to what? March up to Putin and punch him in the face? What does that achieve? A friendly Putin might be more able or willing to help in Syria or Iran or North Korea....but we're going to toss the very idea of peace aside to have a shooting war with Russia? Yeah that sounds brilliant.

    Very same folks scared to death of Trump starting a nuclear war are now bitching about him attempting to get along with Russia......and nobody finds that odd?

    We'll see what happens with Putin in the future.
    He dedicated how much time and effort to deride some dumb athletes for failing to 'stand up' for America? Today from my eyes, he was no different by failing to do so.
    That is a ridiculous comparison.

    Russia can go to war with us in any number of ways.....athletes can
    Um exactly. Trump likes his low hanging fruit. He can find the metal and moxie to call irrelevant individuals out while wrapping himself in the flag. Or he can slam allies on a world stage to rally his base. More so his voters can do the same and find the voice. But in the eye of Russian leader who he treats like a swooning teen idol more than a serious threat and actor..he caves. He was an empty suit mumbling praise upon him and nodding along and failing to defend the same colors, Republic, law enforcement and personnel. Because why...we have to fear offending master Putin? We mustn't upset or speak even the slightest stern tone to Putin? We don't really think Putin respects that do we? It's laughable. You do not stand on foreign soil before the world and follow along and fail to stand up, in some manner, some way, for the ones who have fought and those who will fight all these 'wars' we talk about. You take a man on his actions, on his conduct and character. Not some mealy mouthed half baked excuse like "I meant would". Honestly...Democrat-Republican-Independent. Terrible episode.
    Sorry spics I know that’s the line but not only did trump not roll back Obama’s sanctions but he increased them and expelled more Russian diplomats among other things. The football thing just pissed a lot of us off.
    Obama is not the President bud. The whole internal competition Trump keeps us rutted in about numbers and talking points falls flat when you stand next to a man and fluff him up. Diplomats-intent and attack can be replaced when you fail to stand for something.
    thats not was i was saying bud. If he was in Putin’s pocket he wouldn’t have gone beyond Obama’s sanctions he increased them, plus kicking out more diplomats and closing consulates, got it bud? Nothing to do with obama being pres or not bud
    i think I used bud too much
    A man can never use too much bud .

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    Default Re: Today in Trump


  6. #1236
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    A helpful guide

  7. #1237
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    OK Kirkland if access to the servers would actually damage evidence and destroy the case then why would FBI head honcho and all around stand up guy James Comey ask the DNC for the physical servers? He did so more than once it's worth noting.

    CrowdStrike is NOT an impartial participant in this, they are firmly on the side of the DNC (at least their business is). CrowdStrike have total access to the servers, why won't the DNC allow the FBI similar access? Surely it's better to have too much information than too little in this case?

    DNC: The Russians had been booted from our system by the time DHS called
    The Democratic National Committee had kicked Russian hackers out of its computer systems by June of last year — two months before the Department of Homeland Security called to offer assistance, according to DNC officials.

    The DNC is pushing back after former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testified before Congress that the DNC rebuffed the agency’s offer to help — testimony that drew gloating tweets on Thursday morning from President Donald Trump.

    “Why did Democratic National Committee turn down the DHS offer to protect against hacks (long prior to election),” the president wrote. In another tweet, he said it was “all a big Dem scam and excuse for losing the election!”

    It’s the latest dust-up in a long-running blame game over why the DNC and the federal government did not do more to stop Russian cyber intrusions, which U.S. intelligence agencies now say were part of a covert effort to subvert the election process and damage Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

    You mention "leaked emails" mean WikiLeaks yes? So Kirkland....was Seth Rich a "Russian Spy"? I'm very curious to read your answer to that.

    Obama, McCain computers 'hacked' during election campaign
    FBI discovers cyber attacks during the summer originated in China and stole large amounts of data
    Hackers broke into the computer systems of the Barack Obama and John McCain campaign teams during the US presidential race and stole a ''serious amount of files" in an operation that US government cyber experts believe originated from China.

    The Secret Service and FBI warned Obama and McCain earlier this year that their computer networks had been infiltrated by foreign hackers who downloaded large quantities of information from the campaign networks.

    "You have been compromised, and a serious amount of files have been loaded off your system," an FBI agent said, according to a report in Newsweek magazine.

    The report went on to say that technical experts speculated the hackers were Russian or Chinese. The FBI apparently told Obama the attack had not been carried out by political opponents.

    US officials said they discovered that the cyber attacks originated in China but do not yet know if they were government-sponsored or from an unaffiliated source.

    The incident was first revealed in a Newsweek report that said the FBI and Secret Service told the Obama team of the attack in the summer.

    According to the article, Josh Bolten, the White House chief of staff, called David Plouffe, who was Obama's campaign manager, saying: "You have a real problem … you have to deal with it."

    It is understood the campaigns then hired private cyber security companies to look into the breaches.

    The Secret Service and the McCain and Obama campaign teams have made no comment on the alleged attacks.

    So Barack Obama was a shill for China and his presidency should be rendered null and void then? And OMG Obama was China's bitch for 8 years....8 years of being China's bitch....daaaaaang

    Here's what Comey said Lyle:

    In March 2017, then-FBI Director James Comey told members of Congress that the DNC’s security contractor, CrowdStrike, had provided an “appropriate substitute” that Motherboard reports is “widely believed” to be such an image of the DNC’s network.

    Two dozen indictments of Russians based on information from the DNC servers and other sources Lyle. Crowdstrike are the go to firm for stuff like this. The RNC have used them too.

    And you can't remove or alter part of a network with so many servers and machines all chatting to each other. Do you know the amount of information in just one email header? It would be impossible to remove part of any big system like that without it being obvious, there is just so much identifying information on each document and there are just too many copies of everything that would be missed if somebod tried to remove them. It's a ridiculous, completely discredited conspiracy theory.

    As is the Seth Rich conspiracy theory. He wasn't a Russian spy, he didn't pass emails to anybody. He worked on get out the vote planning, basically putting volunteers and transport together to get people all over the country to the polls on election day. He ended up in a part of town notorious for stret robberies one night and the police say he was the victim of a robbery . That's it. We now know for certain that he didn't leak any emails because Mueller has evidence that proves beyond reasonable doubt that the Russians did it.

    And yes foreign countries have interfered in election campaigns before. What's new about this time is that the Trump campaign seem to have been involved in the meddling.

  8. #1238
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    He's done some good things and some bad things.

    He's made some good decisions that will have a positive impact on the economy.

    He's been as bad as any President in dividing the country. If you see a divided country as a good thing, I guess that's your prerogative.

    Domestically never was my fear about Trump.

    Globally was where most of my concerns lie.

    And frankly...... Trump has proven to be Putin's bitch.
    By doing what? As compared to who?

    The very same policy wonks who used to tout Obama as brilliant want Trump to what? March up to Putin and punch him in the face? What does that achieve? A friendly Putin might be more able or willing to help in Syria or Iran or North Korea....but we're going to toss the very idea of peace aside to have a shooting war with Russia? Yeah that sounds brilliant.

    Very same folks scared to death of Trump starting a nuclear war are now bitching about him attempting to get along with Russia......and nobody finds that odd?

    We'll see what happens with Putin in the future.
    He dedicated how much time and effort to deride some dumb athletes for failing to 'stand up' for America? Today from my eyes, he was no different by failing to do so.
    That is a ridiculous comparison.

    Russia can go to war with us in any number of ways.....athletes can
    Um exactly. Trump likes his low hanging fruit. He can find the metal and moxie to call irrelevant individuals out while wrapping himself in the flag. Or he can slam allies on a world stage to rally his base. More so his voters can do the same and find the voice. But in the eye of Russian leader who he treats like a swooning teen idol more than a serious threat and actor..he caves. He was an empty suit mumbling praise upon him and nodding along and failing to defend the same colors, Republic, law enforcement and personnel. Because why...we have to fear offending master Putin? We mustn't upset or speak even the slightest stern tone to Putin? We don't really think Putin respects that do we? It's laughable. You do not stand on foreign soil before the world and follow along and fail to stand up, in some manner, some way, for the ones who have fought and those who will fight all these 'wars' we talk about. You take a man on his actions, on his conduct and character. Not some mealy mouthed half baked excuse like "I meant would". Honestly...Democrat-Republican-Independent. Terrible episode.
    Sorry spics I know that’s the line but not only did trump not roll back Obama’s sanctions but he increased them and expelled more Russian diplomats among other things. The football thing just pissed a lot of us off.
    He isn't enforcing sanctions passed almosy unanimously by Congress and he blew his lid when he found out so many Russians were being kicked out and has let Russia replace all the diplomats who were given the boot.

  9. #1239
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Disappointing and pretty damn disheartening is first to mind. Honestly I have zero confidence in my Presidents leadership and frankly today I do not trust him. He looked Putin in the eyes today and stood before this Nation and instead of defending those before him regarding interference in OUR free elections and those to follow he went completely in for himself, tucked his tail firmly between his legs and pussed out. Clearly, simply and unapologetically he acted a meek compromised man. Believe it or not I get no joy in that.

    as to 'lets just see what happens'...we're seeing it. It's happening right in front of us. FFS we are detrimentally stuck as far as Trump is concerned to either relive, reargue, remake what has already happened years ago or 'what may happen'. Well keep it in mind men set patterns and have history and dictators know how to manipulate other men in power. All the while I see more and more ignoring the now and present day.

    Don't forget the North Korean debacle. Trump announces he's solved the NK problem and Americans can sleep easy, he's ended the nuclear threat. Then we hear that NK are expanding their nuclear facilities. Then the Secretary of State turns up to meet Kim and Kim decides to visit a potato farm instead of turning up. Some General sits in for him and calls the Trump administration a bunch of gangsters afterwards. Americans who were there say the meeting went as badly as it could have gone. Then at another meeting to arrange the return of the remains of US soldiers the NKs don't even turn up leaving the Americans sitting there. If the previous president had done this and was still claiming things were going well I can only imagine...........
    Can't argue with that. The indicators were there prior to the meeting flop. They cancelled two scheduled phone calls and the meet was also delayed prior. The aftermath is actual and factual, not some numpty 'fake news'. That agreement was basically written on a napkin with next to zero specifics and denuclearization was never a focus. And out comes the Nobel peace prize talk . My god why does that feel like 15 yrs ago. He's essentially gone from a hard line prior to meet of 'denuclearization should start very quickly' to now 'no time limit'. Also known as kicking the can far down the road while they up production.

    Apparently he's even considering letting the Russians question an American diplomat about some crazy Russian conspiracy theory too. He said it was a great idea.

    And there's this:

  10. #1240
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Disappointing and pretty damn disheartening is first to mind. Honestly I have zero confidence in my Presidents leadership and frankly today I do not trust him. He looked Putin in the eyes today and stood before this Nation and instead of defending those before him regarding interference in OUR free elections and those to follow he went completely in for himself, tucked his tail firmly between his legs and pussed out. Clearly, simply and unapologetically he acted a meek compromised man. Believe it or not I get no joy in that.

    as to 'lets just see what happens'...we're seeing it. It's happening right in front of us. FFS we are detrimentally stuck as far as Trump is concerned to either relive, reargue, remake what has already happened years ago or 'what may happen'. Well keep it in mind men set patterns and have history and dictators know how to manipulate other men in power. All the while I see more and more ignoring the now and present day.

    Don't forget the North Korean debacle. Trump announces he's solved the NK problem and Americans can sleep easy, he's ended the nuclear threat. Then we hear that NK are expanding their nuclear facilities. Then the Secretary of State turns up to meet Kim and Kim decides to visit a potato farm instead of turning up. Some General sits in for him and calls the Trump administration a bunch of gangsters afterwards. Americans who were there say the meeting went as badly as it could have gone. Then at another meeting to arrange the return of the remains of US soldiers the NKs don't even turn up leaving the Americans sitting there. If the previous president had done this and was still claiming things were going well I can only imagine...........
    Can't argue with that. The indicators were there prior to the meeting flop. They cancelled two scheduled phone calls and the meet was also delayed prior. The aftermath is actual and factual, not some numpty 'fake news'. That agreement was basically written on a napkin with next to zero specifics and denuclearization was never a focus. And out comes the Nobel peace prize talk . My god why does that feel like 15 yrs ago. He's essentially gone from a hard line prior to meet of 'denuclearization should start very quickly' to now 'no time limit'. Also known as kicking the can far down the road while they up production.

    Apparently he's even considering letting the Russians question an American diplomat about some crazy Russian conspiracy theory too. He said it was a great idea.

    And there's this:
    twatter huh, u post the most bullshit sources

  11. #1241
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Here's what Comey said Lyle:

    In March 2017, then-FBI Director James Comey told members of Congress that the DNC’s security contractor, CrowdStrike, had provided an “appropriate substitute” that Motherboard reports is “widely believed” to be such an image of the DNC’s network.

    Two dozen indictments of Russians based on information from the DNC servers and other sources Lyle. Crowdstrike are the go to firm for stuff like this. The RNC have used them too.

    And you can't remove or alter part of a network with so many servers and machines all chatting to each other. Do you know the amount of information in just one email header? It would be impossible to remove part of any big system like that without it being obvious, there is just so much identifying information on each document and there are just too many copies of everything that would be missed if somebod tried to remove them. It's a ridiculous, completely discredited conspiracy theory.

    As is the Seth Rich conspiracy theory. He wasn't a Russian spy, he didn't pass emails to anybody. He worked on get out the vote planning, basically putting volunteers and transport together to get people all over the country to the polls on election day. He ended up in a part of town notorious for stret robberies one night and the police say he was the victim of a robbery . That's it. We now know for certain that he didn't leak any emails because Mueller has evidence that proves beyond reasonable doubt that the Russians did it.

    And yes foreign countries have interfered in election campaigns before. What's new about this time is that the Trump campaign seem to have been involved in the meddling.
    Yeah I totally would NOT expect James Comey of all people to make things easier for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats...not like he's done that before or anything.

    As for the Seth Rich "conspiracy"

    ....but hey, you think it's "just a robbery" even though $0.00 was taken from him, he still had his watch on him, etc....I guess it must have been a "botched robbery" right Kirk? Yeah, that's it...and Donna Brazile taking the time in her memoirs to write: that Rich’s murder haunted her and that she'd installed surveillance cameras at her home and would keep the blinds in her office window closed so she could not be seen by snipers, according to the Post. ....I mean if it was only a botched robbery why would she be watching out for snipers?

  12. #1242
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    OK Kirkland if access to the servers would actually damage evidence and destroy the case then why would FBI head honcho and all around stand up guy James Comey ask the DNC for the physical servers? He did so more than once it's worth noting.

    CrowdStrike is NOT an impartial participant in this, they are firmly on the side of the DNC (at least their business is). CrowdStrike have total access to the servers, why won't the DNC allow the FBI similar access? Surely it's better to have too much information than too little in this case?

    DNC: The Russians had been booted from our system by the time DHS called
    The Democratic National Committee had kicked Russian hackers out of its computer systems by June of last year — two months before the Department of Homeland Security called to offer assistance, according to DNC officials.

    The DNC is pushing back after former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testified before Congress that the DNC rebuffed the agency’s offer to help — testimony that drew gloating tweets on Thursday morning from President Donald Trump.

    “Why did Democratic National Committee turn down the DHS offer to protect against hacks (long prior to election),” the president wrote. In another tweet, he said it was “all a big Dem scam and excuse for losing the election!”

    It’s the latest dust-up in a long-running blame game over why the DNC and the federal government did not do more to stop Russian cyber intrusions, which U.S. intelligence agencies now say were part of a covert effort to subvert the election process and damage Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

    You mention "leaked emails" mean WikiLeaks yes? So Kirkland....was Seth Rich a "Russian Spy"? I'm very curious to read your answer to that.

    Obama, McCain computers 'hacked' during election campaign
    FBI discovers cyber attacks during the summer originated in China and stole large amounts of data
    Hackers broke into the computer systems of the Barack Obama and John McCain campaign teams during the US presidential race and stole a ''serious amount of files" in an operation that US government cyber experts believe originated from China.

    The Secret Service and FBI warned Obama and McCain earlier this year that their computer networks had been infiltrated by foreign hackers who downloaded large quantities of information from the campaign networks.

    "You have been compromised, and a serious amount of files have been loaded off your system," an FBI agent said, according to a report in Newsweek magazine.

    The report went on to say that technical experts speculated the hackers were Russian or Chinese. The FBI apparently told Obama the attack had not been carried out by political opponents.

    US officials said they discovered that the cyber attacks originated in China but do not yet know if they were government-sponsored or from an unaffiliated source.

    The incident was first revealed in a Newsweek report that said the FBI and Secret Service told the Obama team of the attack in the summer.

    According to the article, Josh Bolten, the White House chief of staff, called David Plouffe, who was Obama's campaign manager, saying: "You have a real problem … you have to deal with it."

    It is understood the campaigns then hired private cyber security companies to look into the breaches.

    The Secret Service and the McCain and Obama campaign teams have made no comment on the alleged attacks.

    So Barack Obama was a shill for China and his presidency should be rendered null and void then? And OMG Obama was China's bitch for 8 years....8 years of being China's bitch....daaaaaang

    Here's what Comey said Lyle:

    In March 2017, then-FBI Director James Comey told members of Congress that the DNC’s security contractor, CrowdStrike, had provided an “appropriate substitute” that Motherboard reports is “widely believed” to be such an image of the DNC’s network.

    Two dozen indictments of Russians based on information from the DNC servers and other sources Lyle. Crowdstrike are the go to firm for stuff like this. The RNC have used them too.

    And you can't remove or alter part of a network with so many servers and machines all chatting to each other. Do you know the amount of information in just one email header? It would be impossible to remove part of any big system like that without it being obvious, there is just so much identifying information on each document and there are just too many copies of everything that would be missed if somebod tried to remove them. It's a ridiculous, completely discredited conspiracy theory.

    As is the Seth Rich conspiracy theory. He wasn't a Russian spy, he didn't pass emails to anybody. He worked on get out the vote planning, basically putting volunteers and transport together to get people all over the country to the polls on election day. He ended up in a part of town notorious for stret robberies one night and the police say he was the victim of a robbery . That's it. We now know for certain that he didn't leak any emails because Mueller has evidence that proves beyond reasonable doubt that the Russians did it.

    And yes foreign countries have interfered in election campaigns before. What's new about this time is that the Trump campaign seem to have been involved in the meddling.
    What a fucking smoke screen. Too much info bouncing around. Do u know one fucking thing about cyber security? They take information that makes the information. My wife is a cyber security expert and one guy with a quantum computer could hack the entire unhackable block chain and don’t think quantum computing doesn’t exist. The Chinese use it in communications. They were the first to use it in satellites. Whatever you say today isn’t possible tomorrow will be and a lot of the impossible is already going on. With my abilities I found your real name, where you live, saw the gay porn sites you watch and track everywhere u go in your car. I should worn you those gay bukkake vids u downloaded are disgusting.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Disappointing and pretty damn disheartening is first to mind. Honestly I have zero confidence in my Presidents leadership and frankly today I do not trust him. He looked Putin in the eyes today and stood before this Nation and instead of defending those before him regarding interference in OUR free elections and those to follow he went completely in for himself, tucked his tail firmly between his legs and pussed out. Clearly, simply and unapologetically he acted a meek compromised man. Believe it or not I get no joy in that.

    as to 'lets just see what happens'...we're seeing it. It's happening right in front of us. FFS we are detrimentally stuck as far as Trump is concerned to either relive, reargue, remake what has already happened years ago or 'what may happen'. Well keep it in mind men set patterns and have history and dictators know how to manipulate other men in power. All the while I see more and more ignoring the now and present day.

    Don't forget the North Korean debacle. Trump announces he's solved the NK problem and Americans can sleep easy, he's ended the nuclear threat. Then we hear that NK are expanding their nuclear facilities. Then the Secretary of State turns up to meet Kim and Kim decides to visit a potato farm instead of turning up. Some General sits in for him and calls the Trump administration a bunch of gangsters afterwards. Americans who were there say the meeting went as badly as it could have gone. Then at another meeting to arrange the return of the remains of US soldiers the NKs don't even turn up leaving the Americans sitting there. If the previous president had done this and was still claiming things were going well I can only imagine...........
    Can't argue with that. The indicators were there prior to the meeting flop. They cancelled two scheduled phone calls and the meet was also delayed prior. The aftermath is actual and factual, not some numpty 'fake news'. That agreement was basically written on a napkin with next to zero specifics and denuclearization was never a focus. And out comes the Nobel peace prize talk . My god why does that feel like 15 yrs ago. He's essentially gone from a hard line prior to meet of 'denuclearization should start very quickly' to now 'no time limit'. Also known as kicking the can far down the road while they up production.

    Apparently he's even considering letting the Russians question an American diplomat about some crazy Russian conspiracy theory too. He said it was a great idea.

    And there's this:
    Far as I could tell they mentioned Putins 'willingness' to have investigators come over and interview the military agents that were newly indicted, but I didn't see the other half which was later revealed to be Trump considering sending a former U.S ambassador over to let Putin have some face time with him. Putin used Trump speak about things being 'reciprocal' but not specific, maybe I missed it. That had to be part of the 2 hr one on one and blew up aka came to light after Sanders was asked about it. Trump obviously knew specifics and encouraged it on camera. Right-left smacked it down as incomprehensible etc etc and Trump backed off. All it does is fuel push for notes and transcripts of private meet to be revealed which I'm not so sure I'm keen on.

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    *****trump 2020****

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