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Thread: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

  1. #31
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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Everyone sing along with me..... in a football terrace tune.....

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    It's not just twisting it to tear down a case nobody is making. (Brilliantly put) It is including and dragging in posters who haven't even posted in the thread and inventing positions and arguments for them, never made.

    No Beanz... hadn't posted. You just "thanked" Swanson for his diametrically opposed view where he rushed to pull the "sexist" fire alarm handle without bothering to think about what is being said.

    No wonder Miles rightly accuses you of backing off of statements you've clearly made or positions you've made distinctively clear.

    Like I told Fenny..... man up to what you say and do, and everyone will respect you all the more for it.

    To be honest if I could have given him a high five, shook his hand or bought him a pint, I would have. You are not really helping yourself shrug off the sexist label by telling people to man up either. I don't know where your hostility is coming from, but the opening post was about a transgender man, so Spicoli was bang on with his description of people wanting to manufacture an argument where there is not one. I am assuming like me you are way too old to box anymore, so what exactly is the problem? Like Ron says if a female boxer does not want to fight a transgender women then I would be quite surprised if they were mandated to do so against their wishes. Every boxer makes this choice, whoever they fight.

    You are basically arguing for removing the choice of other people. You brought me into the thread and now you are moaning about me expressing/not expressing my opinion it seems? At this point I have no idea what the fuck you are actually on about. You certainly are not taking the brave stand you think you are. The forum today on International Women's Day could not be any more hostile to women if it tried. I work with female boxers, ring card girls etc and they all have a lot more bottle and frankly 'balls' then a lot of the posturing alpha males strutting their stuff here. It is 2019 for crying out loud. In gyms all over the world, amateur and pro shows, girls and women are dedicating themselves to the noble art with just as much heart and soul as the men and boys, and yet here they are still seen as a novelty.

    I haven't backed off anything I have said, whatever Miles may claim. The fact that Ron, who works with fighters every day, is able to make a reasoned and sensible, nuanced series of points without resorting to the bloody neanderthal conservative black and white argument that often passes for debate here is refreshing.
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  3. #33
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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    It's not just twisting it to tear down a case nobody is making. (Brilliantly put) It is including and dragging in posters who haven't even posted in the thread and inventing positions and arguments for them, never made.

    No Beanz... hadn't posted. You just "thanked" Swanson for his diametrically opposed view where he rushed to pull the "sexist" fire alarm handle without bothering to think about what is being said.

    No wonder Miles rightly accuses you of backing off of statements you've clearly made or positions you've made distinctively clear.

    Like I told Fenny..... man up to what you say and do, and everyone will respect you all the more for it.

    To be honest if I could have given him a high five, shook his hand or bought him a pint, I would have. You are not really helping yourself shrug off the sexist label by telling people to man up either. I don't know where your hostility is coming from, but the opening post was about a transgender man, so Spicoli was bang on with his description of people wanting to manufacture an argument where there is not one. I am assuming like me you are way too old to box anymore, so what exactly is the problem? Like Ron says if a female boxer does not want to fight a transgender women then I would be quite surprised if they were mandated to do so against their wishes. Every boxer makes this choice, whoever they fight.

    You are basically arguing for removing the choice of other people. You brought me into the thread and now you are moaning about me expressing/not expressing my opinion it seems? At this point I have no idea what the fuck you are actually on about. You certainly are not taking the brave stand you think you are. The forum today on International Women's Day could not be any more hostile to women if it tried. I work with female boxers, ring card girls etc and they all have a lot more bottle and frankly 'balls' then a lot of the posturing alpha males strutting their stuff here. It is 2019 for crying out loud. In gyms all over the world, amateur and pro shows, girls and women are dedicating themselves to the noble art with just as much heart and soul as the men and boys, and yet here they are still seen as a novelty.

    I haven't backed off anything I have said, whatever Miles may claim. The fact that Ron, who works with fighters every day, is able to make a reasoned and sensible, nuanced series of points without resorting to the bloody neanderthal conservative black and white argument that often passes for debate here is refreshing.

    I "brought" you into the thread?? Did I request that you thank Swanson for his post? You brought yourself into the thread. But again, that is symptomatic of exactly why it is that you somehow manage to fight with just everyone else in the forum. You seem to not be happy unless you're being confrontational.

    I'm not "helping myself shrug off the sexist label"? Ok, so you are pretentious on top of being confrontational. Listen, if all I have to worry about is the likes of a Ron Swanson and you calling me sexist, I think I'll be able to sleep at night. This is EXACTLY what people like Miles rake you over the coals for, and precisely the reason you are impossible to have a decent argument with.

    Kindly spare me your resume (and Swanson's) about working with fighters and women. I don't pour out my life here on the forum for all to see, but I'll just leave it as saying that I've got my own personal experiences. Sexist is the least of things I am. You want to call me a bully? Go right ahead. Angry? Sure.... only when people like you and your Batman-Robin partner Fenster jump at anything I say because it doesn't fit your own personal preferences. Opinionated? Not nearly as much as you, I'm afraid. But sexist? What a goddamn joke. Wasn't all that long ago you and half the forum turned a blind eye to a veteran poster who used to routinely refer to women as whores, sluts, and bitches. Double standards, anyone?

    Once again, and quit ignoring stuff that doesn't fit your narrative, what of the opinions of the women boxers I've quoted and posted on this thread? Those mean more to me and most other people on here than any amount of flowery gibberish you could possible muster.

    Hilarious how you could take someone like Ron, known for his abrasiveness and bluntness, and talk about "reasoned, sensible, and nuanced points." You are incapable of seeing truth if truth itself were to come up to your angry mug and slap you across the face.

    Once again, in case you missed the memo:

    1. I did NOT bring you into the thread. You brought yourself in by thanking Swanson on his knee-jerk reaction, incorrect, and presumptuous post.

    2. Just because you pour your own life's details into the forum, does not give you a monopoly on any life experiences nor does it give you the knowledge or license to judge others.

    3. Women left here because of racist, sexist, thuggish dumbasses like VD. But continue assigning blame to everyone you don't necessarily agree with.

    4. It's the opinion of the women in the sport that counts. In that regard, your opinion and those of Swanson aren't worth spit. What about this don't you understand??

    5. Nobody here..... NOBODY is saying anything against female boxers. That is just you twisting the argument with blatant lies to suit your agenda.

    Now, I've purposely avoided arguing with you because I do not wish for yet another war where the likes of you is involved. All that accomplishes is having your pet bouncer come running over to join the fray.

    You have a perfect right to your opinions.... but so do I. So let's just back off because I'm going to let you bully me from behind your keyboard like you like to do with so many others.

    Goddamn, it's no wonder Miles hates your fucking guts.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to boc?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Ronica Jeffrey: Undefeated at 11-0, Ronica is set to compete for the interim WIBA super featherweight title in April.

    “Honestly, I don’t think that they should compete against women, because at the end of the day, naturally you are a man, and its unfair for the woman to have to go against someone who is that physically stronger than them. If that’s the case, then we should have co-ed boxing, which we don’t, and that is for a reason. I have nothing against them, and if it’s that serious, then transgendered should go against transgendered."

    Mary McGee: Mary is 20-1 and next steps in the ring in May where she will meet up with Holly Holm in a battle for the IBA light welterweight title. Follow Mary on Twitter @marymcgee2586.

    “It’s not fair to put a man up against a women in any sport. Transgender or not, naturally men are stronger than women. In some cases a woman can beat the odds, but I don’t think that would be fair. I would never in my life step in the ring with a man. He, in a real fight, might hurt me real bad. If they want to do the sport, do it with men.”

    Kaliesha West: At 16-1, the popular West is the IFBA super bantamweight title holder, as well as the WBO bantamweight champ. She can be followed on Twitter @KWildWildWest

    “I do not support this! I study in the medical field and have been working at a prestigious medical center for 6 years now (Loma Linda University), and its simple anatomy and physiology. Men are NATURALLY stronger than women!!!! THIS IS WRONG IN SO MANY WAYS! Men have larger hearts and lungs, and their higher levels of testosterone cause them to produce greater amounts of red blood cells. I’ve studied this already, and these statements written EVERYWHERE in anatomy articles, books, or studies only reiterate what I just stated.

    Men usually have greater upper body strength, build muscle easily, have thicker skin, bruise less easily and have a lower threshold of awareness of injuries to their extremities. Men are essentially built for physical confrontation and the use of force. Their joints are well suited for throwing objects. A man’s skull is almost always thicker and stronger than a women’s.

    If this Shim wants to compete, TELL HER TO JOIN THE MEN’s LEAGUE!!!! OH, and I don’t want to hear about her hormonal pills she has been taking for her gender change, ESTROGEN CAN NOT CHANGE THE SIZE OF YOUR NATURAL SKELETON.”

    Holly Lawson: Holly is the 4th ranked welterweight in the world. She currently has a record of 5-2. You can follow her on Twitter @lilbearlawson.

    “I feel that if they want to allow transgendered women to compete with women, they might as well start sanctioning men and women to fight in their respective weight classes. I think regardless of the procedures which one undergoes in such a situation, genetically they are still male. With that said, I wouldn’t turn down a fight if my opponent was discovered to be transgendered. Boxing isn’t about brute strength, it’s a science and a chess match.”

    Amanda Serrano: The WIBA featherweight champion sports an impressive 17-1 record. She returns to action in April against an opponent to be named. Follow her on Twitter @RealDealSerrano.

    “I truly believe that if u were born a man, you’re always going to be stronger than a woman. My choice would be no. Just because the testosterone that men have is a big factor. Just saying.”

    Maricela Cornejo: Maricela is quickly making a name for herself in the sport. The model/fighter has started her career with a 2-0 record, and next looks to be fighting on May 3 in Las Vegas.

    “I am all for doing whatever makes you feel good. If you want to become a girl, then that is your decision. I don’t have a problem with it. But I don’t agree with it when it comes to fighting. If a transgender woman fights, they are going to be stronger than other women, so I don’t think it’s right. There are still advantages they are going to have from having previously been a man that no amount of drugs are going to erase.”

    I should only have to post ONE of these. One would be more than sufficient. But here's a whole group of them. It's THEIR sport.

    Last I checked, no one in the "Live and Let Live" sorority here was either female, a boxer, or ever had to fight a transgender male.

    Read these AGAIN, Beanz. Tell me once again why your presumptions and Ron's "reasoned, sensible and nuanced points" are worth a hill of beans when stacked up against the opinions of women who actually have to step into the ring with transgender boxers. THEN... get back to me. In the meantime, keep your ignorant rants to yourself.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to boc?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Ronica Jeffrey: Undefeated at 11-0, Ronica is set to compete for the interim WIBA super featherweight title in April.

    “Honestly, I don’t think that they should compete against women, because at the end of the day, naturally you are a man, and its unfair for the woman to have to go against someone who is that physically stronger than them. If that’s the case, then we should have co-ed boxing, which we don’t, and that is for a reason. I have nothing against them, and if it’s that serious, then transgendered should go against transgendered."

    Mary McGee: Mary is 20-1 and next steps in the ring in May where she will meet up with Holly Holm in a battle for the IBA light welterweight title. Follow Mary on Twitter @marymcgee2586.

    “It’s not fair to put a man up against a women in any sport. Transgender or not, naturally men are stronger than women. In some cases a woman can beat the odds, but I don’t think that would be fair. I would never in my life step in the ring with a man. He, in a real fight, might hurt me real bad. If they want to do the sport, do it with men.”

    Kaliesha West: At 16-1, the popular West is the IFBA super bantamweight title holder, as well as the WBO bantamweight champ. She can be followed on Twitter @KWildWildWest

    “I do not support this! I study in the medical field and have been working at a prestigious medical center for 6 years now (Loma Linda University), and its simple anatomy and physiology. Men are NATURALLY stronger than women!!!! THIS IS WRONG IN SO MANY WAYS! Men have larger hearts and lungs, and their higher levels of testosterone cause them to produce greater amounts of red blood cells. I’ve studied this already, and these statements written EVERYWHERE in anatomy articles, books, or studies only reiterate what I just stated.

    Men usually have greater upper body strength, build muscle easily, have thicker skin, bruise less easily and have a lower threshold of awareness of injuries to their extremities. Men are essentially built for physical confrontation and the use of force. Their joints are well suited for throwing objects. A man’s skull is almost always thicker and stronger than a women’s.

    If this Shim wants to compete, TELL HER TO JOIN THE MEN’s LEAGUE!!!! OH, and I don’t want to hear about her hormonal pills she has been taking for her gender change, ESTROGEN CAN NOT CHANGE THE SIZE OF YOUR NATURAL SKELETON.”

    Holly Lawson: Holly is the 4th ranked welterweight in the world. She currently has a record of 5-2. You can follow her on Twitter @lilbearlawson.

    “I feel that if they want to allow transgendered women to compete with women, they might as well start sanctioning men and women to fight in their respective weight classes. I think regardless of the procedures which one undergoes in such a situation, genetically they are still male. With that said, I wouldn’t turn down a fight if my opponent was discovered to be transgendered. Boxing isn’t about brute strength, it’s a science and a chess match.”

    Amanda Serrano: The WIBA featherweight champion sports an impressive 17-1 record. She returns to action in April against an opponent to be named. Follow her on Twitter @RealDealSerrano.

    “I truly believe that if u were born a man, you’re always going to be stronger than a woman. My choice would be no. Just because the testosterone that men have is a big factor. Just saying.”

    Maricela Cornejo: Maricela is quickly making a name for herself in the sport. The model/fighter has started her career with a 2-0 record, and next looks to be fighting on May 3 in Las Vegas.

    “I am all for doing whatever makes you feel good. If you want to become a girl, then that is your decision. I don’t have a problem with it. But I don’t agree with it when it comes to fighting. If a transgender woman fights, they are going to be stronger than other women, so I don’t think it’s right. There are still advantages they are going to have from having previously been a man that no amount of drugs are going to erase.”

    I should only have to post ONE of these. One would be more than sufficient. But here's a whole group of them. It's THEIR sport.

    Last I checked, no one in the "Live and Let Live" sorority here was either female, a boxer, or ever had to fight a transgender male.

    Read these AGAIN, Beanz. Tell me once again why your presumptions and Ron's "reasoned, sensible and nuanced points" are worth a hill of beans when stacked up against the opinions of women who actually have to step into the ring with transgender boxers. THEN... get back to me. In the meantime, keep your ignorant rants to yourself.

    You’re still making a fake argument to excuse trying to steal someone’s rights. Notice not one of those quotes is about a woman being forced to fight a transgender woman. Find one of those and you will have a point. As is all you have is your bigotry. No boxer is forced to fight anyone, ever. But go back to your big book of bigotry for your morals. Steal people’s rights and claim morality.
    Last edited by Ron Swanson; 03-09-2019 at 03:34 PM.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to boc?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Swanson View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Ronica Jeffrey: Undefeated at 11-0, Ronica is set to compete for the interim WIBA super featherweight title in April.

    “Honestly, I don’t think that they should compete against women, because at the end of the day, naturally you are a man, and its unfair for the woman to have to go against someone who is that physically stronger than them. If that’s the case, then we should have co-ed boxing, which we don’t, and that is for a reason. I have nothing against them, and if it’s that serious, then transgendered should go against transgendered."

    Mary McGee: Mary is 20-1 and next steps in the ring in May where she will meet up with Holly Holm in a battle for the IBA light welterweight title. Follow Mary on Twitter @marymcgee2586.

    “It’s not fair to put a man up against a women in any sport. Transgender or not, naturally men are stronger than women. In some cases a woman can beat the odds, but I don’t think that would be fair. I would never in my life step in the ring with a man. He, in a real fight, might hurt me real bad. If they want to do the sport, do it with men.”

    Kaliesha West: At 16-1, the popular West is the IFBA super bantamweight title holder, as well as the WBO bantamweight champ. She can be followed on Twitter @KWildWildWest

    “I do not support this! I study in the medical field and have been working at a prestigious medical center for 6 years now (Loma Linda University), and its simple anatomy and physiology. Men are NATURALLY stronger than women!!!! THIS IS WRONG IN SO MANY WAYS! Men have larger hearts and lungs, and their higher levels of testosterone cause them to produce greater amounts of red blood cells. I’ve studied this already, and these statements written EVERYWHERE in anatomy articles, books, or studies only reiterate what I just stated.

    Men usually have greater upper body strength, build muscle easily, have thicker skin, bruise less easily and have a lower threshold of awareness of injuries to their extremities. Men are essentially built for physical confrontation and the use of force. Their joints are well suited for throwing objects. A man’s skull is almost always thicker and stronger than a women’s.

    If this Shim wants to compete, TELL HER TO JOIN THE MEN’s LEAGUE!!!! OH, and I don’t want to hear about her hormonal pills she has been taking for her gender change, ESTROGEN CAN NOT CHANGE THE SIZE OF YOUR NATURAL SKELETON.”

    Holly Lawson: Holly is the 4th ranked welterweight in the world. She currently has a record of 5-2. You can follow her on Twitter @lilbearlawson.

    “I feel that if they want to allow transgendered women to compete with women, they might as well start sanctioning men and women to fight in their respective weight classes. I think regardless of the procedures which one undergoes in such a situation, genetically they are still male. With that said, I wouldn’t turn down a fight if my opponent was discovered to be transgendered. Boxing isn’t about brute strength, it’s a science and a chess match.”

    Amanda Serrano: The WIBA featherweight champion sports an impressive 17-1 record. She returns to action in April against an opponent to be named. Follow her on Twitter @RealDealSerrano.

    “I truly believe that if u were born a man, you’re always going to be stronger than a woman. My choice would be no. Just because the testosterone that men have is a big factor. Just saying.”

    Maricela Cornejo: Maricela is quickly making a name for herself in the sport. The model/fighter has started her career with a 2-0 record, and next looks to be fighting on May 3 in Las Vegas.

    “I am all for doing whatever makes you feel good. If you want to become a girl, then that is your decision. I don’t have a problem with it. But I don’t agree with it when it comes to fighting. If a transgender woman fights, they are going to be stronger than other women, so I don’t think it’s right. There are still advantages they are going to have from having previously been a man that no amount of drugs are going to erase.”

    I should only have to post ONE of these. One would be more than sufficient. But here's a whole group of them. It's THEIR sport.

    Last I checked, no one in the "Live and Let Live" sorority here was either female, a boxer, or ever had to fight a transgender male.

    Read these AGAIN, Beanz. Tell me once again why your presumptions and Ron's "reasoned, sensible and nuanced points" are worth a hill of beans when stacked up against the opinions of women who actually have to step into the ring with transgender boxers. THEN... get back to me. In the meantime, keep your ignorant rants to yourself.

    You’re still making a fake argument to excuse trying to steal someone’s rights. Notice not one of those quotes is about a woman being forced to fight a transgender woman. Find one of those and you will have a point. As is all you have is your bigotry. No boxer is forced to fight anyone, ever. But go back to your big book of bigotry for your morals. Steal people’s rights and claim morality.

    Did you bother to read any of the quotes? Or like Beanz are you just regurgitating your same old tired argument and attempting to speak for others.... others who happen to be in the sport.

    Maybe it's your reading comprehension that needs polishing.

    They're being asked if they agree with transgenders in women's boxing, and they mostly say "no."

    If you want to split hairs and talk about people not being forced to fight anyone..... go ahead. Common sense rarely penetrates thick skulls.

    I'll say this again, in English. Let me know if anything is unclear.

    No.... no woman boxer would be forced to fight a transgender. But if it's a mandatory... and it's for a championship... they could be stripped. Would that be fair? Or are you going to vomit the same old tired lines?

    If caring about women's safety in boxing is "bigotry", then you'd better go back to grade school and bone up on your definitions. You seem to have a problem with that.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Holy hell I'd kill for a Mayweather v Manny II thread right now .

    But I'd be interested to see how the question was put to these boxers who are quoted. If its in relation to the actual individual in the thread topic then it's false from jump. A transitioned -woman- is now fighting -men-...not the other way around. No backlash for a born man hitting a born woman though eh. Can anyone show me one single instance of a trans man in a sanctioned boxing match vs a woman. And don't anyone make an Anne Wolfe joke . It's an empty boogeyman. Just one as this is 'boxing talk'. And save all that amateur mma or muey Thai stuff.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Using "nuanced" is a sure sign to me at least that the user is a _______________ Fill n the blank.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Holy hell I'd kill for a Mayweather v Manny II thread right now .

    But I'd be interested to see how the question was put to these boxers who are quoted. If its in relation to the actual individual in the thread topic then it's false from jump. A transitioned -woman- is now fighting -men-...not the other way around. No backlash for a born man hitting a born woman though eh. Can anyone show me one single instance of a trans man in a sanctioned boxing match vs a woman. And don't anyone make an Anne Wolfe joke . It's an empty boogeyman. Just one as this is 'boxing talk'. And save all that amateur mma or muey Thai stuff.

    Appreciate the attempt at mediation, Spicoli. Always the level head coming in to defuse the bomb.

    However, this is pretty clear cut here. Here's the quote on the question posed:

    "We asked some of the top female boxers in the sport for their thoughts on the situation, and if they would feel comfortable stepping into the ring with a woman who was previously a man."

    The responses you may have already read.

    This isn't some philosophical argument where the question itself might be convoluted and subject to interpretation. This is pretty straightforward. Women boxers/fighters were asked whether would feel comfortable stepping into a ring with a women who was previously a man. Black-white. No gray areas here. This was a yes or no question, and most of them answered pretty clearly.

    Now..... Beanz may have a hard-on for everything transgender related. I don't know.... maybe a personal bad experience or something. We'll never know.

    But knee-jerk reactions from the peanut gallery, ignorantly throwing around accusations of "sexist" (Swanson) without bothering to read fully into the intent of the targeted comment is just plain foolish.

    No way to sugarcoat it, or dance around it.

    The long and short of it:

    You've got this clique here who will leap "Pavlovian style" on any transgender red meat that gets thrown on the floor. Shoot first... ask questions later. If you erred in your initial reaction..... f*ck it. They had it coming anyway.

    Hardly an adult way to conduct a conversation or an argument.

    So kudos for attempting to bring down the temperature.... but some things around here are just a bit TOO predictable. These knee-jerk reactions being one of them.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Well Tito I appreciate that but in fairness are you not doing the exact same thing with knee jerk and scenarios that do not exist? Not looking to monitor the playground with what I wrote, you're all adults, good heads and will work it out, no worries. But I'm genuinely interested in that the quotes sighted are geared towards a reaction or narrative that isn't applicable in this specific case. The 'situation' is a former woman fighting a man. The quoted boxers don't even recognize that scenario or automatically assume its reversed.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Thanking a post is a knee jerk reaction?
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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Quote Originally Posted by holmcall View Post
    Using "nuanced" is a sure sign to me at least that the user is a _______________ Fill n the blank.
    'native speaker of English'

    'lot less likely to jump to conclusions about other posters'

    Am i getting close?

    'a raving poofter' ?

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Well Tito I appreciate that but in fairness are you not doing the exact same thing with knee jerk and scenarios that do not exist? Not looking to monitor the playground with what I wrote, you're all adults, good heads and will work it out, no worries. But I'm genuinely interested in that the quotes sighted are geared towards a reaction or narrative that isn't applicable in this specific case. The 'situation' is a former woman fighting a man. The quoted boxers don't even recognize that scenario or automatically assume its reversed.

    Here's my first post:

    "Women of boxing discuss competing with transgender females"

    Here's the opinion of some of those who actually have to step into the ring with transgender females. Some bravely go with the flow and don't seem to mind... but others emphatically say "no".

    I agree with the latter.

    Here's my second post:

    In short, a woman changes into a man and wants to fight men? It's her choice.

    A man changes into a woman and wants to fight women? He's being forced onto opponents who want no part of it.

    'Nough said.

    From there, I was called "sexist" by that paragon of a poster.... Swanson. Beanz predictably jumps in and thanks him for the insult he hurled at me.

    Now... I get it that as Mod your job is to moderate and try and find middle ground or peace.

    But where I come from we call a spade a spade.

    If someone can feel free to call me a "sexist" based on my opinion that women should not have to fight transgenders, then so be it.

    But when I retaliate, it'll be with the kid gloves off.

    My only suggestion is that people become better acquainted with the meaning of words before they decide to throw them around like candy. I realize that would be against current Saddo practices.

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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Quote Originally Posted by smashup View Post
    Everyone sing along with me..... in a football terrace tune.....

    "Swansons got a vag hole, Swansons got a vag hole, la la la la, la la la la"

    "Swansons got a.....
    It's all fine TitoFan. You have a mod setting a fine example in encouraging those from the sport to carry on posting on the forum. If i get perma- banned again at least It will be a bit clearer why this time.
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    Default Re: Should transgenered people be allowed to box?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I don't know where your hostility is coming from, but the opening post was about a transgender man, so Spicoli was bang on with his description of people wanting to manufacture an argument where there is not one.

    See Beanzie.... this is where the minute speck of credibility you may have on here takes a major hit. I'll repost the opening post for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by holmcall View Post
    Patricio Manuel, a super featherweight fighting out of Los Angeles won a unanimous decision in December at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in what was billed as the first pro bout in the U.S. involving a transgender man.

    Here's another poster, making the perfectly good argument that if a transgender who turned into a man wants to fight men... fine. Just not the other way around. You see..... this is what is known as a discussion. You take the opening question, which is "Should transgendered people be allowed to box?", and you proceed to discuss it. No one here except you is keeping score on whether we veered off the straight and narrow path of the initial question. As adults, we expand upon our answers.

    Quote Originally Posted by p4pking View Post
    so that’s someone born a woman who turned and fought as a man? I guess if that’s what they want to do, fine, just match them light. If it’s the other way around, hell no, would be my stance. As with everything involving the issue though, it’s more of a talking point and source of faux outrage than it is anything which will ever have much to do with anything. A tomato can who has been knocked out 18 times in the last three years shouldn’t be allowed to fight a standout prospect, but that’s just boxing.

    Now here's my own two cents. Posting the opinions of actual women boxers.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    "Women of boxing discuss competing with transgender females"

    Here's the opinion of some of those who actually have to step into the ring with transgender females. Some bravely go with the flow and don't seem to mind... but others emphatically say "no".

    I agree with the latter.

    Now here's me adding to the previous post where I basically say the same thing p4pking said. Follow me so far?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    In short, a woman changes into a man and wants to fight men? It's her choice.

    A man changes into a woman and wants to fight women? He's being forced onto opponents who want no part of it.

    'Nough said.

    From this, I get called a "sexist" by Swanson, and you thanking him for it.

    What's your basis? Zilch. Nada. Just this inexplicable itch you have to leap on anything that's said about transgenders that might ruffle your feathers.

    THEN.... you comically try to make about me saying transgenders are going to be forced on women boxers.

    Well my angry bitter friend..... if a transgender is given a license to fight as a woman against other women.... it stands to reason he's gonna have to fight SOMEBODY. Unless of course that premise doesn't meet your standards.

    What's more, like your "reasoned, nuanced" pal Swanson says..... project 10 years down the road.

    Does the idea there might be a woman champion that all of a sudden is faced with the specter of squaring off against a transgender or she gets stripped of her title...... is that too far-fetched for you? Did I stray off the original post? Is my argument not meeting your standards?

    THEN, you have the unmitigated gall to mention International Woman's Week, and try to make it about that, when all I've done here is stick up for those women who say they would not want to fight a transgender.

    I'm fucking protecting them, but to pea-brain Swanson and yourself and Robin, I'm a sexist.

    That sound you're now hearing is the sound of that brittle leg you were standing on being crushed by the weight of the moronic argument you've spun for yourself.

    You know..... I'm tired of showing you up for the two-faced, sniveling, angry little bitter twat you are.

    Back off and go back to the topics you actually know something about.

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