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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #2926
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Exactly how did the Democrats attempt a coup?
    Gee that's a great question. Maybe you should look into that yourself instead of asking someone whose response you'll be smug and dismissive about.

  2. #2927
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Nxivm member admits enslaving woman in a locked room for 2 years

    President Donald J. Trump Is Fighting to Eradicate Human Trafficking

    Wouldn't it be funny if Anthony Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein, and The Clinton Foundation followed NXIVM? I think it would be most amusing.

  3. #2928
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Exactly how did the Democrats attempt a coup?
    Gee that's a great question. Maybe you should look into that yourself instead of asking someone whose response you'll be smug and dismissive about.
    The only reply you could possibly make would feature a bunch of claims I disproved a couple of days ago. Facts and evidence just bounce off you, don't they? They work for a couple of days but then fall off your little shelf and you're back to making them again.

    There was no coup. The FBI started investigating the Trump campaign after one of its senior members drunkenly told a barful of foreign diplomats that the Democratic party had been hacked by the Russians and that the results of the hacking would eventually be made public. When the various emails and documents started to be released these diplomats got in touch with the FBI. There were also at least two foreign intelligence agencies that contacted the FBI with evidence of contacts between the Russians and the Trump campaign.

    If somebody working for Hillary's campaign had told a bunch of foreign diplomats that a hostile foreign power had stolen documents and information damaging to the Trump campaign and these documents were later released publicly and the diplomats and foreign intelligence agencies then contacted the FBI and told them what they knew what would you expect the FBI to do? They'd have to investigate right? I mean there's no question about it. The FBI is legally obligated to investigate anything like this. They can't not do it. So no coup Lyle.

  4. #2929
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    So, still no public report of the Mueller investigation. I think they're just going for the long delay before actual complete sentences in Mueller's own words are out. Trump went on his treasonous ranting again about 'them'. We need to see the complete report, period. Republicant's and Demodont's agreed 420-0 to do so. Now they're hedging juuust a bit. I'd actually like the healthcare debate to take off again but was surprised Trump dropped the proposal to again blitz affordable healthcare act without anything to replace it. Literally nothing on the table. One thing I do no is these bastards are still penalizing tax payers who cannot afford "affordable" healthcare. I think I'm going to make a stubborn effort to find weekly pluses and minuses for the Administration policy wise. Early contenders on the Democrat side are way too blurry to determine. The field is one giant clustefk of retread Bernie and some kid with no specifics jumping on top of tables and stools at every stop with the cameras.
    He set the healthcare debate off again because he wants to destroy Obama's greatest achievement. There's nothing else to it. The GOP don't have anything to replace Obamacare with and don't want anything to do with replacing it. They don't want the subject to come up in the 2020 election at all. Trump has appointed a crack team of Republicans to come up with a healthcare plan the most prominent of whom is the guy who ran the company responsible for the biggest Medicare fraud in history. Of course he paid a $1.7 billion fine (which was nearly as much as he stole from the government!) and instead of going to jail is now the Governor of Florida.

    Here's how the GOP are reacting to Trump's healthcare push:

    The Democratic field is awful. Unelectable Bernie and a bunch of finger in the wind politicians. Literally any one of them would be an improvement on Trump though. It's not like they're going to have sixty votes in the Senate to get anything done and Trump won't be able to get anything through the House so all in all the country would be much better off with a Democrat winning in 2020.

    So now the great GOP healthcare plan is going to be released after the 2020 election. Being on the verge of releasing a great healthcare plan is now basically one of the great Republican party traditions. Certainly anything relating to policy isn't any kind of tradition. If you remember candidate trump promised much cheaper, much better healthcare that would cover everybody and that the government would pay for (socialism!) but then when he got elected he changed this to who knew healthcare could be so complicated? and left the whole thing to the Senate. The Senate came up with a brilliant plan that removed healthcare from 30+ million people and gave the resulting savings away as a massive corporate tax cut.

    In two years controlling all branches of government the only actual concrete policy achievement Trump has had is to pass a massive corporate tax cut. Candidate Trump quite rightly told Americans that the economy was rigged in favour of the elite and his only achievement has been to rig it even further in their favour.

    Of course slashing corporate taxes was supposed to trigger a huge wave of investment that would supercharge economic growth and make everybody much richer. The reality?

    Oh. And economic growth for the fourth quarter of last year has been revised downward. Trump missed out on three percent growth last year. Obama had a year with slightly higher growth than last year. And current estimates for growth for the first quarter of this year are 1-1.5%. So even with a gigantic increase in government spending and almost 17% of a massive tax cut going to the bottom 99% Trump failed to hit three percent growth.

  5. #2930
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    The only reply you could possibly make would feature a bunch of claims I disproved a couple of days ago. Facts and evidence just bounce off you, don't they? They work for a couple of days but then fall off your little shelf and you're back to making them again.

    There was no coup. The FBI started investigating the Trump campaign after one of its senior members drunkenly told a barful of foreign diplomats that the Democratic party had been hacked by the Russians and that the results of the hacking would eventually be made public. When the various emails and documents started to be released these diplomats got in touch with the FBI. There were also at least two foreign intelligence agencies that contacted the FBI with evidence of contacts between the Russians and the Trump campaign.

    If somebody working for Hillary's campaign had told a bunch of foreign diplomats that a hostile foreign power had stolen documents and information damaging to the Trump campaign and these documents were later released publicly and the diplomats and foreign intelligence agencies then contacted the FBI and told them what they knew what would you expect the FBI to do? They'd have to investigate right? I mean there's no question about it. The FBI is legally obligated to investigate anything like this. They can't not do it. So no coup Lyle.
    If that's the case Kirkland then why bother asking the question to begin with? That's what I mean when I say "You're only going to be smug and dismissive" and here you fucking are being smug and dismissive.

    Not only that you're full of confidence despite not using any of the names of the people involved.... you mean George Papadopolous? You mean Alexander Downer? I mean I have to guess because you are just spouting generalities. Know of any specifics? Know of Papadopolous meeting with 2 Americans from the Defense Intelligence Agency before meeting with Downer? Know of an Israeli diplomat Christian Cantor & his girlfriend Australian diplomat Erika Thompson setting up the meeting with Downer? Know of Downer securing $25 million for the Clinton Foundation? What of Mifsud? what of Halper? Do you know who those guys are or even care about their involvement in this charade?

    "Imagine if Hillary"....hold up, I don't have to imagine Hillary being shady, she is she has been her entire public life and she'll continue to be until the day she dies.

    Imagine if Anthony Weiner somehow had classified files on his laptop (that also had child porn on it) in a file marked "Life Insurance" ....yes IMAGINE Kirkland. But hey continue being dismissive.

    Time will be the judge

  6. #2931
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Obama completely blew it with pharmaceuticals. Now we are getting killed with rising prices. He missed a good opportunity. ACA has helped in certain ways but it really did increase copays and drug prices. The bill failed in many areas.

  7. #2932
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Yyeeeahh.... on that.....

    While it's tempting to blame high pharma prices strictly on Obama, the truth of the matter is pharma prices have been trending higher than most other developed countries since the early 2000's. There's plenty of blame to throw around. You also have to look at other factors as well. New, blockbuster pharma drugs don't come up on a regular basis. Sometimes it's a bit of "feast-famine." During Obama's tenure various blockbuster drugs hit the market, pretty much impacting the bottom line. That's not to exonerate Obama or any other POTUS during the past couple of decades. They should ALL be doing their damnest to keep these spiraling prices from going completely out of control. Pharma corporations operate at ridiculous margins... and much of that is in order to make up for extremely high R&D expenditures, and many times "less than optimal" operating efficiencies.

  8. #2933
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    The only reply you could possibly make would feature a bunch of claims I disproved a couple of days ago. Facts and evidence just bounce off you, don't they? They work for a couple of days but then fall off your little shelf and you're back to making them again.

    There was no coup. The FBI started investigating the Trump campaign after one of its senior members drunkenly told a barful of foreign diplomats that the Democratic party had been hacked by the Russians and that the results of the hacking would eventually be made public. When the various emails and documents started to be released these diplomats got in touch with the FBI. There were also at least two foreign intelligence agencies that contacted the FBI with evidence of contacts between the Russians and the Trump campaign.

    If somebody working for Hillary's campaign had told a bunch of foreign diplomats that a hostile foreign power had stolen documents and information damaging to the Trump campaign and these documents were later released publicly and the diplomats and foreign intelligence agencies then contacted the FBI and told them what they knew what would you expect the FBI to do? They'd have to investigate right? I mean there's no question about it. The FBI is legally obligated to investigate anything like this. They can't not do it. So no coup Lyle.
    If that's the case Kirkland then why bother asking the question to begin with? That's what I mean when I say "You're only going to be smug and dismissive" and here you fucking are being smug and dismissive.

    Not only that you're full of confidence despite not using any of the names of the people involved.... you mean George Papadopolous? You mean Alexander Downer? I mean I have to guess because you are just spouting generalities. Know of any specifics? Know of Papadopolous meeting with 2 Americans from the Defense Intelligence Agency before meeting with Downer? Know of an Israeli diplomat Christian Cantor & his girlfriend Australian diplomat Erika Thompson setting up the meeting with Downer? Know of Downer securing $25 million for the Clinton Foundation? What of Mifsud? what of Halper? Do you know who those guys are or even care about their involvement in this charade?

    "Imagine if Hillary"....hold up, I don't have to imagine Hillary being shady, she is she has been her entire public life and she'll continue to be until the day she dies.

    Imagine if Anthony Weiner somehow had classified files on his laptop (that also had child porn on it) in a file marked "Life Insurance" ....yes IMAGINE Kirkland. But hey continue being dismissive.

    Time will be the judge
    I'm asking you why you think there was a coup so I can pull the answer to bits. You're scared to even post one. And you still haven't named a date for the bet.

    I know all the specifics Lyle and crucially I know what they mean in context and I can see that you don't have a clue about the whole thing.

    If it's a "charade" Lyle explain why and how.

  9. #2934
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Yyeeeahh.... on that.....

    While it's tempting to blame high pharma prices strictly on Obama, the truth of the matter is pharma prices have been trending higher than most other developed countries since the early 2000's. There's plenty of blame to throw around. You also have to look at other factors as well. New, blockbuster pharma drugs don't come up on a regular basis. Sometimes it's a bit of "feast-famine." During Obama's tenure various blockbuster drugs hit the market, pretty much impacting the bottom line. That's not to exonerate Obama or any other POTUS during the past couple of decades. They should ALL be doing their damnest to keep these spiraling prices from going completely out of control. Pharma corporations operate at ridiculous margins... and much of that is in order to make up for extremely high R&D expenditures, and many times "less than optimal" operating efficiencies.
    Half of all pharma r and d is funded directly by the government. And that's half the claimed r and d expenditure. In reality the pill companies spend much less than the government does and get the government research for free and patent it. It would cost the government less than a hundred billion a year to fund all the claimed r and d expenditures and they could then licence generic manufacturers to sell the drugs for pennies. They could also stop the price gouging that goes on. Look at the insulin thing right now where firms tweak the formula of the product so they never have to put out a generic for a fraction of the price. It allows them to gouge their customers. An example:

    Just got a text from my mom about my dad's insulin prescriptions. The prescription company called to inform them that the 90-day supply of Levemir, one of two insulins he takes, went from $95 to $946. Un-fucking-believable.

    The government could allow a generic manufacturer to make insulin for pennies. Five dollars a month retail. But the healthcare lobby is too strong for anything like this to happen.

    The truth is the Obamacare bill is the furthest left it was possible to go with healthcare. You need to control all three branches of the legislature and have sixty votes in the Senate. The healthcare industry bought off a few DINO centrist Senators so that allowed them to literally write the Obamacare bill. I mean literally too.

    Something worth reading on the world's best healthcare system:

    EDIT: actually not much less, a little bit more. But the government could charge five dollars a prescription on top of the few dollars they would cost and it would cover the extra. Pill companies would be out of business and a tiny fraction of the country who own their stock would get a bit of a haircut but so fucking what.
    Last edited by Kirkland Laing; 04-04-2019 at 02:09 PM.

  10. #2935
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Yyeeeahh.... on that.....

    While it's tempting to blame high pharma prices strictly on Obama, the truth of the matter is pharma prices have been trending higher than most other developed countries since the early 2000's. There's plenty of blame to throw around. You also have to look at other factors as well. New, blockbuster pharma drugs don't come up on a regular basis. Sometimes it's a bit of "feast-famine." During Obama's tenure various blockbuster drugs hit the market, pretty much impacting the bottom line. That's not to exonerate Obama or any other POTUS during the past couple of decades. They should ALL be doing their damnest to keep these spiraling prices from going completely out of control. Pharma corporations operate at ridiculous margins... and much of that is in order to make up for extremely high R&D expenditures, and many times "less than optimal" operating efficiencies.
    Half of all pharma r and d is funded directly by the government. And that's half the claimed r and d expenditure. In reality the pill companies spend much less than the government does and get the government research for free and patent it. It would cost the government less than a hundred billion a year to fund all the claimed r and d expenditures and they could then licence generic manufacturers to sell the drugs for pennies. They could also stop the price gouging that goes on. Look at the insulin thing right now where firms tweak the formula of the product so they never have to put out a generic for a fraction of the price. It allows them to gouge their customers. An example:

    Just got a text from my mom about my dad's insulin prescriptions. The prescription company called to inform them that the 90-day supply of Levemir, one of two insulins he takes, went from $95 to $946. Un-fucking-believable.

    The government could allow a generic manufacturer to make insulin for pennies. Five dollars a month retail. But the healthcare lobby is too strong for anything like this to happen.

    The truth is the Obamacare bill is the furthest left it was possible to go with healthcare. You need to control all three branches of the legislature and have sixty votes in the Senate. The healthcare industry bought off a few DINO centrist Senators so that allowed them to literally write the Obamacare bill. I mean literally too.

    Something worth reading on the world's best healthcare system:

    EDIT: actually not much less, a little bit more. But the government could charge five dollars a prescription on top of the few dollars they would cost and it would cover the extra. Pill companies would be out of business and a tiny fraction of the country who own their stock would get a bit of a haircut but so fucking what.

    I think the pharma portion is higher than that, although the government certainly foots the bill for a substantial amount. Still... the point to be made is that with the patent protection afforded the pharma companies on their drugs, they're free to put their own price on the pills. I've read about some ridiculous markups, sometimes in the thousands of percentage. Pharma companies, mindful of the patent period, will try to make a killing on the drug, way over and above any costs they may have incurred in development and manufacture. Having worked at pharmaceuticals, as well as other industries, I can say firsthand that operational efficiencies in many pharma facilities leave a lot to be desired. The lack of competition plus patent protection will do that to an industry. Pharmaceuticals should be allowed high margins. After all, salaries, research, and equipment costs are extremely high in comparison with other industries. But this should be regulated. You can't leave the kid next to the cookie jar and expect there to be anything left when you get back.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Yyeeeahh.... on that.....

    While it's tempting to blame high pharma prices strictly on Obama, the truth of the matter is pharma prices have been trending higher than most other developed countries since the early 2000's. There's plenty of blame to throw around. You also have to look at other factors as well. New, blockbuster pharma drugs don't come up on a regular basis. Sometimes it's a bit of "feast-famine." During Obama's tenure various blockbuster drugs hit the market, pretty much impacting the bottom line. That's not to exonerate Obama or any other POTUS during the past couple of decades. They should ALL be doing their damnest to keep these spiraling prices from going completely out of control. Pharma corporations operate at ridiculous margins... and much of that is in order to make up for extremely high R&D expenditures, and many times "less than optimal" operating efficiencies.
    Tits I hear you but obama was supposed to make a deal with big pharma but it became to complicated and he wanted the bill passed so he dropped it

  12. #2937
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Yyeeeahh.... on that.....

    While it's tempting to blame high pharma prices strictly on Obama, the truth of the matter is pharma prices have been trending higher than most other developed countries since the early 2000's. There's plenty of blame to throw around. You also have to look at other factors as well. New, blockbuster pharma drugs don't come up on a regular basis. Sometimes it's a bit of "feast-famine." During Obama's tenure various blockbuster drugs hit the market, pretty much impacting the bottom line. That's not to exonerate Obama or any other POTUS during the past couple of decades. They should ALL be doing their damnest to keep these spiraling prices from going completely out of control. Pharma corporations operate at ridiculous margins... and much of that is in order to make up for extremely high R&D expenditures, and many times "less than optimal" operating efficiencies.
    Tits I hear you but obama was supposed to make a deal with big pharma but it became to complicated and he wanted the bill passed so he dropped it

    Lobbyists are who really run the country. The POTUS is but a puppet. That's the way it goes with big pharma.... that's the way it goes with oil.... and you could probably add the NRA in there as well.

    Still..... all Presidents dance to the tune of the powerful lobbying interests.

  13. #2938
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Yyeeeahh.... on that.....

    While it's tempting to blame high pharma prices strictly on Obama, the truth of the matter is pharma prices have been trending higher than most other developed countries since the early 2000's. There's plenty of blame to throw around. You also have to look at other factors as well. New, blockbuster pharma drugs don't come up on a regular basis. Sometimes it's a bit of "feast-famine." During Obama's tenure various blockbuster drugs hit the market, pretty much impacting the bottom line. That's not to exonerate Obama or any other POTUS during the past couple of decades. They should ALL be doing their damnest to keep these spiraling prices from going completely out of control. Pharma corporations operate at ridiculous margins... and much of that is in order to make up for extremely high R&D expenditures, and many times "less than optimal" operating efficiencies.
    Tits I hear you but obama was supposed to make a deal with big pharma but it became to complicated and he wanted the bill passed so he dropped it

    Lobbyists are who really run the country. The POTUS is but a puppet. That's the way it goes with big pharma.... that's the way it goes with oil.... and you could probably add the NRA in there as well.

    Still..... all Presidents dance to the tune of the powerful lobbying interests.
    If true that is sad and undemocratic. I would hope it is influence rather than actual direct impact from the lobbying groups.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  14. #2939
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Yyeeeahh.... on that.....

    While it's tempting to blame high pharma prices strictly on Obama, the truth of the matter is pharma prices have been trending higher than most other developed countries since the early 2000's. There's plenty of blame to throw around. You also have to look at other factors as well. New, blockbuster pharma drugs don't come up on a regular basis. Sometimes it's a bit of "feast-famine." During Obama's tenure various blockbuster drugs hit the market, pretty much impacting the bottom line. That's not to exonerate Obama or any other POTUS during the past couple of decades. They should ALL be doing their damnest to keep these spiraling prices from going completely out of control. Pharma corporations operate at ridiculous margins... and much of that is in order to make up for extremely high R&D expenditures, and many times "less than optimal" operating efficiencies.
    Tits I hear you but obama was supposed to make a deal with big pharma but it became to complicated and he wanted the bill passed so he dropped it

    Lobbyists are who really run the country. The POTUS is but a puppet. That's the way it goes with big pharma.... that's the way it goes with oil.... and you could probably add the NRA in there as well.

    Still..... all Presidents dance to the tune of the powerful lobbying interests.
    If true that is sad and undemocratic. I would hope it is influence rather than actual direct impact from the lobbying groups.
    I believe that what a RIGHT is has been very twisted and now everything known to man is something that should be a right.

    The NRA is a RIGHTS advocacy group...they help protect the RIGHT to own firearms (and originally any kind of firearm available too). It's nothing about hunting it's nothing about anything other than self protection from someone going after your family or property or endangering your life OR overthrowing a tyrannical government (which has occurred a few times in American history).

    Health insurance has become more expensive as government has become more involved in it. Big Pharma and how drugs are made and then made available to the citizens are also issues which must be addressed

  15. #2940
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Yyeeeahh.... on that.....

    While it's tempting to blame high pharma prices strictly on Obama, the truth of the matter is pharma prices have been trending higher than most other developed countries since the early 2000's. There's plenty of blame to throw around. You also have to look at other factors as well. New, blockbuster pharma drugs don't come up on a regular basis. Sometimes it's a bit of "feast-famine." During Obama's tenure various blockbuster drugs hit the market, pretty much impacting the bottom line. That's not to exonerate Obama or any other POTUS during the past couple of decades. They should ALL be doing their damnest to keep these spiraling prices from going completely out of control. Pharma corporations operate at ridiculous margins... and much of that is in order to make up for extremely high R&D expenditures, and many times "less than optimal" operating efficiencies.
    Tits I hear you but obama was supposed to make a deal with big pharma but it became to complicated and he wanted the bill passed so he dropped it

    Lobbyists are who really run the country. The POTUS is but a puppet. That's the way it goes with big pharma.... that's the way it goes with oil.... and you could probably add the NRA in there as well.

    Still..... all Presidents dance to the tune of the powerful lobbying interests.
    If true that is sad and undemocratic. I would hope it is influence rather than actual direct impact from the lobbying groups.
    I believe that what a RIGHT is has been very twisted and now everything known to man is something that should be a right.

    The NRA is a RIGHTS advocacy group...they help protect the RIGHT to own firearms (and originally any kind of firearm available too). It's nothing about hunting it's nothing about anything other than self protection from someone going after your family or property or endangering your life OR overthrowing a tyrannical government (which has occurred a few times in American history).

    Health insurance has become more expensive as government has become more involved in it. Big Pharma and how drugs are made and then made available to the citizens are also issues which must be addressed
    Obama had his shot, he just wanted to get the bill through and found dealing with pharma and the medical equipment was going to be too complicated. Like I said parts of ACA are good but a failure in that aspect

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