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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #2986
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    If it turns out Mueller was investigating Trump/Russia collusion, obstruction of justice and so on and wasn't busy getting evidence on Obama, Hillary and preparing thousands of sealed indictments ready for the biggest scandal in history to be made public then you owe those fine people the money Lyle. The bet is whether you or I was broadly right about this. If this ends in arrests of Obama, Hillary and so on you were right. If it doesn't you pay up.

    Where do you get that Mueller was helping Trump? Where does that even come from?
    The baseless core of the QAnon story is that the Mueller investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia is actually an investigation into global elites, and that the president is masterminding a secret plan to arrest top politicians and Hollywood stars for corruption and child abuse.

    According to Q, nearly every president before Trump was a "criminal president" who was part of an evil global organization of Satanist pedophiles. It also claims members of the US military who are not working for the global pedophile cabal supposedly approached Trump and begged him to run for president so that they could purge the government of the deep state operatives without a military coup.
    Q claims Trump is not under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller, but that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are. And Trump is actually working with Mueller.

    They believe that a top government official, codenamed Q, is responsible for a series of cryptic clues left on the messaging boards — with a large and obsessive online following devoted to unraveling them.
    Supporters believe that the clues expose a "deep state" plot by intelligence officials, senior Democrats and Hollywood stars running a secret child abuse ring.
    They also claim that Trump and Mueller are actually working together to break up the elite child abuse ring, and that Mueller's probe into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia is just cover.

    Also see

    and endless more articles. I'm shocked that you didn't even manage to read and understand the entire conspiracy theory you believe in. That's not like you at all Lyle.

    We're still lacking a date for this thing to decide the bet. How about when the Mueller report comes out in whatever form and there's nothing about the q anon garbage either from Mueller or Trump or anybody in any position of power. Let's say a month after the Mueller report comes out. How about that?

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Ah yes Kirkland's boy Paul Krugman.....the fucking dumbest economist EVER, did he get a Nobel Prize because they felt sorry for him?
    Yet again you pick a subject you know nothing about. Not going to go into this one in detail but Krugman and similar New Keynesian economists have had over ten years of total professional vindication now since the financial crisis with the other Chicago/perfect markets group having been proved conclusively wrong. It turns out that markets can't be left to self regulate and produce the perfect outcome after all. The people who believed this are now reworking their entire economic theory and it'll be ready to present to the public at the same time the GOP come up with their new healthcare policy. Until then New Keynesianism and IS=LM is the only game in town and has been vindicated yet again by the various austerity/ spending policies since 2008. Of course you know fucking nothing about any of this, do you Lyle. Yet another subject that you pontificate away on with zero fucking knowledge.

    Krugman actually predicted the housing bubble years before it happened and predicted it accurately:

    That's from 2005.

    Then when the 2008 ,eltdown happened and all the idiots who got it wrong were predicting soaring bond yields, bankrupt governments and hyperinflation Krugman said it wouldn't happen. He was roundly mocked by all the people who just got the housing bubble and the meltdown wrong and they all predicted his imminent humiliation as the scenario they predicted played out. Here's a sample:

    Or Bill Gross, billionaire bond fund manager refusing to bet with Krugman that he was wrong and Krugman was right. Gross bet massively the other way in the actual bond markets, lost hundreds of billions and is now out of a job.

    For the actual worst economist I would say it's a race between Larry Kudlow (google kudlow always wrong and kudlow stupidest man alive) who is now Trump's chief economic advisor or Stephen Moore, the guy Trump just nominated to be a Fed governor. Another guy with a decades long record of being always wrong.

  3. #2988
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Yeh it's definitely the long stall on report. No reason they cannot release to Congress, intel committee, prior to public, with redacted Grand jury specifics sources etc. The longer it goes it smells. What happened to 100 percent exonerated..get it out then. I think they're under threat of a felony if members put it out there. I'm trying to find 'other' news on the Administration front. Saw that the House voted to end U.S involvement in Yemen, Trump expected to veto it. He nominated another Fox news host to be the spokesman-woman for the State department. So the close boarder bluster has been walked back..shocker. The GOP must feel like it's herding cats trying to walk back some of Trumps shoot first aim later stuff. There was a significant prison reform victory but I don't know the specs of it. Doing my taxes finally so we'll see how this recent tax bill hits home.The number of people seeking U.S. unemployment benefits fell to its lowest level since late 1969. On a side note the Dems are cannibalizing themselves over Biden. It's definitely a hit job and frankly an insult to actual sexual abuse victims. An 80 year old geezer smelled your hair. Ffs. Other than Fox news which wastes so much time living in previous there a notable respected source one can find day to day policy efforts. And not some whackadoodle tin foil hat web site pitching conspiracies.
    He's nominated two idiots to become Fed Governors too. The one good thing about Trump up to now was that he appointed actual good people to Fed posts after getting good advice. Now he's doing what he wants and if he fucks the Fed up with enough morons it could spell disaster if there's another meltdown on his watch. The Fed doing the wrong thing would give us a decades long Depression with a capital D.

    In lobbyist news:

    MCLEAN, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 4, 2019--A two-year investigation by USA TODAY, The Arizona Republic, and the Center for Public Integrity that engaged more than 30 reporters across the USA TODAY NETWORK, part of Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI), identified at least 10,000 copycat bills in every state using a unique data analysis engine built on dozens of cloud computers to detect similarities in language, revealing for the first time the extent to which special interests have infiltrated U.S. statehouses through “model” legislation.

    To investigate how bills dreamed up and written by corporations, industry groups and think tanks get copied from one statehouse to the next, USA TODAY and The Arizona Republic compared millions of words of legislation provided by LegisScan in a data collection and analysis process powered by the equivalent of 150 computers that ran non-stop for months. The project includes a live reporting tool that flags newly introduced model bills, allowing reporters in USA TODAY NETWORK newsrooms across the country to dig into every known model bill in their state and to track new copycat efforts. The investigation found 10,000 bills were almost entirely copied from models introduced nationwide in the past eight years and more than 2,100 were signed into law.
    In a separate analysis, the Center for Public Integrity identified tens of thousands of bills with identical phrases, then traced the origins of that language in dozens of .............
    He's determined to put his thumb on the scale of the Fed. Hey at least he's switched to nominating contributors from cnn 'fake news' also. The man issues policy via couch potato. I watched his address to the RJC and it was like watching a tired insult comic stammer through his material.
    Appointing yes men to the central bank is banana republic stuff. It will come back to bite America at some point almost certainly. Although whatever happens in the next meltdown will be blamed on Dodd Frank and attampts to try and re regulate the system after 2008.

    Right now it's just government by publicity stunt. I'm going to close the border. No I'm not. The GOP is the party of healthcare. Never mind, it will be after the next election. Right now he's just focused on teying to get reelected in 2020. Everything he does between then and now will be with that aim in mind.

    I don't bother watching any speeches from anybody. You can read the relevant bits in a fraction of the time and take in far more information in the time you save.

  4. #2989
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Yeh it's definitely the long stall on report. No reason they cannot release to Congress, intel committee, prior to public, with redacted Grand jury specifics sources etc. The longer it goes it smells. What happened to 100 percent exonerated..get it out then. I think they're under threat of a felony if members put it out there. I'm trying to find 'other' news on the Administration front. Saw that the House voted to end U.S involvement in Yemen, Trump expected to veto it. He nominated another Fox news host to be the spokesman-woman for the State department. So the close boarder bluster has been walked back..shocker. The GOP must feel like it's herding cats trying to walk back some of Trumps shoot first aim later stuff. There was a significant prison reform victory but I don't know the specs of it. Doing my taxes finally so we'll see how this recent tax bill hits home.The number of people seeking U.S. unemployment benefits fell to its lowest level since late 1969. On a side note the Dems are cannibalizing themselves over Biden. It's definitely a hit job and frankly an insult to actual sexual abuse victims. An 80 year old geezer smelled your hair. Ffs. Other than Fox news which wastes so much time living in previous there a notable respected source one can find day to day policy efforts. And not some whackadoodle tin foil hat web site pitching conspiracies.
    He's nominated two idiots to become Fed Governors too. The one good thing about Trump up to now was that he appointed actual good people to Fed posts after getting good advice. Now he's doing what he wants and if he fucks the Fed up with enough morons it could spell disaster if there's another meltdown on his watch. The Fed doing the wrong thing would give us a decades long Depression with a capital D.

    In lobbyist news:

    MCLEAN, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 4, 2019--A two-year investigation by USA TODAY, The Arizona Republic, and the Center for Public Integrity that engaged more than 30 reporters across the USA TODAY NETWORK, part of Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI), identified at least 10,000 copycat bills in every state using a unique data analysis engine built on dozens of cloud computers to detect similarities in language, revealing for the first time the extent to which special interests have infiltrated U.S. statehouses through “model” legislation.

    To investigate how bills dreamed up and written by corporations, industry groups and think tanks get copied from one statehouse to the next, USA TODAY and The Arizona Republic compared millions of words of legislation provided by LegisScan in a data collection and analysis process powered by the equivalent of 150 computers that ran non-stop for months. The project includes a live reporting tool that flags newly introduced model bills, allowing reporters in USA TODAY NETWORK newsrooms across the country to dig into every known model bill in their state and to track new copycat efforts. The investigation found 10,000 bills were almost entirely copied from models introduced nationwide in the past eight years and more than 2,100 were signed into law.
    In a separate analysis, the Center for Public Integrity identified tens of thousands of bills with identical phrases, then traced the origins of that language in dozens of .............
    He's determined to put his thumb on the scale of the Fed. Hey at least he's switched to nominating contributors from cnn 'fake news' also. The man issues policy via couch potato. I watched his address to the RJC and it was like watching a tired insult comic stammer through his material.
    The hate is strong in this one.
    Nah as a voter who looks at both sides of most issues just get tired of the erratic simple minded petty bull crap sometimes. He can go an hour and literally put forth no ideals of proposals.
    I would judge you correct on your statement had you ever even said a couple things positive about trump. I disliked Obama but I think he did a few good things. The ACA has some good law in it but fell far short of what he promised. I like how he at least attempted dialogue with Iran but his nuke deal thing was just unenforceable and also fell short. But still he gave it a shot. When obama left office he told Trump North or as I call it Best Korea was the biggest threat facing the world and we were on a war footing. I’m not saying it was imminent but it was serious. I’m not saying Trump solved all this but having dialogue at Least gives us a shot and not having to take a shot. I don’t think Trump is the second coming I don’t agree with everything he says or does but what I see him doing is trying to tackle problems other administrations have been kicking down the road for years. So yeah, I don’t see much open mindedness when it comes to trump, just a few Americans and brits taking everything Kirk said as gospel. He doesn’t even debate. You bring something up and he will respond three days later with 39 links to every far left rag he can find. Always showing how wonderful everything was under Obama and how bad it sucks now. I think trump came in with a business attitude thinking he could just get some of these issues people have been talking about for years done but then he found our system is made to not get things done. Shit the Dems won’t work with him on policy and law they had to pivot from Russia to taxes on a dime but haven’t completely let the Russian thing go yet anyway. The same Dems he fought the Starr report being released now are demanding mueller report be released. Now Putin is pissed that trump is trying to beef up NATO. Why would Trump do that considering he is an ex kGB agent. So hate Trump, it’s fine, it’s freedom, but don’t pretend to be non partial. Even @Baal can see through this BS and the poor guy barely speaks English.
    The ACA fell short because it was easy for the healthcare lobby to buy off a couple of the sixty Democratic votes and prevent the best parts of the ACA (a public option national insurance pool which would have eventually allowed anybody to buy into Medicare at a super low rate due to national/government buying power versus the then individual customer setup) from becoming law. But it has provided healthcare for tens of millions of previously uninsured people and subsequent events now show us the GOP have no comparable policy other than scrapping the whole thing.

    The Iran nuke deal was not unenforcable. The UN and every other signatory to the deal, UK, Russia, Germany and so on all say that. In fact it's still being enforced!

    We were not on a war footing with North Korea. I think we'd remember if we had been.

  5. #2990
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    That is similar to UK politics when Labour lost with Milliband to Cameron so went even more left with Corbyn. Jeremy has survived and actually flourished now nearly winning the general election. So it may not be a bad thing if you go socialist.
    What is good for a singular politician doesn't necessarily bode well for the people. But hell 48% of your population don't even believe in Britain's right to self determination as a sovereign nation so hey best wishes for your future.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Lyle touched on what for me is the frustrating thing about U.S. politics today. Trump (IMO) is far from perfect. Not being a politician, he does not know how politics work, and unfortunately that is an evil necessity for a POTUS. He has approached the presidency as walrus said, as a businessman which is his background. But that's not all it takes to be a good President. For my liking, Trump's temperament is ill-suited to be President. He's shown to be petty, vindictive, and in engaging in his many mini-wars, he many times fails to see the forest for the trees. Me... I don't care what anyone else says. I feel a President should command respect both domestically and abroad because of how he comports himself. Respect is much different than fear and loathing.

    I'll say what I've said countless times. The main good thing Trump has done is shake up the political tree and expose politics for what they are. Politicians can no longer be snake oil salesmen making empty promises and expecting no consequences. They should now know that America will elect a Donald Trump or someone who is an even worse person, if that's what it takes to get things done and the will of the people observed. In other words, America is fully capable of making itself heard in the polls, like they did in 2016. As I've also said before... thank god Hillary didn't win. And I'm glad she gets to mull over the fact that she lost to Donald Trump. That's gotta give her an ulcer. I've always disliked and not trusted that lady. Body language and facial expressions say it all with her.

    But we need a leader, and IMHO, Trump is no leader. Leaders have to possess truckloads of equanimity, and that is something Trump doesn't have a single ounce of in his entire being. Vindictiveness and pettiness are not good looks for a President of the United States of America. Trump isn't the first nor will he be the last President to be attacked by the press or by public opinion. But we have to retain our high standards. We can't just hire a guy for the job ONLY because we think he can get it done. I've known Plant Managers (in my field) who are supremely capable of the X's and O's when it comes to running a facility..... but lack the intangible leadership qualities to be good. Same goes for CEO's of major corporations.

    BUT............. and this is what I was getting to.......

    The Democrats have dropped the ball BIG TIME in these 2+ years. Instead of finding a grooming a capable leader to represent their party and their values in the next election, they're busy trying to burn Trump at the stake at every turn. They're crying in their soup and frankly...... it's embarrassing. They're obsessed with finding a candidate who.......... NOT to confidently lead the party and proudly represent his values in the next campaign. But rather who can beat Trump at name-calling and insult-hurling. It's pathetic. Watching the Democrats in the past couple of years has been cringe-worthy. Maybe I'm asking for too much, or maybe I just remember too much some of the past Presidents who have led with honor, and have led by example. Because that's another thing we should worry about, especially those still raising children. Do you want your children to emulate some guy in the White House who thumbs his nose at people and acts like a petulant child? Or do you want them to emulate someone who knows how to speak, how to carry himself, how to behave in a Presidential manner.

    Because contrary to popular opinion........ you can STILL speak softly and carry a big stick.

    If this is where we're headed, I cringe thinking about what type of person will be President 20 years from now.
    I understand your stance and all things being equal ABSOLUTELY Trump would carry himself properly and the media would treat him as someone with some dignity. However, that is not the world we live in. We live in a world where 6 big corporations run our entire mainstream media (FoxNews soon to be part of ABC/Disney). We live in a world where they carried Obama's water for 8 years and they did it in such a manner that even Obama himself thinks he never had a scandal during his presidency bar that time he wore a tan suit. We live in a world where the deep state and media work hand in glove with each other and that is why Trump hits the media so hard (and rightfully so). We live in a world where John McCain ran on repealing and replacing Obamacare only to vote NO because of his personal animus for Trump. Not only that McCain pushed the Russia Dossier and leaked it to the press who ate it up as they are want to do.

    Trump is a dick because right now we stand on the edge of either starting to repair our nation or breaking it down and starting again. Cracks are forming in the foundation of rule of law in this nation! This is why I'm against illegal immigration, it's why I'm against mob mentality iconoclasm, it's why I'm for securing the border...RULES, BOUNDARIES, LIMITATIONS! Yes we're free, yes we have liberty, yes we have rights, but there are rules we've agreed on as a culture (it's why I'm for Western culture too) my rights do not supersede yours anymore than yours supersede mine. The United States is a sovereign nation, our past is not perfect, but these ideas from the left are suicidal...which is perhaps why so many people on the left seem mentally ill.

    Donald Trump is a dick, agreed....but right now we need that because without Trump these AntiFa goons win and what do they want? "No borders, No wall, No USA at all"

    There is a stark contrast in sides right now and I wouldn't mind if 100% of that group was removed from this nation altogether.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    [QUOTE=El Kabong;1516645]
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Cracks are forming in the foundation of rule of law in this nation! This is why I'm against illegal immigration, it's why I'm against mob mentality iconoclasm, it's why I'm for securing the border...RULES, BOUNDARIES, LIMITATIONS!
    Trump Demands Homeland Security Secretary Who Will Break the Law

    In recent months, Trump has not bothered to conceal his impatience for legal niceties. He has publicly mocked the idea that courts should oversee asylum hearings (“Get rid of judges”), and claimed unilateral authority to spend federal money on border fencing despite being denied authorization by Congress. Reporting on Nielsen’s departure shows that her central disqualification was an unwillingness to violate the law.
    CNN reports that Trump “becoming increasingly unhinged” in his demands to Nielsen, and kept making demands incompatible with “legal, humanitarian and international realities.” The New York Times adds that Trump’s demands included “things that were clearly illegal, such as blocking all migrants from seeking asylum,” but that any such explanation by the Homeland Security Secretary “only infuriated Mr. Trump further.”
    NBC reports that Trump has demanded that Nielsen reinstate the family-separation policy, but she has resisted on the grounds that it would violate the executive order Trump signed last June.

    And you're happy to see a group of people, no matter how small and completely unrepresentative of the rest of the country, be "removed from the nation". Exactly how would you remove them and how would that removal comport with the RULE OF LAW?

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Aug '18 "We have the best economy the country's ever had and it's getting better."

    Oct '18 "We have the greatest economy ever."

    Feb '19 "An economic miracle is taking place.."

    Last Friday, 2.30 pm "Our country is doing unbelievably well..."

    Last Friday, 2.36pm (The Fed) "should be quantitative easing"

  8. #2993
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    OK I'll do this just once Kirkland...

    From the BBC
    The baseless core of the QAnon story is that the Mueller investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia is actually an investigation into global elites, and that the president is masterminding a secret plan to arrest top politicians and Hollywood stars for corruption and child abuse.
    That's stated by the authors of the article, never been in a Q post ever. If it were a properly written journalistic article you'd think, you'd HOPE they'd cite the actual source of the information. As for the rest of that article, yes posts taken out of context are quite crazy indeed.

    All that said why doesn't some intrepid reporter simply ask Donald Trump about Q? Wouldn't that put an end to the speculation?

    From Buzzfeed
    Q claims Trump is not under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller, but that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are. And Trump is actually working with Mueller.
    Again where is the Q post? If that is what Q said then provide the source material. Do they not teach that in journalism school? I don't expect Buzzfeed to ask questions of a serious President, they'd get access with Obama, not with Trump.

    As for your other links NOT A SINGLE ONE have cited an actual Q post....might want to ask yourself why that is Kirkland. They're super concerned and it's a horrible conspiracy, and it's all a LARP but they ask no questions of Trump, they cite 0 actual posts, they just spout shit like they do with everything else.

    I was going to be kind and let you decide a date to end the bet, but now I believe I'll go with a timetable of when Trump is out of the White House.

    Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while. Krugman also said Trump would be an IMMEDIATE disaster to the economy and the market would never recover....still waiting on that one.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Lyle touched on what for me is the frustrating thing about U.S. politics today. Trump (IMO) is far from perfect. Not being a politician, he does not know how politics work, and unfortunately that is an evil necessity for a POTUS. He has approached the presidency as walrus said, as a businessman which is his background. But that's not all it takes to be a good President. For my liking, Trump's temperament is ill-suited to be President. He's shown to be petty, vindictive, and in engaging in his many mini-wars, he many times fails to see the forest for the trees. Me... I don't care what anyone else says. I feel a President should command respect both domestically and abroad because of how he comports himself. Respect is much different than fear and loathing.

    I'll say what I've said countless times. The main good thing Trump has done is shake up the political tree and expose politics for what they are. Politicians can no longer be snake oil salesmen making empty promises and expecting no consequences. They should now know that America will elect a Donald Trump or someone who is an even worse person, if that's what it takes to get things done and the will of the people observed. In other words, America is fully capable of making itself heard in the polls, like they did in 2016. As I've also said before... thank god Hillary didn't win. And I'm glad she gets to mull over the fact that she lost to Donald Trump. That's gotta give her an ulcer. I've always disliked and not trusted that lady. Body language and facial expressions say it all with her.

    But we need a leader, and IMHO, Trump is no leader. Leaders have to possess truckloads of equanimity, and that is something Trump doesn't have a single ounce of in his entire being. Vindictiveness and pettiness are not good looks for a President of the United States of America. Trump isn't the first nor will he be the last President to be attacked by the press or by public opinion. But we have to retain our high standards. We can't just hire a guy for the job ONLY because we think he can get it done. I've known Plant Managers (in my field) who are supremely capable of the X's and O's when it comes to running a facility..... but lack the intangible leadership qualities to be good. Same goes for CEO's of major corporations.

    BUT............. and this is what I was getting to.......

    The Democrats have dropped the ball BIG TIME in these 2+ years. Instead of finding a grooming a capable leader to represent their party and their values in the next election, they're busy trying to burn Trump at the stake at every turn. They're crying in their soup and frankly...... it's embarrassing. They're obsessed with finding a candidate who.......... NOT to confidently lead the party and proudly represent his values in the next campaign. But rather who can beat Trump at name-calling and insult-hurling. It's pathetic. Watching the Democrats in the past couple of years has been cringe-worthy. Maybe I'm asking for too much, or maybe I just remember too much some of the past Presidents who have led with honor, and have led by example. Because that's another thing we should worry about, especially those still raising children. Do you want your children to emulate some guy in the White House who thumbs his nose at people and acts like a petulant child? Or do you want them to emulate someone who knows how to speak, how to carry himself, how to behave in a Presidential manner.

    Because contrary to popular opinion........ you can STILL speak softly and carry a big stick.

    If this is where we're headed, I cringe thinking about what type of person will be President 20 years from now.
    I understand your stance and all things being equal ABSOLUTELY Trump would carry himself properly and the media would treat him as someone with some dignity. However, that is not the world we live in. We live in a world where 6 big corporations run our entire mainstream media (FoxNews soon to be part of ABC/Disney). We live in a world where they carried Obama's water for 8 years and they did it in such a manner that even Obama himself thinks he never had a scandal during his presidency bar that time he wore a tan suit. We live in a world where the deep state and media work hand in glove with each other and that is why Trump hits the media so hard (and rightfully so). We live in a world where John McCain ran on repealing and replacing Obamacare only to vote NO because of his personal animus for Trump. Not only that McCain pushed the Russia Dossier and leaked it to the press who ate it up as they are want to do.

    Trump is a dick because right now we stand on the edge of either starting to repair our nation or breaking it down and starting again. Cracks are forming in the foundation of rule of law in this nation! This is why I'm against illegal immigration, it's why I'm against mob mentality iconoclasm, it's why I'm for securing the border...RULES, BOUNDARIES, LIMITATIONS! Yes we're free, yes we have liberty, yes we have rights, but there are rules we've agreed on as a culture (it's why I'm for Western culture too) my rights do not supersede yours anymore than yours supersede mine. The United States is a sovereign nation, our past is not perfect, but these ideas from the left are suicidal...which is perhaps why so many people on the left seem mentally ill.

    Donald Trump is a dick, agreed....but right now we need that because without Trump these AntiFa goons win and what do they want? "No borders, No wall, No USA at all"

    There is a stark contrast in sides right now and I wouldn't mind if 100% of that group was removed from this nation altogether.

    Do we really want a dick in the White House, though? Maybe I'm naive, but I think we're perfectly entitled to have a good man up there who still has the balls, common sense, and decency to do what has to be done and do it right. My father was strict as all hell. But he was a good, loving father who was never short on advice. And yet when there need for discipline, there was no shortage on that either.

    Antifa is a useless group of thugs, and are just as bad as the White Supremacists they supposedly oppose.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist of a President to come down hard on both those groups. Not only should Antifa be 100% removed from the nation, as you put it...... but why do that and leave the hate-mongering skinheads and Neo-Nazis around? Ban both of them. Enough tip-toeing around these idiots. Throw the book at 'em.

  10. #2995
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Cracks are forming in the foundation of rule of law in this nation! This is why I'm against illegal immigration, it's why I'm against mob mentality iconoclasm, it's why I'm for securing the border...RULES, BOUNDARIES, LIMITATIONS!
    Trump Demands Homeland Security Secretary Who Will Break the Law

    In recent months, Trump has not bothered to conceal his impatience for legal niceties. He has publicly mocked the idea that courts should oversee asylum hearings (“Get rid of judges”), and claimed unilateral authority to spend federal money on border fencing despite being denied authorization by Congress. Reporting on Nielsen’s departure shows that her central disqualification was an unwillingness to violate the law.
    CNN reports that Trump “becoming increasingly unhinged” in his demands to Nielsen, and kept making demands incompatible with “legal, humanitarian and international realities.” The New York Times adds that Trump’s demands included “things that were clearly illegal, such as blocking all migrants from seeking asylum,” but that any such explanation by the Homeland Security Secretary “only infuriated Mr. Trump further.”
    NBC reports that Trump has demanded that Nielsen reinstate the family-separation policy, but she has resisted on the grounds that it would violate the executive order Trump signed last June.

    And you're happy to see a group of people, no matter how small and completely unrepresentative of the rest of the country, be "removed from the nation". Exactly how would you remove them and how would that removal comport with the RULE OF LAW?
    Asylum is supposed to occur to the nearest nation away from your home country (majority of the time not America) and also Asylum from what?

    Oh CNN said "her unwillingness to violate the law" by keeping illegals out of America? It was her fucking job and she didn't do it to a high enough standard. CNN also thought the Malaysian airliner that crashed got sucked into a black hole so there you have it, BRILLIANT reporting and a Kirkland Laing verified news source.

    I'm happy to see treasonous ne're do wells be hanged or exiled as is what the LAW calls for. They're more than welcome to trial by jury or military tribunal...would you care to champion their cause Kirkland?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Aug '18 "We have the best economy the country's ever had and it's getting better."

    Oct '18 "We have the greatest economy ever."

    Feb '19 "An economic miracle is taking place.."

    Last Friday, 2.30 pm "Our country is doing unbelievably well..."

    Last Friday, 2.36pm (The Fed) "should be quantitative easing"
    Oh THE FED? The epicenter of printing money to solve all our problems?

  11. #2996
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Do we really want a dick in the White House, though? Maybe I'm naive, but I think we're perfectly entitled to have a good man up there who still has the balls, common sense, and decency to do what has to be done and do it right. My father was strict as all hell. But he was a good, loving father who was never short on advice. And yet when there need for discipline, there was no shortage on that either.

    Antifa is a useless group of thugs, and are just as bad as the White Supremacists they supposedly oppose.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist of a President to come down hard on both those groups. Not only should Antifa be 100% removed from the nation, as you put it...... but why do that and leave the hate-mongering skinheads and Neo-Nazis around? Ban both of them. Enough tip-toeing around these idiots. Throw the book at 'em.
    Well to my knowledge only Antifa is calling for the end of the nation. I'd be more than happy to see the end of Neo-Nazis/White Supremacists as well should they wish to harm the stability of this country. I don't get the idea of having a 100% white anything...then what it breaks down to English, Irish, German, Swede, Russian, etc? There will always be us vs them in every group hell even with blacks there's light skin vs dark skin, all I care about at the end of the day is content of character.

    I have a feeling that both groups have been COINTELPRO'd which is probably why tensions are so high. I think FBI/CIA spooks get into those groups and cause riots. I do not believe that your average American citizen wants to fight their neighbor or someone who just believes differently than them politically.

  12. #2997
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    If anyone wants to try and find where Q says that Mueller is working to help Trump be my guest.

    Here's all the QAnon posts

    Here's all referencing Mueller

    And oooh looky here.... post 2512

    "Mueller will face charges re: U1
    He's working to save himself.

    Well all I'll say is what I've always said ....I GUESS WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS

  13. #2998
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

  14. #2999
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Do we really want a dick in the White House, though? Maybe I'm naive, but I think we're perfectly entitled to have a good man up there who still has the balls, common sense, and decency to do what has to be done and do it right. My father was strict as all hell. But he was a good, loving father who was never short on advice. And yet when there need for discipline, there was no shortage on that either.

    Antifa is a useless group of thugs, and are just as bad as the White Supremacists they supposedly oppose.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist of a President to come down hard on both those groups. Not only should Antifa be 100% removed from the nation, as you put it...... but why do that and leave the hate-mongering skinheads and Neo-Nazis around? Ban both of them. Enough tip-toeing around these idiots. Throw the book at 'em.
    Well to my knowledge only Antifa is calling for the end of the nation. I'd be more than happy to see the end of Neo-Nazis/White Supremacists as well should they wish to harm the stability of this country. I don't get the idea of having a 100% white anything...then what it breaks down to English, Irish, German, Swede, Russian, etc? There will always be us vs them in every group hell even with blacks there's light skin vs dark skin, all I care about at the end of the day is content of character.

    I have a feeling that both groups have been COINTELPRO'd which is probably why tensions are so high. I think FBI/CIA spooks get into those groups and cause riots. I do not believe that your average American citizen wants to fight their neighbor or someone who just believes differently than them politically.

    Any group..... any..... group..... that exists for the mere purpose of promoting one race, color, religion, ethnic group, etc. over another, whether by violence of what have you...... is totally useless and has no reason to exist in my book. Maybe that's where I'll always think differently from other people. What types of groups are there in society? Churches... they gather because of common beliefs. Social groups with common interests. Music, sports, cars, enthusiasts of different kinds.... pet owners, people with same age kids, you name it. Each with a defined purpose which does not set out to claim superiority over anyone else, nor to seek the marginalizing or elimination of anyone else. Hell... there's even the Flat Earthers, who seek each others' company to share their beliefs.

    So now to the Antifas and White Supremacists of the world. What is their purpose in life? Forget about the freedom of speech and expression. These groups have a sinister charter, and it involves nothing good. It's all based on racist beliefs, and violence is part of their mantra. So I'm sorry if I dump the White Supremacists in the same fiery dumpster as the Antifas, but they're both equally deplorable to me. Useless in society and based on pure ignorance.

  15. #3000
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    [QUOTE=Kirkland Laing;1516646]
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Cracks are forming in the foundation of rule of law in this nation! This is why I'm against illegal immigration, it's why I'm against mob mentality iconoclasm, it's why I'm for securing the border...RULES, BOUNDARIES, LIMITATIONS!
    Trump Demands Homeland Security Secretary Who Will Break the Law

    In recent months, Trump has not bothered to conceal his impatience for legal niceties. He has publicly mocked the idea that courts should oversee asylum hearings (“Get rid of judges”), and claimed unilateral authority to spend federal money on border fencing despite being denied authorization by Congress. Reporting on Nielsen’s departure shows that her central disqualification was an unwillingness to violate the law.
    CNN reports that Trump “becoming increasingly unhinged” in his demands to Nielsen, and kept making demands incompatible with “legal, humanitarian and international realities.” The New York Times adds that Trump’s demands included “things that were clearly illegal, such as blocking all migrants from seeking asylum,” but that any such explanation by the Homeland Security Secretary “only infuriated Mr. Trump further.”
    NBC reports that Trump has demanded that Nielsen reinstate the family-separation policy, but she has resisted on the grounds that it would violate the executive order Trump signed last June.

    And you're happy to see a group of people, no matter how small and completely unrepresentative of the rest of the country, be "removed from the nation". Exactly how would you remove them and how would that removal comport with the RULE OF LAW?
    ha ha Kirk still going with “cnn reports trump deranged? What source? Would it be an anonymous source of a high placed official. The ones who said mountains of evidence to prove trump is a Russian agent? Trump and his family will be taken out of the White House in cuffs? Ha ha I don’t follow this Q stuff Kirk but you buy every piece of propaganda spit out from the left. You are a parody, a late night talk show host giving the millennials the news but without the funny shit. If trump tries to spend money congress allotted to other things it will be dealt with. Nixon tried to not spend money congress allotted as he thought they were overspending but found he couldn’t. Andrew Jackson was given a few orders by the Supreme Court and he said, good, they ruled that way, let them come with an army and enforce it. Of course the courts should be criticized. When a law is wrong it is not our right, but our duty to fight it but you probably aren’t familiar with Jefferson and Madison. Let’s see what the court says about the border being an emergency. Constitutionally I think it might be an overreach of executive power but I think the war powers act is an overreach. It has lead us into some messes. When you have a grasp on the constitution come back and talk. I bet you couldn’t name more than four signers of the Declaration of Independence and you don’t know who James Otis is. Basically you don’t know anything other than the left wing rags you link. You didn’t know what the Fed meant until I told you but you claim to be some financial wizard. You can’t factor GDP growth with inflation, and anyone who claims to understand the intricacies of finance and isn’t a billionaire is full of shit. Basically Kirk you are “Q” only you are a left “Q”. You can mimick congress power of the purse of only because you just read it. Read a few books on the Supreme Court and how they have reversed themselves over history. Read why ceratain cases of birthright citizenship could be brought before the Supreme Court for good reason. Did you know Washington wasn’t our first President. Did you know our first form of government after the revolution wasn’t a democracy. Did you know it was changed because the executive branch didn’t have enough power. Did you know Washington lead his largest army here in the US not long after the American revolution? Did you know it was marched against our own citizens? What do you know besides mother jones and CNN, anything? Damn you are narrow minded and rather gullible. By the way, just so you know we were a confederacy before our current democracy. Who said the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants from time time. Tell me without googling CNN as they might attribute it to an unnamed high place source. Get the hell out of here with your BS.

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