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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #3196
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    From 'Secular Talk' Kyle Kulinski (a far left Bernie Bro)...

    AND there's a bonus Hillary clip

    and that doesn't even touch on Biden's issues with: plagiarism, being too handsy, his OVERT racism...but Establishment Dems will flock to him because their having a major crisis at present which will only get worse.

    I'm sure once Kirk gets back from his vacation (or what have you) he'll explain with charts and graphs how we're so wrong and that everything is going swimmingly for the Democrats and how doomed doomed DOOOOOOOOMED Donald Trump is.

    Horowitz report will kick off a lot of things
    Last edited by El Kabong; 04-26-2019 at 03:09 PM.

  2. #3197
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    ......Soooo you're saying we're Making America Great Again?

    Hard flex on Buttigeig

    Democrats haven't taken kindly to Joe entering the race

    Last edited by El Kabong; 04-26-2019 at 03:18 PM.

  3. #3198
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Trump already called Biden stupid in a Tweet sooooooooooo....... yeah, it's gonna be interesting from here on out. Nothing like firing the first salvo to get the proceedings going. I personally don't have a dog in the race. The majority of Dem candidates are barely more than flotsam that Trump would have for lunch in any debate or discussion of any kind. Some people are calling for youth, but the kind of youth being paraded by the Dem Party is not going to get it done. The 64 million dollar question being thrown around these days is: Do the Dems want someone with the extreme left viewpoints on healthcare, immigration, and the like? Or do they want someone who has the best chance of defeating Trump? Either way, it promises to be better than some boxing matches these days.

  4. #3199
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I still think a Biden would hold up well in Debates with Trump. Trump
    Will be prepared but Biden has never lived outside of politics. It a long way off and who knows who trump will face but I’ll like to see a trump Biden debate

  5. #3200
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Did myself a favor and kept the news, more so rampant social media political torch wars, off for a few days post official report. What a shit show. I have no flavor for the impeachment push and oddly think it's a course Trump will want. Any opponent should run on Trumps record, conduct and execution. He'll sabotage himself and do half the work for you. I'd honestly look into a conservative Republican..Trumps not..or a moderate Democrat who isn't talking utter nonsense like free everything for everyone and letting inmates vote ffs. And good luck using ethics and intelligence etc barbs on Biden when coming from the current President. Whole stones in a glass house thing. I'm done with the collective Congress, Rs and Ds being treated like an inconvenience rather than a co equal branch of Government with checks and balances.

  6. #3201
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Jesus wept....

    I guess I'll wait for the report on Comey and the Horowitz report comes out. Perhaps your ears will perk up when indictments come out. Indictments of FBI folks and Democrats.

    Guess I'll fucking wait. You guys let me know when you finally realize I was right all along. Later

  7. #3202
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Joe Biden's first mistake was calling Anita Hill to "apologize" for what happened 28 years ago. WTF did he have to do that for? Surely he's gonna get all the grilling about that from his detractors, who will only too happily join in the feeding frenzy and use that to try and take him down. Hopefully he'll deflect that shit deftly and move past that into the thick of the race. Hill was probably flat out surprised by Biden's call in the first place. Why drudge up shit from the past, when Biden wasn't even the one being accused of sexually harassing Anita Hill? I think he set himself up for that one, and hopefully he'll chalk it up as a learning experience and move on.

  8. #3203
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    GDP in the first quarter... tops 3%...and here we see America being made Great Again.

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    I still think a Biden would hold up well in Debates with Trump. Trump
    Will be prepared but Biden has never lived outside of politics. It a long way off and who knows who trump will face but I’ll like to see a trump Biden debate
    Joe Biden is Jeff Dunham's puppet 'Walter' made into a real live curmudgeon...though Walter is probably smarter even without Dunham's hand inside him.

    I don't know why anyone would think Trump won't debate well ESPECIALLY vs Biden. I mean with everything coming out about how fucking crooked Obama's White House was (and believe you me there's a shit ton more coming) do you think Trump will just play nice all of a sudden? No he'd drag Biden for 100% of that and just as with Hillary tell him he should be in jail. What will Biden do? Shut up or just be stupid like he always is?

    Think Trump will leave Biden's son and HIS ties with Ukraine alone during a debate? I certainly don't. I do not believe there's a Democrat straight shooter in the lot running and I don't think the current crop of bullshit artists are going to win over Trump in a debate. They can't outshine Trump, he knows the media he's used them against themselves so often they have no idea how to attack him. The way he's working is a masterclass it's a slick boxer tormenting an opponent who can't catch him, it's a whirling dervish of a fighter landing from all angles, it's Foreman vs Frazier, it's Ali vs Liston II, it's Leonard vs Duran II, it's Willie Pep in his prime, it's Tyson in his prime, Trump right now owns the left and the left haven't helped themselves by doubling, tripling, quadrupling down on identity politics when Trump can now show a CLEAR RECORD of helping communities of color achieve the American Dream...his work cannot be denied in those areas and he's taken all the slings and arrows the media and other politicians can muster and honestly it makes them look small, weak, and scared....and there's a few who should be VERY scared not for losing a seat or a primary or an election, but losing their freedom, their lives may very well HANG in the balance going forward.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Did myself a favor and kept the news, more so rampant social media political torch wars, off for a few days post official report. What a shit show. I have no flavor for the impeachment push and oddly think it's a course Trump will want. Any opponent should run on Trumps record, conduct and execution. He'll sabotage himself and do half the work for you. I'd honestly look into a conservative Republican..Trumps not..or a moderate Democrat who isn't talking utter nonsense like free everything for everyone and letting inmates vote ffs. And good luck using ethics and intelligence etc barbs on Biden when coming from the current President. Whole stones in a glass house thing. I'm done with the collective Congress, Rs and Ds being treated like an inconvenience rather than a co equal branch of Government with checks and balances.
    What on Trump's record is bad? I mean he hasn't delivered on the wall or been able to get his version of healthcare passed, but there's PLENTY of campaign promises he has delivered on and even some things he made up as he has gone along and he's delivered on those as well like 'Right to Try'. For example:

    Progress Report: President Trump's Campaign Promises, 2 Years Later

    That's NPR (yup the FAR RIGHT NPR) reporting that out of 11 campaign promises they listed 5 have been accomplished, 3 are "in progress", and 3 are listed as "no action" and of those 3 "no action" promises they are vague or NPR misunderstands. For example "drain the swamp" that is going to depend on individual interpretations as to what someone thinks Trump means. Also there's the promises left out like 'Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem' where's the big 'ACCOMPLISHED' sign next to that? Oh it's not even listed

    Is Trump perfect? NO. Is Trump useless? Absolutely not! Trump is the dick we need right now and I can guarantee you that unless there's a successful assassination attempt (which I wouldn't put it past a few folks) that Trump will get 4 more years and those will be even better and he'll perhaps have a big enough head of steam that someone will even be able to ride his coattails to a 2024 win.

    As one of the few outspoken Libertarian/Conservatives/America First types around I notice that whenever there's a Republican in charge even an establishment type like W or one running like McCain or Romney there's this giant "Nazi" problem all of a sudden, there's a huge "racism" problem all of a sudden, and groups are picked apart to fight each other, it's simple divide and conquer tactics and it's not only politicians doing it the media and those who own the media do it quite a bit.

    Trump catches hell for what he's said about McCain since he the Democrats and media ever catch hell for how THEY treated him while he was alive? He went from War hero to Nazi to War hero to Nazi to crazy bitter old man to War hero and finally to "OMG he doesn't like Trump he's the greatest!" they've pulled the EXACT same shit with Mitt Romney! Has anyone else noticed that or just me?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Joe Biden's first mistake was calling Anita Hill to "apologize" for what happened 28 years ago. WTF did he have to do that for? Surely he's gonna get all the grilling about that from his detractors, who will only too happily join in the feeding frenzy and use that to try and take him down. Hopefully he'll deflect that shit deftly and move past that into the thick of the race. Hill was probably flat out surprised by Biden's call in the first place. Why drudge up shit from the past, when Biden wasn't even the one being accused of sexually harassing Anita Hill? I think he set himself up for that one, and hopefully he'll chalk it up as a learning experience and move on.
    Anita Hill responded critically to Biden attempting to use her to advance his presidential aspirations....Heather Heyer's mother responded in much the same manner. I guess Old Joe is 2 for 2 in insulting people he's attempting to use to be relevant in his early campaign.

    Biden has a lot more to apologize for than just Anita Hill.

    For example...

    So there's Joe Biden, a DEMOCRAT, in Delaware a state HE personally touted as a "slave state" and this is post the '68 Civil Rights Act which was SUPPOSED to be when "Muh parties switched, muh Southern Strategy" and yet there he was vehemently opposing INTEGRATION. I guess he didn't get that memo to switch parties OR perhaps, just perhaps the Dems have ALWAYS been the racists but they like to paint different pictures of their past.

    Anyway that doesn't even bring up how involved he was int he campaign spying which he most certainly knew of. Not sure if he participated in it, but I'd be very interested to find out about it and I think Trump could get him to gaffe on it in a debate he's full of gaffes.

  9. #3204
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    See that's the thing. I don't agree that Biden has to "apologize for than just Anita Hill". I don't think he should be apologizing at all. Whoever is giving him this strategy is waaaay off base. Let sleeping dogs lie. Yes, he IS 0 for 2 so far. He had no business calling the Charlottsville mother either. Wtf for? I'd be looking forward. Whatever issues he's got with Trump, which many of us share, is what he should be concentrating on. Dragging skeletons out of closets hardly serves American interests. It's tiresome, time-consuming, and distracting from the real issues.

    Biden has started off on the wrong foot. I don't think, however, that he's stupid. I also don't think he'd be intimidated or railroaded by Trump's bully tactics in a debate. Maybe some of the younger, more impressionable candidates would... but not Biden. Funny... age is seen as a detriment to candidates like Sanders. But on the other hand, age and life experience might be what's needed to hit the bully back, right in the mouth.

  10. #3205
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Oh he didn't call the mother, he just used her daughter's death to launch his presidential yeah HORRIBLE taste, but that's Joe Biden for you.

    Biden IS that dumb, he IS that oafish, only the media covers for him just like they cover for anyone else opposing Trump. Now in the Democrat Primary that might not be the case as they're looking to develop a candidate that can beat Trump so it's going to be very cutthroat but survive that and it'll be smooth sailing as they (the media) certainly want Trump gone.

    Joe Biden is an "elderly" candidate, but he's always been a dope thorough his entire political career. Trump is painted by the media in a manner which is how Joe Biden naturally acts putting them on the same stage would show the audience exactly that.

  11. #3206
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Sean Davis (co-founder of the Federalist) tweeted: "In a letter to AG William Barr, Sen. Grassley seems to suggest that Obama's FBI spied on the Trump transition using the spouse of Pence's chief of staff to insert FBI moles into the Trump transition team and disguising sting ops on Trump's team as formal FBI briefings for them."

    .....Soooo yeah there's that then. Anyone moved by that at all or is this all just "typical FBI behavior, I mean that's absolutely 100% by the book man" ?

  12. #3207
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    This is from an adviser to Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign

    Ok then

  13. #3208
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Oh he didn't call the mother, he just used her daughter's death to launch his presidential yeah HORRIBLE taste, but that's Joe Biden for you.

    Biden IS that dumb, he IS that oafish, only the media covers for him just like they cover for anyone else opposing Trump. Now in the Democrat Primary that might not be the case as they're looking to develop a candidate that can beat Trump so it's going to be very cutthroat but survive that and it'll be smooth sailing as they (the media) certainly want Trump gone.

    Joe Biden is an "elderly" candidate, but he's always been a dope thorough his entire political career. Trump is painted by the media in a manner which is how Joe Biden naturally acts putting them on the same stage would show the audience exactly that.

    Actually, he DID call the mother.

    But that's besides the point. He could've used Charlottesville without resorting to calling the mom. I'm still of the opinion that Trump dropped the ball when he had the perfect opportunity to slam it completely out of the park. We'll never agree on that, I know, but it is what it is. He could've condemned these hate mongers in the harshest language, but when he finally said something halfway worth it, it was a day late and a dollar short.

    Biden's intelligence is something that obviously falls along predictable partisan lines, so what else is new. The point continues being that the Democrats have a decision to make. They can trot someone out there that will shit his pants when Trump insults him (or her) on stage in their first debate..... or they can put someone up there who can dish it out as well as take it.

    With Trump, it's no longer about decently discussing the issues. It's about dick-measuring and who can hurl the best insults. Nice guys ain't gonna cut it. It's gonna have to be an obnoxious A-hole just like Trump. Otherwise, he/she's got no chance.

  14. #3209
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Dick measuring? Insults?

    Trump is out for SCALPS! He accused the Democrats of a failed coup attempt....PEOPLE WILL BE CHARGED. TREASON, SEDITION!

    But dick measuring? Insults? Dude he's going to follow through on another campaign promise "Lock her up! Lock her up!" Listen to his NRA speech, it's coming.

  15. #3210
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Oh he didn't call the mother, he just used her daughter's death to launch his presidential yeah HORRIBLE taste, but that's Joe Biden for you.

    Biden IS that dumb, he IS that oafish, only the media covers for him just like they cover for anyone else opposing Trump. Now in the Democrat Primary that might not be the case as they're looking to develop a candidate that can beat Trump so it's going to be very cutthroat but survive that and it'll be smooth sailing as they (the media) certainly want Trump gone.

    Joe Biden is an "elderly" candidate, but he's always been a dope thorough his entire political career. Trump is painted by the media in a manner which is how Joe Biden naturally acts putting them on the same stage would show the audience exactly that.

    Actually, he DID call the mother.

    But that's besides the point. He could've used Charlottesville without resorting to calling the mom. I'm still of the opinion that Trump dropped the ball when he had the perfect opportunity to slam it completely out of the park. We'll never agree on that, I know, but it is what it is. He could've condemned these hate mongers in the harshest language, but when he finally said something halfway worth it, it was a day late and a dollar short.

    Biden's intelligence is something that obviously falls along predictable partisan lines, so what else is new. The point continues being that the Democrats have a decision to make. They can trot someone out there that will shit his pants when Trump insults him (or her) on stage in their first debate..... or they can put someone up there who can dish it out as well as take it.

    With Trump, it's no longer about decently discussing the issues. It's about dick-measuring and who can hurl the best insults. Nice guys ain't gonna cut it. It's gonna have to be an obnoxious A-hole just like Trump. Otherwise, he/she's got no chance.
    dick measuring. Dude 90 percent of mainstream media reports only negative trump. If you think Fox is all protrump listen to judge neopatano or Donna brazille or numerous other dem talking heads Fox employes. Look st Juan Williams never says one positive thing about trump and he is a regular on Fox. Remember tits, the impeachment and Russia stuff started by by hill and obama started when he was a candidate. Shit, I’m surprised he handled as well as he did.

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