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Thread: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

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    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

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    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

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    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    P4Pking is right. It is 'as much a part of your life as you want it to be'. Plenty of vacuous shallow peeps posting vain selfies and bigging up themselves etc I am sure, but you are not some powerless drone slave forced to sit thru crap unless you choose to. If your friends, family and colleagues post interesting, relevant stuff then keep them on your feed, if they don't you take a break from their posting or simply select disconnect /defriend/block/I don't want to see anymore of Walrus' watch pictures etc. Yes it can suck away a lot of productive time and the sheer proliferation of so many types of social media can give people a distorted view of reality that depresses them or makes them more arrogant, but I hardly think it is frightening.

    The idea that it is somehow taking a moral stand for freedom of speech or displaying an Independence that others do not aspire to by choosing not to subscribe is a bit ludicrous when many of the people being banned from these platforms are standing on a promise to shut down others with a different opinion, ban journalism and have for years been back by violent supporters silencing people who do not agree with them. It's almost as funny as talking about ethical investment whilst for decades having boasted of the wisdom of investing in Gold. All so you can stand in your destroyed rainforest with arsenic and mecury polluted rivers and look at your shiny new God whilst telling everyone how morally corrupt religious people are

    It is worth it if only to see the real Brits remind Tommy of why he was right to be afraid of Sheikhs

    Gold is not exactly a mass surveillance system or a drone. The continued use of oil and coal is far more problematic and with every newborn increasingly so. That is the hypocrisy of environmentalists. Every person should insure themselves with diversity of a financial kind, though it is better to consider where and how. Investing in fossil fuels and arms is very lucrative and far more destructive to humanity than a reversion to traditionalism. Without planning for one's own retirement one has very little and you know that whence purchasing property in a country that exploits it by building little and importing many. You cannot consider rain forests when you live in a country with no trees. Plenty of trees my way.
    There are 3 billion trees in the UK. 47 for every human. You seem to live in an imaginary bubble mate, no need for Social media. Gold mining is horrendous environmentally now that most seams have been exploited.
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    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    You can take a train from Leeds to London and see endless fields and cities. Granted it has more trees than Saudi Arabia, but it is a treeless wilderness compared to some countries. There are trees of course, but one knows what I mean. My wife mocks me for the lack of trees, but it isn't my fault!

    Like I say compared to human overpopulation and general environmental exploitation gold is fairly minimal. Not healthy of course, but humanity is not healthy. I accept the decay and know my own personal limits. Do others? Not so much.

    Plenty of other things are mined from oil, to coal, to tin, to gas, to whatever. Gold is precious because there simply isn't that much of it. Landfills of plastic, methane leaking from the oceans, and populations doubling every few decades.

    What is really impacting the environment out here is coal burning and so much of the economy being based in construction. Gold is hardly a serious issue in the great scheme of things. Most pay it no attention. All those people on airplanes everyday are a bigger problem.

    Environmental welfare is not given serious consideration and I agree it is something to be worked on. Humanity chose its own path really. I am hardly a central bank. My contribution is minimal.

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    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    You can take a train from Leeds to London and see endless fields and cities. Granted it has more trees than Saudi Arabia, but it is a treeless wilderness compared to some countries. There are trees of course, but one knows what I mean. My wife mocks me for the lack of trees, but it isn't my fault!

    Like I say compared to human overpopulation and general environmental exploitation gold is fairly minimal. Not healthy of course, but humanity is not healthy. I accept the decay and know my own personal limits. Do others? Not so much.

    Plenty of other things are mined from oil, to coal, to tin, to gas, to whatever. Gold is precious because there simply isn't that much of it. Landfills of plastic, methane leaking from the oceans, and populations doubling every few decades.

    What is really impacting the environment out here is coal burning and so much of the economy being based in construction. Gold is hardly a serious issue in the great scheme of things. Most pay it no attention. All those people on airplanes everyday are a bigger problem.

    Environmental welfare is not given serious consideration and I agree it is something to be worked on. Humanity chose its own path really. I am hardly a central bank. My contribution is minimal.
    What are you talking about?

    Britain is defined by it's hedgerows and farms and trees. Nowhere in Europe is it like that. Woods, forest, trees literally billions of them. I am not sure you have ever been here anymore
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    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    Nah, I travel through every few years. Always the same maybe for the past few centuries. But I am not that old. You seem to think it is a lot because you haven't traveled to Thailand and Vietnam and Korea which are abundant in trees and forestry, far more, so than the UK. Sure there are forests, but not like out here. Actual swathes of mountains mile after mile covered in trees. It's a shock when you first see it all.

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    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    This thread has taken a detour, but I will concede that the UK is very grassy and fieldy, but less so foresty which is admittedly a new word. Of course there are woods, but very limited really.

    This article suggests it went on way, way back. Gotta feed the multitudes I guess and they only ever expand. Currently 300,000 a year for no obvious reason at all.

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    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

  8. #23
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    Quote Originally Posted by X View Post
    That leaves out Tumblr: "Here's why doughnuts are a symbol of the white heteropatriarchy and they promote systemic racism and colonization and therefore they must be dismantled and replaced by something made out of soy"

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    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    South Korea 64% forests.
    England 15% forests.

    Massive difference. Of course Asian people consider it barren. Personally I love the UK countryside, but it lacks trees.

    Very different.

  10. #25
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    South Korea 64% forests.
    England 15% forests.

    Massive difference. Of course Asian people consider it barren. Personally I love the UK countryside, but it lacks trees.

    Very different.

    Well obviously there is Robin Hood's lair miles, good old Sherwood Forest right?

    Never been to England but I've been to Normandy which I assume would look similar to parts of Southeastern England complete with hedgerows and all. Also in reading and in film when I think stereotypical England I'm thinking moors, hedgerows, and the occasional forest where 0 danger lurks...there's no spiders, no scorpions, no snakes, no wolves, no lions, and no bears. The worst thing you'd have to fear is a wild boar....which is oddly enough a homonym of exactly what I feared when I was forced to read those damned Jane Austen and Bronte sister novels in my high school English classes...and indeed a wild bore they were

    Watching various films shot on location in England show very similar biomes. I'm certain there's wildlife a plenty in England and of course different habitats for different animal species. The lack of animals dangerous to humans present in England is really striking to me....not that if you're in the woods in America you're in imminent danger all the time, but you DO have to be alert depending on the time of year and where you are.

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    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    Woah, England is actually 10% forest! I like the English foot trails and streams. It is pleasant, but hardly the Amazon. You are right there Lyle, not much in the way of dangerous wildlife. Out here they had boars infesting Seoul a few years ago and I regularly drive by deer road kill on my long drive home. I don't get to see many alive which is a shame.

    The cities here are lacking in green space really and they build up to account for the forest covered land. In England everyone has their own plot of land which takes up space. Not having a go as I prefer a house in the middle of nowhere as people are a nuisance, but I drove past apartments 50 stories high today. No need to lose your trees when you do that, only your sanity.

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    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    Yes, Lyle. A lot of moors out there and the highlands is very barren. The highlands is quite beautiful IMO. And I love the Lochs. But just no trees! I blame Facebook.

  13. #28
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Woah, England is actually 10% forest! I like the English foot trails and streams. It is pleasant, but hardly the Amazon. You are right there Lyle, not much in the way of dangerous wildlife. Out here they had boars infesting Seoul a few years ago and I regularly drive by deer road kill on my long drive home. I don't get to see many alive which is a shame.

    The cities here are lacking in green space really and they build up to account for the forest covered land. In England everyone has their own plot of land which takes up space. Not having a go as I prefer a house in the middle of nowhere as people are a nuisance, but I drove past apartments 50 stories high today. No need to lose your trees when you do that, only your sanity.
    Takes all kinds of locations for wildlife to thrive. Is there ANY hunting culture in South Korea? They have several different species of deer and also they have the boar you mentioned. If you want to see live deer then go out to the country and see them. They are most active at dawn and dusk, you should make some hiking trips and do a bit of a 'Walden' keep a journal of what animals you see and what they're doing. It's quite interesting the lives of critters around you.

    I couldn't abide by staying in a concrete jungle. There's plenty of woods around my area and state/national parks galore. Getting out in nature and away from any and all screens is a brilliant thing. Very refreshing. Hunting is good too, the focus you have, the stillness, it's a remarkable contrast to the workaday world

    Often I wonder when I'm driving on the highway or sitting at my desk about what the first settlers encountered in America. They must have been shocked at the density of the forests and the different types of soils, biomes, diversity of wildlife, it's still pretty incredible. In my state alone you've got Beach, Outer Banks, coastal plains, sandhills, Piedmont, Mountains. All with different species inhabiting those areas, different crops grow in the different climates, it's pretty impressive at least to me it is.
    Last edited by El Kabong; 05-04-2019 at 11:34 AM.

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    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    ....though there are still some I vehemently disagree with and have argued with in the past I don't wish to spend my time like that anymore espescially when I get along well enough face to face with damn near everyone.
    Same here kabong. If I wear my trump hat or shirts I’ll get a couple nasty comments twice to be exact but I’ve gotten in 10-15 comments of people saying they love trump but dont want to show it as they just don’t want to get hassled. I told them I perfectly understand but I also told them they shouldn’t let a few idiots stop them from evpressing themselves. Having said that I’ve recently been wearing my Boston bruins jacket and I can’t beieve how many conversations people have strarted with me about hockey. One day six people started conversations , I’ve had many more than that but six in one day was impressive. One guy actually yelled “bruins suck” I forgot I had the jacket on so it didn’t register and I got in fight position, low guard I didn’t want to be obvious. He then kept walking up to me but at about four feet away he put a big smile on and shook my hand saying he was just busting balls. We then had a twenty minute convo. Real nice guy he and his wife offered us over to watch a game when we found out we were not far from each other.

    I don’t do Facebook but the fact they have over 2 billion users is amazing. When faceburg went into all that trouble with data uses and congressional hearings the stock tanked. @Master will probably deny it but I told him to buy the dip. He told me Facebook will soon be gone and worth nothing. Well it went from around 140 then to 190 now. Facebook is part of the culture now, I refuse to use it but I’ll buy the stock if it has over two billion users, a pile of cash and great earnings. So @MATer you were wrong again.

    I will admit I use Reddit. Love the damn thing, boxing, stocks, economics anything you can think of they have it. They even have a shit subreddit where people post pics of the best dumps they took. I almost threw up when I find it but if you want to see some great piles of shit I highly recommend it. But seriously if you have a hobby like guitar, coins, gold watches or anything I suggest you give it a look. I saw a video game sub as well and it looked real busy I just didn’t check it out yet.

    Let me get into watches for a minute. Reddit isn’t a place where you put selfies and explain your life. But in the watch thread it’s quite amazing. People will put up pics of the watch they are wearing that day. Guys I shit you not there are people wearing 5-600,000 dollar watches and even a couple million dollar watches ball made by hand and in ten years will prob be auctioned of at twice the price. Don’t get me wrong normal people will post casios, times, seikos and other basic watches we are all familiar with. They also have a watch sale and trade section.

    I think I just fucked up though. A guy is selling an omega cosmic seamaster for 475 bucks. It was made in 1957. It has a few scratches on the crystal and some dings but I could take care of that for prob a hundred bucks. The watch is worth about 1,300 mint and idiot me offered him 135. If I put two hours of work into it I could have flipped and made a quick 350 to 450 bucks. I may have blew it with a low ball offer but maybe he will come back at me with a counter offer of something in between but I’m sure he will get plenty of full price offers. This week I missed another omega auction by 10bucks. Now that pissed me off, it was an online estate the watch sold for 410 it was a straight seamaster prob would have cost me another 3-4 hundred to for parts, maybe eight hours of my labour carefully replacing the crown and I could have sold it for 2,000 easy.

    Ok, so obviously you are all wondering what watch is Walrus wearing now. Funny you ask. I’m wearing a 1970 Rado that I payed 30 bucks for, reserviced it for 175 and the watch is worth prob 450 but this one I’m not selling. I’m too happy with the work I did. It’s an automatic watch which I’m sure you know means it’s powered by the movement of your hand. Well automatic watches have a power reserve meaning it will store energy for a period of time after you take it off. Good ones like Rolex, Omega etc have power reserves of eighty hours. This little Rado I have needed so much work my friend bet me I wouldn’t get over a five hour power reserve. Well, I made a few adsutments and sure enough I beat his fun and have exactly 25hr power reserve. That may not sound impressive to you but try working on a motor that is 40mm and come back and we will talk.

    Alright I’m sure I bored you with my watch talk but this whole story began l, and I must emphasize, that @Master is an idiot. By the way if any of you have any interesting watches laying around contact me maybe we man make a deal.
    This is where I think we differ. I think making money is all well and good, but when it is in complete disregard of morality, freedom and health, you are bordering on mafia behavior. People who invest in public spying agencies, arms manufacturing, and big pharma are a bit sociopathic IMO. There are plenty of ways to make money, but if you believe in freedom of speech, that people don't deserve to be bombed for profit and don't want people to be dying in their thousands because of the medical industry, there are better ways to invest. More to life than maximizing profit, at least IMO.
    Miles Facebook never bombed anybody and they do nothing other than what every other big tech companies does gathering data for target advertising. They just got pointed out but many companies do worse

  15. #30
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Instagram and facebook and shit like that has really just fucking annoyed me

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Miles Facebook never bombed anybody and they do nothing other than what every other big tech companies does gathering data for target advertising. They just got pointed out but many companies do worse
    They've taken a distinct political stand which is inappropriate given that elections are going to be happening soon, certainly well before anyone is reinstated I would imagine. To ban folks who helped elect Trump who helped Brexit win at the ballot box is decidedly political and sends a message to people of those beliefs.

    I love how Louis Farrakhan was lumped in with PJW, Alex Jones, Milo, et al....oh he's SOOOO "right wing"

    Now you say "Facebook never bombed anybody" well Google HAS been helping the Chinese military which I don't find kosher at all

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