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Thread: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    And yes The Milkshake Guru was around earlier in the day, apparently charged into a bunch of women, and then at the end when challenged on his behavior lied about what had happened and then violently threw a drink in Robinson's face. And the media lapped it up as did some very cowardly politicians. He claimed it had slipped and that he was now shaken. Absolutely ridiculous. The chap was later laughing in a taxi. Plenty of people have been arrested for FAR LESS than that.

    I think what we are seeing now with The Daily Mail article about Sargon and the media response to this just how fake the news is at this stage and people simply do not buy it anymore.

    We are getting to the stage now where many of us here are older than this current crop of journalists and can see straight through what they are doing.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by smashup View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Ha! Fucking hell lads. Get a new hero you are all embarrassing yourselves. People in the North West don't want him, people in Britain don't want him, he speaks for low lives and scum, look at the entourage in his own video. Look at the evidence he provides with your own eyes and then come back with a straight face and tell us all how he is some kind of victim. It goes way beyond a joke when he starts whining about treating everyone equally, and then in the same breath calling people muslim agitators and aggressive, when there he and his supporters are on video chasing people down and punching them . He is telling people who to arrest and pretending that the bird with a tear tattoo is some innocent victim too. It's beyond parody.

    Fact is loads of people across the UK do want him which is why he and anyone who supports him get zero protection from the government or police.
    I know loads of people who agree with his views and none are low life's or scumbags just good working class people who are proud of their country and dont want their kids growing up in an Islamic country with known terrorists walking free.
    Fact is if these were Muslims being assaulted the handcuffs would be out in seconds.
    Robinson has received more death threats reventley (his kids too) and been told by the Police that they'll offer him no protection whatsoever.
    Your personal opinion of him is of no interest to anyone here.
    This thread is about him having no human rights in his own country.

    Fact is?

    The fact is 20 pedos got a total of 220 years and Robinson and his idiotic supporters with plenty of pedos amongst them, almost derailed that trial. If you are part of the group trying to make him out to be a victim then you are part of the problem. Dress it up however you like but when you throw your weight around you just prove how flimsy your own argument is. It's not a personal opinion it's a fact. This is a forum created to share personal opinions so don't pretend that you speak for the forum let alone the country when you pull out the working class bullshit.

    People are pretending that he is some kind of Martin Luther King figure or Jesus for fucks sake, can you not see how transparent and agenda driven the tool is? No human rights? You lose all credibility when you make those kind of daft assertions. He is asking for special treatment. for pensioners money, for the right to wear a rolex , for the right to do another line like a fucking 20yr old instead of growing up. He isn't your messiah he is just a naughty boy.

    Correct he has no human rights, has received multiple death threats and been assualted numerous times as have people who support him, alot of these incidents are on video and nobody has ever been arrested.
    Your views on him are irrelevant and the facts are obvious to see.
    He's not asking anyone for special treatment either so why do you spout lie after lie about him.
    We get that you dislike him.
    You are talking about a guy who picks victims on twitter and then sends his thugs after them. A guy who is a bully to the core. A guy who will travel the country to knock on someones door because he can't handle being called out on his bullshit. I am not the one lying. For months we had a thread on here pretending that a case in every mainstream paper was being covered up. A complete fabrication using the photo form the front page of a newspaper to claim that this case was a hidden secret. Think about that for one minute. So leave off with the fake news and lies bullshit, it doesn't wash. You want to claim that I am lying, fine prove it. Why waste time even taking about a guy that is taking the piss? He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.

    I don't have to prove anything because you've already done that.
    You say he wants special treatment when all he asked the Police was to arrest the man who assualted him and the two female supporters of his.
    Simply not true which makes it a lie.
    We both know that neither you or I have the right to demand the Police arrest anyone. Why does somebody with loads of previous about to go back to court get that right? That is the kind of special treatment he is asking for and you know it. You are still trying to pretend that he is some kind of innocent victim when he actively goes out to confront people aggressively with a crew around him. It's another fake news thread where a bloke who is not at all 'proud of his country' and does not even live here, is pretending like you that the majority of people in this country are are supportive of a bloke who represents what our grandparents fought a world war to prevent taking over.
    It is not a fake news thread. Of course I am not proud of my country sometimes knowing that it does not respect democracy, allows terrorists to walk free, and allows people to be attacked randomly. You are weak in resorting to personal attacks all the time too. Robinson and others were attacked and you turn a blind eye to it because you have an agenda. You have also lied repeatedly in this thread and done little more than rant. You refuse to see any other side meaning you are a blowhard ideologue.

    Put your money where your mouth is because Milo and Sargon are coming to your town of Plymouth very soon. Go and say those things in front of a camera and see how ordinary people respond to your ranting. Go on, you clearly hate them, so you have a chance to engage face to face. But avoid McD's. We know what your temper is like.
    Miles you are the one getting personal again by inventing this 'angry ranting' Beanz persona. Its why you refuse to engage with any of the points and have to play pretend. 'We know what your temper is like'? 😁 What is that supposed to mean? I am not the one going around the country with a bunch of thugs getting into people's faces and then crying when they react.

    I don't have an agenda, you are the one who posted the video and then either refused to watch it or pretended that Tommy was Jesus again. I don't claim to speak for the North West neither does opportunist Luton loser Tommy. Watch any coverage including that posted by Tommy (but try something else too) and you will see people telling him he does not speak for them. The majority of people are disgusted by him because unlike even Lyle now seems to think, he is not just a working class bloke. He is a criminal, a thug and a chancer.

    Milo and Sargon? Why are you so enamoured by a pedo apologist and a YouTuber? What on earth have they ever done for anyone? They are both far more well known outside of the UK by incels and their American alt right fan club than here. You can indulge your own fantasies of me hating your heroes but like most people I don't give a shite about them. Nobodies mate.
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Actually you have admitted to needing MRI's because you have been knocked out so much, but as you were. You need to look back at some of your posts and see the language used and the rhetoric. You make it very personal when it comes to Tommy Robinson and others like Jordan Peterson. 'Nihilism'? Are you having a laugh? Taking control of your life and trying to improve yourself is nihilism? You must use a different dictionary to the one I use.

    If you notice it is people coming to Robinson with anger and he is not showing very much anger himself until he ends up bopped or what have you. Antifa and groups like this are by very definition fascist themselves. They don't want to hear ideas that do not suit their own agenda and I actually consider you somewhat similar as you dismiss people too without giving them a chance. If you would actually read what Robinson says you will see what he is like. Far from perfect of course, but certainly able to admit where he goes wrong and he does a lot that is right. You have your own agenda. I don't know why you think you don't as it is evident in your years of posting. I do not deny that I have an agenda and have admitted as much privately to you. I am not cloaking myself in fake neutrality here, I am not pushing for Masters job.

    Robinson as Jesus/Robin Hood/Sam Bellamy. Absolutely and why not? A man that goes up against the system, is willing to give his life for a cause, and TPTB want to crush him and yet still he goes on. Politics is something he probably never wanted, but felt he had no choice in the end as he has been shut down in every other way. If they had just let him have his You Tube or what have you he would have stuck with journalism.

    Who says I am enamored with Milo? I do think he is very interesting and raises thought provoking points, but I have certainly never bought a book of his or anything like that. What has Sargon ever done for anyone? Well, he has raised consciousness for many who probably haven't read up on philosophy, politics, or what have you. He has denounced the far right and is basically a bit like me in being a traditional Labour person who cannot stand people in the Labour Party today. He clearly has a following.

    Seriously, why not get out for the day and check it out? Maybe have a chat? Sargon will talk to anybody and seems to enjoy hearing a counter point of view. For such a nobody you will likely end up watched by more than half a million people in a couple of days. Good publicity.

    You do hate on them as evidenced by how you react to Peterson, Chomsky, Akkad, Robinson, and people like that. Douglas Murray is another one. No big deal, but seems silly to deny it.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Actually you have admitted to needing MRI's because you have been knocked out so much, but as you were. You need to look back at some of your posts and see the language used and the rhetoric. You make it very personal when it comes to Tommy Robinson and others like Jordan Peterson. 'Nihilism'? Are you having a laugh? Taking control of your life and trying to improve yourself is nihilism? You must use a different dictionary to the one I use.

    If you notice it is people coming to Robinson with anger and he is not showing very much anger himself until he ends up bopped or what have you. Antifa and groups like this are by very definition fascist themselves. They don't want to hear ideas that do not suit their own agenda and I actually consider you somewhat similar as you dismiss people too without giving them a chance. If you would actually read what Robinson says you will see what he is like. Far from perfect of course, but certainly able to admit where he goes wrong and he does a lot that is right. You have your own agenda. I don't know why you think you don't as it is evident in your years of posting. I do not deny that I have an agenda and have admitted as much privately to you. I am not cloaking myself in fake neutrality here, I am not pushing for Masters job.

    Robinson as Jesus/Robin Hood/Sam Bellamy. Absolutely and why not? A man that goes up against the system, is willing to give his life for a cause, and TPTB want to crush him and yet still he goes on. Politics is something he probably never wanted, but felt he had no choice in the end as he has been shut down in every other way. If they had just let him have his You Tube or what have you he would have stuck with journalism.

    Who says I am enamored with Milo? I do think he is very interesting and raises thought provoking points, but I have certainly never bought a book of his or anything like that. What has Sargon ever done for anyone? Well, he has raised consciousness for many who probably haven't read up on philosophy, politics, or what have you. He has denounced the far right and is basically a bit like me in being a traditional Labour person who cannot stand people in the Labour Party today. He clearly has a following.

    Seriously, why not get out for the day and check it out? Maybe have a chat? Sargon will talk to anybody and seems to enjoy hearing a counter point of view. For such a nobody you will likely end up watched by more than half a million people in a couple of days. Good publicity.

    You do hate on them as evidenced by how you react to Peterson, Chomsky, Akkad, Robinson, and people like that. Douglas Murray is another one. No big deal, but seems silly to deny it.
    I didn't need an MRI after being knocked out 'so much'. Twice. I never even went to hospital back then in my early twenties after fights. The MRI scans I have had more recently were to assess the damage done by Ankylosing Spondylitis and Psoriatic Arthritis and to image a leaky heart valve. So again you are just projecting this angry persona in order to avoid engaging with the argument. It is very obvious to anyone without this baggage you bring that in a thread supposedly about free speech, you are again trying to dictate the terms that you think are acceptable. I don't need your permission to use the language with which you make your living (and sometimes puts food on my table) in a way you deem acceptable. I feel passionately about things, and express that in a rather unfiltered way that most other people may not, but that is not the same as being some unhinged angry person. That is the very same tactic all these celebrity provocateurs you are so captivated by and their detractors do.

    Peterson is a neo liberal and like you he shares an aristocratic disdain for modernity but it his paranoid conpiratorial take on politics that mark him out as a nihilist. He subscribes to the very American idea that the world is full of winners and losers. This is the man who believes that happiness is a pointless goal but that you should nurture your resentment and turn yourself into a monster. He fully subscribes to the Nietzschean idea of a meaningless universe with a moral vacuum after the death of God and he wants to impose his own very destructive ignorant Christian existentialism over not only the chaotic world, but those he sees as weak within it. Look at the miserable cunt He is there as the big Daddy therapist for twats like the bloke who shot 50 muslims in NZ and what does he do ? makes excuses for them. 'Oh killing 50 Muslims does not make you Islamophobic it means you are a postmoderm Cultural marxist'

    He can't even take responsibility for the monsters he has nurtured and created. Your heroes are fucking warped mate.Sargon or whatever he calls himself thinking that joking about not raping someone is worth not only refusing to apologise for but now double downing and pretending that being willing to rape someone is somehow now more acceptable as a joke. Rape is not about sex it is about power and that is what feeble men like Carl Benjamin crave. A full on coke head like Tommy they both need to grow up a bit.
    Why are neither Yaxley -Lennon or Benjamin running for election in their own towns or counties even? They want to join those you call TBTB not change anything. There are much bigger problems than Brexit and Political Correctness to face up to right now, and yet here they both are telling us that Muslims and women knowing their place is supposedly a 2019 issue that Britain needs to deal with first. I am still not sure if you are doing an Alan Partridge to be honest. Here you are now after opening a thread with a YouTube video of Tommy spouting his victim rubbish claiming he is some censored heroic journalist, now also claiming he is some Messiah like figure going to die for the common man

    What it comes down to is they have a following. You seem to crave the same notoriety. I don't want that kind of publicity. I am not Brock I have a life
    Last edited by Beanz; 05-09-2019 at 07:43 AM. Reason: Terrible spelling and grammar
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    You just have to listen to the middle class champagne socialists in the media, when they imitate racists/crims/morons they do cockney/working-class accents. The hypocrisy is blatantly obvious. Their jokes are "edgy" not racist. Their violence is justified/funny not thuggery. They advocate "punch a nazi" whilst disgusted by football hooligans.
    Nobody is denying hypocrisy or large swathes of the media having an agenda, they are often the mouthpieces of huge non-British corporations after all, but it is important that if you are going to call people out on hypocrisy (and this is not directed at you) that you do so across the board, and not just the Alt Right or the SJWs, the tories or the lefties but also the supposed 'alternatives'.

    Who can honestly say they can come up with a more obvious example of an elite career politician using the system and the genuine fears of people to line not only his own and families pockets, but to also turn his back on the opportunity to actually do his job and represents the rights of the people who elected him?

    You don't get much more waffy than a double barrelled moniker like old Hugh's but the bloke rolled his sleeves up while Nige was sparking up his £80 cigar and living it up on his expenses the twat
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    I am quite sure you admitted in the past that you have been in fights and knocked about. Now, the truth of all of that is down to you. All I know is that you do 'sound' rather angry when it comes to Robinson and Co. Nothing wrong with being passionate however. Mind you if somebody wanted to hit me on the head they would need a ladder. Sure, nothing wrong with being passionate, but let's play fair here, I mean, I do on occasion get called unhinged, extreme, and mentally ill myself on here. Tito is a riot when he gets into a flow. And no Tito I am not starting another war with you!

    The politics itself IS nihilistic. The politics is what has opened borders. The politics is what has given rise to identity politics. The politics is what has killed millions of people around the world. The politics is what creates authoritarianism. The politics is what has driven mass inequality. Now on that final point I think inequality is natural and normal, but inequality driven by government policy is an abomination. Politics is incredibly nihilistic and unhelpful at its current juncture. In making these points I am not even referencing anything Peterson has said, but that is my own take on modern politics. I find it incredibly grim, incredibly unhelpful, and incredibly harmful. Nihilism is the lacking of morals and taking away meaning for ordinary people. I think making white working class children the worst performing members of society because all too many come from broken homes, are neglected, and have their own culture denigrated incredibly cruel and nihilistic. For sure politics at its current juncture is nihilistic and people are angry and this is seen in Brexit, in people dumping Labour and Tory, in people starting to lash out. The chap in New Zealand was created more by modern politics. He saw things he couldn't handle in France, he built up an incredible level of nihilism and lost all hope and lashed out in a horrible way. Rather than criminalizing manifestos, it is better to ask questions, debate, discuss, and ask what creates such monster. And I don't think you will find that Jordan Peterson creates them. It is more likely the politics of the last 20 years or so. And let us not pretend that these are the only monsters. We saw hundreds of Christians murdered only a few weeks ago in far greater numbers, there is no comparable outrage. Whenever kids get blown up in Manchester we are told 'It is not all Muslims'....'It is the religion of peace'. Do you really think Peterson says the same kinds of things quoted by 'those' terrorist attackers? What Peterson will admit to is that each of us has a darkness inside of us and that we must tend to that side with caution and wariness.

    What is warped about not wanting to rape someone? Do you want to rape people? I know I don't! Do you not find it warped that Jess Phillips thinks it is hysterical that men seek health treatment more reluctantly than women and die earlier as a result. Is it funny that men kill themselves in such numbers? On this very forum we have had conversations on this kind of topic recently. It is NOT FUNNY! And she is a horrible person for mocking it. The media doesn't care about that! Now if Sargon wants to say that he will NOT rape someone then surely that is better form than laughing at men who kill themselves! It has been dragged up by the media 3 years later for ONE reason only and you KNOW exactly what that reason is. Nobody is getting raped over it and it is the media that keeps going on about an ANTI RAPE comment but keeps calling it a rape comment. Beanz, I wouldn't even rape you or anybody, so surely you can see that it is nothing comment. Walrus will probably like me for saying that. I am hardly pro rape am I? When Walrus said he simulated raping an old girlfriend I straight away said that it was a very weird thing. Even acting it out is way beyond my weird compass. Forgive me for not being open minded and post modern enough.

    Those two are campaigning where they are for logistical reasons. Probably. The North probably has a lot of Robinson supporters. In fact most places outside of London want out of the EU. Robinson likely feels that is where he can have an influence. Now it is unknown if they will even be successful, but the response by the media is very telling indeed. People want Brexit and they are not going to rest until they have it. I don't particularly crave any notoriety either, but I do not flinch.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    What specifically has lead you to believe this stuff about Dr. Peterson? I'm trying to see that side, but can't for the life of me. Perhaps it's because I've studied Psychology and understand the concepts or maybe it's due to my upbringing but whatever it is we have very different takes on just what Dr. Peterson is saying and promoting.

    Dr. Peterson grew up in the middle of nowhere Alberta Canada. If he was a nihilist he never would have made it out much less to Harvard of all places.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    What specifically has lead you to believe this stuff about Dr. Peterson? I'm trying to see that side, but can't for the life of me. Perhaps it's because I've studied Psychology and understand the concepts or maybe it's due to my upbringing but whatever it is we have very different takes on just what Dr. Peterson is saying and promoting.

    Dr. Peterson grew up in the middle of nowhere Alberta Canada. If he was a nihilist he never would have made it out much less to Harvard of all places.
    This probably not the place or thread to go into i depth but maybe this will explain things a little before I maybe explain in more detail. I am the son of an anthropologist and psychologist who while working as a psychoanalyst by day also wrote about and studied the history of religion. So when Peterson pretends to understand the anthropological and religious basis of his own world view it is quite obvious to me that he is much more of a post modernist than he dare face up to. A big part of that is the nihilsm that informs everything he does. He admits to being terrified and keeping himself in that state in order to justify his own existentialist version of Judeo-Christianity. The problem is he does not understand the Isaiah and Jeremiah and the other prophets/archetypes that Jesus emulated. He does not understand how this has informed even the most basic and rudimentary forms of justice in the post hellenic west and neither does he have anything but a very cursory grasp of Philosophy or even the Marxism that he opposes.

    The arrogance of a man who publishes his own 'Letter to the world' is a sure sign of that egocentric refusal to buck up and look in the mirror that Peterson and many Psychologists suffer from. My old man included. So when Peterson who blinds people with psuedo logic calls out SJWs as nihilsts it just reveals his own lack of any moral compass. I mean make your mind up Jordy what is it? are they moralizing or pretending that nothing matters anyway? His whole frame of reference and invented logic is very post modern. He uses his own very flimsy non-comittal version of being a Christian without actually believing in God to look down on others and proclaim them as being weak. He is committed to the idea of competition and fighting tooth and nail for your place in a capitalist neo liberal society but also granting himself the illusory cloak of Christian superiority over the godless atheists and Marxists at the same time. When Neitzsche found the men in the market place had killed God by not believing in him he recognized that there were those that still believed but that these new men would have to create their own values. Peterson is pretending that is impossible whilst not even understanding the history of the beliefs he is at once sort of, but not really subscribing to. He wants to have his cake whilst eating it. He is a postmodernist.

    What Peterson really believes in is a conspiracy theory. The ideathat the academic world that gave him a job and supported him is run by some over arching leftist (Jewish) secret PC super beings. He winds people up getting them angry and turning them onto his victim religion in which they are the victims. It is a bleak dark nihilst fantasy. He is an angry fragile furious little man very much like the extreme Islamic hate preachers he mirrors in so many ways. He will use the same threat of apostasy and blasphemy, calling anyone who does not subscribe, idiots and morons, because he is so desperate to be given meaning. A meaning he thinks he gets from subscribers and likes and his followers laying themselves down in his name. He is one dangerous mutha fucker just like Tommy, not because he promotes violence against others, but because he legitamizes nurturing that bitter resentment and hate that blames the other, and grows the capacity for violence within his supporters.
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    What specifically has lead you to believe this stuff about Dr. Peterson? I'm trying to see that side, but can't for the life of me. Perhaps it's because I've studied Psychology and understand the concepts or maybe it's due to my upbringing but whatever it is we have very different takes on just what Dr. Peterson is saying and promoting.

    Dr. Peterson grew up in the middle of nowhere Alberta Canada. If he was a nihilist he never would have made it out much less to Harvard of all places.
    This probably not the place or thread to go into i depth but maybe this will explain things a little before I maybe explain in more detail. I am the son of an anthropologist and psychologist who while working as a psychoanalyst by day also wrote about and studied the history of religion. So when Peterson pretends to understand the anthropological and religious basis of his own world view it is quite obvious to me that he is much more of a post modernist than he dare face up to. A big part of that is the nihilsm that informs everything he does. He admits to being terrified and keeping himself in that state in order to justify his own existentialist version of Judeo-Christianity. The problem is he does not understand the Isaiah and Jeremiah and the other prophets/archetypes that Jesus emulated. He does not understand how this has informed even the most basic and rudimentary forms of justice in the post hellenic west and neither does he have anything but a very cursory grasp of Philosophy or even the Marxism that he opposes.

    The arrogance of a man who publishes his own 'Letter to the world' is a sure sign of that egocentric refusal to buck up and look in the mirror that Peterson and many Psychologists suffer from. My old man included. So when Peterson who blinds people with psuedo logic calls out SJWs as nihilsts it just reveals his own lack of any moral compass. I mean make your mind up Jordy what is it? are they moralizing or pretending that nothing matters anyway? His whole frame of reference and invented logic is very post modern. He uses his own very flimsy non-comittal version of being a Christian without actually believing in God to look down on others and proclaim them as being weak. He is committed to the idea of competition and fighting tooth and nail for your place in a capitalist neo liberal society but also granting himself the illusory cloak of Christian superiority over the godless atheists and Marxists at the same time. When Neitzsche found the men in the market place had killed God by not believing in him he recognized that there were those that still believed but that these new men would have to create their own values. Peterson is pretending that is impossible whilst not even understanding the history of the beliefs he is at once sort of, but not really subscribing to. He wants to have his cake whilst eating it. He is a postmodernist.

    What Peterson really believes in is a conspiracy theory. The ideathat the academic world that gave him a job and supported him is run by some over arching leftist (Jewish) secret PC super beings. He winds people up getting them angry and turning them onto his victim religion in which they are the victims. It is a bleak dark nihilst fantasy. He is an angry fragile furious little man very much like the extreme Islamic hate preachers he mirrors in so many ways. He will use the same threat of apostasy and blasphemy, calling anyone who does not subscribe, idiots and morons, because he is so desperate to be given meaning. A meaning he thinks he gets from subscribers and likes and his followers laying themselves down in his name. He is one dangerous mutha fucker just like Tommy, not because he promotes violence against others, but because he legitamizes nurturing that bitter resentment and hate that blames the other, and grows the capacity for violence within his supporters.
    We will throw his books in the fire soon we are just a little backed up right now

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    What specifically has lead you to believe this stuff about Dr. Peterson? I'm trying to see that side, but can't for the life of me. Perhaps it's because I've studied Psychology and understand the concepts or maybe it's due to my upbringing but whatever it is we have very different takes on just what Dr. Peterson is saying and promoting.

    Dr. Peterson grew up in the middle of nowhere Alberta Canada. If he was a nihilist he never would have made it out much less to Harvard of all places.
    This probably not the place or thread to go into i depth but maybe this will explain things a little before I maybe explain in more detail. I am the son of an anthropologist and psychologist who while working as a psychoanalyst by day also wrote about and studied the history of religion. So when Peterson pretends to understand the anthropological and religious basis of his own world view it is quite obvious to me that he is much more of a post modernist than he dare face up to. A big part of that is the nihilsm that informs everything he does. He admits to being terrified and keeping himself in that state in order to justify his own existentialist version of Judeo-Christianity. The problem is he does not understand the Isaiah and Jeremiah and the other prophets/archetypes that Jesus emulated. He does not understand how this has informed even the most basic and rudimentary forms of justice in the post hellenic west and neither does he have anything but a very cursory grasp of Philosophy or even the Marxism that he opposes.

    The arrogance of a man who publishes his own 'Letter to the world' is a sure sign of that egocentric refusal to buck up and look in the mirror that Peterson and many Psychologists suffer from. My old man included. So when Peterson who blinds people with psuedo logic calls out SJWs as nihilsts it just reveals his own lack of any moral compass. I mean make your mind up Jordy what is it? are they moralizing or pretending that nothing matters anyway? His whole frame of reference and invented logic is very post modern. He uses his own very flimsy non-comittal version of being a Christian without actually believing in God to look down on others and proclaim them as being weak. He is committed to the idea of competition and fighting tooth and nail for your place in a capitalist neo liberal society but also granting himself the illusory cloak of Christian superiority over the godless atheists and Marxists at the same time. When Neitzsche found the men in the market place had killed God by not believing in him he recognized that there were those that still believed but that these new men would have to create their own values. Peterson is pretending that is impossible whilst not even understanding the history of the beliefs he is at once sort of, but not really subscribing to. He wants to have his cake whilst eating it. He is a postmodernist.

    What Peterson really believes in is a conspiracy theory. The idea that the academic world that gave him a job and supported him is run by some over arching leftist (Jewish) secret PC super beings. He winds people up getting them angry and turning them onto his victim religion in which they are the victims. It is a bleak dark nihilst fantasy. He is an angry fragile furious little man very much like the extreme Islamic hate preachers he mirrors in so many ways. He will use the same threat of apostasy and blasphemy, calling anyone who does not subscribe, idiots and morons, because he is so desperate to be given meaning. A meaning he thinks he gets from subscribers and likes and his followers laying themselves down in his name. He is one dangerous mutha fucker just like Tommy, not because he promotes violence against others, but because he legitamizes nurturing that bitter resentment and hate that blames the other, and grows the capacity for violence within his supporters.
    We will throw his books in the fire soon we are just a little backed up right now
    That is just you turning the argument upside down because you can't be bothered to engage. You seem to much prefer sniping form the sidelines. If there is not a bit of a ruckus between posters you get all sulky and pissed off which is incredibly sad. Nowhere have I said Peterson should be censored. He doesn't have anything original to offer. Much like yourself.
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I am quite sure you admitted in the past that you have been in fights and knocked about. Now, the truth of all of that is down to you. All I know is that you do 'sound' rather angry when it comes to Robinson and Co. Nothing wrong with being passionate however. Mind you if somebody wanted to hit me on the head they would need a ladder. Sure, nothing wrong with being passionate, but let's play fair here, I mean, I do on occasion get called unhinged, extreme, and mentally ill myself on here. Tito is a riot when he gets into a flow. And no Tito I am not starting another war with you!

    The politics itself IS nihilistic. The politics is what has opened borders. The politics is what has given rise to identity politics. The politics is what has killed millions of people around the world. The politics is what creates authoritarianism. The politics is what has driven mass inequality. Now on that final point I think inequality is natural and normal, but inequality driven by government policy is an abomination. Politics is incredibly nihilistic and unhelpful at its current juncture. In making these points I am not even referencing anything Peterson has said, but that is my own take on modern politics. I find it incredibly grim, incredibly unhelpful, and incredibly harmful. Nihilism is the lacking of morals and taking away meaning for ordinary people. I think making white working class children the worst performing members of society because all too many come from broken homes, are neglected, and have their own culture denigrated incredibly cruel and nihilistic. For sure politics at its current juncture is nihilistic and people are angry and this is seen in Brexit, in people dumping Labour and Tory, in people starting to lash out. The chap in New Zealand was created more by modern politics. He saw things he couldn't handle in France, he built up an incredible level of nihilism and lost all hope and lashed out in a horrible way. Rather than criminalizing manifestos, it is better to ask questions, debate, discuss, and ask what creates such monster. And I don't think you will find that Jordan Peterson creates them. It is more likely the politics of the last 20 years or so. And let us not pretend that these are the only monsters. We saw hundreds of Christians murdered only a few weeks ago in far greater numbers, there is no comparable outrage. Whenever kids get blown up in Manchester we are told 'It is not all Muslims'....'It is the religion of peace'. Do you really think Peterson says the same kinds of things quoted by 'those' terrorist attackers? What Peterson will admit to is that each of us has a darkness inside of us and that we must tend to that side with caution and wariness.

    What is warped about not wanting to rape someone? Do you want to rape people? I know I don't! Do you not find it warped that Jess Phillips thinks it is hysterical that men seek health treatment more reluctantly than women and die earlier as a result. Is it funny that men kill themselves in such numbers? On this very forum we have had conversations on this kind of topic recently. It is NOT FUNNY! And she is a horrible person for mocking it. The media doesn't care about that! Now if Sargon wants to say that he will NOT rape someone then surely that is better form than laughing at men who kill themselves! It has been dragged up by the media 3 years later for ONE reason only and you KNOW exactly what that reason is. Nobody is getting raped over it and it is the media that keeps going on about an ANTI RAPE comment but keeps calling it a rape comment. Beanz, I wouldn't even rape you or anybody, so surely you can see that it is nothing comment. Walrus will probably like me for saying that. I am hardly pro rape am I? When Walrus said he simulated raping an old girlfriend I straight away said that it was a very weird thing. Even acting it out is way beyond my weird compass. Forgive me for not being open minded and post modern enough.

    Those two are campaigning where they are for logistical reasons. Probably. The North probably has a lot of Robinson supporters. In fact most places outside of London want out of the EU. Robinson likely feels that is where he can have an influence. Now it is unknown if they will even be successful, but the response by the media is very telling indeed. People want Brexit and they are not going to rest until they have it. I don't particularly crave any notoriety either, but I do not flinch.
    Miles there is so much wrong with this it is hard to know where to start. You seem to be obsessed with an equality of outrage much like the SJW's you think you are so markedly different from. Dressing up some childish Z list celebrity gaming gurus jokes about Rape as being some ANTI RAPE comment or pretending that Jess Philips even if she is a twat was mocking men's suicide and so the joke was justified is pathetic. It is very disingenuous and just proves how little objectivity you have nowadays. I don't really understand why you think you need to resort to endorsing these sick fuckers, but it has nothing to do with free speech. Tommy has his supporters harassing a bullied teenager , closing down a rape helpline, etc and there is silence from you, so don't pretend that you have a shred of objectivity left when it comes to these things anymore. You don't even notice yourself doing it.

    'The North probably has a lot of Robinson supporters' ha! That is your patronising defense of Tommy refusing to represent his own area, just like Sarkycock thinking the westcountry is an easy touch for his UKIP death march. Fenster points out Tommy and his crew starting punch ups in city centres around the country and you ignore it. Is it all a bit too much hard work for you to think for yourself anymore and so you just subscribe to these utter losers? surely not?
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    I hate the fact liberals tell the rest of us what we really think , NO its my opinion thanks, i dont want to change the liberals mind because i dont concider their opinions relevant.

    Corbyn is a muslim hugging pacifist with the single most ridiculous side kick in history , labour and the conservatives are traitors to democracy.

    If Robinson has thrown a milkshake at the very same muslim then he would have been banged up.


    Last edited by Dark Lord Al; 05-09-2019 at 05:11 PM.
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    I hate the fact liberals tell the rest of us what we really think , NO its my opinion thanks, i dont want to change the liberals mind because i dont concider their opinions relevant.

    Corbyn is a muslim hugging pacifist with the single most ridiculous side kick in history , labour and the conservatives are traitors to democracy.

    If Robinson has thrown a milkshake at the very same muslim then he would have been banged up.


    That is not a fact Al is it? That is just you repeating the same rubbish you have heard others claim. Do you not think if poor old Tommy was such a persecuted 'minority' they would not have had ample reason to lock him up after roving the country with his bunch of thugs instigating violence, starting punchups and the videos of those attacks being all over the newsfeeds? All this when he is due back in court.

    Milkshake /Bad, Punching people in the head/Fine, is just a stupid thing to think not a fact at all.

    If you don't con cider someones opinion as relevant maybe you should move to the westcountry

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Beanz, you appear to have Daddy issues. That is a lot of words, but I don't see anything particularly nihilistic in what Peterson is doing. All he is doing is accepting that we all have the potential to waste our lives, to fritter away promise, and that we have to dig deep to overcome the darkness, temptation, and obstacles. I am not religious like Peterson, I do not need the Bible to guide me, but I see the sense in what he says. If he was encouraging people to become self destructive, to reject order, then that would be nihilistic. He does not do that. Nihilism is the single Mum culture, the benefits culture, the votes for welfare, the open borders, the very things that are ruining fine nations. Nihilism is accepting it is okay to punch people and have no law enforcement. You lap up nihilism when it suits you. The left today demands chaos to get what they want. Utter nihilism. How about a conversation? No, just threats and violence.

    In terms of Robinson I think you live in your own echo chamber and see what you want. You only see bad and offer no balance. I am at least able to concede his faults, you see nothing of note. I think that sums you up on Robinson. All or nothing thinking. I am wrong. Smashup is wrong. Walrus is an idiot. Al is wrong. Never once thinking 'Actually why does Robinson have such support'. More 'They are all misguided and wrong and so is Peterson and so is my Dad. I am always right'. Why are you not out there proving them all wrong then? Sargon will be there and you have an open platform.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    I hate the fact liberals tell the rest of us what we really think , NO its my opinion thanks, i dont want to change the liberals mind because i dont concider their opinions relevant.

    Corbyn is a muslim hugging pacifist with the single most ridiculous side kick in history , labour and the conservatives are traitors to democracy.

    If Robinson has thrown a milkshake at the very same muslim then he would have been banged up.


    That is not a fact Al is it? That is just you repeating the same rubbish you have heard others claim. Do you not think if poor old Tommy was such a persecuted 'minority' they would not have had ample reason to lock him up after roving the country with his bunch of thugs instigating violence, starting punchups and the videos of those attacks being all over the newsfeeds? All this when he is due back in court.

    Milkshake /Bad, Punching people in the head/Fine, is just a stupid thing to think not a fact at all.

    If you don't con cider someones opinion as relevant maybe you should move to the westcountry

    Dummy. Did you not see the hideous fat woman raining punches on Robinson then shrug and pout after? You ignore violence and said yourself the police did not need to do anything. You have an agenda and you know it.

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