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Thread: Is it a joke or a death threat?

  1. #1
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    Default Is it a joke or a death threat?

    I don't know about any of you, but lately we have been hearing a lot about threats NOT to rape somebody, but the same person who says it made her cry has said she would like to stab Jeremy Corbyn! Apparently she 'knows what she means and means what she says' according to Owen Jones! Isn't that scary? She says it 1:10 seconds into the video. The media is defending someone who is either a) making a joke or b) threatening to kill someone. Hopefully the police will investigate and this 4 year old interview will be brought back up by the media who clearly do not have an agenda.

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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    Ha! not obsessed at all are you mate?

    In answer to you very dishonest question designed to put an answer into people's head that you agree with.

    It is neither.

    It is not a joke or a death threat. It is using an expression that has been common in politics since the days of Caesar. The fact that you would be so wilful in your deliberate misinterpretation of it shows exactly what either you do not understand about free speech or do not actually believe in.

    Nobody here has suggested the police should investigate Tarragon. Apparently not endorsing his verbal assault on this MP, however much of a twat she is, leads you to feel justified in some childish tit for tat search for an equivalence that really is not there. She is in the same party as Corbyn whom you yourself have repeatedly stabbed verbally just because he will not write off labour voters who voted remain. It is of course quite possible to be a lefty even an extreme one and believe in leaving the EU. That is a position Corbyn respects but you do not. You insist that people must vote for some internet cult figure and support Robinson because to do otherwise makes them traitors.

    So even though Owen Jones supports leaving the EU too you cannot wrap your head around it and so dismiss his considered opinion in a rush to patronize wetherspoons the chain pub that has killed off more British locals than any other. That is how simplistic your argument is. Your way or the high way.

    So because you will not admit Benji is a bit of a tit you will dig a hole and demand that people be arrested because it was never about free speech was it? it was all about sanctioning blaming women, attacking women, scapegoating women and most importantly not facing up to the responsibility and truth that being a man entails.

    You want to stay a boy Carl.
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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    So, the remarkable Jess Phillips is seemingly going to have to resign having threatened to kill Jeremy Corbyn several years ago.

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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    Beanz, you are clearly autistic. I am laughing at you as I knew you would bite. This is a tongue in cheek mocking of a hypocrite who by her own criteria is suggesting she must be forced from office herself. After all who decides what words have meaning?

    Of course she doesn't want to kill anyone and clearly Benjamin does not want to rape anyone. He did add on that there is not enough beer, but likewise it is called a joke. All so silly as are you.

    Obsessed is the media. And the double standards are your own. Honk honk.

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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    And why do you bring up all the other unrelated stuff every time? I wasn't even having a go at Jones here and don't care what he thinks about something else. I agree on some things and disagree on others. Stop being so weird. Jones himself flip flops on Corbyn but has never suggested knifing him.

    Phillips is a typical lefty free speech hater and you are just a silly white knight who will go along with it to make yourself feel better. With freedom of speech will come things that make us uncomfortable or laugh. No way around that. Thus I accept her comment and no apology required. 😜

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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    You really do not understand it do you? You bring these things up and then throw a hissy fit when everyone does not agree with you. It becomes such an arduous experience for you that you then have to resort to not only inventing an opposing argument nobody is making but you have to descend into personal attacks to make your opponent seem to be deranged.

    Where did I start a thread moaning about the bloke egging Corbyn or bring up Benjamin using rape threats as a verbal attack on a woman?

    When you say things like

    "Beanz, you are clearly autistic. I am laughing at you as I knew you would bite"

    It proves you are quite the callous and cruel backstabber and have more in common with Benjamin than you realise.

    I can't help being autistic anymore than you can help being a lanky cunt. It has been incredibly helpful to me in many ways and made life much harder in others. Just like women can not help figuring disproportionately in rape victim figures when Lardon or whatever he is called says

    'I would not even Rape you'

    He is clearly inferring that women not only choose to be raped, but that it is about sex and sexual attraction and not the imposition of power and domination thru violence it really is.Adding on 'There is not enough beer' does not transform what he said into a joke or make things better it just reinforces that stereotype and proves like you how little empathy, common sense or decency the bloke has.

    It is not being PC or a white knight to point out these things it's just common sense and straight talking. Nobody would say it on Benjamins channel because there is a weird cult like 100% sucking of his balls clogging up his comment section. You seem perturbed that the same sycophancy is not shared by 100% of the posters here. That is life. Get over it nobody is insisting you need to change your mind or seeking to catch you out and trap you.
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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    I didn't actually know for sure if you were autistic or not, but good for you for admitting as much. I consider that brave and might explain why you sometimes have problems reading me as I am a bit quirky. I must admit you have puzzled me a lot over the years. It might also explain your thing for details.

    Like I say though, I have my criticisms of Jones, but really wasn't doing so here. It really is just laughing at Phillips and riffing on recent topics.

    I have sometimes wondered if I fall onto the autistic side of the spectrum myself with my anti social and bookish tendencies, but it really is no issue. I think we all fit somewhere in the rainbow of personality types and are who we are. I am quite a complicated personality, so I try to keep myself as simple as I can.

    I think you struggle a bit reading the different modes I use for posting. I can reassure you that I am not at all upset that you are challenging my point of view. At times I am combative, other times sincere, and others flippant, or mocking. I do think Robinson, Akkad, and Phillips are entitled to their voices and I am very much into free speech.

    I also know that we can be sensitive about things sometimes, so if one goes to far we can consider that too. I am not entirely unreasonable. And needless to say, I do not want to knife you. Or is it the opposite? I jest of course. Putting on Alan Partridge voice: 'Or should we forget about all this and have a cup of tea?'

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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

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  9. #9
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Clever response by that twitter user albeit an apples and oranges comparison.

    It's beyond my comprehension how a guy (Mark Meechan/Count Dankula) who was a lefty his entire life makes a joke an EASILY understood parody (which isn't benefiting, glamorizing, or showering with praise) of Nazis and for some reason the herd mentality of certain folks take it seriously and due to that they label Mark Meechan/Count Dankula an actual Nazi.

    I really do wonder why this has these outraged folks who see him a Nazi actually believe he's a Nazi OR are they so embarrassed by their awful take they're thinking "Maybe if we actually think he's a Nazi until he dies or capitulates to our outrage machine we won't look so bad at the end of all this"

    Also other notable "Nazis": John Cleese, Charlie Chaplain, Mel Brooks, Freddie Starr.....yet Meechan receives death threats for it and oddly enough not even from Nazis he was mocking, but from people who are "Anti-Fascist" yet those very same people have some very strict views on speech.....

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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    I think the problem with that Count Duck bloke is, he exposed peoples own hypocrisy, especially the media. They all jumped on the band wagon calling him an evil racist - he looks like a wrongun, he's from Scotland - before realising it was supposed to be comedy and in fact he's not a thug but "intelligent." And quite simply won't admit they were wrong. Frankie Boyle is funny because he's a lefty but this bloke isn't because he's a lefty we don't believe in.

    It seems to me, the media can't stand the fact these Youtubers have created massive followings and big money championing free speech and arguing against political correctness. And the majority of the "anti-fascist" mob have been exposed as massive hypocrites.
    Last edited by Fenster; 05-15-2019 at 01:54 AM.

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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    I think the problem with that Count Duck bloke is, he exposed peoples own hypocrisy, especially the media. They all jumped on the band wagon calling him an evil racist - he looks like a wrongun, he's from Scotland - before realising it was supposed to be comedy and in fact he's not a thug but "intelligent." And quite simply won't admit they were wrong. Frankie Boyle is funny because he's a lefty but this bloke isn't because he's a lefty we don't believe in.

    It seems to me, the media can't stand the fact these Youtubers have created massive followings and big money championing free speech and arguing against political correctness. And the majority of the "anti-fascist" mob have been exposed as massive hypocrites.
    Well said. The ''anti fascist" brigade are targeting people who want the opposite of shutting down discourse and actually do think there is some merit to democracy. At the latest UKIP meet they were trying to drown out discourse with noise tactics, violence, and basic abuse. It is very weak and all because they don't like democracy (Brexit) and refuse to accept that people have the right to speak. It is strange that they cannot see that the monster they fear is very much within them already. I honestly find the media and public quite disturbing, but it obviously isn't everyone and as you know Robinson's odds are very low too. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

    Then Phillips saying that anyone suggesting violence be banned from office. But, she wants to stab Jeremy Corbyn! Of course it is metaphorical, but hey, who is to judge. This is why you do not shut down free speech as it leads to very bad outcomes. Stupid or even dangerous people WILL abuse it for their own ends. Thus you don't even give them the chance to do so.

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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    Miles when its stated "You have a hissy fit when PEOPLE here don't agree with you ".

    Change the PEOPLE - TO - PERSON and its nearer the mark.

    Owen Jones is a joke of a human being.

    Remember reality is an illusion caused by a lack of alcohol .

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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Miles when its stated "You have a hissy fit when PEOPLE here don't agree with you ".

    Change the PEOPLE - TO - PERSON and its nearer the mark.

    Owen Jones is a joke of a human being.

    True, I don't really see people as in the plural disagreeing with me. Maybe Master occasionally, but we can do so nicely. But don't forget Al, it could also be because a) nobody on here wants to talk about these topics or b) I have run them all off the forum.

    Note: Not looking for a flame war....just having a laugh!

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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    Ha! What a load of sanctimonious bollocks. The difference between Frankie Boyle and the count cunt bloke is that Boyle is a comedian.

    The duck bloke is part of the do anything to generate a reaction on the Internet shit poster. The irony of the faux outrage people are displaying in order to establish their own right on virtue signalling in brave defence of free speech would be a genius demonstration of assuming a character to use satire, if people really thought about it.

    Notice how online his dumb stunt attracted such a gloaty warm hug from wankers like Alex Jones, PJW, and actual anti-semites?but..but...Gervais


    No acknowledgement that a £800 fine paid one would think by some actual nazi cunt will make no difference now that his noterioty has ballooned massively. Its like X factor for alt right hipsters.

    'Champagne Socialists, Billy has got a mansion Bragg, but he was a lefty' same old same old.

    If you think Tommy is now an undercover journalist, duckman is a comedian and Tarragon is a statesmen like advocate for free speech, then you deserve the pile of shite you will have to wade thru on order to find something other than pug nuggets.
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    Default Re: Is it a joke or a death threat?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I don't know about any of you, but lately we have been hearing a lot about threats NOT to rape somebody, but the same person who says it made her cry has said she would like to stab Jeremy Corbyn!......
    You have Miles because its what you seek out and surround yourself with. You are like the blokes Lyle mistakenly calls lefties or centerists when all you actually do is attack the left and big up all these odd right wing heroes. They all have woman issues, girlfriend issues, issues with black people or Jews, or single mothers or immigrants or journalists or the law or more often than not the left.

    And the crux of your argument now seems to be because you think you are on the same side as the majority who phone up 'I am a cardigan wearer get me out of here ' you must be right.
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