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Thread: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

  1. #196
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Well the Sargon of Akkad channel has 957K+ subscribers and his secondary channel The Thinkery has 413K+ subscribers of which I'm sure there is much overlap. The entire Jess Phillips deal and the disingenuous nature in which the media have covered it looks extraordinarily bad if you actually know anything about how things went down.

    Jess Phillips' initial response to the comment was nothing, she wasn't bothered AT ALL (even by her own admission) to double back and now claim offense from the offset looks a bit like simulation at this point and is surely a sign of her falling in the polls.

    The BBC just look like absolute partisan idiots. It doesn't take much time to dig into this issue and understand everything about it. You wonder "How can the OK hand sign be turned into a white supremacy symbol?" and this is no different. Carl Benjamin pulls a typical trolling technique in order to get attention, the mob of the perpetually outraged takes the bait (because ALWAYS) and then Carl Benjamin gets a platform in the minds of those folks and hopefully he sets a few free with calm reasoned logic....but I suppose that will be deemed racist any day now as well.

    All Jess Phillips, all the BBC had to do in order to NOT "feed the troll" was to take the comment for what it literally was and then no power is given to Carl Benjamin, his words have no weight, and he doesn't give a political push to UKIP. If someone tells you "I wouldn't even rape you".....the correct response is to say either nothing at all or comment on how weird of a thing it is to say and appreciate the fact that physical violence and sexual assault would NOT be visited upon you by that person instead of twisting the words to stay as the victim.

    Carl is seemingly doing quite well in his tour. He's certainly seemed to catch everyone else flatfooted and people are not indifferent to him which bodes quite well for his numbers. Meanwhile you've got members of other political parties saying it's "totalitarianism" to follow through on Brexit.....WOW...that should have people violently up in arms, your vote as the people (whether you individually voted Brexit or Remain) has been dismissed by the powers that be, that can't feel good. I mean sure I've disliked votes on Obamacare and the like, but votes matter and when the government refuses action on votes that have been held that's leading down the road of totalitarianism meaning the government decides on it's own even if it's against the will of the people....scary road that road.

    There should be nonstop marches and protest in favor of Brexit, but governments always seem less likely to divert course when the people they're impacting are busy working their jobs and providing for their families. The Antifa types are always unemployed, in school, or not useful at all in the workforce ergo they have all the time in the world to protest and cause a ruckus and the government will bend the knee to those assholes. It has to be very demoralizing.
    I really do not want to offend you but I think it would be quite disingenuous to not disavow you of the many myths that make up a large part of your post. It may be incredibly difficult for you to ever contemplate it but yourself, Gandalf, and Carl's followers and apologists, really are the perpetually outraged that you seem to think anybody not agreeing with you all are.

    Think about it. You are all not only perpetually outraged, but you actually actively seek out and provoke people in order to justify that outrage. I am not saying you are angry or off your head or mentally ill or constantly walking around with a chip on your shoulder but yourself and Gaydalf do repeatedly start threads expressing that outrage. The way you have framed the entire 'Rape Joke' situation is instructive too. Carl or Tarragon or whatever his name is, at this point in time is most certainly not an elected politician. Everything does not come down to a popularity contest and the very same contempt you are and have constantly and repeatedly show the British electorate with your eagerness to see American interests, and those of the deep state and corporate elites served by fermenting and encouraging violence, and the breakdown of order, to satisfy some weird desire to undo decades of peace and cooperation between Britain and Europe is an expression of that false outrage. Think again about why yourself and Gandalf, neither of whom live or will be affected by Brexit are the biggest advocates of the most extreme and unreasonable version of it.

    You are indeed both addicted to outrage. Carl obviously is. It is his modus operandi. Do you not think it strange when you and Carl speak about Free speech it is in a way that cheapens and makes the concept worthless? What you are both suggesting is not free speech but the opposite. The shutting down of people's right to reply. Not only that but you are telling people what they should feel. You are not the one being told by people that they hope you are killed by someone pouring molten lava in your vagina. So it is quite hilarious when you then suggest that not only was Carl trolling and encouraging his followers to pile it on, but that you are supposedly in a position to tell someone what 'The correct response ' is. What it really is about is not taking personal responsibility. Carl refuses to apologise and so he has no choice but to pretend that somehow he is the victim in all this.

    Carl is quite clearly a cunt and deserves a lot more than a cup of milkshake over his head but in order to twist reality and make him the victim you have to lie and use the same tactics as the perpetually outraged people you think you are so different from do.

    The kind of Brexit you want would be incredibly harmful to the average working man and woman in the UK. Gandalf wants this, as does Farage and his sponsor the insurance tycoon Banks. Those pushing for a WTO Brexit want to kneecap Britain. Just like the clueless Americans who supplied money and arms to the IRA and then pretended to be anti-terrorist, you are making the mistake of thinking that to remove the yoke of tyranny you need to use the same violence that extremists the world over from rabid Islamists to Aerican business men intent on maintaining wars in the middle east in the name of profit.

    Go and have a look in the Brexit thread and tell me that Yanis idea is not more rational and just.

    Tommy is supported (financially and organizationally) by the American Daniel Pipes and The Middle East Forum. I said this years ago but it is worth repeating. This is what Pipes said about Syria

    'Western powers should guide enemies to stalemate by helping whichever side is losing, so as to prolong the conflict'

    So when you lie and insist that to be antifascist one must be unemployed and not useful in the workforce you let slip your true feelings about expressions of democracy. It is not shocking coming from AL but for you to suggest that anybody who marches against a government bent on removing their human rights and heritage, must have nothing better to do, is a bit worrying.

    I hope you can see one day that Tommy does not speak for the majority of Brits, not even the majority of pro-Brexit voters and the Benjamin is a nasty divisive ignorant fool not worthy of a fraction of a fart.

    I was mentioned why ?
    Because in this very thread you insisted that any protesting must be a lazy bastard with too much time on their hands. For a change you said it out front instead of in PMs but either way it is a stupid and condescending argument to assume that anyone using their democratic right to protest in England must be a scrounger. You repeatedly mentioned me in it accusing me of being a liar etc. I don't give a shite what you think Al but hopefully that clears things up.
    Firstly people who march against cuts in benefits are usually people who are affected by cuts in benefits, or why would they give a shit. Most people went to work the day of the protests.
    Secondly as plenty have pointed out here over the last 7 years or so your story has more holes than a sieve.
    I understand you don't like Robinson you have made that clear, I personally find Corbyn and his circus sidekick fucking repulsive.
    I also consider all members of the main parties fucking traitors.
    Hope that clears things up.
    People give a shit about the way disabled people are treated often because they are not cunts. It is perfectly possible to demonstrate and campaign for the rights of others and this is why society has progressed beyond cavemen. If you only give a shit about yourself and not the care givers, your tribe is getting fucked right over pretty sharpish. It's not rocket science but it is one of the most important steps along the way. Empathy is an expression of intelligence not weakness.

    Why would anyone make up stories for strangers on a forum? Who the fuck would want to impress you or anyone else here, andif they did do you not think that their lies would be considerably more glamorous than me telling you about my life?

    Robinson and Corbyn are not so much chalk and cheese more milk and eggs.

    Hope that gives you an itchy bollock.
    Who said anything about trying to impress anyone ?
    My point is as other have pointed out your story just doesn't add up.

  2. #197
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Beanz, regardless of the motives of the Robinson supporters and spin of the video, it clearly shows the coppers chaperoning the muslim mob. They're tooled up roaring allah akbar whilst screaming about "nobody offends their religion." If the "counter protesters" lived there, fair enough, but they came from another town.

    When Tommy does the the paranoid rant - "the cops are out to get me" - it's hard to not think he may have a point.
    I have never disputed this. Tommy has been on a tour of the UK and I can assure you, just like Carl Benjamin the local firms have all put calls out to make sure that their lads are there in force when they arrive too. Look it up for yourself if you don't believe me. Bold as brass on social media etc. When you buy into the bullshit and kid yourself into thinking only the 'elitist media and middle class hippies' are opposed to people like Farrage , Robinson and Benjamin you don't exactly sound very objective yourself.

    Tommy made a rod for his own back and has always told his supporters that the victim status in great for him. When no cameras are present then yes punch and lay into any one protesting his presence but when the cameras are on make sure they play the victim card after provoking people much like Benjamin.
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  3. #198
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Well the Sargon of Akkad channel has 957K+ subscribers and his secondary channel The Thinkery has 413K+ subscribers of which I'm sure there is much overlap. The entire Jess Phillips deal and the disingenuous nature in which the media have covered it looks extraordinarily bad if you actually know anything about how things went down.

    Jess Phillips' initial response to the comment was nothing, she wasn't bothered AT ALL (even by her own admission) to double back and now claim offense from the offset looks a bit like simulation at this point and is surely a sign of her falling in the polls.

    The BBC just look like absolute partisan idiots. It doesn't take much time to dig into this issue and understand everything about it. You wonder "How can the OK hand sign be turned into a white supremacy symbol?" and this is no different. Carl Benjamin pulls a typical trolling technique in order to get attention, the mob of the perpetually outraged takes the bait (because ALWAYS) and then Carl Benjamin gets a platform in the minds of those folks and hopefully he sets a few free with calm reasoned logic....but I suppose that will be deemed racist any day now as well.

    All Jess Phillips, all the BBC had to do in order to NOT "feed the troll" was to take the comment for what it literally was and then no power is given to Carl Benjamin, his words have no weight, and he doesn't give a political push to UKIP. If someone tells you "I wouldn't even rape you".....the correct response is to say either nothing at all or comment on how weird of a thing it is to say and appreciate the fact that physical violence and sexual assault would NOT be visited upon you by that person instead of twisting the words to stay as the victim.

    Carl is seemingly doing quite well in his tour. He's certainly seemed to catch everyone else flatfooted and people are not indifferent to him which bodes quite well for his numbers. Meanwhile you've got members of other political parties saying it's "totalitarianism" to follow through on Brexit.....WOW...that should have people violently up in arms, your vote as the people (whether you individually voted Brexit or Remain) has been dismissed by the powers that be, that can't feel good. I mean sure I've disliked votes on Obamacare and the like, but votes matter and when the government refuses action on votes that have been held that's leading down the road of totalitarianism meaning the government decides on it's own even if it's against the will of the people....scary road that road.

    There should be nonstop marches and protest in favor of Brexit, but governments always seem less likely to divert course when the people they're impacting are busy working their jobs and providing for their families. The Antifa types are always unemployed, in school, or not useful at all in the workforce ergo they have all the time in the world to protest and cause a ruckus and the government will bend the knee to those assholes. It has to be very demoralizing.
    I really do not want to offend you but I think it would be quite disingenuous to not disavow you of the many myths that make up a large part of your post. It may be incredibly difficult for you to ever contemplate it but yourself, Gandalf, and Carl's followers and apologists, really are the perpetually outraged that you seem to think anybody not agreeing with you all are.

    Think about it. You are all not only perpetually outraged, but you actually actively seek out and provoke people in order to justify that outrage. I am not saying you are angry or off your head or mentally ill or constantly walking around with a chip on your shoulder but yourself and Gaydalf do repeatedly start threads expressing that outrage. The way you have framed the entire 'Rape Joke' situation is instructive too. Carl or Tarragon or whatever his name is, at this point in time is most certainly not an elected politician. Everything does not come down to a popularity contest and the very same contempt you are and have constantly and repeatedly show the British electorate with your eagerness to see American interests, and those of the deep state and corporate elites served by fermenting and encouraging violence, and the breakdown of order, to satisfy some weird desire to undo decades of peace and cooperation between Britain and Europe is an expression of that false outrage. Think again about why yourself and Gandalf, neither of whom live or will be affected by Brexit are the biggest advocates of the most extreme and unreasonable version of it.

    You are indeed both addicted to outrage. Carl obviously is. It is his modus operandi. Do you not think it strange when you and Carl speak about Free speech it is in a way that cheapens and makes the concept worthless? What you are both suggesting is not free speech but the opposite. The shutting down of people's right to reply. Not only that but you are telling people what they should feel. You are not the one being told by people that they hope you are killed by someone pouring molten lava in your vagina. So it is quite hilarious when you then suggest that not only was Carl trolling and encouraging his followers to pile it on, but that you are supposedly in a position to tell someone what 'The correct response ' is. What it really is about is not taking personal responsibility. Carl refuses to apologise and so he has no choice but to pretend that somehow he is the victim in all this.

    Carl is quite clearly a cunt and deserves a lot more than a cup of milkshake over his head but in order to twist reality and make him the victim you have to lie and use the same tactics as the perpetually outraged people you think you are so different from do.

    The kind of Brexit you want would be incredibly harmful to the average working man and woman in the UK. Gandalf wants this, as does Farage and his sponsor the insurance tycoon Banks. Those pushing for a WTO Brexit want to kneecap Britain. Just like the clueless Americans who supplied money and arms to the IRA and then pretended to be anti-terrorist, you are making the mistake of thinking that to remove the yoke of tyranny you need to use the same violence that extremists the world over from rabid Islamists to Aerican business men intent on maintaining wars in the middle east in the name of profit.

    Go and have a look in the Brexit thread and tell me that Yanis idea is not more rational and just.

    Tommy is supported (financially and organizationally) by the American Daniel Pipes and The Middle East Forum. I said this years ago but it is worth repeating. This is what Pipes said about Syria

    'Western powers should guide enemies to stalemate by helping whichever side is losing, so as to prolong the conflict'

    So when you lie and insist that to be antifascist one must be unemployed and not useful in the workforce you let slip your true feelings about expressions of democracy. It is not shocking coming from AL but for you to suggest that anybody who marches against a government bent on removing their human rights and heritage, must have nothing better to do, is a bit worrying.

    I hope you can see one day that Tommy does not speak for the majority of Brits, not even the majority of pro-Brexit voters and the Benjamin is a nasty divisive ignorant fool not worthy of a fraction of a fart.

    I was mentioned why ?
    Because in this very thread you insisted that any protesting must be a lazy bastard with too much time on their hands. For a change you said it out front instead of in PMs but either way it is a stupid and condescending argument to assume that anyone using their democratic right to protest in England must be a scrounger. You repeatedly mentioned me in it accusing me of being a liar etc. I don't give a shite what you think Al but hopefully that clears things up.
    Firstly people who march against cuts in benefits are usually people who are affected by cuts in benefits, or why would they give a shit. Most people went to work the day of the protests.
    Secondly as plenty have pointed out here over the last 7 years or so your story has more holes than a sieve.
    I understand you don't like Robinson you have made that clear, I personally find Corbyn and his circus sidekick fucking repulsive.
    I also consider all members of the main parties fucking traitors.
    Hope that clears things up.
    People give a shit about the way disabled people are treated often because they are not cunts. It is perfectly possible to demonstrate and campaign for the rights of others and this is why society has progressed beyond cavemen. If you only give a shit about yourself and not the care givers, your tribe is getting fucked right over pretty sharpish. It's not rocket science but it is one of the most important steps along the way. Empathy is an expression of intelligence not weakness.

    Why would anyone make up stories for strangers on a forum? Who the fuck would want to impress you or anyone else here, andif they did do you not think that their lies would be considerably more glamorous than me telling you about my life?

    Robinson and Corbyn are not so much chalk and cheese more milk and eggs.

    Hope that gives you an itchy bollock.
    Who said anything about trying to impress anyone ?
    My point is as other have pointed out your story just doesn't add up.

    Stop bullshitting then Al. You are the one telling everyone i said i was some big businessman which is not the case at all. You would not understand because you make the assumption like Gandalf does that everyone is like him.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  4. #199
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Well the Sargon of Akkad channel has 957K+ subscribers and his secondary channel The Thinkery has 413K+ subscribers of which I'm sure there is much overlap. The entire Jess Phillips deal and the disingenuous nature in which the media have covered it looks extraordinarily bad if you actually know anything about how things went down.

    Jess Phillips' initial response to the comment was nothing, she wasn't bothered AT ALL (even by her own admission) to double back and now claim offense from the offset looks a bit like simulation at this point and is surely a sign of her falling in the polls.

    The BBC just look like absolute partisan idiots. It doesn't take much time to dig into this issue and understand everything about it. You wonder "How can the OK hand sign be turned into a white supremacy symbol?" and this is no different. Carl Benjamin pulls a typical trolling technique in order to get attention, the mob of the perpetually outraged takes the bait (because ALWAYS) and then Carl Benjamin gets a platform in the minds of those folks and hopefully he sets a few free with calm reasoned logic....but I suppose that will be deemed racist any day now as well.

    All Jess Phillips, all the BBC had to do in order to NOT "feed the troll" was to take the comment for what it literally was and then no power is given to Carl Benjamin, his words have no weight, and he doesn't give a political push to UKIP. If someone tells you "I wouldn't even rape you".....the correct response is to say either nothing at all or comment on how weird of a thing it is to say and appreciate the fact that physical violence and sexual assault would NOT be visited upon you by that person instead of twisting the words to stay as the victim.

    Carl is seemingly doing quite well in his tour. He's certainly seemed to catch everyone else flatfooted and people are not indifferent to him which bodes quite well for his numbers. Meanwhile you've got members of other political parties saying it's "totalitarianism" to follow through on Brexit.....WOW...that should have people violently up in arms, your vote as the people (whether you individually voted Brexit or Remain) has been dismissed by the powers that be, that can't feel good. I mean sure I've disliked votes on Obamacare and the like, but votes matter and when the government refuses action on votes that have been held that's leading down the road of totalitarianism meaning the government decides on it's own even if it's against the will of the people....scary road that road.

    There should be nonstop marches and protest in favor of Brexit, but governments always seem less likely to divert course when the people they're impacting are busy working their jobs and providing for their families. The Antifa types are always unemployed, in school, or not useful at all in the workforce ergo they have all the time in the world to protest and cause a ruckus and the government will bend the knee to those assholes. It has to be very demoralizing.
    I really do not want to offend you but I think it would be quite disingenuous to not disavow you of the many myths that make up a large part of your post. It may be incredibly difficult for you to ever contemplate it but yourself, Gandalf, and Carl's followers and apologists, really are the perpetually outraged that you seem to think anybody not agreeing with you all are.

    Think about it. You are all not only perpetually outraged, but you actually actively seek out and provoke people in order to justify that outrage. I am not saying you are angry or off your head or mentally ill or constantly walking around with a chip on your shoulder but yourself and Gaydalf do repeatedly start threads expressing that outrage. The way you have framed the entire 'Rape Joke' situation is instructive too. Carl or Tarragon or whatever his name is, at this point in time is most certainly not an elected politician. Everything does not come down to a popularity contest and the very same contempt you are and have constantly and repeatedly show the British electorate with your eagerness to see American interests, and those of the deep state and corporate elites served by fermenting and encouraging violence, and the breakdown of order, to satisfy some weird desire to undo decades of peace and cooperation between Britain and Europe is an expression of that false outrage. Think again about why yourself and Gandalf, neither of whom live or will be affected by Brexit are the biggest advocates of the most extreme and unreasonable version of it.

    You are indeed both addicted to outrage. Carl obviously is. It is his modus operandi. Do you not think it strange when you and Carl speak about Free speech it is in a way that cheapens and makes the concept worthless? What you are both suggesting is not free speech but the opposite. The shutting down of people's right to reply. Not only that but you are telling people what they should feel. You are not the one being told by people that they hope you are killed by someone pouring molten lava in your vagina. So it is quite hilarious when you then suggest that not only was Carl trolling and encouraging his followers to pile it on, but that you are supposedly in a position to tell someone what 'The correct response ' is. What it really is about is not taking personal responsibility. Carl refuses to apologise and so he has no choice but to pretend that somehow he is the victim in all this.

    Carl is quite clearly a cunt and deserves a lot more than a cup of milkshake over his head but in order to twist reality and make him the victim you have to lie and use the same tactics as the perpetually outraged people you think you are so different from do.

    The kind of Brexit you want would be incredibly harmful to the average working man and woman in the UK. Gandalf wants this, as does Farage and his sponsor the insurance tycoon Banks. Those pushing for a WTO Brexit want to kneecap Britain. Just like the clueless Americans who supplied money and arms to the IRA and then pretended to be anti-terrorist, you are making the mistake of thinking that to remove the yoke of tyranny you need to use the same violence that extremists the world over from rabid Islamists to Aerican business men intent on maintaining wars in the middle east in the name of profit.

    Go and have a look in the Brexit thread and tell me that Yanis idea is not more rational and just.

    Tommy is supported (financially and organizationally) by the American Daniel Pipes and The Middle East Forum. I said this years ago but it is worth repeating. This is what Pipes said about Syria

    'Western powers should guide enemies to stalemate by helping whichever side is losing, so as to prolong the conflict'

    So when you lie and insist that to be antifascist one must be unemployed and not useful in the workforce you let slip your true feelings about expressions of democracy. It is not shocking coming from AL but for you to suggest that anybody who marches against a government bent on removing their human rights and heritage, must have nothing better to do, is a bit worrying.

    I hope you can see one day that Tommy does not speak for the majority of Brits, not even the majority of pro-Brexit voters and the Benjamin is a nasty divisive ignorant fool not worthy of a fraction of a fart.

    I was mentioned why ?
    Because in this very thread you insisted that any protesting must be a lazy bastard with too much time on their hands. For a change you said it out front instead of in PMs but either way it is a stupid and condescending argument to assume that anyone using their democratic right to protest in England must be a scrounger. You repeatedly mentioned me in it accusing me of being a liar etc. I don't give a shite what you think Al but hopefully that clears things up.
    Firstly people who march against cuts in benefits are usually people who are affected by cuts in benefits, or why would they give a shit. Most people went to work the day of the protests.
    Secondly as plenty have pointed out here over the last 7 years or so your story has more holes than a sieve.
    I understand you don't like Robinson you have made that clear, I personally find Corbyn and his circus sidekick fucking repulsive.
    I also consider all members of the main parties fucking traitors.
    Hope that clears things up.
    People give a shit about the way disabled people are treated often because they are not cunts. It is perfectly possible to demonstrate and campaign for the rights of others and this is why society has progressed beyond cavemen. If you only give a shit about yourself and not the care givers, your tribe is getting fucked right over pretty sharpish. It's not rocket science but it is one of the most important steps along the way. Empathy is an expression of intelligence not weakness.

    Why would anyone make up stories for strangers on a forum? Who the fuck would want to impress you or anyone else here, andif they did do you not think that their lies would be considerably more glamorous than me telling you about my life?

    Robinson and Corbyn are not so much chalk and cheese more milk and eggs.

    Hope that gives you an itchy bollock.
    Who said anything about trying to impress anyone ?
    My point is as other have pointed out your story just doesn't add up.

    Stop bullshitting then Al. You are the one telling everyone i said i was some big businessman which is not the case at all. You would not understand because you make the assumption like Gandalf does that everyone is like him.
    Bullshit what have I said that's bullshit ?
    Your inconsistences are there for all to see.

  5. #200
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    May to ask lawmakers to vote on a second Brexit referendum
    LONDON, May 21 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said her government will include in her Withdrawal Agreement Bill a requirement for Members of Parliament (MPs) to vote on whether to hold another Brexit referendum.

    "I recognise the genuine and sincere strength of feeling across the House on this important issue," May said. "The government will therefore include in the Withdrawal Agreement Bill at introduction a requirement to vote on whether to hold a second referendum.

    "This must take place before the Withdrawal Agreement can be ratified," May told reporters. "And if the House of Commons were to vote for a referendum, it would be requiring the government to make provisions for such a referendum – including legislation if it wanted to ratify the Withdrawal Agreement."

    She added: "So to those MPs who want a second referendum to confirm the deal - you need a deal and therefore Withdrawal Agreement Bill to make it happen. So let (the bill) have its Second Reading and then make your case to Parliament." (Reporting by William James; editing by Guy Faulconbridge)

    .....sooooo the first referendum was a warm up vote or they're getting a "do over" or taking a mulligan or what

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.


    Bullshit what have I said that's bullshit ?
    Your inconsistences are there for all to see.

    Your bullshit Al. If it is that important PM me and I will send you the links to put your mind at ease ffs. It is hardly relevant but if you are going to make accusations and call people liars behind their back then you should be pretty sure before you do so. This is why I don't share stuff here because of the blatant spin put on it and the kind of resentment and bitterness that Gandalf seems to have for somebody that is completely unconnected to him in his little bubble in SK. It is a bit weird.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  7. #202
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Bullshit what have I said that's bullshit ?
    Your inconsistences are there for all to see.

    Your bullshit Al. If it is that important PM me and I will send you the links to put your mind at ease ffs. It is hardly relevant but if you are going to make accusations and call people liars behind their back then you should be pretty sure before you do so. This is why I don't share stuff here because of the blatant spin put on it and the kind of resentment and bitterness that Gandalf seems to have for somebody that is completely unconnected to him in his little bubble in SK. It is a bit weird.[/QUOTE]
    Firstly I'm far from bitter when it regards you , secondly I called you a liar in one of the threads if I remember rightly.
    People here can say what they want and often do, but as your so quick to judge everyone when they give an opinion then i guess what goes around comes around.
    I take everything here as light hearted, if i seem angry i'm really nothing more than amused or sometimes frustrated .
    Once again I take this forum as a fun place to chat, nothing more nothing less.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    [QUOTE=El Kabong;1519646]
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I really do not want to offend you but I think it would be quite disingenuous to not disavow you of the many myths that make up a large part of your post. It may be incredibly difficult for you to ever contemplate it but yourself, Gandalf, and Carl's followers and apologists, really are the perpetually outraged that you seem to think anybody not agreeing with you all are.
    No worries, I'm not have a different opinion. An opinion I'd like to understand how you arrive at, but nevertheless a different opinion. My attempts to understand will involve many questions some of which will be quite simple but do understand I do not wish to demean, I wish to understand the simple way you have gone from point A to point B if for nothing else my own edification

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Think about it. You are all not only perpetually outraged, but you actually actively seek out and provoke people in order to justify that outrage. I am not saying you are angry or off your head or mentally ill or constantly walking around with a chip on your shoulder but yourself and Gaydalf do repeatedly start threads expressing that outrage. The way you have framed the entire 'Rape Joke' situation is instructive too. Carl or Tarragon or whatever his name is, at this point in time is most certainly not an elected politician. Everything does not come down to a popularity contest and the very same contempt you are and have constantly and repeatedly show the British electorate with your eagerness to see American interests, and those of the deep state and corporate elites served by fermenting and encouraging violence, and the breakdown of order, to satisfy some weird desire to undo decades of peace and cooperation between Britain and Europe is an expression of that false outrage. Think again about why yourself and Gandalf, neither of whom live or will be affected by Brexit are the biggest advocates of the most extreme and unreasonable version of it.
    I suppose I can see this reasoning. I guess I would look outraged, but to whom? About what? Tommy Robinson and Carl Benjamin are called "fascists" why? What views do they espouse that are actually "fascist"? Do you see 0 patriotism in them? Carl Benjamin is focused on free speech, I can't think of 1 single solitary fascist that would have approved of that stance. Tommy is focused mainly on the rapidly changing culture in England due to mass immigration. Is the culture not rapidly changing? Is there not massive immigration? If all cultures ARE equal and beautiful and brilliant then what of the English culture? Is that not worth protecting? Carl Benjamin isn't a politician elected or otherwise, he'd tell you himself he'd have much rather continued on his life playing videogames but he was singled out by the leftist mob and well you sow the wind you reap the whirlwind

    There is a lot to cover and so not to get lost in multi-quote hell I will try to answer each point separately.

    I don't think that I am the one constantly calling Robinson and Benjamin fascists but I can see why people would be justified in calling them that. They are ultra nationalists. Tommy especially. You can hardly claim someone who joined the BNP and then started the EDL and named himself after a football hooligan, is a moderate in any way, shape or form. He doesn't just have previous it is an extremist position that dominates his life. It seems you will never accept this whatever he does because he represents something else to you, and that is because you have relied on only heavily distorted propaganda to come to that conclusion. I understand it is the same ignorance that made Ben Shapiro call Andrew Neil a lefty this week

    You can see how Tommy really operates here in the video below. Remember this is some English twat in Ireland threatening an Irish citizen with violence so you can maybe see how daft the idea of Tommy giving a shit about free speech is or the rule of law. And no there is not one shred of Patriotism in Tommy, quite the opposite he is funded by American and Zionist interests to the tune of many thousands of pounds a week. It is very easy to find these links form Rebel Media, The Middle East Foundation and Australian far right groups. Reps from all these groups can be seen with him everywhere as he tours the UK with his rent a mob.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I don't think that I am the one constantly calling Robinson and Benjamin fascists but I can see why people would be justified in calling them that. They are ultra nationalists. Tommy especially. You can hardly claim someone who joined the BNP and then started the EDL and named himself after a football hooligan, is a moderate in any way, shape or form. He doesn't just have previous it is an extremist position that dominates his life. It seems you will never accept this whatever he does because he represents something else to you, and that is because you have relied on only heavily distorted propaganda to come to that conclusion. I understand it is the same ignorance that made Ben Shapiro call Andrew Neil a lefty this week

    You can see how Tommy really operates here in the video below. Remember this is some English twat in Ireland threatening an Irish citizen with violence so you can maybe see how daft the idea of Tommy giving a shit about free speech is or the rule of law. And no there is not one shred of Patriotism in Tommy, quite the opposite he is funded by American and Zionist interests to the tune of many thousands of pounds a week. It is very easy to find these links form Rebel Media, The Middle East Foundation and Australian far right groups. Reps from all these groups can be seen with him everywhere as he tours the UK with his rent a mob.
    Well if they aren't fascists then why would Antifa harass them? Is Antifa expanding like the LGBTQIAA+ movement? What is the difference between "ultra nationalist" and "fascist"? I'm very curious as to what an "ultra nationalist" is.

    Who exactly is claiming these things of Tommy as he is at present? Everyone who has seen ANY interview with him at all knows his past. His past is always brought up or hinted at. Has he not changed at all?

    What does Ben Shapiro have to do with this? He lost a debate so what he had the balls to have a debate. Carl Benjamin has done an entire tour of debates even debating the very man who eventually threw a milkshake on him because I guess he didn't have the words to counter Mr. Benjamin so I guess physical attack will have to do.

    I'd rather we not talk past each other so again, I seek to understand how you obtained your views and so I asked questions hoping you'd take me down the path and show me how you came to believe how you believe which would of course lead to perhaps my better understanding of your thought process which in turn would mean less bickering and perhaps some commiseration on some topics....however I seem to have been met with you presuming to tell me how I came to hold my views. That is curious....would you care to expound on specifically what made my synapses fire as they have?

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I don't think that I am the one constantly calling Robinson and Benjamin fascists but I can see why people would be justified in calling them that. They are ultra nationalists. Tommy especially. You can hardly claim someone who joined the BNP and then started the EDL and named himself after a football hooligan, is a moderate in any way, shape or form. He doesn't just have previous it is an extremist position that dominates his life. It seems you will never accept this whatever he does because he represents something else to you, and that is because you have relied on only heavily distorted propaganda to come to that conclusion. I understand it is the same ignorance that made Ben Shapiro call Andrew Neil a lefty this week

    You can see how Tommy really operates here in the video below. Remember this is some English twat in Ireland threatening an Irish citizen with violence so you can maybe see how daft the idea of Tommy giving a shit about free speech is or the rule of law. And no there is not one shred of Patriotism in Tommy, quite the opposite he is funded by American and Zionist interests to the tune of many thousands of pounds a week. It is very easy to find these links form Rebel Media, The Middle East Foundation and Australian far right groups. Reps from all these groups can be seen with him everywhere as he tours the UK with his rent a mob.
    Well if they aren't fascists then why would Antifa harass them? Is Antifa expanding like the LGBTQIAA+ movement? What is the difference between "ultra nationalist" and "fascist"? I'm very curious as to what an "ultra nationalist" is.

    Who exactly is claiming these things of Tommy as he is at present? Everyone who has seen ANY interview with him at all knows his past. His past is always brought up or hinted at. Has he not changed at all?

    What does Ben Shapiro have to do with this? He lost a debate so what he had the balls to have a debate. Carl Benjamin has done an entire tour of debates even debating the very man who eventually threw a milkshake on him because I guess he didn't have the words to counter Mr. Benjamin so I guess physical attack will have to do.

    I'd rather we not talk past each other so again, I seek to understand how you obtained your views and so I asked questions hoping you'd take me down the path and show me how you came to believe how you believe which would of course lead to perhaps my better understanding of your thought process which in turn would mean less bickering and perhaps some commiseration on some topics....however I seem to have been met with you presuming to tell me how I came to hold my views. That is curious....would you care to expound on specifically what made my synapses fire as they have?
    Because you are at least 10-15 years younger than me. You don't live in the UK. I am pretty sure until the last couple of years you would not have even heard of anti-fascists (it would explain how you can with a straight face post Clash videos holding the views you do). You speak about being anti-fascist as though it is repulsive whereas I can probably count more than a hundred friends and colleagues who would use that term to describe themselves including family in their 70's and 80's. You are entitled to believe what you want but if it is not based on experience and just the very one sided views of those supporting Benjamin and Robinson, you will never find a balanced opinion.

    I have never once seen such unashamed and unquestioning dumb loyalty and near fan/idol worship than that found on the Benjamin,Robinson, Peterson etc media hubs. Never in the last 30 years has anything but cultdom approached the sheer religiosity of it all. it is a strange fervor in which everyone just pats each other on the back and says how wonderful the objects of their adoration are.

    Shapiro did not lose a debate he terminated an interview because he just assumed stuff. Like your dismissal of the BBC. The BBC is so right wing that they have let the most inept and cruel Tory party in history go unchallenged for years. THey have repeatedly had Farrage on, somebody who could not garner enough votes to become an MP.

    UKIP who you think represent the people are not exonerated because their corrupt talisman Farrage has left, they are just as guilty as before. Whether it is ties with Cambridge Analytica, Bannon, the aristocrat and money launderer George Cotterell, the deaths of Kenyan election officials while then UKIPS and CA's Alexandra Phillips was working there.

    These are not conspiracies or the past these are the real dark forces shaping Britains future. Gandalf will latch on to the simplistic notion that the EU are the corrupt ones and that UKIP are the squeaky clean saviours of a sovereign state but everything points to the opposite being the truth. Look at yourself urging people to create violence on the streets to push what you think is the natural conclusion of a referendum because of your own political beliefs. I don't remember you and Gandalf having a dog in the fight.

    Personally I have never been under any illusions about the corrupt nature of most politics, the EU included..but...and it is a big but. I will not let my childrens and grandchildrens future be jeopardized and ruined because some Neanderthal Alpha males want to put the countries dick in a blender to signal their own supposed virility. I have nver asked for the referendum result to be overturned or pretended that all Brexit voters were fascists or far right Neo-Nazis. Others have claimed this but I would ask them to show me where i said such a thing.

    That does not mean a WTO deal which would sink our economy and rip up any ties or progress with our close neighbours, relatives, friends and colleagues was what the majority of those voting out in the advisory referendum wanted either.

    We are in limbo and it suits our competitors down to the ground.

    Farrage accepted those bungs because he openly admitted wanting to move and settle in America. Dress that up as patriotism if you like but you know it is nothing of the sort.

    Tommy wants the same thing.

    I am not telling you how you came to your views. That is abundantly clear. It is a bit like Gandalf claiming to be left wing or a socialist etc while dissing Marx, Corbyn etc and anything on the left. You too have brought up people claiming they are lefties in America speaking now for the right and everyone of them are just prepared stooges all with a history of doing nothing but diss the left.

    It is like cognative dissonance. You have already made up your mind and then look for stuff to confirm it and anything that contradicts that view gets binned.
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Bullshit what have I said that's bullshit ?
    Your inconsistences are there for all to see.
    Your bullshit Al. If it is that important PM me and I will send you the links to put your mind at ease ffs. It is hardly relevant but if you are going to make accusations and call people liars behind their back then you should be pretty sure before you do so. This is why I don't share stuff here because of the blatant spin put on it and the kind of resentment and bitterness that Gandalf seems to have for somebody that is completely unconnected to him in his little bubble in SK. It is a bit weird.[/QUOTE]
    Firstly I'm far from bitter when it regards you , secondly I called you a liar in one of the threads if I remember rightly.
    People here can say what they want and often do, but as your so quick to judge everyone when they give an opinion then i guess what goes around comes around.
    I take everything here as light hearted, if i seem angry i'm really nothing more than amused or sometimes frustrated .
    Once again I take this forum as a fun place to chat, nothing more nothing less.


    I am not angry either. I just do not filter what i right here like i would something written professionally. I am just as potty mouthed in real life and while some posters seem obsessed with trying to medically diagnose mental illness remotely, I would not give them the steam off my piss.

    I am not judging people when I give an opinion. (well maybe Gandalf ) I am often just being Devil's Advocate. Mainly because as you keep reminding me I am in the minority and the forum would be just one big soggy biscuit without it, but also because I genuinely believe in what I post.

    I work, and bloody hard, but i also care for someone with very complex and demanding needs. I don't say that for sympathy and people are probably right that I over share , but that is who I am and it shapes how I think.

    What do you want me to say ?

    I am a benefit scrounger? That would be a lie and make it easier to dismiss anything I say, much like Gandalf having to belittle me and make up stuff because it does not fit with this imaginary person in his head. The anti-austerity march in London was 4 or 5 yrs ago now I was very proud of the Mrs being able to walk it along with hundreds of thousands of other disable people. She could not do it now and is for the most part confined to a wheelchair and with her one working hand becoming more numb each day and sometimes failing. Then factor in epilepsy. Quite why anyone would make something like that up I do not know. Some weeks I earn £25 some weeks £800 some weeks nothing. But I earn it and It gets a bit tiresome people pretending that is the same as being on the dole.

    And i don't think you are bitter. Just mistaken about me and what you think i stand for.

    I can understand why anyone would vote Brexit and don't think you do not have your own mind or good reasons for doing so. That does not make UKIP , the Brexit party or anyone else any less corrupt and bent than the main parties either.
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    I'm puzzled as to why you would ask -what do you want me to say ?
    I to my knowledge havent requested you say anything.
    Anyway as I say its a forum, it is what it is, people will say what they say and will never be anything more than what they are.
    I think that goes for everyone here, in many different ways.
    If Bill Gates wants to eat at a soup kitchen then I say let him, life is what it is.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    I'm puzzled as to why you would ask -what do you want me to say ?
    I to my knowledge havent requested you say anything.
    Anyway as I say its a forum, it is what it is, people will say what they say and will never be anything more than what they are.
    I think that goes for everyone here, in many different ways.
    If Bill Gates wants to eat at a soup kitchen then I say let him, life is what it is.
    Because i am asking you why would you want me to confirm your illusions? I am not moaning about my life. I love my job. The fact that you and Gandalf don't seem to understand why ordinary people cannot just lay their hand on 8-10 grand for a trip abroad says it all. There are more important things than money and if Gates wants to eat at a soup kitchen whilst helping out, then good on him. It is usually the poorest who are the most charitable so he would be breaking the mold to swallow his pride and roll his sleeves up.
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    I have no illusions my view is very clear on life.
    I am comfortable with my views and my life in general. If someone here doesn't agree with me I really couldn't care less, I just find it fun to argue the point sometimes.

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