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Thread: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

  1. #211
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Because you are at least 10-15 years younger than me. You don't live in the UK. I am pretty sure until the last couple of years you would not have even heard of anti-fascists (it would explain how you can with a straight face post Clash videos holding the views you do). You speak about being anti-fascist as though it is repulsive whereas I can probably count more than a hundred friends and colleagues who would use that term to describe themselves including family in their 70's and 80's. You are entitled to believe what you want but if it is not based on experience and just the very one sided views of those supporting Benjamin and Robinson, you will never find a balanced opinion.

    I have never once seen such unashamed and unquestioning dumb loyalty and near fan/idol worship than that found on the Benjamin,Robinson, Peterson etc media hubs. Never in the last 30 years has anything but cultdom approached the sheer religiosity of it all. it is a strange fervor in which everyone just pats each other on the back and says how wonderful the objects of their adoration are.

    Shapiro did not lose a debate he terminated an interview because he just assumed stuff. Like your dismissal of the BBC. The BBC is so right wing that they have let the most inept and cruel Tory party in history go unchallenged for years. THey have repeatedly had Farrage on, somebody who could not garner enough votes to become an MP.

    UKIP who you think represent the people are not exonerated because their corrupt talisman Farrage has left, they are just as guilty as before. Whether it is ties with Cambridge Analytica, Bannon, the aristocrat and money launderer George Cotterell, the deaths of Kenyan election officials while then UKIPS and CA's Alexandra Phillips was working there.

    These are not conspiracies or the past these are the real dark forces shaping Britains future. Gandalf will latch on to the simplistic notion that the EU are the corrupt ones and that UKIP are the squeaky clean saviours of a sovereign state but everything points to the opposite being the truth. Look at yourself urging people to create violence on the streets to push what you think is the natural conclusion of a referendum because of your own political beliefs. I don't remember you and Gandalf having a dog in the fight.

    Personally I have never been under any illusions about the corrupt nature of most politics, the EU included..but...and it is a big but. I will not let my childrens and grandchildrens future be jeopardized and ruined because some Neanderthal Alpha males want to put the countries dick in a blender to signal their own supposed virility. I have nver asked for the referendum result to be overturned or pretended that all Brexit voters were fascists or far right Neo-Nazis. Others have claimed this but I would ask them to show me where i said such a thing.

    That does not mean a WTO deal which would sink our economy and rip up any ties or progress with our close neighbours, relatives, friends and colleagues was what the majority of those voting out in the advisory referendum wanted either.

    We are in limbo and it suits our competitors down to the ground.

    Farrage accepted those bungs because he openly admitted wanting to move and settle in America. Dress that up as patriotism if you like but you know it is nothing of the sort.

    Tommy wants the same thing.

    I am not telling you how you came to your views. That is abundantly clear. It is a bit like Gandalf claiming to be left wing or a socialist etc while dissing Marx, Corbyn etc and anything on the left. You too have brought up people claiming they are lefties in America speaking now for the right and everyone of them are just prepared stooges all with a history of doing nothing but diss the left.

    It is like cognative dissonance. You have already made up your mind and then look for stuff to confirm it and anything that contradicts that view gets binned.
    10-15 years? OK I don't know how that's an issue I'm an adult I was an adult over a decade ago as well. No I don't live there but due to the internet I'm quite able to follow what happens there...various sources too mind. Well I guess if you're "pretty sure" then you must feel good assuming things about me, I do hate to disappoint you, but I don't mix my politics and art (including music) I enjoy, do you? Why would I shut myself off from good art due to politics? Do you?

    Have you not? I lived through 8 years of Obama, I've seen plenty and everyone you mentioned has been grilled a hell of a lot harder than Obama ever was. Carl Benjamin on the BBC the other day faced a tougher line of questioning than Obama ever has.

    Fine Shapiro terminated an interview, I don't care it's erroneous to the current discussion. If you believe The BBC is right wing then I don't know what to tell you other than "Can you see the edge from where you're standing?"

    OK so UKIP and Brexit Party don't represent the people, the people who voted for who does represent those people the Tories? Labour? Change UK?

    Why bring up Gandalf? I thought it was you and me that were having a nice discussion where I'm politely asking you questions in order to better understand your position and you're (and maybe this is my not being able to discern tone here) taking shots at me for asking those questions . OK so you're not ok with my having an opinion on British politics....alright then fine I'll go back to my own thread and leave you to sort everything out....

    One last thing though....

    "I am not telling you how you came to your views. That is abundantly clear"


    "It seems you will never accept this whatever he does because he represents something else to you, and that is because you have relied on only heavily distorted propaganda to come to that conclusion. I understand it is the same ignorance that made Ben Shapiro call Andrew Neil a lefty this week "

    Cognitive Dissonance.....what's that?

  2. #212
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    @Fenster I am just curious as to why my name has been brought up so many times by one poster over the past 2 pages when I haven't even been posting? Do you think this is rational behavior? I find it very weird.

  3. #213
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    [/QUOTE] 10-15 years? OK I don't know how that's an issue I'm an adult I was an adult over a decade ago as well. No I don't live there but due to the internet I'm quite able to follow what happens there...various sources too mind. Well I guess if you're "pretty sure" then you must feel good assuming things about me, I do hate to disappoint you, but I don't mix my politics and art (including music) I enjoy, do you? Why would I shut myself off from good art due to politics? Do you?

    Have you not? I lived through 8 years of Obama, I've seen plenty and everyone you mentioned has been grilled a hell of a lot harder than Obama ever was. Carl Benjamin on the BBC the other day faced a tougher line of questioning than Obama ever has.

    Fine Shapiro terminated an interview, I don't care it's erroneous to the current discussion. If you believe The BBC is right wing then I don't know what to tell you other than "Can you see the edge from where you're standing?"

    OK so UKIP and Brexit Party don't represent the people, the people who voted for who does represent those people the Tories? Labour? Change UK?

    Why bring up Gandalf? I thought it was you and me that were having a nice discussion where I'm politely asking you questions in order to better understand your position and you're (and maybe this is my not being able to discern tone here) taking shots at me for asking those questions . OK so you're not ok with my having an opinion on British politics....alright then fine I'll go back to my own thread and leave you to sort everything out....

    One last thing though....

    "I am not telling you how you came to your views. That is abundantly clear"


    "It seems you will never accept this whatever he does because he represents something else to you, and that is because you have relied on only heavily distorted propaganda to come to that conclusion. I understand it is the same ignorance that made Ben Shapiro call Andrew Neil a lefty this week "

    Cognitive Dissonance.....what's that?


    It is only because you constantly quote from the same sources that I came to such a conclusion. You of course would think that the internet is a good substitute for boots on the ground because that is part of your generations way of looking at the world. When my stepsons (who is 30) friends made rape jokes in the past it became quite clear that generations view things differently. It doesn't mean that you are incapable of reaching more rational and reasonable conclusions than somebody of my age but it does explain the difference.

    And yes of course i mix my politics and art. I have staked almost everything on it, as have virtually all of my closest friends. They are at times inseparable. There is a whole wall of local venue covered in massive blown up versions of my work and in the very centre of it all is an anti-fascist flag. Even if i am skint or knackered I will always make time for an anti-racist gig or to support a charity supporting refugees or abused kids etc. I have got on a night bus to work in London on many occasion to support the fight against censorship and the killing of what so many now just call 'the elite media class' of journalists all over the world. I am the living embodiment of an SJW crusty hippy punk photo-journalist limp and all, that has had the privilege of spending some of my working life talking to the people who worked with Strummer and the people who helped start Rock against Racism and the Anti-Nazi league. I make no apologies for it. In the end it has kept me alive and helped support two generations.

    Benjamin is not Obama and while Obama may have deserved a personal droning, Benjamin certainly deserves at least a bucket of milkshake for many reasons, selling out an electorate to a corrupt party being one of many. The amount of racist shite Obama caught by people prefacing it with provisos that is was not because they were racist that they hated the muslim non american with the fake birth certificate made it quite clear, even from here across the pond, that he was not given the easy ride you are suggesting. I never defended the war monger but did not feel the need to pretend that Trump is not corrupt, inept and as neck deep in corruption as the Clintons and all the others.

    You are mistaking my not buying into the right wing propaganda as an indication that I must buy into the other end. That is not the case. Nuance, and complexity are what life is about and you will find no more nuance in the Morning Star than you will in the Daily Mail.

    I never said that UKIP does not represent the people that voted for Brexit. Of course they do but no more than the tories , the labour party etc do. That is kind of the point. People across the spectrum voted quite equally to stay and leave, It literally split the nation as evidenced in the close result. How we leave and what we would do if we did was never even discussed.

    And yes of course you can have an opinion on British politics. I have tried for months to leave the Trump thread alone but your opinion is as valid as anyone else.

    You have to remember though that it is American interests that are being used to shape British and European politics in an effort to make everyone hyper nationlist and isolationist. There is a right wing corporate elite push back happening and it is there because it hates the idea of cooperation and commons and community.

    Like yourself it views even quite moderate fair capitalist ideas as communism and a threat. What Yanis proposes would represent real change and people are terrified of that. Ironically that is what those voting Brexit really have in common with many Blairite (or LIB DEM traitorous) remainers. THey want either a regression to the past or 'The same as it ever was'.

    You cannot get any more establishment than Farrge the toffs and multinational corporations that installed him. He is no alternative just as UKIP the party he formed is not. Benjamin represents a desire to regress as does Tommy because change is just too challenging to them personally.

    Its a lot to digest, and you may find it too unpalatetable, but I have nothing to gain by telling lies.

    For me the forum, like life, is kind of wasted if all we all think we can't learn anything from others.

    I have found it most instructive, if baffling at times, to be surrounded by people quite unlike most of my mates and family etc.

    I brought up Gandalf because he has been one of the most vocal on these things and in this thread but he is speaking from a place between us both.

    Most people don't even want to speak about it so don't take me or his word for it and certainly look further away from the narrow prism of Tommy, Carl and that whole 'scene'.

    It really is not very representative.
    Last edited by Beanz; 05-22-2019 at 12:45 PM.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  4. #214
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    10-15 years? OK I don't know how that's an issue I'm an adult I was an adult over a decade ago as well. No I don't live there but due to the internet I'm quite able to follow what happens there...various sources too mind. Well I guess if you're "pretty sure" then you must feel good assuming things about me, I do hate to disappoint you, but I don't mix my politics and art (including music) I enjoy, do you? Why would I shut myself off from good art due to politics? Do you?

    Have you not? I lived through 8 years of Obama, I've seen plenty and everyone you mentioned has been grilled a hell of a lot harder than Obama ever was. Carl Benjamin on the BBC the other day faced a tougher line of questioning than Obama ever has.

    Fine Shapiro terminated an interview, I don't care it's erroneous to the current discussion. If you believe The BBC is right wing then I don't know what to tell you other than "Can you see the edge from where you're standing?"

    OK so UKIP and Brexit Party don't represent the people, the people who voted for who does represent those people the Tories? Labour? Change UK?

    Why bring up Gandalf? I thought it was you and me that were having a nice discussion where I'm politely asking you questions in order to better understand your position and you're (and maybe this is my not being able to discern tone here) taking shots at me for asking those questions . OK so you're not ok with my having an opinion on British politics....alright then fine I'll go back to my own thread and leave you to sort everything out....

    One last thing though....

    "I am not telling you how you came to your views. That is abundantly clear"


    "It seems you will never accept this whatever he does because he represents something else to you, and that is because you have relied on only heavily distorted propaganda to come to that conclusion. I understand it is the same ignorance that made Ben Shapiro call Andrew Neil a lefty this week "

    Cognitive Dissonance.....what's that?


    It is only because you constantly quote from the same sources that I came to such a conclusion. You of course would think that the internet is a good substitute for boots on the ground because that is part of your generations way of looking at the world. When my stepsons (who is 30) friends made rape jokes in the past it became quite clear that generations view things differently. It doesn't mean that you are incapable of reaching more rational and reasonable conclusions than somebody of my age but it does explain the difference.

    And yes of course i mix my politics and art. I have staked almost everything on it, as have virtually all of my closest friends. They are at times inseparable. There is a whole wall of local venue covered in massive blown up versions of my work and in the very centre of it all is an anti-fascist flag. Even if i am skint or knackered I will always make time for an anti-racist gig or to support a charity supporting refugees or abused kids etc. I have got on a night bus to work in London on many occasion to support the fight against censorship and the killing of what so many now just call 'the elite media class' of journalists all over the world. I am the living embodiment of an SJW crusty hippy punk photo-journalist limp and all, that has had the privilege of spending some of my working life talking to the people who worked with Strummer and the people who helped start Rock against Racism and the Anti-Nazi league. I make no apologies for it. In the end it has kept me alive and helped support two generations.

    Benjamin is not Obama and while Obama may have deserved a personal droning, Benjamin certainly deserves at least a bucket of milkshake for many reasons, selling out an electorate to a corrupt party being one of many. The amount of racist shite Obama caught by people prefacing it with provisos that is was not because they were racist that they hated the muslim non american with the fake birth certificate made it quite clear, even from here across the pond, that he was not given the easy ride you are suggesting. I never defended the war monger but did not feel the need to pretend that Trump is not corrupt, inept and as neck deep in corruption as the Clintons and all the others.

    You are mistaking my not buying into the right wing propaganda as an indication that I must buy into the other end. That is not the case. Nuance, and complexity are what life is about and you will find no more nuance in the Morning Star than you will in the Daily Mail.

    I never said that UKIP does not represent the people that voted for Brexit. Of course they do but no more than the tories , the labour party etc do. That is kind of the point. People across the spectrum voted quite equally to stay and leave, It literally split the nation as evidenced in the close result. How we leave and what we would do if we did was never even discussed.

    And yes of course you can have an opinion on British politics. I have tried for months to leave the Trump thread alone but your opinion is as valid as anyone else.

    You have to remember though that it is American interests that are being used to shape British and European politics in an effort to make everyone hyper nationlist and isolationist. There is a right wing corporate elite push back happening and it is there because it hates the idea of cooperation and commons and community.

    Like yourself it views even quite moderate fair capitalist ideas as communism and a threat. What Yanis proposes would represent real change and people are terrified of that. Ironically that is what those voting Brexit really have in common with many Blairite (or LIB DEM traitorous) remainers. THey want either a regression to the past or 'The same as it ever was'.

    You cannot get any more establishment than Farrge the toffs and multinational corporations that installed him. He is no alternative just as UKIP the party he formed is not. Benjamin represents a desire to regress as does Tommy because change is just too challenging to them personally.

    Its a lot to digest, and you may find it too unpalatetable, but I have nothing to gain by telling lies.

    For me the forum, like life, is kind of wasted if all we all think we can't learn anything from others.

    I have found it most instructive, if baffling at times, to be surrounded by people quite unlike most of my mates and family etc.

    I brought up Gandalf because he has been one of the most vocal on these things and in this thread but he is speaking from a place between us both.

    Most people don't even want to speak about it so don't take me or his word for it and certainly look further away from the narrow prism of Tommy, Carl and that whole 'scene'.

    It really is not very representative.[/QUOTE]

    If you say so then it must be so. I can't comment since I'm not in England and you refuse to answer any questions which would of course show your dedication to attempting to be better and more understanding of each other.

    Well.....enjoy yourself

  5. #215
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Must be kinda rough with no Beethoven, no Salvador DalĂ­, no Wagner, no Da Vinci, no Michelangelo, why you can't even revel in the boxing of Muhammad Ali what with you not being a Muslim and all you bloody infidel....but hey what do I care, I don't mix my political views and everything I enjoy, you on the other hand

    (Waits for logic and reasoning to land)

  6. #216
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Damn no Beatles. Is Jimmy buffet ok?

  7. #217
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    @Fenster I am just curious as to why my name has been brought up so many times by one poster over the past 2 pages when I haven't even been posting? Do you think this is rational behavior? I find it very weird.
    I have no idea, as i've not read anything for 24 hours, however, i'm pretty certain my investigation will find it's because Beanz loves you. I'll be back.

  8. #218
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    @Fenster I am just curious as to why my name has been brought up so many times by one poster over the past 2 pages when I haven't even been posting? Do you think this is rational behavior? I find it very weird.
    I have no idea, as i've not read anything for 24 hours, however, i'm pretty certain my investigation will find it's because Beanz loves you. I'll be back.
    I am not looking for protection, but just pointing out that he does seem a little infatuated. I posted a few things and deleted them as you would have noticed as I don't want to encourage him too much knowing his mania is in full bloom.

    Is violence against individuals really something we should be advocating? My entire stance on this is that we don't egg Jeremy and we don't milkshake others. Normalizing violence is not so good.

  9. #219
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Beanz, regardless of the motives of the Robinson supporters and spin of the video, it clearly shows the coppers chaperoning the muslim mob. They're tooled up roaring allah akbar whilst screaming about "nobody offends their religion." If the "counter protesters" lived there, fair enough, but they came from another town.

    When Tommy does the the paranoid rant - "the cops are out to get me" - it's hard to not think he may have a point.
    I have never disputed this. Tommy has been on a tour of the UK and I can assure you, just like Carl Benjamin the local firms have all put calls out to make sure that their lads are there in force when they arrive too. Look it up for yourself if you don't believe me. Bold as brass on social media etc. When you buy into the bullshit and kid yourself into thinking only the 'elitist media and middle class hippies' are opposed to people like Farrage , Robinson and Benjamin you don't exactly sound very objective yourself.

    Tommy made a rod for his own back and has always told his supporters that the victim status in great for him. When no cameras are present then yes punch and lay into any one protesting his presence but when the cameras are on make sure they play the victim card after provoking people much like Benjamin.
    "Elitist media, middle class hippies" was a quote from Carlagon's video (I quite like it). You see, I actually watch these short videos and read the articles before commenting. Sometimes I don't think you do, like I know most people here don't, otherwise you simply won't give an inch. Ever.

    I've often called Tommy a "paranoid fantasist, bullshitter." However, seeing police lead a mob to attack him and seeing the blatant double standards and spin in the main stream reporting of the Robinson attack, then i'll say something is not right.

    I can only comment on what I see. I believed the media portrayal of an innocent "man of colour" minding his own business whilst enjoying a milk shake, but then footage showed he was a ranting and raving lunatic chasing Robinson all over the shop. I'm not happy to be fooled by such a bogus narrative and will admit I was wrong, regardless.

    Carlagon is willing to debate anyone about his views, he is posting unedited videos. I really don't see how he's not the open free speech merchant he claims to be. The few debates I watched of his, the people challenging almost looked shocked when he assured them the video won't be doctored in anyway.

  10. #220
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Exactly, he really is what he says. He posts the entire 3-4 hour gatherings on his channel unedited warts and all. Could you imagine any of the main parties going out there meeting with anyone who agrees or disagrees and having a full conversation putting it up like that? They won't do it. The conversations are really intriguing. This new way of politicking is only to be commended. There are things I disagree with him about, but many things I agree with. It is a genuinely positive approach and shame on the media for doing what they do.

    People need to look closely and ask the question 'Who are the real intolerant authoritarians here?' It isn't people who advocate for self determination, the end to hate speech laws and promote liberty.

  11. #221
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    10-15 years? OK I don't know how that's an issue I'm an adult I was an adult over a decade ago as well. No I don't live there but due to the internet I'm quite able to follow what happens there...various sources too mind. Well I guess if you're "pretty sure" then you must feel good assuming things about me, I do hate to disappoint you, but I don't mix my politics and art (including music) I enjoy, do you? Why would I shut myself off from good art due to politics? Do you?

    Have you not? I lived through 8 years of Obama, I've seen plenty and everyone you mentioned has been grilled a hell of a lot harder than Obama ever was. Carl Benjamin on the BBC the other day faced a tougher line of questioning than Obama ever has.

    Fine Shapiro terminated an interview, I don't care it's erroneous to the current discussion. If you believe The BBC is right wing then I don't know what to tell you other than "Can you see the edge from where you're standing?"

    OK so UKIP and Brexit Party don't represent the people, the people who voted for who does represent those people the Tories? Labour? Change UK?

    Why bring up Gandalf? I thought it was you and me that were having a nice discussion where I'm politely asking you questions in order to better understand your position and you're (and maybe this is my not being able to discern tone here) taking shots at me for asking those questions . OK so you're not ok with my having an opinion on British politics....alright then fine I'll go back to my own thread and leave you to sort everything out....

    One last thing though....

    "I am not telling you how you came to your views. That is abundantly clear"


    "It seems you will never accept this whatever he does because he represents something else to you, and that is because you have relied on only heavily distorted propaganda to come to that conclusion. I understand it is the same ignorance that made Ben Shapiro call Andrew Neil a lefty this week "

    Cognitive Dissonance.....what's that?


    It is only because you constantly quote from the same sources that I came to such a conclusion. You of course would think that the internet is a good substitute for boots on the ground because that is part of your generations way of looking at the world. When my stepsons (who is 30) friends made rape jokes in the past it became quite clear that generations view things differently. It doesn't mean that you are incapable of reaching more rational and reasonable conclusions than somebody of my age but it does explain the difference.

    And yes of course i mix my politics and art. I have staked almost everything on it, as have virtually all of my closest friends. They are at times inseparable. There is a whole wall of local venue covered in massive blown up versions of my work and in the very centre of it all is an anti-fascist flag. Even if i am skint or knackered I will always make time for an anti-racist gig or to support a charity supporting refugees or abused kids etc. I have got on a night bus to work in London on many occasion to support the fight against censorship and the killing of what so many now just call 'the elite media class' of journalists all over the world. I am the living embodiment of an SJW crusty hippy punk photo-journalist limp and all, that has had the privilege of spending some of my working life talking to the people who worked with Strummer and the people who helped start Rock against Racism and the Anti-Nazi league. I make no apologies for it. In the end it has kept me alive and helped support two generations.

    Benjamin is not Obama and while Obama may have deserved a personal droning, Benjamin certainly deserves at least a bucket of milkshake for many reasons, selling out an electorate to a corrupt party being one of many. The amount of racist shite Obama caught by people prefacing it with provisos that is was not because they were racist that they hated the muslim non american with the fake birth certificate made it quite clear, even from here across the pond, that he was not given the easy ride you are suggesting. I never defended the war monger but did not feel the need to pretend that Trump is not corrupt, inept and as neck deep in corruption as the Clintons and all the others.

    You are mistaking my not buying into the right wing propaganda as an indication that I must buy into the other end. That is not the case. Nuance, and complexity are what life is about and you will find no more nuance in the Morning Star than you will in the Daily Mail.

    I never said that UKIP does not represent the people that voted for Brexit. Of course they do but no more than the tories , the labour party etc do. That is kind of the point. People across the spectrum voted quite equally to stay and leave, It literally split the nation as evidenced in the close result. How we leave and what we would do if we did was never even discussed.

    And yes of course you can have an opinion on British politics. I have tried for months to leave the Trump thread alone but your opinion is as valid as anyone else.

    You have to remember though that it is American interests that are being used to shape British and European politics in an effort to make everyone hyper nationlist and isolationist. There is a right wing corporate elite push back happening and it is there because it hates the idea of cooperation and commons and community.

    Like yourself it views even quite moderate fair capitalist ideas as communism and a threat. What Yanis proposes would represent real change and people are terrified of that. Ironically that is what those voting Brexit really have in common with many Blairite (or LIB DEM traitorous) remainers. THey want either a regression to the past or 'The same as it ever was'.

    You cannot get any more establishment than Farrge the toffs and multinational corporations that installed him. He is no alternative just as UKIP the party he formed is not. Benjamin represents a desire to regress as does Tommy because change is just too challenging to them personally.

    Its a lot to digest, and you may find it too unpalatetable, but I have nothing to gain by telling lies.

    For me the forum, like life, is kind of wasted if all we all think we can't learn anything from others.

    I have found it most instructive, if baffling at times, to be surrounded by people quite unlike most of my mates and family etc.

    I brought up Gandalf because he has been one of the most vocal on these things and in this thread but he is speaking from a place between us both.

    Most people don't even want to speak about it so don't take me or his word for it and certainly look further away from the narrow prism of Tommy, Carl and that whole 'scene'.

    It really is not very representative.[/QUOTE]

    If you say so then it must be so. I can't comment since I'm not in England and you refuse to answer any questions which would of course show your dedication to attempting to be better and more understanding of each other.

    Well.....enjoy yourself[/QUOTE]

    How is that an example of me not answering any questions or saying you can't comment?it simply isn't and you know it.
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  12. #222
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    @Fenster I am just curious as to why my name has been brought up so many times by one poster over the past 2 pages when I haven't even been posting? Do you think this is rational behavior? I find it very weird.
    I have no idea, as i've not read anything for 24 hours, however, i'm pretty certain my investigation will find it's because Beanz loves you. I'll be back.
    I am not looking for protection, but just pointing out that he does seem a little infatuated. I posted a few things and deleted them as you would have noticed as I don't want to encourage him too much knowing his mania is in full bloom.

    Is violence against individuals really something we should be advocating? My entire stance on this is that we don't egg Jeremy and we don't milkshake others. Normalizing violence is not so good.
    'His mania is in full bloom'?

    There is nothing manic in my posts and I have never been manic in any form. In fact the only person ever suggesting they were bi-polar or manic depressive and taking drugs to deal with it is you. And yet here you are with the 'he is mad, he is addicted, he is a liar' narrative.

    Why are you asking for me to banned again? It's a bit of an odd stance from someone pretending to belive in free speech.
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  13. #223
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    @Fenster I am just curious as to why my name has been brought up so many times by one poster over the past 2 pages when I haven't even been posting? Do you think this is rational behavior? I find it very weird.
    I have no idea, as i've not read anything for 24 hours, however, i'm pretty certain my investigation will find it's because Beanz loves you. I'll be back.
    I am not looking for protection, but just pointing out that he does seem a little infatuated. I posted a few things and deleted them as you would have noticed as I don't want to encourage him too much knowing his mania is in full bloom.

    Is violence against individuals really something we should be advocating? My entire stance on this is that we don't egg Jeremy and we don't milkshake others. Normalizing violence is not so good.
    'His mania is in full bloom'?

    There is nothing manic in my posts and I have never been manic in any form. In fact the only person ever suggesting they were bi-polar or manic depressive and taking drugs to deal with it is you. And yet here you are with the 'he is mad, he is addicted, he is a liar' narrative.

    Why are you asking for me to banned again? It's a bit of an odd stance from someone pretending to belive in free speech.
    It is a beautiful turn of phrase, isn't it? The post above this one certainly looks, shall we say, 'flamboyant' and 'eccentric'.

    Yes, unlike you I will admit to and be open about my issues. I self diagnosed myself having gone through my Van Gogh period and decided that I had to be at the very least mildly eccentric. Little did I know that by changing my lifestyle and tidying my room a little, it would all get a little bit better. Thus I am now nothing more than an occasional insomniac and occasionally, very occasionally I will drink too much, and have the hangover anxiety and remember why I do not do that and thus not do it for another 4 months or what have you. See, open and honest. Nobody had to goad it out of me.

    Am I asking for you to be banned again? You keep making things up. I also added the following "I am not looking for protection, but just pointing out that he does seem a little infatuated" which would indicate that banning is not on the agenda. Though it might help you if you see Farage and not Gandalf. Or if you see Benjamin and not Gandalf. Or if you see Al and not Gandalf. Or if you see Lyle and not Gandalf. Or if you see Walrus and not Gandalf. Though undeniably the final two are linked a little like Romeo and Juliet. The Dire Straits version rather than the radical lesbian known as William Shakespeare. Not my words, but the words of a very wild media which can always be trusted.

    You see where I am going with this?

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Okay, not quite as good as saying 'Look at the multiple references to Gandalf in the previous pages' and the post above does contain some good points, but you do keep defending violence against people for doing nothing more than expressing an opinion and as a man who admits to 'losing my job and family' if you meet such a person then you do unfortunately come across as rather 'eccentric'.

    Then is your inability to process that ordinary people, mostly working class people, from places not as plummy as your town, want out. It is in one ear and out the other. The notion that the EU can be reformed is absurd. Since when has the EU relented on anything?

    Listen to some of the statements PJW compiles in his latest video. You want in because you do not think the British can govern themselves and you clearly have a problem with basically the majority of the UK as most regions outside of London simply don't want to be a part of it.

    There is nothing wrong with wanting citizens to be first and to be an individual state that governs itself. You know full well that open borders was never anything the people agreed to. You full well know that.

  15. #225
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    @Fenster I am just curious as to why my name has been brought up so many times by one poster over the past 2 pages when I haven't even been posting? Do you think this is rational behavior? I find it very weird.
    I have no idea, as i've not read anything for 24 hours, however, i'm pretty certain my investigation will find it's because Beanz loves you. I'll be back.
    I am not looking for protection, but just pointing out that he does seem a little infatuated. I posted a few things and deleted them as you would have noticed as I don't want to encourage him too much knowing his mania is in full bloom.

    Is violence against individuals really something we should be advocating? My entire stance on this is that we don't egg Jeremy and we don't milkshake others. Normalizing violence is not so good.
    'His mania is in full bloom'?

    There is nothing manic in my posts and I have never been manic in any form. In fact the only person ever suggesting they were bi-polar or manic depressive and taking drugs to deal with it is you. And yet here you are with the 'he is mad, he is addicted, he is a liar' narrative.

    Why are you asking for me to banned again? It's a bit of an odd stance from someone pretending to belive in free speech.
    It is a beautiful turn of phrase, isn't it? The post above this one certainly looks, shall we say, 'flamboyant' and 'eccentric'.

    Yes, unlike you I will admit to and be open about my issues. I self diagnosed myself having gone through my Van Gogh period and decided that I had to be at the very least mildly eccentric. Little did I know that by changing my lifestyle and tidying my room a little, it would all get a little bit better. Thus I am now nothing more than an occasional insomniac and occasionally, very occasionally I will drink too much, and have the hangover anxiety and remember why I do not do that and thus not do it for another 4 months or what have you. See, open and honest. Nobody had to goad it out of me.

    Am I asking for you to be banned again? You keep making things up. I also added the following "I am not looking for protection, but just pointing out that he does seem a little infatuated" which would indicate that banning is not on the agenda. Though it might help you if you see Farage and not Gandalf. Or if you see Benjamin and not Gandalf. Or if you see Al and not Gandalf. Or if you see Lyle and not Gandalf. Or if you see Walrus and not Gandalf. Though undeniably the final two are linked a little like Romeo and Juliet. The Dire Straits version rather than the radical lesbian known as William Shakespeare. Not my words, but the words of a very wild media which can always be trusted.

    You see where I am going with this?
    Not really there is nothing flamboyant or eccentric at all about it. You had and still have it seems too much time on your hands. You even boasted about it. Most normal people do not. You are the most vocal poster on a referendum you never voted in. In a country you do not live in.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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