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Thread: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "racist"

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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Gandalf you said

    "Black people are poor because they generally choose to be poor"

    It is an indefensible statement. It is just another example of the normalisation of racism. It is yet another example of your wheeling out a bigoted trope born of ignorance. That ignorance is born out of your own personality. You are not alone, fundamental attribution erroris very common.
    It is a perfectly defensible statement and I qualified it by citing my own experiences as an example of it as the black community tends to put its families through the same needless grind as that which I went through too. Am I black? It was a choice by those parents to be poor growing up. If you have children, few resources, few skills, and then abandon your kids, then poverty is the inevitable result. It is not an absolute, but a general argument that is supported by the data. There are no rules in society telling the majority of black families to have no family structure. Like Obama argued "children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison."

    It is a choice to put children through this. It is a choice to get pregnant to men who will not stand by you. It is a choice to not give all your children the advantages that other children with two loving parents will have. Now you can dress it up and shout racism from the rooftops as much as you like, but in many of these cases black people are choosing poverty. There is no racism holding anybody back, everybody has the same freedom to become a doctor, or lawyer, or truck driver. However, what I will argue is that without correct nurturing, love and guidance, you might not even think to become a doctor. So not only is there financial poverty, but there is nurturing poverty. It is a choice not to nurture your child. It is choice to raise your child in the least advantageous way possible.

    Is society really holding people back or is it more likely that people tend to be holding themselves back or maybe some just do not have the ability or even the drive to achieve. State by state, there is a pattern and they are either choosing it or else it is being forced on them. Take your pick.

    I'm sorry Miles, but I'm going to have to weigh in and say it was a poor choice of words. I agree with your assertions regarding the vast number of children being raised without a father figure, and how that has adversely affected society. If taken to numbers and statistics, it may very well be that black women in heavily urban areas in the States make up a large percentage. Facts are facts and numbers are numbers.

    But rather than throw blanket statements, which admit it, you are prone to doing, you should (IMO) work at wording your thoughts in a way that is not offensive to large groups of people or perceived as being racist.

    Nobody really "chooses" to be poor. People make poor choices in life, and then must accept the consequences which include yes..... being poor.

    Notice that someone like Denilson "chooses" to engage more with you than with someone like me. Why? Because he finds it's difficult to include me in the ultra-convenient White Supremacist pigeonhole he reserves for everyone.

    Once he's got nowhere to go with me, he gets bored and moves on to other targets he truly deems racist and White Supremacist-like.

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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    I will answer that too, but I am not interested in not being offensive. At times I want to be offensive and set out to be so. In saying that I think many people do indeed choose to be poor. Otherwise, why not upgrade skills, or do more than pump out babies with no Daddies, or live consumer lives, or all day in the bookies? It's mostly a choice. But will answer in full tomorrow.

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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    If you are going to get knocked up by a man that is not going to stick around which is the majority of black women in the US, then undeniably you are choosing a path of not only financial poverty, but poverty of the soul for the child. You can make excuses for that or chant 'racist' as much as you like, but it does not make a blind bit of difference to the statistical evidence. Even Obama would back me up on this. Is he a racist too? Just asking. Am I a racist against myself for suggesting the same is done to white people as well, but in less substantial numbers? The facts are the facts. The evidence is very clear.
    Once again.

    How does black out wedlock kids affect white people ? And if your so deeply concerned about kids being born out of wedlock. Why don't you focus the same energy with white kids ?

    Most drug users are white. Most of the drugs are in suburban areas. Meth and heroin are drugs that black people rarely use or sell today. 85% of the users and sellers are white.Yet more black people r in jaill. Waco has been a hotbed for crystal meth use. So what do the white supremacists do ? Change possession of meth from felony to misdemeanor.

    All over the USA white people are drugged out on meth like this.

    These white folks got K&A looking like skid row. They have programs giving them clean needles and a program to pick up the needles those trifling cave beasts discard on the ground. Plus they beg 24/7 with their dusty ass signs in the street and subway. You see when it’s a white problem it isn’t a problem. They don’t want the little white Timmys of the world to hit that cell

    But of course they have a system to go easy on them like Clinton in this opiod crisis. They have Methodone Clinics to help them manage their addiction

    Wonder if he's ever spoken on the CIA's trade of Cocaine 4 Weapons in Nicaragua '90's ? Or Nixon's overt racist drug war that he co-opted ?

    They go so soft on white drug users that Miami police say they’ll offer opioid addicts rehab instead of arresting them

    And you wanna talk shit black ppl ?

    Look at the story of the dead opiod addict last year (Maddie Linsenmeir). You would think she was getting to be buried in Arlington with all this press around her death.

    They’re making martyrs out of white junkies when we steady getting killed.

    Drugs don't sick with black folk. Heroin ended in the 60s. Coke the 70s. Crack the 80s. The only thing left is weed. But when Black folks put that down watch "them" make Newport illegal to smoke

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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Notice that someone like Denilson "chooses" to engage more with you than with someone like me. Why? Because he finds it's difficult to include me in the ultra-convenient White Supremacist pigeonhole he reserves for everyone.
    Nope. I've engaged with you many times. It's just for one this a boxing forum and that was my intent to talk boxing and two. I reply to the first ppl who come up in my notifications.

    What ? You I'm think I'm scared to engage you ? lol

    Get over yourself.

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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Notice that someone like Denilson "chooses" to engage more with you than with someone like me. Why? Because he finds it's difficult to include me in the ultra-convenient White Supremacist pigeonhole he reserves for everyone.
    Nope. I've engaged with you many times. It's just for one this a boxing forum and that was my intent to talk boxing and two. I reply to the first ppl who come up in my notifications.

    What ? You I'm think I'm scared to engage you ? lol

    Get over yourself.

    I think it's easier for you to engage Miles who so willingly falls into your "White Supremacist" cubbyhole. You've yet to answer my last post to you and are now engaging with Miles, so naturally I figured you were reaching for the low-hanging fruit.

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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    I cannot sleep, but to answer your question, Denny. It clearly bothers me a lot that the white family is so broken up too. That's what I went through and it was rough. My mother chooses to be poor as she hasn't worked in decades. My father jumped ship. I know what losers are and they impact a young mind badly. Then when I see similar patterns in the white and black community then inevitably I get disturbed. They choose to do what they do. Nobody makes them do it. They didn't help their kids and they won't help themselves. There are bad people out there. A lot of them.

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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Notice that someone like Denilson "chooses" to engage more with you than with someone like me. Why? Because he finds it's difficult to include me in the ultra-convenient White Supremacist pigeonhole he reserves for everyone
    Nope. I've engaged with you many times. It's just for one this a boxing forum and that was my intent to talk boxing and two. I reply to the first ppl who come up in my notifications.

    What ? You I'm think I'm scared to engage you ? lol

    Get over yourself.

    But let's look at one thing you said

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    David Duke, Richard Spencer (not too familiar with him, TBH) and Aryan Nation groups aren't extreme anything. They're brain-dead morons, ridiculed and dismissed by a majority of white people.
    A suspected white supremacist is in the white house. So it's not getting dismissed at all.

    When former KKK imperial Wizard David Duke embraced a president, that says something significant about Trump.

    It's significant that white supremacists were excited about the president. It's significant because Trump did something to win all that approval.

    When white supremacists in general are like “whoa, this Trump guy is our dream come true and doing things we never thought we’d see from a president,” that signifies something about Donald Trump.

    Second David Duke ran for the U.S. Senate in Louisiana in the 90's and got 60% of the white vote and ran for presidency in 92. Yes he didn't get the gig. But that's not the point. He got that far. Duke's Klan affiliation had almost no impact on convincing white Louisianans to vote against him. It was only because enough blk people and other ppl of color turning out at the polls that defeated him.

    Duke is true believer in Hitlerian Nazism. He loves Hitler. I've read his autobiography, “My Awakening” I know how these guys think.

    David Duke does not simply want to “defend the rights and interests of white people” in the abstract (whatever the fk that might mean); Na. In an interview on tape with Joe Fields he wants rid all blks from the USA. So these aren't brain dead morons. They have in the police force, they're managers, doctors, teachers. They're everywhere.

    Even the Stormfront (White supremacist central) website that was started in 1995 by Don Black. That was way b4 Facebook, Insta, Snapchat or Twitter and only a few years after google. He was still smart enough to realize the future power of the internet

    See - White supremacist are smartest ppl on the planet. Why ? Because I'm subject to their system. You can't run this skin game on ppl for 500 years unless your smart.

    Many people in Jail think they're smart but then some hillybilly white boy who barely got his GED turns around says "Boy. If your so smart, then why are you in there and I'm out here"


    The smartest group of black people on the planet are this negrito tribe - The North Sentinel Islanders in the Indian Ocean.

    Why ?

    Because they have never been colonized by the white supremacist. They're are not dependent on the white supremacist and they will kill any outsiders who trespass and would rather die than be mistreated.

    And they are the only group of black people on this planet who can say that. So that makes them by far in a way the smartest group of black people on earth.

    They're what modern humans were like when they first emerged out of Africa. They have lived there for 60,000 years.

    Commercial fishing is banned on the Andaman Islands.

    So this is one of the very few places in the world where fish die of old age and get to live their entire life.

    The Andaman Islands received the first sunrise of this millennium

    Last year a missionary tried to go there and they killed him on sight

    If an American Tourist wandered into any other foreign restricted military zone and was killed, no one would be having this conversation. North Sentinel Island's beaches are considered restricted military areas.
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 06-21-2019 at 07:39 AM.

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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    You have to hand it to Denise when he reminds the white people how supirior we are to him.
    Personally i think he is selling other black people short , but hey they can take it up with him.
    He still is to discuss the great black explorers of the world with us, he can chose any he likes and educate us all.

  9. #159
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback
    A suspected white supremacist is in the white house. So it's not getting dismissed at all.
    Oh he's only "suspected" of that is he? that's curious coming from you. It's also curious considering you also posted

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback
    See - White supremacist are smartest ppl on the planet. Why ? Because I'm subject to their system. You can't run this skin game on ppl for 500 years unless your smart.

    Many people in Jail think they're smart but then some hillybilly white boy who barely got his GED turns around says "Boy. If your so smart, then why are you in there and I'm out here"

    So White Supremacists have a system that has been in place for 500 years and the President of the United States is only (by your very own admission) a "Suspected" White Supremacist

    Check mate indeed

    As for David Duke it seems to me that the only folks that give a shit about what that guy says are 1. Other racists and 2. People seeking to attach him to politicians they don't agree with in order to discredit/brand the politician in question as a racist. Other than that I can't tell you much about what others find so interesting about the guy.

    I'm of the belief David Duke is a Government plant. He's probably (and I'd assume with a lot of others) a part of a government offshoot of the infamous COINTELPRO where the FBI infiltrated and surveilled different groups and basically tried to entrap them or murder them. Duke hasn't suffered much legal issues in the United States and if he was so important, such a true and honest bane to American politics then surely he would have either been assassinated (like Huey Long) or arrested (like Eugene V. Debs) ...right? It seems to me the man is being used by some group or some body in order to either puff up a boogeyman or start a racial conflict.

    A funny thing that I have noticed is that despite all the bannings on social media David Duke still has a presence there, he's still on Twitter GEE I WONDER WHY

    And right now he's apparently testing the waters on supporting Tulsi Gabbard for the Democrat primaries....what a wonderful way to isolate & torpedo a presidential run so that someone who is either more radical or a crooked establishment player can gain more traction with Duke's "support" being like that of an anchor.

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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    I did wonder why Gandalf was getting behind Gabbard....David Duke you say, makes sense now
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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    You have to hand it to Denise when he reminds the white people how supirior we are to him.
    Personally i think he is selling other black people short , but hey they can take it up with him.
    He still is to discuss the great black explorers of the world with us, he can chose any he likes and educate us all.
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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    You have to hand it to Denise when he reminds the white people how supirior we are to him.
    Personally i think he is selling other black people short , but hey they can take it up with him.
    He still is to discuss the great black explorers of the world with us, he can chose any he likes and educate us all.
    I have never said that white people are superior to black ppl.

    Ive said that white ppl are in a superior position to black ppl because of white supremacy. Just like your boss is in a superior position to you.

    That doesn't make him superior to you.

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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    You have to hand it to Denise when he reminds the white people how supirior we are to him.
    Personally i think he is selling other black people short , but hey they can take it up with him.
    He still is to discuss the great black explorers of the world with us, he can chose any he likes and educate us all.
    I have never said that white people are superior to black ppl.

    Ive said that white ppl are in a superior position to black ppl because of white supremacy. Just like your boss is in a superior position to you.

    That doesn't make him superior to you.
    Well at least one of you can spell superior correctly.
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  14. #164
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I did wonder why Gandalf was getting behind Gabbard....David Duke you say, makes sense now
    Well far be it from you to misjudge motive.

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    Default Re: "London is no longer an English city" - John Cleese exposes himself as evil "raci

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I did wonder why Gandalf was getting behind Gabbard....David Duke you say, makes sense now
    Well far be it from you to misjudge motive.
    Nice to see you've moved on
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