Hey look.... I'll start.

One of the hot ticket items I disagree with Lyle on is the shooting spree problem. Lyle feels (if I may, Lyle) that any attempt to resolve the issue should not include limitations on guns. Am I right?

To me, all aspects should be on the table. But we can certainly agree to disagree, right?

With Miles I disagree on the race IQ business, as I think it's oversimplifying things to assign IQ's to races. Miles (if I may) does not share that opinion and it's his right to do so. I however, will continue to argue with him about whenever the topic comes up.

On the LGBTQ issue, I feel my opinions are being misrepresented. This is a topic where I would appreciate a one on one discussion, rather than a shark feeding frenzy. I'll be happy to discuss my opinions with anyone on the subject.

I have kids, but I certainly respect the opinions of those who do not have them. Having kids is a choice, and should not disqualify you from having an opinion having to do with kids' education or upbringing.

There's more.... but I'll yield the floor.