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Thread: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

  1. #31
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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    encourage self responsibility, family planning
    What does that mean ? How do you encourage self responsibility, family planning in system of racism - white surpemacy

    You talk in vague cliches . Talk specific

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    and let nature run its course.
    What does that mean ? Talk specific. Once again vague.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I do not see black people as anything other than human and like any group they can aspire to do better.
    You are making an explicatory argument.

    You’re saying black IQ is lower, in general, because blacks are “naturally” less intelligent. That sort of exceptionally radical statement needs exceptionally radical proof to back it up. Proof you don't have.

    The racial designations that we currently use are principally based on three characteristics.

    !) Facial structure
    2) Skin color
    3) Hair texture.

    Those are things that are controlled by six genes out of thirty thousand genes in the human genome and those genes have never been shown by any geneticist on the planet, any biologist on the planet, to be connected, or what geneticists call “concordant,” with any other trait known as intelligence

    But let me take a wild guess. You’ll concede that blacks are better at bouncing balls, running fast, and brute strength and also funny. Right ? But not that smart and Asians are human calculators and are therefore good at science. They’re smart, but can’t think individually and aren’t creative.

    But whites are really the genetically chosen ones.

    What a surprise

    The people who have the best mix of genes and abilities to make them the natural leaders of the world. Their genetics makes them overall dominant, even if they do make a few small concessions to other races here and there.

    You assume “race” in humans as a biological fact without delivering a precise, uncontested biological definition

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Instead it is slavery this and slavery that,
    You brought up slavery. Not me.

    Slavery was merely a big part of a system of white supremacy (e.g. Slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, etc.) that explicitly and overtly benefitted whites economically, socially and legally well into the 1970s

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    when even the white man was in effect a slave several centuries back too.

    But what you leave out is that white men (like say Irish men who were mainly slaves) got to where they are because of racism.

    The Irish did not suffer from hundreds of years of slavery - Because they were White.
    The Irish could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – Because they were White.
    The Irish qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – Because they were White.
    The Irish could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – Because they were White.

    And whatever stereotypes white men who were slaves have had they does not impact them now.

    If you fill out a job application TODAY : No one cares if you are Irish.

    • No one follows you around in the store.
    • No one assumes you are lazy.
    • No one assumes your child-like and can’t take care of yourself.
    • No one assumes you're criminal.
    • No one tells you are so much better off in America so you should be glad your ancestors were slaves.
    • No one acts like they did you a favor or saved you from a backwardness.
    • No one displays your human reminds as primitive until the late 70s.
    • You don't have to radically change/permanently alter a feature of your body to become accepted or get employment (like hair for example).

    You're just another white person.

    The same cannot be said for a black person. And how does this relates to slavery ?

    The stereotypes were created during slavery as an excuse for enslaving blacks (we are childlike and need guidance, can’t take of ourselves need white help/masters, black women are sex-hungry, baby making machines to explain all the mixed children running around).

    Or they were created after slavery to keep whites at the top and blacks at the bottom.

    These stereotypes of blacks are to this day are still widely held and even defended by white folks and a few misguided blacks.

    None of them are new. They are very old and they are based in slavery and it’s immediate aftermath.

    White men never dealt with legalized segregation. Never were they treated as livestock rather than people in this country. All this shape- shifting sh*t your doing to try and claim that you don’t have white privilege or have not participated in a white supremacist society.

    I think it's grotesque and monumentally repugnant of white ppl who want to own victim-hood whilst being FUCKING steeped in white privilege and patronizingly conflate their specific white ethnic problems within white dominance and project that onto black people and foist upon the very people (Black people) who have absolutely nothing to do with their (Irish) past oppression,

    And THEN you try to equate your history as similar to that of black history, thereby relinquishing any culpability emanating from THEIR OWN oppression/racism of black people all the while enjoying the ill-gotten fruits of white superiority.

    Why don't you direct your complaints of ‘Irish oppression’ to you fellow white Anglo-Saxon brethren ? Why to Black people?

    Black people have never enslaved or oppressed white people.

    You have the nerve to sit there trying to garner sympathy whilst exonerating yourself of racism, from the very people (Black people) whom whites oppress and continue to do so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Times change, systems change,
    Not really.

    Black people according to:

    1. Thomas Jefferson in 1787: less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control
    2. Guys like you in 2019 : less intelligence, more sex drive, more likely to break the law, less self-control

    Science makes progress though discovery and disproof. It tries to knock down its own ideas because disproof is way easier than proof. It loves facts that do not fit because they point to new ideas and discoveries.

    True science would find surprises, it would challenge old ideas, it would deepen our understanding. Guys like you do none of that – you just puts a fresh coat of paint of long words on ideas that go back to the slave owners and slave traders of the 1700s.

    Guys like you never makes new discoveries that go against its claims.

    And that's thing, white people have been saying black people are stupid for over 250 years. Long before the IQ. But you guys act like, everything was hunky dory and this IQ thing and enlightened everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    and in this one nobody is a slave in the traditional sense.
    Racism is slavery.

    Black kids are punished more harshly than white kids for minor behavioral infractions, even if they commit those infractions no more frequently than whites.

    Black children are tracked into basic and remedial level classes while white kids are tracked into advanced and honors classes (whether or not they show promise and even sometimes quite a bit less)

    • Why are predominantly Black school districts are under-funded ?
    • Why are predominantly Black school districts under-staffed with inexperienced teachers ?
    • Why are predominantly Black school districts denied books ?
    • Why are predominantly Black school districts denied microscopes and other lab equipment ?
    • Why are predominantly Black school districts always have hazardous waste near by black schools ?
    • Why are predominantly Black school districts always have to cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria ?

    Because of the system of white supremacy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    4. I get no delight in statistics. They just tell us about what is real and help us explain why things are as they are. Why do you use such a big font?
    No they don't.

    You can't manipulate stats to mean what ever you want. Let's use a simple example

    The stats show that more people get killed in cars than by Crocodiles

    So I mean, according to the stats, Cars are more dangerous than Crocs. Right ? That's what the stats show

    So in that case you'd rather be stuck in room with a Croc than a Car. Right ?

    No ans that's the point.

    No one talks about racism without using instinct. There’s no factual way to go about it. It's shortsighted for people to argue that they discuss things “objectively” and there is no objective way to do so. That’s like saying, “Let’s talk about war objectively” If it wasn’t important on a personal level, it wouldn’t be important enough to talk about. Hence why you don’t hear people talking about why 2 + 2 = 4 very much.
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 08-19-2019 at 06:25 PM.

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I will address your points one by one.
    OK. Another white supremacists that will try to masquerade their internal chaos into a form of rationality

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    1. If you think I think black people are all stupid then you have misunderstood my points
    You don’t even have a leg to stand on as long as you don’t deliver a clear definition of what you actually write about.
    If you’re saying that physical features determine “race” which exactly are those features ? Applying circular logic, the answer would be “the features group members share based on their region of origin”. And then again, what are those features ?

    And no it's not because everyone is the same.

    There are persistent and real genetic differences that cluster within so-called racial groups (and more so than many have heretofore believed) Yet these differences still fall far short of indicating sub-speciation, which is the normal standard used by biologists to indicate different “races” or breeds of a larger species.

    It has never been a case of there not being differences between the way human beings look. The trouble is in the imprecise taxonomy. How do you define a “race” and might there not be other equally valid ways of dividing humans into taxonomical groupings ?

    We acknowledge that human beings adapt to their geography to some extent – but not enough to become different *kinds* of human beings.

    Now, if you choose to call the differences in groups “races” it stretches the original meaning of the word.

    But let’s accept that for a moment. You want races so badly, then guess what ?

    I'll give them to you.

    But you’re going to need more races (based on genetic variance) than they culled of in the past centuries. And the races won’t be arbitrarily colour-coordinated. There will be several European races, many Asian races, and a large number of African races.

    There is no resistance to accept “race” as a biological concept

    The point is, there is no scientific proof for it. Full stop. However, the fact that is truly remarkable in all of this is how keen certain people are on proving the biological validity. Or to see it proven. All that effort would be much better invested in research for genetically based disorders.

    It’s also understandable when serious scientists (like me) are sick and fucking tired of debunking guys like you over and over again. After all, I'm busy enough with proper research that might become truly beneficial for mankind.

    And how about “White people or "Asians”

    They are certainly less genetically diverse than Blacks, but they obviously have genetic variance between say… Scandinavians and Italians or Anglo Saxons and Spaniards… but evidently, those genetic differences are somehow never linked to intelligence ?

    Guys like you don't want to theorize on which group of White or Asian people are the least intelligent.

    Who are the genetically dumber and disadvantaged Whites ?

    If there is enough genetic difference for them to have different hair color, eye color and different average height, then why not intelligence?

    The answer is because this is not science, it’s politics and to ask that question does not serve the political goals of guys like you.

    You don’t want to face the idea that you might belong to the dumbest group of White or Asian people in your little hierarchy. So you theorize that “Whiteness” or "Asian-ness" simply makes all Whites and Asian just as capable, and all Blacks equally disadvantaged.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    2. How would you define dumb?
    You are the one who is making the claim. This is why I don't like getting into debates with guys like you because you don't know what the fk you talking
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    3. You see yourself as inferior whence barking on about the evils of white men day in day out refusing to accept you have agency.
    Yes I am inferior. I can't compete with you white man (lol) Your the man. Your so intellectually superior to me I can't compete.

    Now what ?

    What do you do with a race of inferior black people ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Is the white man making so many black men abandon their children? Look at the single mother rates 50 years ago and today. Surely you can see that behavior has changed and not just in the black community.
    What you are saying is false and a lie and see this is a common thing white supremacist try to do.

    They say a lie like "Black people commit 70% of murders" and then they try to get black people to defend that lie

    First off can you explain to me why Iceland (One of the whitest countries you can find ? Has the highest rates for father-lesness ?

    Why would a white person want to talk about black illegitimacy ? You don't care. Because if you were truly concerned about illegitimacy, you'd also be just as concerned about white illegitimacy too.

    Your understanding of the Black community. Out of wedlock birth does not mean what conservative whites project it does in Black households. Most of those children still have two parents that just decided to cohabit instead of marry. That phenomenon isn't just taking place in Black America, some all white European nations also have exceedingly high out of wedlock births.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    The same is happening to a lesser degree in the Hispanic and White communities.

    This is just "I'm and I say so"

    @Gandalf says "The same is happening to a lesser degree in the Hispanic and White communities"

    Questioneer "How do you ?"


    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Things go wrong when there are no male role models and if the mother is someone prone to making bad decisions, then you have social problems.
    Barack Obama was the perfect black man. He had no kids out of wedlock. Happy marriage. Didn't do crime or drugs. Went 2 Harvard. Good role model for kids

    And as I've said many times say what you want about his presidency

    Him personally ?

    There was not 1% of personal scandal on that term throughout his two terms

    Did that stop him from getting racism ?


    So once again - What point are you trying to make ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I personally think welfare makes lazy people dependent. Get the cat on a treadmill and earn its food. Don't let it sleep all day.
    Well in that case then you should look the white community

    The real welfare queens are uneducated single and white and the the biggest beneficiaries of the government safety net is working-class whites also where is your outrage over corporate welfare ? That's where most welfare spending goes all to the top 1%

    Once again.

    Your talking point sound good on stormfront. They sound good when your around family and friends. They sound good when no-one is there to check them
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 08-19-2019 at 02:45 PM.

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Man! Not another thread polluted by this white supremacist racist bullshit.

    Hey Denny. I think Beanie said something white supremacy-ish on another thread. If I were you I'd go find out what it is and let him have it.

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Too late for ne, Dennis in non white land. However, I will address your points tomorrow.

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    If you have an IQ of 85 then you have the capacity to do something, so whatever work is available to someone of that level. However, the ones who race beyond that, and many of course do, can and will aspire to education and jobs requiring skill. Thus many black people do very well.
    This is just code for you really wanting to say

    "N*ggers. Know your place. I mean. I don't hate you. But c'mon, your not as smart as us white people. everyone knows. You need to know your station and place in life and everything will be just fine"

    See here's the thing.

    What I can not understand is this : Why can’t you be just a racist ? Why do you need these pseudos scientifical explanations? What is wrong with racism? You do promote it, so why be a shame of it? Why you just can not say; “N****s are stupid.”? Why do you feel the need to have “scientifical crutches”?

    That is mystery to me.

    It's like in the bell curve were they basically suggests that we might as well stop making progress in further research for finding the true factors and blindly accept them as a natural law.

    Like you they think they have found the ultimate explanation of “everything” and any other research can halt now. But then, at the same time, they take a nostalgic look backwards to philosophies of long gone centuries where the unwashed masses of dumb sheep are at the mercy of an elite. An elite who alone have the power to choose when they are generous and when they are punitive.
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 08-19-2019 at 02:46 PM.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I think there is a very solid observation if the IQ differences are all occurring in the same nation as in the US. It seems pretty cut and dry in terms of the research into race and IQ. There are of course exceptional people in any group and there are unexceptional people in any group, but it just means that as a whole the intelligence levels are significantly different. Thus it is that the East Asians in America perform the best in terms of family structure, academic performance, and overall economic outcomes. There are the Ashkenazi Jews too of course who fly off the radar when it comes to IQ. In saying that of course you treat everyone as an individual and so one can either perform well on an intelligence test or they can't. The controversy is really about nature versus nurture rather than if there are differences. It is undeniable unless we are going to burn the plethora of research data compiled over decades and delete it from the Internet.

    I get why it is sticky, but I just think people should be treated as individuals thus no affirmative action and reduced welfare incentives and let the genuinely talented rise. By looking at IQ we learn about behavior too thus we can see who is more likely to be a single Mum or a criminal and so on. It is not absolute by any stretch, but by just preaching racism and social injustice is not really the full picture. The left wants to eliminate IQ debate as it means accepting that we simply are not all the same from an intelligence basis. However, we are of course all people and should aspire to better performance.
    Here's a question I've asked many times from you guys who are always running around trying to prove how stupid black people are.

    What do you do with a race of black people who you claim are dumb (ON average) ?

    I don't care what you think of black intelligence because frankly call me intellectually inferor all day

    I don't give a sh*t about that

    You are saying (On average) your smarter than me because your white and I'm black


    Happy now ?

    Now what ?

    And that's were guys like you wimp out when it's comes to the doing part. And that's thing about white supremacy "Tell black people what they are but never say what we are gonna do"

    And guess what ?

    If whites turned around and said "We are gonna finally stop telling black ppl what they are and we are gonna tell them what we are gonna do. Tune in at 9"

    I'd be like

    And if they turned around and said "We are gonna kill every black person on the planet or die trying"

    Once again I'd be like

    And I'd go down fighting

    Stop talking. Stop trying to prove points. We don't need points. Either do justice or let's just get it on for the last time and for the final time

    He explains the points so people like you can understand. It isn't about you being black or white is just because you are a total fuckwit with a inferiority complex, nobody else here gives a crap about colour only you.
    Beanz is a jew , I am white , Rey is Hispanic , Master is Indian and your a cunt, see we didnt need to bring colour into it to prove a point.
    Yes I'm inferior. Yes I'm a fkwit

    Now what ?

    Get to the doing part.
    I pity you , live in a slum , have race issues and worship a death cult.
    I am not sure if its sad or fucking laughable.
    Remember reality is an illusion caused by a lack of alcohol .

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Too late for ne, Dennis in non white land. However, I will address your points tomorrow.

    And let's go all the way with this. Don't wimp out. Don't chicken out. Don't make jokes.

    Let's go all the way.

    Let's unpack this all the way.

    And let's see who makes more sense. OK ?

    I mean. I pretty much know what your gonna say because I know how you think because I've debated with white supremacist you all my life. But anyway

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Man! Not another thread polluted by this white supremacist racist bullshit.

    Hey Denny. I think Beanie said something white supremacy-ish on another thread. If I were you I'd go find out what it is and let him have it.

    Fetch Denny! Fetch! Go get Beanie! He's spreading all sorts of vicious white supremacist bullshit on another thread.

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    For what it’s worth IQ by country, the US isn’t too smart

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Too late for ne, Dennis in non white land. However, I will address your points tomorrow.

    And let's go all the way with this. Don't wimp out. Don't chicken out. Don't make jokes.

    Let's go all the way.

    Let's unpack this all the way.

    And let's see who makes more sense. OK ?

    I mean. I pretty much know what your gonna say because I know how you think because I've debated with white supremacist you all my life. But anyway
    By labeling everyone as a white supremacist you have pigeon holed 850,000,000 people. About 11% of the worlds population. You must live in constant fear, they are everywhere

  11. #41
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Too late for ne, Dennis in non white land. However, I will address your points tomorrow.

    And let's go all the way with this. Don't wimp out. Don't chicken out. Don't make jokes.

    Let's go all the way.

    Let's unpack this all the way.

    And let's see who makes more sense. OK ?

    I mean. I pretty much know what your gonna say because I know how you think because I've debated with white supremacist you all my life. But anyway
    By labeling everyone as a white supremacist you have pigeon holed 850,000,000 people. About 11% of the worlds population. You must live in constant fear, they are everywhere
    Those are the PEOPLE, what about.....

    Those guys?

  12. #42
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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Beautiful picture.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  13. #43
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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Too late for ne, Dennis in non white land. However, I will address your points tomorrow.

    And let's go all the way with this. Don't wimp out. Don't chicken out. Don't make jokes.

    Let's go all the way.

    Let's unpack this all the way.

    And let's see who makes more sense. OK ?

    I mean. I pretty much know what your gonna say because I know how you think because I've debated with white supremacist you all my life. But anyway
    By labeling everyone as a white supremacist you have pigeon holed 850,000,000 people. About 11% of the worlds population. You must live in constant fear, they are everywhere
    Those are the PEOPLE, what about.....

    Those guys?
    Damn you even got a white one good job

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Firstly Dennis, this response will seem odd as your own was so long that I cannot reply to it with your data included, so i will just number my points and you can follow as you wish.

    1. What do I mean by family planning? I mean that if you are looking for a man to father your child you need to choose that man incredibly carefully. That is the power of being a woman. You need to look at income, reliability, ability to work, provide, care, etc. You need to read up on parenting yourself and not just go on the muscle memory of one's own childhood. Think about nutrition, well being, nurture, really make sure you are being the best possible mother you can be. No white person is stopping a black person from choosing a partner carefully or reading a few books and practicing what one learns.

    2. 'Let nature run its course' means that those who make bad decisions have to live with that. It also means accepting that not everyone has the capacity to be the best and that applies to ANY race.

    3. I do not assume that there are IQ differences, there are IQ differences. Others like Peterson and Harris have observed the same thing and many others have done the research. That is not anything new or surprising unless you live in a lefty bubble.

    There are differences between races. Have you ever been to Japan and seen how svelte and small many are? Have you observed the color, eye shape, or size an Asian person with say a Black person. We have evolved differently in different parts of the world over a very long time. Go from the West to the East of Russia and observe how time zone by time zone the people become more and more Asian looking. If penis size, or height can evolve differently, then why not the mind? It even applies to diseases and how likely we are to get them. Thus skin cancer is more me and diabetes more you.

    And that is even going by the biological when I am constantly harking back to point 1 which is that I think nurture is damn important and that some groups do it better than others. I do not think Whites are top of the intelligence chain. It is East Asians. Factually so and having lived in East Asia I have seen the difference in nurturing. Kids are raised to be doctors and teachers. Kids are raised learning languages and complex Mathematics as children. Kids are pushed to achieve within the bounds of strong family networks. This occurs even in North America where Asian kids outperform Whites, Latinos, and Blacks. I honestly believe nurturing might have a little bit to do with it, but there is the genetic argument that won't go away. However, I have seen with my own eyes the difference between England and Asia in that regard. Kids in the UK are much more likely to grow up in single parent households outside of wedlock and in pverty that does not work unless the kid has inner resources and resolve.

    4. I brought up slavery because that is a commonly held trope and as you agree, we were all slaves in a Feudal system. If you are going to talk about slavery as I see you then do, let's not forget that people were traded. It was black chiefs selling their own people for resources. The White people were wrong to do that, but so were the black Chiefs. At the end of the day though slavery was abolished a very long time ago and nobody thinks it was a good thing. Morals and times were different. We used to burn Protestants alive and publicly hang people. Times do change.

    Have you actually studied the history of Ireland in the face of hundreds of years of English land theft, wars and occupation? They were not having a very fun time either whence so many being in America today. If your property is stolen and you are in effect a vagrant, then what are you? Free for what exactly? Life could be awful for anybody in those days.

    I agree that things like Jim Crow were morally reprehensible, but what has been just as reprehensible is to encourage the break up of the family from strong families to 77% of kids born outside of wedlock today. That is devastating and to a degree, I would agree with you that White people passed those Poverty laws that have made people fat, lazy, and dependent.

    5. I lived with a black person when I was at University and though her experiences were obviously different to mine she was not experiencing any of this persecution you are talking about. She studied hard, came out socializing, worked, nobody was holding her down for being black. You are British right? Surely you realize that Britain is a very tolerant country. I have worked with black PhD holders and there is non of this Denilson style rhetoric. If she was being held down then why would she be in such a good place? It was effort and smarts that got her somewhere. Same with other black people I have known, but my life means I only meet educated black people.

    6. That's the thing Dennis, I do not buy into victimhood. Sure, bad things happened in the past to everybody, but we are living today and you are living in a country where the BBC specifically hires non whites. What more do you want? Affirmative action? You have it. Then you have arguments for reparations. From whom to who? And where does that end? Thus I believe in starting with yourself and getting an education, improving yourself, earning some money, saving some money, and building a decent life. It isn't that hard. However, from what I hear about US schools the same patterns exist and the black parents are more likely to be less involved in their education, be encouraged by peers to look down on learning, and thus it all starts from that rather than systemic racism. It starts with good parenting and no not everybody will succeed if there is a genetic component to intelligence, so you do your best with good nurturing and see if that actually has any impact.

    7. No, guys like you make excuses for not even trying to improve and just want to wheel out excuses, but not only that. You actively consider the white man your enemy which is truly insidious.

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Firstly Dennis, this response will seem odd as your own was so long that I cannot reply to it with your data included, so i will just number my points and you can follow as you wish.

    1. What do I mean by family planning? I mean that if you are looking for a man to father your child you need to choose that man incredibly carefully. That is the power of being a woman. You need to look at income, reliability, ability to work, provide, care, etc. You need to read up on parenting yourself and not just go on the muscle memory of one's own childhood. Think about nutrition, well being, nurture, really make sure you are being the best possible mother you can be. No white person is stopping a black person from choosing a partner carefully or reading a few books and practicing what one learns.

    2. 'Let nature run its course' means that those who make bad decisions have to live with that. It also means accepting that not everyone has the capacity to be the best and that applies to ANY race.

    3. I do not assume that there are IQ differences, there are IQ differences. Others like Peterson and Harris have observed the same thing and many others have done the research. That is not anything new or surprising unless you live in a lefty bubble.

    There are differences between races. Have you ever been to Japan and seen how svelte and small many are? Have you observed the color, eye shape, or size an Asian person with say a Black person. We have evolved differently in different parts of the world over a very long time. Go from the West to the East of Russia and observe how time zone by time zone the people become more and more Asian looking. If penis size, or height can evolve differently, then why not the mind? It even applies to diseases and how likely we are to get them. Thus skin cancer is more me and diabetes more you.

    And that is even going by the biological when I am constantly harking back to point 1 which is that I think nurture is damn important and that some groups do it better than others. I do not think Whites are top of the intelligence chain. It is East Asians. Factually so and having lived in East Asia I have seen the difference in nurturing. Kids are raised to be doctors and teachers. Kids are raised learning languages and complex Mathematics as children. Kids are pushed to achieve within the bounds of strong family networks. This occurs even in North America where Asian kids outperform Whites, Latinos, and Blacks. I honestly believe nurturing might have a little bit to do with it, but there is the genetic argument that won't go away. However, I have seen with my own eyes the difference between England and Asia in that regard. Kids in the UK are much more likely to grow up in single parent households outside of wedlock and in pverty that does not work unless the kid has inner resources and resolve.

    4. I brought up slavery because that is a commonly held trope and as you agree, we were all slaves in a Feudal system. If you are going to talk about slavery as I see you then do, let's not forget that people were traded. It was black chiefs selling their own people for resources. The White people were wrong to do that, but so were the black Chiefs. At the end of the day though slavery was abolished a very long time ago and nobody thinks it was a good thing. Morals and times were different. We used to burn Protestants alive and publicly hang people. Times do change.

    Have you actually studied the history of Ireland in the face of hundreds of years of English land theft, wars and occupation? They were not having a very fun time either whence so many being in America today. If your property is stolen and you are in effect a vagrant, then what are you? Free for what exactly? Life could be awful for anybody in those days.

    I agree that things like Jim Crow were morally reprehensible, but what has been just as reprehensible is to encourage the break up of the family from strong families to 77% of kids born outside of wedlock today. That is devastating and to a degree, I would agree with you that White people passed those Poverty laws that have made people fat, lazy, and dependent.

    5. I lived with a black person when I was at University and though her experiences were obviously different to mine she was not experiencing any of this persecution you are talking about. She studied hard, came out socializing, worked, nobody was holding her down for being black. You are British right? Surely you realize that Britain is a very tolerant country. I have worked with black PhD holders and there is non of this Denilson style rhetoric. If she was being held down then why would she be in such a good place? It was effort and smarts that got her somewhere. Same with other black people I have known, but my life means I only meet educated black people.

    6. That's the thing Dennis, I do not buy into victimhood. Sure, bad things happened in the past to everybody, but we are living today and you are living in a country where the BBC specifically hires non whites. What more do you want? Affirmative action? You have it. Then you have arguments for reparations. From whom to who? And where does that end? Thus I believe in starting with yourself and getting an education, improving yourself, earning some money, saving some money, and building a decent life. It isn't that hard. However, from what I hear about US schools the same patterns exist and the black parents are more likely to be less involved in their education, be encouraged by peers to look down on learning, and thus it all starts from that rather than systemic racism. It starts with good parenting and no not everybody will succeed if there is a genetic component to intelligence, so you do your best with good nurturing and see if that actually has any impact.

    7. No, guys like you make excuses for not even trying to improve and just want to wheel out excuses, but not only that. You actively consider the white man your enemy which is truly insidious.
    Big D is consulting his prison papers and with new black panthers to craft his response give him a while they will tell him something good

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