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Thread: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

  1. #91
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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Mandela was locked up because he was a terrorist. He was responsible for murder. However, that is what happens when you deny people their rights and opportunities. I was against Apartheid.
    No white person is African.

    "South Africa was taken by the white man in blood and it must be returned in blood"

    You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man only understands violence. So you have to talk in a way that he understands.

    If I come into your home and stomp down your door and use what's in your home to build my empire and then I say "Well I'm black and we blacks are superior to you whites. Got it ? So this is my home now and I'm gonna force you into the slums and your offspring and your gonna live in the mud. It's gonna be called the system of apartheid"

    I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home back.
    We are talking about South Africa right? You do know a little bit about the bloodshed there? You have been very quick to point out different ethnic groups among blacks? Would you care to explain the history of South Africa in a little bit more detail?
    If you have rats in your house. Do you debate wit the rats ? Or do you just exterminate them ?

    No white person is African
    Eh? But you say there is no real distinction between races beyond the cosmetic and you clearly do not know who was wiping out who. Fix your narrative.

  2. #92
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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Memphis View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Memphis View Post
    Does anyone actually want it to be civil around here? OK I know some do.

    Yeah... some do. This particular thread, believe it or not, was started (ill-advised I'll admit) as maybe a step in that direction. I'm hardly the only one to start such threads, as there have been numerous (and hilarious) "truce" threads started by others. The thread was immediately called "bait", which is a false accusation.

    But the lengths some people will go to to have a ruck are insane. Certain people literally can't engage with one another without having a tear up.

    As Mod and peacekeeper on here, I know you'll leave it at that. But I'll add that some of us can pretty much engage with each other. I'm sorry but when it's "one against the world", usually I start looking at the "one." It works this way in kindergarten (which this many times resembles)..... it works this way in any work environment.

    And if there's any ambiguity at all over conflict or lack there of, conflict is quickly created, consciously, subconsciously, I dunno. I know people are quick to defend themselves against these accusations, but deliberately misconstruing someones viewpoint to create opposition is rife. It's happening all over the place.

    Hey... we've been warring on here long enough that eventually a lot of that sets in. I'll not throw stones lest I crack my glass ceiling.... but as the orange-haired one once said.... "there's fault on both sides."

    Wouldn't it be easier for certain parties to just concede that they love it. Stop pretending it's all someone elses fault, it always is. Stop pretending you want it to end, you don't.

    You have a wonderful point there. I personally tend to go though a cycle. At first I discuss in earnest. Disagreements are part of life.... without them we wouldn't be human. As the arguments progress and go nowhere, yes.... I'll get caught up on the heat of the argument. At some point, when I see arguing is fruitless.... and attempts at being civil fail miserably.... yes, I usually then go into the cynic, fun-poking mode. And you know what? It does become a sort of twisted type of fun. Again... nothing to hide here.

    I've gone 180 on this. A while back I was firmly of the opinion that the site needed to lose half a dozen members or so. Half a dozen or so members that fall over themselves to have a row and in the grand scheme of things do more harm to the forum than good. Now, I think fuck it. You want to treat one another that way fine, fill your boots, but please stop fucking crying about it.

    But again, you bring up some very good points. Still, I'll revert back to my way of thinking about it.

    I've had heated arguments with another poster on gun control. As heated as they get. Today we still disagree... but do so as normal human beings. I've had heated arguments with another about IQ and its "supposed correlations." Ditto on the arguments being conducted normally. I disagree with a few others on Trump. Everything gets said civilly. And so on and so forth.

    If it was me (or anyone else for that matter) who was constantly at war with those "half a dozen members" you mention... and was constantly claiming not to "want it", as you said..... not to "enjoy it", as you said..... and that it was everybody else's fault...... DAMN.... I'd very likely be gone by now. And THAT, Memphis, is a fact.

    In the end, it's a damn forum. Everyone keeps their shit off the main boards... and those members who don't care to see the circus on the other side simply don't go there.
    In part I agree. It's segregated from the main boxing discussion and anyone that wants no part of it, doesn't have to. The flip side is of course that no one ever will be part of it whilst it's a clusterfuck of nastiness with no one willing or capable of taking a backward step.

    I dunno, maybe it's a the topics being discussed. Anyone that's been around long enough will tell you that the off topic board used to be a great place. Teaming with life, no conflict, laugh a minute. But it's probably worth remembering that no one was trying to pick the bones out of gun control or LGBTQ back then.

    @Memphis , I think it partly IS the topics being discussed. Years ago, as you correctly state, the off topic board was a great place.... laugh a minute as you say. But the topics were pretty much light-hearted and not all that much controversial.
    We're all at fault by putting some of this stuff in the Off Topic, when it really belongs in the Let's Get it On or even the Exclusive Hidden Board Hahaha or what have you.

    Personally, I assure you I'll refrain from starting threads with any of these sensitive topics (LGBTQ, gun control, etc) on the Off Topic. Maybe we can slowly clean it back up and people won't be afraid to go in there. I can't say we'll be best of friends and live happily ever after..... but at least we'll move the circus to another locale.

    Thanks for your views, and I think they'll improve things at least a little bit.

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Mandela was locked up because he was a terrorist. He was responsible for murder. However, that is what happens when you deny people their rights and opportunities. I was against Apartheid.
    No white person is African.

    "South Africa was taken by the white man in blood and it must be returned in blood"

    You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man only understands violence. So you have to talk in a way that he understands.

    If I come into your home and stomp down your door and use what's in your home to build my empire and then I say "Well I'm black and we blacks are superior to you whites. Got it ? So this is my home now and I'm gonna force you into the slums and your offspring and your gonna live in the mud. It's gonna be called the system of apartheid"

    I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home back.
    We are talking about South Africa right? You do know a little bit about the bloodshed there? You have been very quick to point out different ethnic groups among blacks? Would you care to explain the history of South Africa in a little bit more detail?
    If you have rats in your house. Do you debate wit the rats ? Or do you just exterminate them ?

    No white person is African
    Eh? But you say there is no real distinction between races beyond the cosmetic and you clearly do not know who was wiping out who. Fix your narrative.
    All I need to know is that a sizeable % of whites in South Africa are living like this

    Because they did this

    Now I've never seen white people being massacred like this in SA. It is not being taken back the same way unless you want to produce images of whites being dragged, choked, and killed by ANC/SA soldiers/police.

    And imposed laws this

    The problem you have is the "O. No. We can't 100% sh*t on black people anymore ? We can't exploit them. Hey !! That's racism"

    If South Africa sets the precedent of reversing lands occupied by white supremacist colonialists this will very well create an avalanche that will sweep the continent. In Southern Africa, since freedom, little or no land reform of any great significance has taken place, and the same in BOTSWANA, ZAMBIA, and NANIBIA.

    White people understand very well that white supremacy benefits them wherever they are located on this planet. That's why they are so enraged whenever this system that benefits them is challenged by anyone.

    Now I know what your thinking


    "Erm. Yeah OK. But that was in the past black ppl are too stupid, actually sorry, let me clean that up, black ppl may not be ready because they don't have the skills and experience ".

    Yeah bcoz only white people know how to grow crops and mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science.

    Bitch plz

    This is Asanda Sokombela, University of Fort Hare graduate. She has bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Currently she is producing cabbages and spinach, and butternut. Her vegetables are delivered various Spar in the EC.

    And there many many more like her.

    Whites can still wrk for black farmers as field hands and laborers for minimum wage.

    And the land in SA is not just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses etc

    If the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy, if we aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then we aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

    The goal for black SA's is to break the white supremacists in SA's spirit. Black SA's should have a heart of stone towards white supremacists in South Africa

    But the white supremacist will use USAID, IMG and the World Bank and send in there economic hitmen. That's to be expected. But Julies Malema and millions black people are prepared to die

    They will poison the land. They spread disease. They will fund some Boko Harem group. The white supremacist will do some thing to black progress.

    But black people remain unshaken. Black people are fully aware of consequences like death, sanctions, etc. Black people remain resolute. Black people are taking our land and Donald Trump, DA, Afriforum can go to hell.
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 08-22-2019 at 06:16 PM.

  4. #94
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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Mandela was locked up because he was a terrorist. He was responsible for murder. However, that is what happens when you deny people their rights and opportunities. I was against Apartheid.
    No white person is African.

    "South Africa was taken by the white man in blood and it must be returned in blood"

    You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man only understands violence. So you have to talk in a way that he understands.

    If I come into your home and stomp down your door and use what's in your home to build my empire and then I say "Well I'm black and we blacks are superior to you whites. Got it ? So this is my home now and I'm gonna force you into the slums and your offspring and your gonna live in the mud. It's gonna be called the system of apartheid"

    I can't complain at the tactics you use to get your home back.
    We are talking about South Africa right? You do know a little bit about the bloodshed there? You have been very quick to point out different ethnic groups among blacks? Would you care to explain the history of South Africa in a little bit more detail?
    If you have rats in your house. Do you debate wit the rats ? Or do you just exterminate them ?

    No white person is African
    Eh? But you say there is no real distinction between races beyond the cosmetic and you clearly do not know who was wiping out who. Fix your narrative.
    All I need to know is that a sizeable % of whites in South Africa are living like this

    Because they did this

    Now I've never seen white people being massacred like this in SA. It is not being taken back the same way unless you want to produce images of whites being dragged, choked, and killed by ANC/SA soldiers/police.

    And imposed laws this

    The problem you have is the "O. No. We can't 100% sh*t on black people anymore ? We can't exploit them. Hey !! That's racism"

    If South Africa sets the precedent of reversing lands occupied by white supremacist colonialists this will very well create an avalanche that will sweep the continent. In Southern Africa, since freedom, little or no land reform of any great significance has taken place, and the same in BOTSWANA, ZAMBIA, and NANIBIA.

    White people understand very well that white supremacy benefits them wherever they are located on this planet. That's why they are so enraged whenever this system that benefits them is challenged by anyone.

    Now I know what your thinking


    "Erm. Yeah OK. But that was in the past black ppl are too stupid, actually sorry, let me clean that up, black ppl may not be ready because they don't have the skills and experience ".

    Yeah bcoz only white people know how to grow crops and mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science.

    Bitch plz

    This is Asanda Sokombela, University of Fort Hare graduate. She has bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Currently she is producing cabbages and spinach, and butternut. Her vegetables are delivered various Spar in the EC.

    And there many many more like her.

    Whites can still wrk for black farmers as field hands and laborers for minimum wage.

    And the land in SA is not just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses etc

    If the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy, if we aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then we aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

    The goal for black SA's is to break the white supremacists in SA's spirit. Black SA's should have a heart of stone towards white supremacists in South Africa

    But the white supremacist will use USAID, IMG and the World Bank and send in there economic hitmen. That's to be expected. But Julies Malema and millions black people are prepared to die

    They will poison the land. They spread disease. They will fund some Boko Harem group. The white supremacist will do some thing to black progress.

    But black people remain unshaken. Black people are fully aware of consequences like death, sanctions, etc. Black people remain resolute. Black people are taking our land and Donald Trump, DA, Afriforum can go to hell.
    You didn't answer the questions ,
    1. why did the black people let white people take over south Africa ?
    2. Going off your logic of no white person can be African , I asked does that mean all blacks are African and not say for example English ?

  5. #95
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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    The cesspool filth cant answer because he knows where this is going.

  6. #96
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    You didn't answer the questions ,
    1. why did the black people let white people take over south Africa ?
    2. Going off your logic of no white person can be African , I asked does that mean all blacks are African and not say for example English ?

    If white people are tigers then isn't killing them the poaching of an endangered species?

  7. #97
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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    One question big D always avoids is how he treats the white man to his face. If he works does he let his boss know his views? Coworkers? If a white guy holds the door open for him does he say thanks you. Does he shake the white mans hand after making a deal. Just everyday walking around how does he deal with the enemy. It would seem to me if he integrated himself into society giving the white man a smile or “hey my brother” than he is fake. The closest he ever-came to answering the question is that racism is institutional so I guess he doesn’t blame the “white man” he blames “the white men” I wonder what number is the cut off, is it three white guys or ten. When does brother Big D stop the phony smile to the white man. I avoid brother big D but I have posed this question to him several times and have yet to get any answer outside of the “institutional” thing. Maybe he has done enough research or talked to the Israelites and has finally come up with something.

  8. #98
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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    I'll take a crack at that, since you'll grow old waiting for an answer.

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    One question big D always avoids is how he treats the white man to his face. Hypocritically. Ain't no way you can go through life spewing the same shit in person as he does here.

    If he works does he let his boss know his views? Hell no, are you kidding? Whether his boss is black, white, or any other color... ain't no boss in the WORLD who would put up with the constant barrage of racial bullshit this guy is capable of vomiting.

    Coworkers? I doubt it. Remember the clip I posted of the movie "Airplane". They'd all have committed suicide by now (or murder).

    If a white guy holds the door open for him does he say thanks you. Probably. He's racist, but that doesn't mean he's not polite out in public.

    Does he shake the white mans hand after making a deal. I imagine. Same as previous reason.

    Just everyday walking around how does he deal with the enemy. I suspect he keeps his racist bullshit pretty much to himself. It would be hard to function in the real world if he didn't.

    It would seem to me if he integrated himself into society giving the white man a smile or “hey my brother” than he is fake. Absolutely.

    The closest he ever-came to answering the question is that racism is institutional so I guess he doesn’t blame the “white man” he blames “the white men” I wonder what number is the cut off, is it three white guys or ten. Makes no difference. In his twisted mind, one white man is the same as a bunch of white men. All white supremacists.

    When does brother Big D stop the phony smile to the white man. Never. Someone with that kind of mindset can never smile genuinely toward a white person.

    I avoid brother big D but I have posed this question to him several times and have yet to get any answer outside of the “institutional” thing. Maybe he has done enough research or talked to the Israelites and has finally come up with something.

    I hope I've been of some help here.
    Last edited by TitoFan; 08-23-2019 at 07:21 PM.

  9. #99
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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I'll take a crack at that, since you'll grow old waiting for an answer.

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    One question big D always avoids is how he treats the white man to his face. Hypocritically. Ain't no way you can go through life spewing the same shit in person as he does here.

    If he works does he let his boss know his views? Hell no, are you kidding? Whether his boss is black, white, or any other color... ain't no boss in the WORLD who would put up with the constant barrage of racial bullshit this guy is capable of vomiting.

    Coworkers? I doubt it. Remember the clip I posted of the movie "Airplane". They'd all have committed suicide by now (or murder).

    If a white guy holds the door open for him does he say thanks you. Probably. He's racist, but that doesn't mean he's not polite out in public.

    Does he shake the white mans hand after making a deal. I imagine. Same as previous reason.

    Just everyday walking around how does he deal with the enemy. I suspect he keeps his racist bullshit pretty much to himself. It would be hard to function in the real world if he didn't.

    It would seem to me if he integrated himself into society giving the white man a smile or “hey my brother” than he is fake. Absolutely.

    The closest he ever-came to answering the question is that racism is institutional so I guess he doesn’t blame the “white man” he blames “the white men” I wonder what number is the cut off, is it three white guys or ten. Makes no difference. In his twisted mind, one white man is the same as a bunch of white men. All white supremacists.

    When does brother Big D stop the phony smile to the white man. Never. Someone with that kind of mindset can never smile genuinely toward a white person.

    I avoid brother big D but I have posed this question to him several times and have yet to get any answer outside of the “institutional” thing. Maybe he has done enough research or talked to the Israelites and has finally come up with something.

    I hope I've been of some help here.
    Thanks tits you done good. I know Big D impresses some people here with his IQ talk and debates with a few members. I think they must have forgotten the vile shit he has been posting between bans. He must have some extreme mental pain going on and on with that nonsense but having to put on a happy face when out among the tigers (white man). It is hypocrisy at his finest. A certain member stuck up for him a couple times when I said something, I just let it go but I was surprised the dude was so stupid. So let brother D have his fun but in the end, Keith Ellison is all he is. I remember that cause Brock internet stalked him as well. He pulled up a pic of Big brother D teaching white kids soccer. Keith, how did you teach the young whiteys are they born with white sin? Just being born white makes us tigers right? Not our actions.

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    I lived in South Africa during Apartheid, and I have family living in Zim, Zambia and Tanzania. I've been to those places many times and even studied the history of Southern Africa as an A level special project.

    Denilson must obviously have close ties to there too, seeing as he knows so much about it
    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by X View Post
    I lived in South Africa during Apartheid, and I have family living in Zim, Zambia and Tanzania. I've been to those places many times and even studied the history of Southern Africa as an A level special project.

    Denilson must obviously have close ties to there too, seeing as he knows so much about it
    Yes, he is an expert on the US and South Africa apparently good catch X

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post

    You didn't answer the questions ,
    1. why did the black people let white people take over south Africa ?
    The answer is very obvious and I'll answer it on one word


    Marco Polo brought it back to Europe and whites started using it to kill people with.

    For most of history northern European whites military tactic was to grease themselves in rancid bear fat with cow and goat butter used in their hair. they were inept and disorganized warriors who got their heads handed to them by the Roman legions at every encounter. Their military strategy consisted of screaming, yelling, shouting, and charging head-on into the Roman archers and phalanx.

    It was only after centuries of being defeated and later trained by Romans that the N.European barbarians became more efficient and then gunpowder changed the game because that allowed Europeans to kill people from a distance.

    And even having a technological edge does not ensure victory, Americans had the technological edge in Vietnam but still got their asses kicked and that was the inspiration for the white
    supremacy "Rambo"

    A white man running around the jungle, using nature, alongside technology to give kill ppl

    But this is the difference; European whites have got something going for them that other people don't have going for them to the same extent.

    Whites love to kill

    In Africa, they generally kill for food. In Europe, they kill for sport.

    You have white supremacist who majored in physics and what does he do ?

    He think's "well if I cut an an atom in half, which in turn cuts other atoms in half and so on. I can make a nuclear bomb that would kill thousands and thousands"

    Who thinks like that ? Fking crazy. The white supremacist thinks like that,

    I've watched white people; when I was a kid, on a farm my dad used to take me. When they'd shoot something, they just go crazy, like they were really getting their kicks.

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Who is stabbing on the streets of London? Are the evil white tigers hunting the lions there?

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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Who is stabbing on the streets of London? Are the evil white tigers hunting the lions there?
    All the blacks and Muslims?
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    Default Re: The "Can We Keep it Civil?" Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Who is stabbing on the streets of London? Are the evil white tigers hunting the lions there?
    All the blacks and Muslims?
    I think that is improbable.

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