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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #3601
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Feel pretty much the same way. Again, I feel Americans were so fed up with political talking heads they were ready to grasp at the first sign of refreshing down-to-earth togetherness they could find. Unfortunately, it was Trump who stepped up to fill that void. If anything, old school politicians should know by now that Americans will never again stand for empty promises and flowery speeches. If the people chose Trump, that should fall under "Lessons Learned" for most if not all politicians. Unfortunately that might not be the case.

    Before Trump was sworn in, I said my biggest fear was the international stage. I've proven to be right.... and if you count immigration as sort of international (it involves bordering countries).... chalk that one up as well. I've always said good on Trump on trying his damnest to fulfill his campaign promises (wall, anyone?) regardless of how ridiculous they might be. That alone makes him different than most politicians who talk a big game and then deliver nothing. But man.... did it have to be someone like Trump?

    I know Trump fans (friends included ) still look to Obama to blame him for everything under the sun. (Disclaimer: I don't think Obama was a particularly effective President myself, to tell you the truth.) One of the things I hold against Obama was failing miserably on attempting to unite the country..... being the 1st African American President and all. But geez... Trump came in and now it's almost a civil war out there. Hate group activity, whether it's Antifa, White Supremacists.... whatever... is at an all-time high. Haters have been emboldened by Trump's hateful rhetoric. Hey..... some mass shootings just happen because the gun control in the nation is a joke and so are the background checks. But damn....... the El Paso shooter basically took Trump's "invasion" rhetoric to heart.

    If you're President, you gotta figure there's a lot of people out there who don't need much of a nudge in order to fall off the edge of the mental cliff. You can't be talking about invasions and denigrating entire groups of immigrants. Thank God I'm not a Mexican living in Texas. It was bad enough when I lived there in the 80's without all the hate. I imagine now it's worse. Well..... maybe not because Mexican-Americans are quickly becoming a majority there.

    Trump did what he had to do during his term. But the country has suffered because of it. The economy is not all his doing. I've already said I believe in momentum and inertia when it comes to economic indexes. You can't take all the credit, nor do you deserve all the blame. I'm pretty sure Obama had a tiny little bit of a hand in the bonanza that occurred in 2017.

    Trump is a bully, he's thin-skinned, and he picks the wrong fights. Plus I think the pressure of the Presidency is getting to him, which is why I think he might soon unravel. Hope not.... but it could happen. I'm sure there are some people out there who can do the job while still being Presidential (yes..... that's important to people like me) and not being such an asshole.

  2. #3602
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I believe a great deal of the current state of affairs is down not to Trump but to the media and their blatant bias.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Talking about trashing parts of the Constitution

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    indefinite detentions of entire families,
    Well yeah. Our immigration system and inability and many a politician's (Republican AND Democrat) unwillingness to do anything to solve the illegal immigration CRISIS and it is indeed a CRISIS leave Trump with little help and he's taking the only action he can.

    Illegal immigration is a live wire topic and people get really emotional about it and rightfully so. However, our nation, our politicians have balked at fixing anything the status quo is that we complain but do nothing, we float the idea of amnesty only actual American citizens still aren't buying that. The Flores Decision has recently been overturned. That ruling basically incentivized bringing of children while you're illegally crossing the border. There's a lot of things said about separating families at the border, separating children and their parents, etc....a lot of these illegal immigrants aren't travelling with their families. A lot of the children are recycled and cross the border numerous times with different people. Some of the children are "trafficked" and perhaps some are slaves of one form or another. Changes need to be made, the illegal border crossings especially the caravans need to be stopped and our borders need to be respected.

    America does a lot with aid for the world, sadly people misuse and abuse that aid. America also takes in a great deal of people fleeing anything and everything....the rhetoric that the average American citizen (not attributing this to you Spicoli, but to politicians, pundits, etc) is a hateful bigot for wanting our borders respected is unhelpful. It's likewise unhelpful for Illegals fleeing a nation which apparently treated them very poorly to wave around the flag of the country they fled from.....true immigrants love America and the American flag, if this nation and our people are so hateful and horrible why risk life and limb to get here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    ginormous deficits that would-should make actual conservatives heads explode,
    The deficits are not ideal

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    threating allies with Isis detainees ffs,
    Sometimes subtle hints aren't taken. A lot of this is 'The Art of the Deal' and a lot of it actually works out. Trump plays hardball. I like our allies, but I don't like them taking advantage of us, if a threat here or there helps them understand this is a two way relationship then I'm cool with that. PLUS when some of our "Allies" engaged in spying on Donald Trump (and they did, but you won't have heard about it in the mainstream media....doesn't mean it didn't happen, although they certainly want to memory hole it) in an attempt to torpedo his election/get him impeached then YEAH I really understand Trump making certain leaders look bad or treating those leaders poorly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Trump contradicting himself and administration members at every literal turn,
    Yes politically that keeps everyone guessing on what Trump will do which benefits him as it helps him see the political battlefield before he makes his move. It's like feinting in a boxing match. Also his staff, a lot of DC is incestuous they recycle everyone over there, ergo the name "the swamp" Trump doesn't know who he can or can't trust, who will leak, who won't leak....the constant media hand wringing and pearl clutching is what irks me, of course Trump is going to headfake here and there to NOT expect that is naive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    this blind unyielding favoritism of Russia and NK military actions and policies over our own leaders and allies,
    He speaks one game his administration is carrying out a different game in regards to Russia. With North Korea surely progress has been made yeah? The War is officially over, that not progress? Trump met with Lil Kim and there has been a lot less saber rattling from the Norks...recently they've tested some short/med range rockets, but nothing like it had been.

    Our own Allies have fleeced us for NATO money for ages AND a fair few of them took part in the attempt to take Trump out. England, Australia, Italy, and perhaps others. Is that friendly? Doesn't seem friendly. I'm not saying let's have it out with them, friends have arguments, but they need to be addressed or else the disrespect to America will not only continue but it'll get worse. Obama didn't care because hell he has the view that many SJW's have America is founded on racism/colonialism, we're undeserving of being A#1 world Superpower, we need to be taken down a notch etc...that's now the default stance of the Democrat Party. Are those the views of the OLD Democrat party? I don't remember them being this open about it, I remember hearing of Ted Kennedy wanting to help the Soviets vs Reagan...but former Sec. of State John Kerry openly meeting with Iranian officials (after Trump is in office) in bold violation of the Logan Act, that's kind of different and worrying.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    this twisted clusterfuck of party affiliations and Religious loyalties and tantrum leadership via rapid response tweet.
    The tweeting and his impromptu press gaggles are the ONLY way President Trump can speak to the masses outside of doing his rallies. The media still spin anything and everything he says or tweets. He's not changed since becoming President, he is who everyone knows he is, he's Rodney Dangerfield from CaddyShack and he's running roughshod over the bluebloods in DC and in media....I rather enjoy this. The Coastal Elites needed to be checked and this guy who COULD be an elite, he COULD rub elbows with these folks but they never let him in their lil group, he's doing the work of the Joe Sixpacks of the nation. He's ruffling feathers, he's a bull in a china shop and it is glorious to behold.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Thus far the only step or stand in response to these increasing mass shootings has been that we need more mental institutions.
    There is a very large mental health problem in this country. Look at California, look at their homeless populations. Cook County Jail in Chicago is the nation's largest Mental Health facility....not Bellevue, not an Asylum, a JAIL! Not good. I don't want the mentally ill treated poorly, I do want them treated though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    The swamp is bordering on cesspool and it is alive and well, have zero doubt about that. I do believe and hope we step back up as an honorable Republic when this is all over and have an adult..a real leader..we can again be proud of, damn the party.
    Things are going to get a lot worse...I fully expect attempts to be made on Trump's life in the coming months. The current undertaking his administration is working on is far too serious and ruinous for those opposed to him. There's a reason Jeffrey Epstein is no longer among the living and once the thread on that story gets pulled a lot will be unraveled. Even Nancy Pelosi's daughter said there WILL be many many people deeply involved in what Epstein was doing "some of our favs" she said...politicians, actors, musicians, academics...all parties, all walks of life. But it's going to take time

  3. #3603
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Political ESPIONAGE eh? Hmmmm

    Comfy Kirk?

  4. #3604
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    For those wondering the key bit of information is "I could have told you December 2015"...."they're (the FBI) deliberately letting this grenade develop under the Republicans"

    The Trump-Russia Investigation started WHEN? July 2016

    The FBI wouldn't LIE about that would they?

    If the FBI thought the Russians were trying to infiltrate the Rubio, Cruz, and Trump campaigns, then why not inform those campaigns to that threat....or are you (the FBI) WANTING Russian collusion or the appearance there of?

    If the Russian money to NRA & NRA money to Republican campaigns is bogus (and it IS) then why continue to investigate? I mean I could think of a reason or two....and believe you me there's more to this story

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post

    Political ESPIONAGE eh? Hmmmm

    Comfy Kirk?
    Oh shit he was completely changing that company

  6. #3606
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Rumoured news on RGB

  7. #3607
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Donald Trump is SO evil and full of hate he got a gay white guy to get a group to volunteer to help clean up part of Baltimore and that has inspired people in Newark New Jersey to follow suit.

    So vile to sow the seeds of bigotry and race hate under the guise of "cleaning up" a community disgusting really! Having pride in your own community and obeying laws....YUCK....GROSS.....such horrible racism.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    The white washing of Saddo now nearly complete anyone would think that Trump was not a self serving swamp filling hypocritical egomaniac intent on pissing out onto the rest of the world but some kind of Messiah.

    Trump screams about Illegal immigrants while using them extensively in his properties (including slave labour in Saudi). pretends to be disgusted by cheap Chinese steel, while all the time using it to build his own empire, ....

    Interesting read here -

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  9. #3609
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    The white washing of Saddo now nearly complete anyone would think that Trump was not a self serving swamp filling hypocritical egomaniac intent on pissing out onto the rest of the world but some kind of Messiah.

    Trump screams about Illegal immigrants while using them extensively in his properties (including slave labour in Saudi). pretends to be disgusted by cheap Chinese steel, while all the time using it to build his own empire, ....

    Interesting read here -

    So let me get this straight a BUSINESSMAN used tactics in order to maximize his profits and minimize his cost and as President he's worked to make that easier to do and that's bad because the Washington Post told me it is

    Oh and the article is behind a it looks like I won't be able to have a close look at the article, not like anything I pull from it would sway you from your line of thought. I mean hell I show a video of Antifa being violent which counters your Jacobin article and I've still yet to see you respond to it directly.

  10. #3610
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  11. #3611
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    The telling truth is what I DON'T see reported on, not the bullshit these outrage peddlers come up with on the daily overreacting to everything Trump says and does. Hell people are STILL to this day saying "He said good people on both sides and he meant Nazis and white supremacists" and it has been debunked over and over and over again.

  12. #3612
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    The telling truth is what I DON'T see reported on, not the bullshit these outrage peddlers come up with on the daily overreacting to everything Trump says and does. Hell people are STILL to this day saying "He said good people on both sides and he meant Nazis and white supremacists" and it has been debunked over and over and over again.
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  13. #3613
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    You just going to post random pictures now or do still you think you're correct?

  14. #3614
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    You just going to post random pictures now or do still you think you're correct?
    Mate there are 241 pages here of you pretending that Trump has never told a lie He has literally made thousands of false or misleading claims and hundreds of blatant lies, continues to do so every day and you think that ONE news story now exonerates him. You are currently at the top of a massive and precarious ladder, and while you may think it a stairway to heaven you still have the opportunity to turn around and walk back down with dignity before it becomes a free falling drop slide.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  15. #3615
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    You just going to post random pictures now or do still you think you're correct?
    Mate there are 241 pages here of you pretending that Trump has never told a lie He has literally made thousands of false or misleading claims and hundreds of blatant lies, continues to do so every day and you think that ONE news story now exonerates him. You are currently at the top of a massive and precarious ladder, and while you may think it a stairway to heaven you still have the opportunity to turn around and walk back down with dignity before it becomes a free falling drop slide.
    Where have I said he hasn't lied? Yes Trump has made PLENTY of statements which are false or misleading, part of that is him cutting promos on people "I'm better looking, I'm smarter, I went to a better school" etc and part of it is to get the other side to tip their hand, they're chumps and they fall for it every fucking time.

    What are you talking about "ONE news story now exonerates him"? Lowest Black unemployment EVER, Trump did that. Criminal Justice Reform which Obama promised....TRUMP did that! So how exactly is he racist? Because he said SOME illegal immigrants are rapists? Because he called MS-13 Animals? HOW? Lay out your proof and examples of his racism, go ahead I'll wait....You're so certain he is what besides people just reporting that it is so do you have for us to see and judge for ourselves?

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