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Thread: The Brexit Thread

  1. #556
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    The politicians are all traitors to democracy.

    England has no democracy that is a fact.

    A very sad day, but not a day we didn't think would happen with all the spineless liberals in charge..
    This is democracy in action and is beautiful to see.

    Be proud, no one voted for a no deal brexit, they all said a deal will be made. The conservatives have blown the last 3 years and should have delivered. They are to blame not liberals.
    Nowhere did it say anything about a no deal , it was a choice of remain or leave.
    You can not go into negotiations without being able to say - sorry I don't want your deal = no deal.
    They will offer us a crap option if we have to accept a deal.
    You liberal remainers have got what you wanted basically the no deal crap is just other spin for REMAIN.
    Which is not what people who voted for brexit wanted, you got outvoted and we got shafted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    The politicians are all traitors to democracy.

    England has no democracy that is a fact.

    A very sad day, but not a day we didn't think would happen with all the spineless liberals in charge..

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Fine then get them to stay Beanz, what do I care I'm a foreign trustafarian elite wannabe after all so what do I care of Britain?
    It is not about staying it is about the manner in which we leave and respecting Parliamentary Sovereignty, the entire reason you in your rush to ignorance touted as the justification of Brexit. It seems that it was just another bullshit fake news lie. You are willing the UK into absolute chaos and economic vandalism, at the behest of traitorous cunts in Government who stand to benefit from that ruination. You and your corrupt President are a far more dangerous threat than the fake commie enemies you dream up to justify your paranoia and simple mindedness regarding the EU.
    Where's the part where the vote on the referendum, the voice of the people is respected? Does that matter at all? The PEOPLE voted, the PEOPLE chose Brexit but you are on the side of Parliament why? Because it's opposed to Trump and Bannon and whomever else you deem as corrupt and the by how exactly is it "traitorous" to want Britain to stand up proudly on it's own as it has whenever it has made history? I guess they should have welcomed Hitler across the Channel and avoided the Blitz altogether, same'll be part of a Europe run by Berlin through Belgium.

    Are we excited to have young Brits conscrpited into military service in the EU Armed Forces? Are we excited to see riots like France and the yellow vests?
    With a bit of actual effort and hard work in stead of swanning about posting memes when you should be working, you may eventually drag yourself up to the position of gullible idiot. It will be a long hard slog and you will have to start thinking for yourself, instead of having your 'opinions' and 'facts' drip fed from your usual swill buckets, but it will be worth it. Then you can start learning how to actually put up your first shelf and hopefully some friendly soul will give you a bookend to stop your first Steve and Don book falling off the end.

    And fuck you, for having to stoop so low to comparing the European Union with Hitler and the Blitz. Five of my siblings have a German mother. They have family there in Germany. They have worked there and their mother despite being a German Jewess is welcome here in the UK, now living as a UK citizen. She has contributed so much. You are such an ignorant fuck it is embarrassing. Both my grandfathers fought in the second world war, my fathers youngest sister was killed in the blitz you inconsiderate kool aid guzzling fuckwit. The most recognised and awarded installation i ever made dealt with the experience of disabled men here in my city during the war, a city flattened and second only to London in terns of destruction so don't fucking lecture me about Berlin you fucking cockwomble. We don't share your paranoia. We are not run by the EU or Germany and never have been. We not only have a veto on European Military policy there is also the small fact that there are no plans to form a European Army and then conscript Brits to it, despite what your bullshit scum media is drip feeding you.

    You don't live here and you don't even understand your own country so I would hang fire and maybe listen to some other voices if I were you before you look like even more of a fool. There are industrial states not far from here full of businesses set up and kept running with EU funding. There are museums and galleries and libraries set up and funded by EU money that have helped preserve ancient Celtic artifacts and stone circles, kept the Cornish language alive and put the Marine conservation work done at our UNI's here at the centre of international research. You don't have a fucking clue how deep and massive the impact of a sudden no deal severing of ties will have but it is quite obvious that it will not only plunge ports like this one into chaos it will smash businesses,create massive unemployment and flood the UK with conmen from your backward country looking to hoover up a cheap deal and fuck the British over.

    Fuck Off we don't want your invasion dressed up as trade, you have fucked up everywhere you have been. The arrogance from your prick of a president is off the charts and you can keep that kind politics and shove it up your hamburger filled arse. The normalization of Chaos as practiced by your infantile cry baby Prez who bottled his military service, is now being aped by Boris, a man as a Liverpool fan you should hate, but who you are lauding as some harmless bumptious Savior.
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  2. #557
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    With a bit of actual effort and hard work in stead of swanning about posting memes when you should be working, you may eventually drag yourself up to the position of gullible idiot. It will be a long hard slog and you will have to start thinking for yourself, instead of having your 'opinions' and 'facts' drip fed from your usual swill buckets, but it will be worth it. Then you can start learning how to actually put up your first shelf and hopefully some friendly soul will give you a bookend to stop your first Steve and Don book falling off the end.
    Uh you quoted your own memes am I missing something here?

    Thanks for the personal insults and attacks, I'm certain your endless browbeating will one day sink in and I'll do nothing but post things with which you agree wholeheartedly and what a glorious victory that will be for you. Is that the kind of communication you wish to have? Just me agreeing with you? It's why I often ask you to proofread or edit my posts to your liking so we can avoid all this hassle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    And fuck you, for having to stoop so low to comparing the European Union with Hitler and the Blitz. Five of my siblings have a German mother. They have family there in Germany. They have worked there and their mother despite being a German Jewess is welcome here in the UK, now living as a UK citizen. She has contributed so much. You are such an ignorant fuck it is embarrassing. Both my grandfathers fought in the second world war, my fathers youngest sister was killed in the blitz you inconsiderate kool aid guzzling fuckwit. The most recognised and awarded installation i ever made dealt with the experience of disabled men here in my city during the war, a city flattened and second only to London in terns of destruction so don't fucking lecture me about Berlin you fucking cockwomble. We don't share your paranoia. We are not run by the EU or Germany and never have been. We not only have a veto on European Military policy there is also the small fact that there are no plans to form a European Army and then conscript Brits to it, despite what your bullshit scum media is drip feeding you.
    Silly me I knew I forgot all about your family history...just how big of a narcissist are you? I'm now thinking "Had I mentioned Napoleon I'm sure he would have harrowing tales of atrocities narrowly escaped by distant relatives as well". No seriously I'm supposed to know specific personal historical details of your family? Well I guess let's see your genealogy so I can make certain I have your family history correct so I know what I can and can't talk about according to you. I don't give the slightest damn about your family do you understand? I wouldn't go out of my way to insult them when YOU are right here and I COULD just as easily insult you directly which is what I'd do if I were so inclined, and right now, I'm pulling my punches so that it is clear for all to see what an absolute raving lunatic you truly are.

    I'm not the only one to make the comparison between Hitler and the EU, Boris did it, Rees Mogg did it, and leaders of other nations have done it....I guess you better get on the horn and remind them all about your family and so they better mind their manners because of your family's experiences, go on and tell them Beanz.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You don't live here and you don't even understand your own country so I would hang fire and maybe listen to some other voices if I were you before you look like even more of a fool. There are industrial states not far from here full of businesses set up and kept running with EU funding. There are museums and galleries and libraries set up and funded by EU money that have helped preserve ancient Celtic artifacts and stone circles, kept the Cornish language alive and put the Marine conservation work done at our UNI's here at the centre of international research. You don't have a fucking clue how deep and massive the impact of a sudden no deal severing of ties will have but it is quite obvious that it will not only plunge ports like this one into chaos it will smash businesses,create massive unemployment and flood the UK with conmen from your backward country looking to hoover up a cheap deal and fuck the British over.

    Fuck Off we don't want your invasion dressed up as trade, you have fucked up everywhere you have been. The arrogance from your prick of a president is off the charts and you can keep that kind politics and shove it up your hamburger filled arse. The normalization of Chaos as practiced by your infantile cry baby Prez who bottled his military service, is now being aped by Boris, a man as a Liverpool fan you should hate, but who you are lauding as some harmless bumptious Savior.
    You don't live in America and yet in the following paragraph you talk quite a bit about it....double standards much?

    Oh I know those double standards don't apply to you do they? Well I tell you what, I'm going to only post in agreement with you from now on, now maybe that would feel like a hollow victory for some, but you....I have a feeling you'd really appreciate that kind of thing. were telling us all about your family history, do please continue.....German Jews were they? Not Gypsies? Not Christian Cult members this time? Is this your father or your mother's side? Or are we doing stepmothers? It's all so difficult to keep straight in my head and it's odd because the subject is so very important to me, I mean after all it's the ONLY reason I'd ever compare a massive government run from Europe with Germany as the central economic hub and the people in the annexed I mean "member nations" having 0 say in the running of the government and it's impact on their home countries....I mean that's not like anything that's ever happened before right

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I also like that poll as no deal is hardcore and that is even higher than the number I gave. No deal brexit is the best outcome for everyone and if Britain wants to deal with off shore tax havens then they can push for that thenselves rather than rely on the EU to govern.
    Yes ..right. Fucking get down off your cloud and live in the real world for five seconds. Like the Turkeys in this corrupt government are going to vote for their own Christmas. Corbyn as a realist and proponent of REAL GROUND CHANGE is acknowledging the complexity of a divided nation and seeking to address it, and you are merely propping up the old order , the status Quo, the establishment two party bullshit. You are a money mad tory right down to your bones.
    You have issues.

  4. #559
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    Corbyn is not a realist either. He appears very conflicted and all over the place. He is an old man who has flip flopped on a lifetime aversion to the EU based on being held hostage by his own party. He knows full well what the EU is and he knows full well he can nationalize very little within it and he knows he will be crushed in an election. 25% is being optimistic. Basically students and London. The North is long gone now and that was traditional Labour ground. Tax havens are an issue, but to rely on an unelected superstate to 'solve' it is reaching to say the least.

    Beanz, if you consider yourself European, then go and live in Europe. You have 20 odd countries to choose from. Go back to your roots, but you won't as you know full well that it is you who wants the British pound. It is one reason you are so pro EU as you have said in the past it is good for your business. Your motives are selfish.

    Personally I don't make a penny from Brexit and my motivations are purely based on the belief that no nation should be occupied. Would you deny the freedom of former British colonies? No. Yet you are desperate to remain a colony.

    You know how Greece has been treated. You know what a crappy deal the EU is offering and yet you still want it. I find it peculiar, but if your own motivation is money then it makes sense.

    If Boris is going to go for No Deal. Well, I am no Tory, but I say go for it. I am British, not European. You consider yourself European first, so act on it and let the British people be British if that is what the majority want.

  5. #560
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Stop acting like a bellend. I don't consider myself European more than British, the two are not mutually exclusive. Can the pair of you not see the fucking ridiculous irony of telling a British born poster living in and celebrating the UK to leave because you both who live in America and SK do not want to hear about the EU supporting the preservation of distinct national cultures and their history?

    You want to destroy all that and make us into some homogonized Americanised satellite state. British culture is massively entwined with Germanic, Gallic, Greek, Roman, Basque heritage and language and Europe is still where much of our food, art, music, business, education and science is shared.

    Just because your xenophobia normalises hating the Germans, fearing the French, demonising the Romanians, lying about the Swedes, etc don't assume all British people are as pathetic as you.

    No Deal appeals to you both because you want to isolate the UK, because you hate unions and people sharing common purpose, because your words and actions demonstrate a deep distrust of solidarity and community. Most Brits do not share that myopic nasty negative attitude.

    The Empire has gone and Johnson the serial liar is not only making us a laughing stock he is threatening to restart the troubles in Ireland, make hundreds of thousands unemployed and tear families apart just to make him and his buddies even richer.
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  6. #561
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    And no I don't personally get any EU money or government money for my business. It is not for selfish reasons and you just can't get your head around that.
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  7. #562
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Stop acting like a bellend. I don't consider myself European more than British, the two are not mutually exclusive. Can the pair of you not see the fucking ridiculous irony of telling a British born poster living in and celebrating the UK to leave because you both who live in America and SK do not want to hear about the EU supporting the preservation of distinct national cultures and their history?

    You want to destroy all that and make us into some homogonized Americanised satellite state. British culture is massively entwined with Germanic, Gallic, Greek, Roman, Basque heritage and language and Europe is still where much of our food, art, music, business, education and science is shared.

    Just because your xenophobia normalises hating the Germans, fearing the French, demonising the Romanians, lying about the Swedes, etc don't assume all British people are as pathetic as you.

    No Deal appeals to you both because you want to isolate the UK, because you hate unions and people sharing common purpose, because your words and actions demonstrate a deep distrust of solidarity and community. Most Brits do not share that myopic nasty negative attitude.

    The Empire has gone and Johnson the serial liar is not only making us a laughing stock he is threatening to restart the troubles in Ireland, make hundreds of thousands unemployed and tear families apart just to make him and his buddies even richer.
    No deal appeals to me because it is the most direct means of leaving an undemocratic and unchosen overlord of a supposedly great and democratic nation that actually led the democratic way for much of Europe for centuries.

    You have declared yourself European and indeed declared that you would rather have immigrants than educated and capable people like myself, so you can consider yourself as patriotic as you like, but you do not appear so with your acceptance of tyranny.

    Also the majority of Brits do not think like you whence Brexit winning in the first place and which explains why Jezza is terrified of an election. Anne Widdecombe represents you and the people around you voted for her lest we forget.

    You could just accept the democratic result of a referendum. You don't see me still crying over the Scottish referendum years later but you remoaners are something else entirely. Accusing someone of being a money man Tory is lame to say the least.

    Yep, and great argument with the culture point. The man who hates Nazi's hints at a common cultural heritage. Lol. Have you forgotten the Napoleonic wars, WW1, WW2, and dozens of other wars among the wonderful culturally sharing tribes of Europe? Nope, I actually have nothing in common with Nazi's. Glad to see you potentially do though.

    Nope, I am not all that into Europe. Imagine sharing power with pervy little Macron and crushing Greece so that women sell their bodies and opening borders to rapists etc. How can you endorse any of that? Get out and have a fresh start. You cannot control massive centralisation. We know this from China, to America, to many systems of the past. To control tyranny you need a small nation state and representatives who you can track and control. The EU is the oppposite of that really.

    Westminster can be controlled by the people. The EU cannot.

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    And no I don't personally get any EU money or government money for my business. It is not for selfish reasons and you just can't get your head around that.
    No, you said many of your clients and work come from operating in the EU. I did not say the EU funds you directly.

    Your motivations are certainly not about the will of the people. I am all for it. Have an election or else just leave as the people directed.

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    And no I don't personally get any EU money or government money for my business. It is not for selfish reasons and you just can't get your head around that.
    No, you said many of your clients and work come from operating in the EU. I did not say the EU funds you directly.

    Your motivations are certainly not about the will of the people. I am all for it. Have an election or else just leave as the people directed.
    No I didn't. You just made that up. I am one of the people. Far more than you, an individual who not only does not live in this country, but did not even vote in the referendum. You don't give a fuck about the people it why you fucked off. That is the entire point. You want to box people into corners because you are a political naive simpleton. You are also not a very nice bloke. You want to be able to declare yourself a working class economic socialist whilst making excuses for the worst kind of Tory. A group of feudal privileged and corrupt bully boys have seized power and you want to claim some of it and use it as justification for your own racist bullshit. Here you are boasting about holding grudges about the Napoleonic War and WW1 an 2 with a straight face as though you were an Imperialist old Codger all along. You are a joke mate. If German Jews can get over it you need to pull your socks up and act like a big boy not demand like El Kaobong that the world makes a special shaped hole for you both and bends to your politically correct demands. You are now suggesting that my old man marrying a German makes me a Nazi and still pretending that you are not a racist?

    All you have is this remoaner bullshit because like the dumb El Kabong you refuse to engage with any kind of debate here. For you both it is a little safe space to engage your pathetic whiny polemic in matters that have literally no impact on you. Anyone refuses to blow smoke up your arse and you just resort to claiming they have issues or as mentally fragile as the pair of you. You use the same tactic with Master. The guy voted for leaving the EU bit because he has the common sense to not want to plunge the UK into chaos with no Deal you portray him as some kind of remainer. That is the kind of dishonesty you both display in your rush to avoid actually challenging yourselves. I am not arguing to remain I am just standing up to actual tyranny. Not the imagined EU bogyman that you probably frap off to but an actual government and ethos that has seen the most vulnerable in this country thrown to the dogs because like you those in charge would rather castigate the working poor and disabled than hold the non-tax paying oligarchs, mainstream Media Moguls and despots to account.

    Nobody is stopping you coming back to Britain but you. You think an awful lot of yourself and not very much of anyone else it seems. You see yourself as 'educated and capable' but other economic migrants just like you are deemed as stupid and dangerous and freeloaders when most of them are not living the easy life you boast about over there in South Career.

    What a fecking arse of a bloke you really are.
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  10. #565
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    You are outright defending tyranny as you want the UK to be a colony of an EU superstate. That is why you voted to remain. You want a system where parliament is subservient to a higher body. You should be ashamed of yourself. You have no faith that Britain can maintain museums or sustain itself. A bit sad really.

    As for all this roundabout nonsense saying that I think your Dad married a Nazi or whatever. A Jew with a Nazi fetish would be fascinating I guess considering his Christian Cult fetish too. Your Dad sounds randy. It is comedy gold. All I was saying was that actually Europe has a long history of war rather than sharing common cultural values. We actually have far more in common with many Americans and Canadians than Europeans. Genetically and historically so. A little bit of war too, but at least many of them are actually of British stock. It is why many Americans do actually have an affinity for Britain and why the Queen governs Canada etc.

    You can disagree with No Deal all you like, but what do you propose? Accept the coward deal? No deal? Or an election? Those are your options. Parliament rejects a deal. Labour rejects an election. The people want an end to extensions. So I argue crash out and get it over with. People will be grateful in the long run. There is no gain without a little pain. You rip out the tumor and feel a lot better after a little healing. You don't let a cancer fester and the EU has imperial Empire like designs.

    As for not being a nice man. Well that is not much of an argument.

  11. #566
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    My Nazi comment was actually a play on your very own Nazi fetish. It was a piss take. I don't happen to think there are many real Nazi's out there, least of all the Germans themselves. However, the EU itself is undemocratic and expansionist and as far as I am concerned a bit of a problem. A No Deal would give them the jolt they need to see reality and also encourage others like Italy and Poland to make their own moves. It won't be the end of the world but a brave new beginning.

    At this stage I am with Johnson and it is all about wanting to see an independent Britain. Nothing more and nothing less.

    And don't lie about things you have said in the past. It causes problems like me bring correct about you saying the father of your step child was a cunt. You gave me stick for that, but it was the truth. Otherwise, how would I have known? I do remember the things you say even if you don't.

  12. #567
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    You are outright defending tyranny as you want the UK to be a colony of an EU superstate. That is why you voted to remain. You want a system where parliament is subservient to a higher body. You should be ashamed of yourself. You have no faith that Britain can maintain museums or sustain itself. A bit sad really.

    As for all this roundabout nonsense saying that I think your Dad married a Nazi or whatever. A Jew with a Nazi fetish would be fascinating I guess considering his Christian Cult fetish too. Your Dad sounds randy. It is comedy gold. All I was saying was that actually Europe has a long history of war rather than sharing common cultural values. We actually have far more in common with many Americans and Canadians than Europeans. Genetically and historically so. A little bit of war too, but at least many of them are actually of British stock. It is why many Americans do actually have an affinity for Britain and why the Queen governs Canada etc.

    You can disagree with No Deal all you like, but what do you propose? Accept the coward deal? No deal? Or an election? Those are your options. Parliament rejects a deal. Labour rejects an election. The people want an end to extensions. So I argue crash out and get it over with. People will be grateful in the long run. There is no gain without a little pain. You rip out the tumor and feel a lot better after a little healing. You don't let a cancer fester and the EU has imperial Empire like designs.

    As for not being a nice man. Well that is not much of an argument.
    Stop being so nasty and spiteful. My dad remarried after divorcing my mother. That does not make him randy. The fact that his wife was Jewish and German does not make mean he has a Nazi fetish or that it is comedy gold, and to suggest so just demonstrates what a bigoted prick you have always been. You just live in a fantasy world of willful ignorance if you think that Brits have more in common with Americans and Canadians than Europeans. Where do you think all the Irish-Americam, Italian-American, German-American families came from? Mars? You are an idiot and the only cancer festering is the one you and your boyfriend EL Kabong has foisted on this forum. A cancer in which you seek to set Brits against each other and white people against black, to routinely mock the disabled, the refugees of wars, piss about like a schoolboy wanting to play act at being gay whilst refusing to acknowledge any actual posters who actually happen not to be straight. It is funny how unwilling you are to see the truth of this and have to resort to personal attacks instead of dealing like an adult with the fact that somebody has a different opinion. I have friends and family who voted leave and none of them have to resort to the crap that you and your pal, who lets face it, are nothing but interested bystanders, pull everyday. What a sad life you must both have to insist everyone indulge you both in your pretend importance. You are nobodies in the grand scheme of things.
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  13. #568
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  14. #569
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    You are outright defending tyranny as you want the UK to be a colony of an EU superstate. That is why you voted to remain. You want a system where parliament is subservient to a higher body. You should be ashamed of yourself. You have no faith that Britain can maintain museums or sustain itself. A bit sad really.

    As for all this roundabout nonsense saying that I think your Dad married a Nazi or whatever. A Jew with a Nazi fetish would be fascinating I guess considering his Christian Cult fetish too. Your Dad sounds randy. It is comedy gold. All I was saying was that actually Europe has a long history of war rather than sharing common cultural values. We actually have far more in common with many Americans and Canadians than Europeans. Genetically and historically so. A little bit of war too, but at least many of them are actually of British stock. It is why many Americans do actually have an affinity for Britain and why the Queen governs Canada etc.

    You can disagree with No Deal all you like, but what do you propose? Accept the coward deal? No deal? Or an election? Those are your options. Parliament rejects a deal. Labour rejects an election. The people want an end to extensions. So I argue crash out and get it over with. People will be grateful in the long run. There is no gain without a little pain. You rip out the tumor and feel a lot better after a little healing. You don't let a cancer fester and the EU has imperial Empire like designs.

    As for not being a nice man. Well that is not much of an argument.
    Stop being so nasty and spiteful. My dad remarried after divorcing my mother. That does not make him randy. The fact that his wife was Jewish and German does not make mean he has a Nazi fetish or that it is comedy gold, and to suggest so just demonstrates what a bigoted prick you have always been. You just live in a fantasy world of willful ignorance if you think that Brits have more in common with Americans and Canadians than Europeans. Where do you think all the Irish-Americam, Italian-American, German-American families came from? Mars? You are an idiot and the only cancer festering is the one you and your boyfriend EL Kabong has foisted on this forum. A cancer in which you seek to set Brits against each other and white people against black, to routinely mock the disabled, the refugees of wars, piss about like a schoolboy wanting to play act at being gay whilst refusing to acknowledge any actual posters who actually happen not to be straight. It is funny how unwilling you are to see the truth of this and have to resort to personal attacks instead of dealing like an adult with the fact that somebody has a different opinion. I have friends and family who voted leave and none of them have to resort to the crap that you and your pal, who lets face it, are nothing but interested bystanders, pull everyday. What a sad life you must both have to insist everyone indulge you both in your pretend importance. You are nobodies in the grand scheme of things.
    When you have half a dozen kids you are by definition environmentally unfriendly and supremely randy. And you have the gall to call me out for not wanting to do much more for the environment. The irony of being called spiteful by you too for having a laugh despite the way you go on at people is faintly ironic to say the least. You have a humor bypass. It has nothing yo do with me being a bigoted prick but about you not being able to see when someone is ripping the piss out of you.

    Back on the sad life thing again? And nobody of any importance too? And I am the spiteful one? Bwahaha! You are missing a few neurons, old boy.

    All I have argued is for a clean Brexit and border control and if I am so irrelevant then you would just ignore me. Unfortunately for you it isn't about me. The general public tends to think a bit like me. That is the bigger issue.

  15. #570
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    British culture is massively entwined with Germanic, Gallic, Greek, Roman, Basque heritage and language and Europe is still where much of our food, art, music, business, education and science is shared.
    Does British culture have anything oooooh I don't know BRITISH about it or is it just a hodgepodge of other cultures and therefore unimportant and not worthy of being it's own unique thing? Also does that line of reasoning work for other cultures as well? Is German culture just a mix of everything not German but it's mixed in a specific geopolitical nationstate and therefore it's "German" ditto France and Italy and Belgium and so on?

    And yeah I get the idea you'll think the very question itself being asked is a massive insult and I'm a bigot/racist/xenophobe who has deliberately and shamelessly offended your ancient ancestors for daring to ask the question, so skip all your typical insulting bullshit and just respond to the question or don't respond at all, I'm just attempting to save you from gassing yourself up into not even a rage, but I am seriously not in the mood to read several volumes of epic poems in response.

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