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  1. #586
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    British culture is massively entwined with Germanic, Gallic, Greek, Roman, Basque heritage and language and Europe is still where much of our food, art, music, business, education and science is shared.
    Does British culture have anything oooooh I don't know BRITISH about it or is it just a hodgepodge of other cultures and therefore unimportant and not worthy of being it's own unique thing? Also does that line of reasoning work for other cultures as well? Is German culture just a mix of everything not German but it's mixed in a specific geopolitical nationstate and therefore it's "German" ditto France and Italy and Belgium and so on?

    And yeah I get the idea you'll think the very question itself being asked is a massive insult and I'm a bigot/racist/xenophobe who has deliberately and shamelessly offended your ancient ancestors for daring to ask the question, so skip all your typical insulting bullshit and just respond to the question or don't respond at all, I'm just attempting to save you from gassing yourself up into not even a rage, but I am seriously not in the mood to read several volumes of epic poems in response.
    Yes British culture does have a lot of things that make it unique. One of those things is the the Anglo-Saxon influence which came here with the Germanic and Scandinavian Angles and Saxons and Jutes you utter plum. They like the Romans and the Normans did not wipe out the native traditions we still have here in an incredibly diverse country. The British Isles, Great Britain, The United Kingdom, the clue is there in the names. You insult this great country every time you refer to Brits as English as though the Welsh and Scots and Northern Irish and even Cornish would not mind. They do mind.

    We are a cultural superpower but our influence in literature would not even exist if it were not for French and Latin. Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Tennyson, Du Maurier, Carroll, Dickens, Austen , Burns, Thomas wrote not only on the local landscapes and figures but on the shoulders of Roman and Greek culture and history. We have been constantly invaded and have sailed the world invading others. That itself is exactly what makes us British and Unique but the European influence from our genealogy to our cultures and even our language itself is the most important by far. To deny that is to not be British bit to be a pale ignorant watered down version of what makes us what we are.

    Neither of you will acknowledge that this nation state bullshit you subscribe to is even vaguely possible. It is farcical and childish. Your own country is a Union. Fucking hell man you cannot lecture us all just because pricks like Peterson and Mcinnes sold you the lie that being British is somehow tied up with not being intimately tied to Europe and that white culture is somehow a unique thing being diluted by acknowledging the undeniable fact that the commonwealth and British Empire worked both ways. From Cricket, Punk and Reggae to folk music, art, literature and cuisine, to be British is to look out and then bring that which is outside in and absorb it.

    You really are a pair of idiots.
    Why are u saying our country is a union? Are you talking about our states united under the federal government? We actually call ourselves a republic. Not saying you said anything bad just wondering in what context you use that word.
    Semantics. The Union defeated the confederacy did it not? Republic then. You are still whippersnappers..fucking get in line. It is so daft. I spend a few days away and come back to be lectured by an American and an Ex-Pat on what it means to be British, have the pair of them fetishizing Nazis and then moaning about it as though I brought them up (they are both obsessed by Fascist obviously) and then superimposing their own weird hangups and negativity onto me.

    You are a country full up with families, dynasties even that came from Britain and Europe and invented everything the world sees as quintessentially American from hotdogs (German) to Pizzas (Japanese),movies (French) Sex ( french and Greek) Boobs ( Italian) shouting ( German) Tartan Golf Trousers ( Cornish/Scots/Irish/Welsh) The star spangled Banner (English tune about a Greek Poet) TV (Russia/UK) Cowboys (Mexico which is basically Spain with better boxers) Budweiser (Czech) Jeans (Bavarian) so it is beyond ridiculous that you would think that Europe is some kind of bogeyman threatening your whiteness
    Damn dude I was just curious what you were saying.
    See how bean flips when I merely ask him a question. And then he says shit like “walrus never debates”etc. now you see why I don’t get into it with beaner. One fucking question and the dude spits fire out of his nostrils.
    Spits fire?

    Don't be such a baby. You have absolutely no sense of humor do you? You and El Kabong and Gandalf are all younger than me but you drone on like old men in your slippers going on about the fucking Beatles and watches and going out for Coffee once a month when you are not on your periods.

    You Guys x
    Dude I guess you are too thick to pick it up but I posed that question to you as a way to try to have a decent interaction. And if that is u being funny, it’s not us that lack a sense of humor

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    I must have been mentioned about 8 times and told what I think when I do not think those things at all and meanwhile the only one frothing at the mouth was Beanz who clearly did not do any work in the time I was sleeping. I have nothing in common with Macron. I am not a hobbit with a granny fetish and a thing with superstates or indeed working with the financial sector in mind. If that is what you think Beanz then you continue to have serious issues. All I argue is that superstates imposed by force are wrong and that seems to make your head spin.

    You didn't answer the questions as usual too.

  3. #588
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Yellowhammer is an anagram of Orwell mayhem (sorry if it's already been noted)

  4. #589
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    Boris going directly to the people. Now is he really going to deliver? I hope so.

  5. #590
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  6. #591
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    It is the law in France to have a yellow vest in your car in case of breakdown you dullard . It is not posing it is something you do when France is not some abstract notion that you cry about.That is why the protesters wear them to protest about the poor being targeted by YOUR people. Just like when YOUR people implement a no deal Brexit the huge price increases in food will disproportionately affect the poor. Including the working poor that you and your pal Gandalf have attacked non stop while you regurgitate the crap the mainstream media tell you to, whilst ignoring the actual opinion of Brits that contradict those lies. And the Mrs Dad is in France because it is cheaper for pensioners to live there then here for much of the year, and he was taken ill while living there. He did not go there for treatment he was already there and a reciprocal agreement in place kept him safe. I get how you don't want hear anything positive or to learn anything about Europe or Britain because you know it all. You think it is weird to travel to countries on your doorstep precisely because you seem to be a confirmed racist and bigot.

    Many of the refugees there are in the world are there because your country and my country bombed the shit out of them or sold the weapons that bombed the shit out of them. They are not the main users of the NHS. The NHS is staffed by many immigrants and always has been. You may be disgusted by that just like your economic migrant pal in SK but I am not ashamed of that I am proud of it. I am not a naive apologist like you and NO i do not play identity politics that is why you get so frustrated. You invent a position for me to inhabit because your own outlook is so narrow that is how you see the world. Fuck me I feel sorry for you.

    To be honest why would any Brit give a flying fuck what YOU think about Brexit and the EU? Some American bloke in a call centre who thinks he has the answers to the UK's woes
    Actually they're wearing the vests because the government has become a bit micro-managey in that they (the government) demand by law that those vests be carried in every car. But by no means is that the crux of their argument with the government. Yes the people are upset about money, and no it's not "my people" hurting them, it's the EU and their massive taxation on things like GAS...see where we come back to the yellow vest/car thing? Brexit will hurt Europe too? That's odd because here I was being told it was only going to hurt Britain, huh, funny how that seems to work...and a no deal Brexit as well, would hurt France specifically...what are the odds . Again you mention Gandalf...what good does that do for you? You have a hard enough time focusing on 1 discussion, why bring in more people?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    while you regurgitate the crap the mainstream media tell you to
    ....yyyyeah, because I totally do that

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    You think it is weird to travel to countries on your doorstep precisely because you seem to be a confirmed racist and bigot.
    I think it's odd to travel specifically for medical reasons when you've got "The greatest healthcare known to man" ....yeah I find that curious. You don't see me going to Canada or Mexico to see doctors and you're quite unlikely to unless the United States decides to have socialized healthcare and thereby ration care.

    Yes yes all refugees and immigrants are pure and holy and nothing but good OR they are the problems WE America and Britain have created and so we shall reap the seed we personally sowed. Yeah that seems a bit of a supremacist take if you ask me, but hey you're supposed to be calling ME that instead of me suggesting you don't know that you're doing that. Oopsy poopsie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    You invent a position for me to inhabit because
    Well #1 IF I did that it would be due to your trouble in answering direct questions
    #2 Aren't you doing that exact same thing to me right now?

    Oh so I'm a "fat, trustafarian, call center worker"....I'm trying to think of the other things you've accused me of being but they're just so all over the place it's hard to keep track, but keep it up, it's like reading a MadLib filled out by a retard.

  7. #592
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    It is the law in France to have a yellow vest in your car in case of breakdown you dullard . It is not posing it is something you do when France is not some abstract notion that you cry about.That is why the protesters wear them to protest about the poor being targeted by YOUR people. Just like when YOUR people implement a no deal Brexit the huge price increases in food will disproportionately affect the poor. Including the working poor that you and your pal Gandalf have attacked non stop while you regurgitate the crap the mainstream media tell you to, whilst ignoring the actual opinion of Brits that contradict those lies. And the Mrs Dad is in France because it is cheaper for pensioners to live there then here for much of the year, and he was taken ill while living there. He did not go there for treatment he was already there and a reciprocal agreement in place kept him safe. I get how you don't want hear anything positive or to learn anything about Europe or Britain because you know it all. You think it is weird to travel to countries on your doorstep precisely because you seem to be a confirmed racist and bigot.

    Many of the refugees there are in the world are there because your country and my country bombed the shit out of them or sold the weapons that bombed the shit out of them. They are not the main users of the NHS. The NHS is staffed by many immigrants and always has been. You may be disgusted by that just like your economic migrant pal in SK but I am not ashamed of that I am proud of it. I am not a naive apologist like you and NO i do not play identity politics that is why you get so frustrated. You invent a position for me to inhabit because your own outlook is so narrow that is how you see the world. Fuck me I feel sorry for you.

    To be honest why would any Brit give a flying fuck what YOU think about Brexit and the EU? Some American bloke in a call centre who thinks he has the answers to the UK's woes
    Actually they're wearing the vests because the government has become a bit micro-managey in that they (the government) demand by law that those vests be carried in every car. But by no means is that the crux of their argument with the government. Yes the people are upset about money, and no it's not "my people" hurting them, it's the EU and their massive taxation on things like GAS...see where we come back to the yellow vest/car thing? Brexit will hurt Europe too? That's odd because here I was being told it was only going to hurt Britain, huh, funny how that seems to work...and a no deal Brexit as well, would hurt France specifically...what are the odds . Again you mention Gandalf...what good does that do for you? You have a hard enough time focusing on 1 discussion, why bring in more people?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    while you regurgitate the crap the mainstream media tell you to
    ....yyyyeah, because I totally do that

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    You think it is weird to travel to countries on your doorstep precisely because you seem to be a confirmed racist and bigot.
    I think it's odd to travel specifically for medical reasons when you've got "The greatest healthcare known to man" ....yeah I find that curious. You don't see me going to Canada or Mexico to see doctors and you're quite unlikely to unless the United States decides to have socialized healthcare and thereby ration care.

    Yes yes all refugees and immigrants are pure and holy and nothing but good OR they are the problems WE America and Britain have created and so we shall reap the seed we personally sowed. Yeah that seems a bit of a supremacist take if you ask me, but hey you're supposed to be calling ME that instead of me suggesting you don't know that you're doing that. Oopsy poopsie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    You invent a position for me to inhabit because
    Well #1 IF I did that it would be due to your trouble in answering direct questions
    #2 Aren't you doing that exact same thing to me right now?

    Oh so I'm a "fat, trustafarian, call center worker"....I'm trying to think of the other things you've accused me of being but they're just so all over the place it's hard to keep track, but keep it up, it's like reading a MadLib filled out by a retard.
    You are not just an idiot you think you are an expert on everything. Like I already said I do not speak from a position of ignorance. That doesn't make me an expert but i know when to listen or ask rather than trust some third hand MSM accounts.

    I know full well why they wear yellow vests because of the fuel rise taxes etc but also because i have friends here and over there who have put boots on the ground because either they live there, they have friends and family there and so visit often or because in my brothers case the whole Gilet Jaunes movement formed the basis of several essays which formed one of his research proposals. But no go ahead you tell me from fucking thousands of miles away how you and Gandalf, who laughingly actually post videos from Murdoch and The Sun and laud Boris and the Billionaire MSM that you fucking lap up when it suits you, have the inside edge and don't just regurgitate the propaganda from the mainstream media. The whole Gilet Jaunes movement is an organic thing in a long tradition that include everyone across the spectrum from Fascists to Leftists and everything inbetween. A truly libertarian idea that would stick right in the craw of your identity politics driven agenda. Much like the anti-fascist movement or the Hong Kong riots you can not comprehend a broad coalition of common ordinary people working together because you and Gandalf want to be part of the Elite. You proclaim yourselves as special constantly reminding us how your numpty heavily re-dacted version of the West is Best and how you are both flying the flag for white kids with guards with guns, cops with guns, armies to shoot protestors with guns etc

    When actual evidence of a conspiracy against the British people is presented to either of you it is of no interest unless is supports your blinkered and backwards racist agenda. Instead you actively promote the work of Cummings, Banks, Farrage, Murdoch, the Barclay Brothers etc.

    (And again as evidence that neither of you even read let alone listen to anyone else but yourselves and your inane repetitive bullshit about welfare and single mothers and immigrants and white rights for terminally dull virtue signally hipsters, my Mrs Dad did not travel to France for treatment at all. He has been there for months and that got taken ill.)

    It is amazing how a pair of Liverpool 'fans' like you two, neither of whom come from or live in the city are so easily led by Boris and Murdoch who both accused 'pissed up' Liverpool fans of causing tragedy, and yet you think you are sticking up for the average working bloke or that you both dare to suggest Boris represents them. Boris? another elite prick from fucking Eton and the Bullingdon club.

    George is on the button here and so is the Taxi Driver that Gandalf threw under a bus when he spoke up for the working poor to much and refused to smear Corbyn with lies ( notice how Gandalf stopped posting his stuff when Molyneuax and Peterson told him who was censored and not censored ? much like you with McInnes and Fox and the fucked up QAnon shit that you repeat without ever engaging your brain)

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  8. #593
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Disaster capitalism is not in the interests of ordinary working people

    From the financial data publicly available, Byline Times can reveal that currently £4,563,350,000 (£4.6 billion) of aggregate short positions on a ‘no deal’ Brexit have been taken out by hedge funds that directly or indirectly bankrolled Boris Johnson’s leadership campaign.
    Most of these firms also donated to Vote Leave and took out short positions on the EU Referendum result. The ones which didn’t typically didn’t exist at that time but are invariably connected via directorships to companies that did.
    Another £3,711,000,000 (£3.7 billion) of these short positions have been taken out by firms that donated to the Vote Leave campaign, but did not donate directly to the Johnson leadership campaign.
    Currently, £8,274,350,000 (£8.3 billion) of aggregate short positions has been taken out by hedge funds connected to the Prime Minister and his Vote Leave campaign, run by his advisor Dominic Cummings, on a ‘no deal’ Brexit.

    Vote Leave Backers who Made Billions from Brexit

    Peter Jukes

    Does this £8 billion bet explain why the Prime Minister has said that he would rather “die in a ditch” before asking the EU for an extension? Is it the reason why Johnson is willing to defy the Benn Act that stops a ‘no deal’ Brexit? Is the £8 billion any kind of motivation to prorogue Parliament?
    Under the Ministerial Code, Government ministers must have “no actual or perceived conflicts of interest”. But what could be a bigger conflict of interest than those bankrolling the Prime Minister also having a vast financial interest in a catastrophe for Britain?
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    In fact to make it clear where I stand I will reiterate one more time. I am an economic socialist, meaning those with excessive wealth pay more in tax than those with little wealth. We create a society of equality of opportunity and the outcome is whatever you decide it should be. That is another reason I believe in CONTROLLED migration as welfare is for those within who need it and the jobs for those within who can mostly do them. British people first.

    My stance on the EU is the same as on Scotland or Hong Kong. I think people should run their own countries free from the control of supranational states. I wanted the Scots to leave, I want Hong Kong to be left alone. There is no comparison of Hong Kong and Remainers. The Hong Kong protestors are more akin to Brexit supporters as it is about being against an over controlling super power. Working class people mostly want to leave, it is the middle classes who want to remain. Ordinary people just want their country and if some are getting rich from it, then that is inevitable. Financiers gamble and that is neither here nor there with me. It is the principle of the matter. You can have an image of Mogg in your head all you like with me, Beanz. However, I am not someone born into wealth and what I have is tiny by comparison, so rather than being a 'Tory all about the money' you will find it is actually something far more simple and aligned with the ordinary man which is a belief in a nation state making its own decisions and the electorate in turn holding the parties to account. I always put forth Iceland as a model I rather like.

    At the end of the day No Deal will shock the EU who is laughing at you and it gives Britain a chance to get on with things and readjust and readjust it will. Being part of the EU has not increased standards of living for many countries in it. Look at the state of Southern Europe today and the debts of France and the chaos of letting in millions of people all too many of whom have gone on to rape and murder innocent people in Europe. It is awful. Britain leaving sends a message to others and the EU knows it whence behind closed doors admitting it is their intention to make things worse. It sounds like an abusive relationship. You want to leave and they want to 'make it worse'? That is not operating in good faith and so that is why I prefer a good shock and the people know that there will be a temporary hit on the exchange rate and a few things like that, but all you care about is the money, so rather than me being the money man it is the only argument remainers have: 'Our coffee will go up for a bit. Aaaargh! Who will massage my feet? Aaargh!' Lame. Life will go on and there is indeed more to life than money and the good times will return. The world did not collapse after the Brexit vote and neither will it collapse with a No Deal.

    Plus Labour is all over the place and ready for extinction. Listen to this nonsense. Corbyn shown telling lies and Thornberry all over the place. Get out and get it over and done with. Have some pride and faith. You are British, so quit with the sob stories because your Dad sowed his seeds on a spree across Europe. Nobody cares.

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    Scotland voted to stay as part of a Union and thus you have to respect that at the end of the day. I would have done the same with Brexit and if the people of Hong Kong were to be given a referendum right now on independence I would respect that too. There is no flip floppery on this. You respect the will of the people and a referendum is as democratic as you can get and when Johnson has offered a man who has requested an election 35 times in years a deciding election and it is turned down and Thornberry says 'We will negotiate but still do a referendum even though in 2017 our manifesto said we would respect the referendum'. Well, people are not impressed and all the remainers do is moan about the economy which is now blooming. Strange times.

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    The Labour position is fair and sensible compared to Liberal Democrats who now may just ignore the referendum result and remain in EU without another referendum. There is nothing democratic about that position.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

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    I think Labour is all over the place whence the polls and even Piers Morgan looking clever.

    Then the Lib Dems had at their gathering the EU bloke who actually admitted on camera his intent was to make things worse for Britain. He is like one of those American Alimony women.

    Then you have Farage saying May's deal was garbage and Johnson seemingly willing to just get it over with with a potential No Deal.

    I think it is turning a lot of people Tory as they have had enough posturing and want action. No Deal should have been laid down from the off and the UK would have been on the mend by now. Very poor on the part of the remainer May.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    The Labour position is fair and sensible compared to Liberal Democrats who now may just ignore the referendum result and remain in EU without another referendum. There is nothing democratic about that position.
    Gandalf doesn't care about reason or truth. Look how low he will go in order to like EL Kabong never admit to being so easily duped. It is just outright lies now. They don't read anything anyone else posts or watch anything either. They are in some kind of new alt right bubble that is quite clear.

    You have a coup by an extreme group of disaster capitalist who have used The Mail, The Sun and the Telegraph constantly spreading lies and disinformation with Nigel Farrage, William Hague and Boris Johnson actually writing the articles and they then quote them back at people as though it is evidence? The has never been anyone more reliant on mainstream media or supporting neo liberal politics than the pair of them.

    It is actually very sad in Gandalf's case to see a man who once was quite able and willing to challenge the mainstream narrative and the whole military industrial complex now come out in support of racist nationalists using people like Piers Morgan and Rees Mogg to try and justify scuppering a countries economy and infrastructure in the name of personal enrichment and tehn to paint Corbyn as an enemy for wanting to unite a very divided country and the sin of being a pragmatist.

    Gandalf and El Kabong are the worst kind of idealogues they would smash up anything just like ISIS would, destroying heritage that belongs to the world in order to have the final say. It is a political scouring , a scorched earth policy of burning the undesirables, the immigrant, the refugee, those on welfare including pensioners and the working poor to make room for their weird out of touch fantasy of a country that few living here would recognise.

    Nobody is saying that we should ape Germany or France. Germany has a terrible wealth inequality problem and you only have to look at the golden desks of those in power in France to see that they too do not represent the people they claim to. I don't go out and drink Coffee for fucks sake this is England we drink Tea just like Ireland. Fucking hell man they do not even try and hide the lets make the UK the USA's 51st state stuff anymore. I am worried about my Mrs not having her epilepsy medication, worried about my family having to jump through so many hoops to travel and work in Europe with their families. Worried about the lack of contingency planning that will mean the exchange programs between universities and arts organisations in Britain and the UK will wither and die, businesses will fold, and we will become isolationist and inward looking like El Gand Bong, our lives one long existential howl about how we don't want to eat foreign vegetables and how awful music with a bassline is.

    Let us just leave like adults and not have spoilt cunts from Eaton pulling out without warning just like their Dads should have done years ago
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  14. #599
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    You don't half go on a bit, don't you? Do you not understand the concept of a nation state and how that has operated so well and for so many people around the world? Forcing groups together by force does not end very well and so if people have decided to avoid a suprastate, then what is the ideological problem? Piers Morgan is a remainer, but at least he had the decency to call out nonsense where he saw it.

    See you are admitting that your motivations are selfish ones Beanz. It is all about your wife and half siblings. Do you honestly think the UK,the 5th largest economy will not be able to procure medicine? You really think living in Europe will be an issue despite far more Europeans living in the UK? And even then, how do you think us lot get on? I have friends here ynmarried for a decade and just fine. I think ye buys into project fear a little too much.

    If the EU gives the UK a hard time, then maybe that tells you about the EU. You don't stay in an abusive relationship where you are dictated to just because it pays. You leave as a matter of principle.

    And you do live in the UK right and know that Brits procured coffee through its empire a very long time ago. Brits drink coffee and indeed tea. And there is nothing wrong with the bass.

  15. #600
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    You don't half go on a bit, don't you? Do you not understand the concept of a nation state and how that has operated so well and for so many people around the world? Forcing groups together by force does not end very well and so if people have decided to avoid a suprastate, then what is the ideological problem? Piers Morgan is a remainer, but at least he had the decency to call out nonsense where he saw it.

    See you are admitting that your motivations are selfish ones Beanz. It is all about your wife and half siblings. Do you honestly think the UK,the 5th largest economy will not be able to procure medicine? You really think living in Europe will be an issue despite far more Europeans living in the UK? And even then, how do you think us lot get on? I have friends here ynmarried for a decade and just fine. I think ye buys into project fear a little too much.

    If the EU gives the UK a hard time, then maybe that tells you about the EU. You don't stay in an abusive relationship where you are dictated to just because it pays. You leave as a matter of principle.

    And you do live in the UK right and know that Brits procured coffee through its empire a very long time ago. Brits drink coffee and indeed tea. And there is nothing wrong with the bass.
    You are so full of shit it is bubbling over. A no deal Brexit is in nobodies interest but the disaster capitalists that you are so heavily invested in. There are far more important things to be getting on with and yet here you are pretending that worrying about a reliable supply of a medicine that literally keeps people alive is an example of me being selfish. Like El Kabong it is all a joke to you because I have rarely met an ex-pat who gives less of a shit about Britain than you, unless it is to virtue signal your own supposed Englishness.

    Why don't you just be honest and move to America the superstate of your dreams?
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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