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Thread: The Brexit Thread

  1. #646
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

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    Boris Johnson’s nightmare in Luxembourg was more than just a public embarrassment delivered at the hands of the Grand Duchy’s Xavier Bettel.

    The FT on Wednesday morning reports on a chastening encounter over lunch between Mr Johnson, Michel Barnier and Jean-Claude Juncker, which one official described as a “penny dropping” moment for the prime minister over what it really means to replace the Irish backstop.

    According to an account of the meeting, the prime minister was told by his EU counterparts in no uncertain terms that the UK’s plan to replace the backstop by allowing Northern Ireland to stick to common EU rules on food and livestock (known as SPS) was not enough to prevent customs checks on the vast majority of goods that cross the Irish border.

    At that point, a befuddled Mr Johnson turned to David Frost, his chief negotiator, and Stephen Barclay, Brexit secretary, and said: “So you’re telling me the SPS plan doesn’t solve the customs problem?”
    Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel gestures during a news conference after his meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Luxembourg, September 16, 2019. REUTERS/Yves Herman

    The exchange, according to one EU official, was part of an abrupt “learning curve” for Mr Johnson in his first face-to-face meeting with Mr Barnier and Mr Juncker since he took office.

    Another official describes the prime minister gradually “slumping” in his chair as the reality of the UK’s negotiating position and the limited time left to strike an agreement dawned on him. “He wasn’t used to hearing it”, added the official.

    Mr Juncker told his college of commissioners in Strasbourg on Tuesday that the Luxembourg lunch was the first time that “Boris Johnson understood the meaning of the single market”.

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Boris has no idea what he's doing. It's like Trump promising universal healthcare that will be much better than Obamacare and then when he actually has to come up with something saying who knew healthcare could be so complicated.

  3. #648
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Beanz I think El Kabong is listening and asking genuine questions. He is suspicious and sceptical which is healthy but insulting him at every opportunity does not serve the argument.
    Why is he even being entertained? The guy has insulted Brits here for years with his condescending rubbish and his loud trousers. Are you suggesting that actually trying to educate him about what being British actually means is like he suggests 'being self loathing"? It is astonishing how his and Gandalf's racist bollocks is just accepted. He is incredibly patronizing and ill informed and I am doing the fuckwit a favour. He is not just sceptical he is paranoid and gullible in the way some people are at 17 years old, but not as adults. It is embarrassing reading his crap on his behalf.

    It really is crazy how two people who don't live here seem to think they have the right to dictate how others in the UK should think, how they should act, how they should think of themselves , what there ethnic makeup should be before they are prepared to accept you as an Englishman or a Brit. The disdain for Britain from the pair of them pours out of their posting history. They don't give a shit about our country. Until three years ago they never mentioned the EU and now here they are getting all high and mighty demanding what should happen in a country neither of them live in.

    It is more than mental, it shows what control freaks the pair are. They have to dominate the conversation even when it does not concern them.
    Well I've had enough of this. I hold no political power, I'm merely stating my views and I guess I'm not allowed to do that in your presence Beanz because you can't be bothered to not read what I post. If I was ANY of the things you accused me of being the Mods would have flushed me from the site long ago and with legitimate reasons too.

    @Beanz, enjoy your forum, I hope that nobody dares disagree with you ever again

  4. #649
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Beanz I think El Kabong is listening and asking genuine questions. He is suspicious and sceptical which is healthy but insulting him at every opportunity does not serve the argument.
    Why is he even being entertained? The guy has insulted Brits here for years with his condescending rubbish and his loud trousers. Are you suggesting that actually trying to educate him about what being British actually means is like he suggests 'being self loathing"? It is astonishing how his and Gandalf's racist bollocks is just accepted. He is incredibly patronizing and ill informed and I am doing the fuckwit a favour. He is not just sceptical he is paranoid and gullible in the way some people are at 17 years old, but not as adults. It is embarrassing reading his crap on his behalf.

    It really is crazy how two people who don't live here seem to think they have the right to dictate how others in the UK should think, how they should act, how they should think of themselves , what there ethnic makeup should be before they are prepared to accept you as an Englishman or a Brit. The disdain for Britain from the pair of them pours out of their posting history. They don't give a shit about our country. Until three years ago they never mentioned the EU and now here they are getting all high and mighty demanding what should happen in a country neither of them live in.

    It is more than mental, it shows what control freaks the pair are. They have to dominate the conversation even when it does not concern them.
    Well I've had enough of this. I hold no political power, I'm merely stating my views and I guess I'm not allowed to do that in your presence Beanz because you can't be bothered to not read what I post. If I was ANY of the things you accused me of being the Mods would have flushed me from the site long ago and with legitimate reasons too.

    @Beanz, enjoy your forum, I hope that nobody dares disagree with you ever again
    beaner that was a little over the top even for you. The attack trump from every possible angle is frequent here, so what it really doesn’t mean much it’s just people talking. It’s just a forum and there are really only a handful of people saying anything. Now it looks like elkabongo got tired of it and will leave for a while. It just doesn’t seem that big of a deal

  5. #650
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Beanz I think El Kabong is listening and asking genuine questions. He is suspicious and sceptical which is healthy but insulting him at every opportunity does not serve the argument.
    Why is he even being entertained? The guy has insulted Brits here for years with his condescending rubbish and his loud trousers. Are you suggesting that actually trying to educate him about what being British actually means is like he suggests 'being self loathing"? It is astonishing how his and Gandalf's racist bollocks is just accepted. He is incredibly patronizing and ill informed and I am doing the fuckwit a favour. He is not just sceptical he is paranoid and gullible in the way some people are at 17 years old, but not as adults. It is embarrassing reading his crap on his behalf.

    It really is crazy how two people who don't live here seem to think they have the right to dictate how others in the UK should think, how they should act, how they should think of themselves , what there ethnic makeup should be before they are prepared to accept you as an Englishman or a Brit. The disdain for Britain from the pair of them pours out of their posting history. They don't give a shit about our country. Until three years ago they never mentioned the EU and now here they are getting all high and mighty demanding what should happen in a country neither of them live in.

    It is more than mental, it shows what control freaks the pair are. They have to dominate the conversation even when it does not concern them.
    Well I've had enough of this. I hold no political power, I'm merely stating my views and I guess I'm not allowed to do that in your presence Beanz because you can't be bothered to not read what I post. If I was ANY of the things you accused me of being the Mods would have flushed me from the site long ago and with legitimate reasons too.

    @Beanz, enjoy your forum, I hope that nobody dares disagree with you ever again
    Enough already of the poor me bollocks. Nobody has said you can not disagree, but stop pretending that calling me 'self loathing, a traitor, not even British, etc' is not insulting. You even attacked my family as though that was fine because in your eyes they are not Brits and then you wonder why people think you are racist? Everyone but Kirk treats you with kid gloves and you post more than ANYONE by a huge margin. So don't pretend because someone refuses to blow smoke up your arse that means it is 'their' forum. You and Gandalf post way more than me and just don't like being challenged in any meaningful way. Neither of you ever respond when the rubbish you post is revealed to be bullshit, you just pretend it never happened

    Swedes are not self loathing so stop slagging them off. It is a far better country than yours in millions of ways. That of course is just my opinion but it is not based on identity politics and what some youtube knob or alt right fool tells me is true.
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  6. #651
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post

    Britain does operate on a state level, but if it were not for several EU interventions we would be far worse off. Workers rights, the environment, Food safety and Quality etc. You seem to be suggesting that your rabid night time fantasies of an EU Fascist State ordering the Tories to privatise everything is a fact. It isn't. It is just another mealy mouth apology from a cowardly cunt that cannot bring himself to admit he turned his back on his own country years ago. I live here mate. I contribute to this country and brought my family up here. It wasn't the EU that sold off the housing stock or cut police numbers or started to privatise the NHS that was your crew. The people even now you are actively endorsing as they smash our country up and divide the spoils among themselves.

    The tyranny of the majority is what El Kabong said not me. This is what I mean about you being a lying cunt. Go back to the opening post in this thread that I started and tell me where i said that I did not respect the will of the people. I have never said that. You are forced to invent that position to justify your extremist stance.

    Nobody forced you to leave this country as an economic migrant. Nobody is forcing you to live alone in a city away from your wife so that you only have to work half days. You have this massive bee in your bonnet with anyone who does what you either cannot or choose not to do. That is your problem. I have certainly done my fair share of manual and unskilled jobs in my working life but I am not about to apologise for not doing them now as I approach my 50's. I didn't win the lottery mate, I worked hard to do what I do. Why would I choose to work as a cashier when i earn what they do in a day in an hour? That would be daft. It does not mean I look down on people who do any kind of job, that is your invention, a way to make yourself feel superior. The same as the race thing which poisons your entire outlook. You think you are better than people based on where two of their grandparents were born? or more British? you are an insecure joke mate.
    You want to claim that I am both a traitor to Britain for suggesting that there is nothing wrong with immigrant and homogenized communities living alongside each other and then at the same time claim I have no experience of helping immigrants to integrate or interacting with people of different ethnicies. You even claimed that me having an Asian step mother for 30+ years didn't count as knowing anything about Asians

    Here you are lecturing me again for the hundredth time about how culture matters whilst living in South Korea. Lecturing me about how communities matter...from South Korea. You are now even joining El Kabong in suggesting that I am somehow self loathing for celebrating, documenting and even helping to preserve, archive, fund raise on behalf of British culture and British history and British Art and British Music and the indigenous languages of Britain and British Theatre ...from guessed it ..South Korea.

    It is insane how you think your new religion of social conservatism means fuck all when you do not practice a word you preach.

    I fucking love not only my country but all the communities and individuals that make it what it is. I don't need the permission of two opinionated twats on a forum to feel good about where I live that is why I live here. Stop slagging our country off. If you don't recognise it or respect it just like you have dissed Sweden and everywhere else you do not think follows your PERSONAL rules then fuck off and stay where you are. I am pretty sure neither country would miss anyone so negative and dismissive of it's achievements and living history.

    The world does not stop just because you pair want to wrap everything in moth balls.

    You are a pair of slipper wearing old farts.

    You need to get out more.
    If you love your country you would not have voted for the EU and continue to make excuses for staying in it and lie about the EU dictating what the British can and cannot do. The British people never voted on that. The referendum was the first time a voice was given and they spoke. I respect democracy. The last time I went to Europe I needed a passport and it really wasn't very complicated. Did the people have a choice in opening borders etc? No.

    As for your bollocks about racism. Fuck off. There is nothing racist about facts or not wanting societies to be needlessly transformed. You hate this topic because you are losing and crapping yourself. And frankly I say good as I have been insulted quite enough. I could very easily get very nasty with you you fetid viper but I do actually hold my tongue all things considered. Look at the way you are going on above. I won't be lectured to by an autistic fuck with a single Mum fetish who only a few years was selling his things because he refused to get a job like a normal man. Not having that.

    The only person I will laugh at running out of medicine is you as you are hilarious off of it. I will stand in solidarity with Lyle and abstain from the Viper's Nest. Truth is private correspondence is free of the Lol and is a far more wholesome place. I hereby state my case for leave too.

    Walrus, the floor is yours. Order, order, order. There is treason in the house.

  7. #652
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    My name is Jeremy Corbyn. I have decided to stay after all following immense pressure from a bunch of backstabbing bastards. Now let's have a new forum poll on this topic: Stay or Go. And then ignore the outcome and bicker and stay some more.

    Antifa, Antifa, my name is Beanz and I like Antifa! The Clash! The Clash! Public school boy punk! Raaargh! I am not 17 at all. Skinheads. Ska. 1981! Raaargh!

    Beanz: You are all Trustafarians, Nazi's, and stiffs and want to stop 'progress'.

    Gandalf: So send all the progress to Plymouth! All of it there! Or bugger off to Europe!

    Case solved.

  8. #653
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    I don’t say to much on Brexit other than the people spoke. Hedge funds would be looking to gain on this from any angle. IMO England never should have joined the EU to begin with. They should have just become our 51st state as beanz says or stay independent

  9. #654
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    George Galloway, another 'extremist Murdoch propagandist', scoffs at Beanz fears of imminent wife death due to Brexit.

  10. #655
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Beanz I think El Kabong is listening and asking genuine questions. He is suspicious and sceptical which is healthy but insulting him at every opportunity does not serve the argument.
    Why is he even being entertained? The guy has insulted Brits here for years with his condescending rubbish and his loud trousers. Are you suggesting that actually trying to educate him about what being British actually means is like he suggests 'being self loathing"? It is astonishing how his and Gandalf's racist bollocks is just accepted. He is incredibly patronizing and ill informed and I am doing the fuckwit a favour. He is not just sceptical he is paranoid and gullible in the way some people are at 17 years old, but not as adults. It is embarrassing reading his crap on his behalf.

    It really is crazy how two people who don't live here seem to think they have the right to dictate how others in the UK should think, how they should act, how they should think of themselves , what there ethnic makeup should be before they are prepared to accept you as an Englishman or a Brit. The disdain for Britain from the pair of them pours out of their posting history. They don't give a shit about our country. Until three years ago they never mentioned the EU and now here they are getting all high and mighty demanding what should happen in a country neither of them live in.

    It is more than mental, it shows what control freaks the pair are. They have to dominate the conversation even when it does not concern them.
    Well I've had enough of this. I hold no political power, I'm merely stating my views and I guess I'm not allowed to do that in your presence Beanz because you can't be bothered to not read what I post. If I was ANY of the things you accused me of being the Mods would have flushed me from the site long ago and with legitimate reasons too.

    @Beanz, enjoy your forum, I hope that nobody dares disagree with you ever again
    beaner that was a little over the top even for you. The attack trump from every possible angle is frequent here, so what it really doesn’t mean much it’s just people talking. It’s just a forum and there are really only a handful of people saying anything. Now it looks like elkabongo got tired of it and will leave for a while. It just doesn’t seem that big of a deal
    Not at all. Pages of being called a non British self loathing traitor and now Gandalf again joking about my Mrs dying and suggesting I must be on meds calling me an 'autistic fuck' yet you want to claim that I am the one being over the top? Silence from you on them. They are clearly rattled and don't like home truths. Fuck em, a break will do them good.

    They are basically both Insisting that as a British citizen born of two British born parents that I refrain from posting in a Brexit thread I started because they think their 'feelings' trump facts. They have been the PC police here for years.

    They think their private correspondence makes them mods or something. They need to grow up.

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  11. #656
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    You came out and said that one reason to avoid Brexit was because your 'wife' would potentially die. I am not laughing about anyone dying, but laughing at the ridiculousness of such a perspective. You are there telling everyone they are thick and brainwashed and there you are lapping up project fear as a reason to stay in an abusive relationship. Yet you want to talk about feelings?

    As you saw with my Corbyn impersonation and immediate reversal I was acting. My leaving and reversal took place over a period of about 3 minutes. I really thought I was Jeremy Corbyn.

  12. #657
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    If the Supreme Court decides that Boris Johnson's decision to suspend Parliament for five weeks was illegal will he appeal to the European court of justice?
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  13. #658
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    You came out and said that one reason to avoid Brexit was because your 'wife' would potentially die. I am not laughing about anyone dying, but laughing at the ridiculousness of such a perspective. You are there telling everyone they are thick and brainwashed and there you are lapping up project fear as a reason to stay in an abusive relationship. Yet you want to talk about feelings?

    As you saw with my Corbyn impersonation and immediate reversal I was acting. My leaving and reversal took place over a period of about 3 minutes. I really thought I was Jeremy Corbyn.
    Except I didn't. Go back and read the first sentence I opened the thread with two years ago. You have as usual just made it up. I insisted that the 'social conservatives' (neoliberal warmongers) you have always supported sort it out.


    Deliver Brexit.

    Not just throw their toys out of the pram without things like continued trade in place.

    Everytime anyone has a clonic seizure they run the risk of dying. The medication lessens the amount of seizures my Mrs has but she still has them. It is something you never get used to.

    You seem to have absolutely no rational perspective at all. I am not accusing all the people who voted Brexit of being thick and brainwashed at all. Only you and El Kabong and neither of you voted for anything.

    Corbyn stance is brave and honest and that is why you joined the MSM in misrepresenting it.

    A choice of how we leave should always have been there. I live in a country split down the middle and he has acknowledged that fact. You are suggesting that more democracy is wrong because you think people may not agree with YOU.

    You have always been dishonest in this way. When I pointed out that while I would get rid of the Royals overnight it is the people that should decide you went all Lib Dem and said 'fuck the people get rid '

    And then for years painted me as a Royalist(which is beyond funny) in order to avoid admitting you act like a Royal yourself.
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  14. #659
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    So we agree that your wife is not going to die because of a lack of medicine then and that you were just screaming like a baby about common law government induced spousal death for emotional reasons stirred up by the lefty media. Fair enough then.

  15. #660
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    So we agree that your wife is not going to die because of a lack of medicine then and that you were just screaming like a baby about common law government induced spousal death for emotional reasons stirred up by the lefty media. Fair enough then.
    Like I said you seem to have no rational perspective on anything. You are terrified of debating anything.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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