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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #3856
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    The SDF or Ypg are our next to only allies in the region and fought our fight being very much the literal boots on the ground over the last few years. They've lost roughly 12k and have fought alongside a very small contingent of U.S Special forces to remove Islamic state extremists and every single pop and praise of 'ISIS being near ruins' frankly should be credited to the Kurds of multiple ethnicities as much if not more than some Washington politician blabbering about keeping campaign promises. This isn't 'ok go get you some Syria we gave you a gun', he's essentially greenlighted Turkey that we're cool will moving it to 86 the very same Kurdish allies that stepped up and walked in with us. It's a clear sign our word is absolute shat and not to be trusted. It will come back to bite us in the arse yet again and instead of the a couple hundred troops remaining to assist we'll be sending the next generation. We've seen this movie before. You don't do foreign policy in a war zone via tweet and unilaterally unless you really don't give a flying feck about anyone but yourself.
    Yeah if only there were some body of people that were elected from all of the different states that had some kind of power NAY some OBLIGATION to declare when, how, and why our military were used.

    The Kurds have been provided weapons and resources from us for quite some time. We were only supposed to be in Syria 30 days....that was when OBAMA was in office. So yeah Congress can declare war or they can allow the President to bring our boys home because ISIS has had their dicks knocked in the dirt.

    Yeah we're allies with the Kurds, we're also allies with (at least on paper) Turkey and Turkey considers the Kurds to be terrorists. Now whose issue is that to resolve? Is it America's issue OR is that some shit the Kurds and Turkey should sort out between themselves, hopefully in a peaceful manner.

    Does the US get in trouble for leaving or do we get in trouble for going in in the first place? Syria? I don't give one solitary fuck about Syria. We've been at undeclared war (authorization for use of military force ain't the same thing as declaring war) for (checks watch) almost 20 years. How long do we owe them? How many men do we owe them? How much of our money do we owe them? If we owe them then Congress should go ahead and declare war, but they won't because they know it's bogus.

    If the US gets stuck in we're liable to stay stuck in whether it's Syria or Afghanistan or Iraq or wherever. Let's leave those nations be. Surely Russia and China get stuck in places (I'm sure we'll see more of that moving forward) China is doing a bang up job in South Africa already . But I'd rather American troops, American money, American efforts be focused on America for a while. We've got our own issues too. Homeless veterans being a major one, healthcare, infrastructure....our armed forces build more stuff overseas than our citizens get to appreciate yeah sorry Kurds, we're not going to fight your fight for you, we've armed you to the teeth, best wishes, if Turkey gets froggy we'll try to dissuade them and if they attack maybe we'll step back in, but time to leave the nest baby chick, fly on your own.
    He's the commander in Chief Lyle. We haven't declared war ffs since what 1945? Rather than stand for something and stand with allies he threw up his hands reverting to weak rhetoric and Erdogan planted his middle finger on Trumps forehead and launched an offensive right off. He withdrew immediate boarder OPs and btw majority are still there ordered to stand down. We stepped aside and he's using the 'boys and girls coming home' as a cow bell to base who still lap it up. We never had large scale troop levels in the immediate combat zones and frankly what we were doing was working in advising and training roles as Kurd forces played the role of door kickers and keeping Isis prisoners on lockdown. Again, minimal force and minimal exposure. We stabbed them in the back for god know what reason and just pulled the pin on a contained and greatly diminished shit show. More sons and daughters will ultimately pay for an ill advised unilateral idiotic decision.

    The 30 day stuff is nonsense as timelines on military operations be they deployment or withdrawal are a set up for problems. Trump repeated it on initial withdrawal..Obama put troops in and Trump initially sent more once in office. Why Syria well it could be Raqqah was caliphate capital according to ISIS and we have lost the convenience to run home and hide behind walls with our fingers in our ears and less we forget ISIS was claiming responsibility for deadly attacks on U.S soil just 2 years ago.

    We do very much have major issues at home most of which the President has been tone deaf at addressing and finding serious solutions for, especially the health care. I would also love every single Military member in their homes with their families and veterans not having to wait months to have a medical concern addressed. I'd also like fake emergency declarations not to happen and 6K soldiers not deployed to U.S boarders to string razor wire and doing ride alongs with Boarder patrol agencies. Yes we armed the Kurds. And it's not their's our fight. We arm a lot of people and foreign armies and we also make 110 Billion dollar arm sales arming Saudi Arabia to the teeth...minus the approval of that pesky Congress..and we also deploy hundreds of troops there rather than telling them to 'fight their own battles'. Turkey got froggy..bridges burned, refugee crisis and adding to the Isis ranks on deck. Oh and Trump blames Kurds for not storming the beaches at Normandy. For the love of god .
    I realize the VA has issues but I know a lot of guys who have gotten help very quickly. That includes service members from Korea. Vietnam days and anyone who served any period of time wartime or not. All those who complain about VA care, and I’m not belittling them, need to take this into consideration as they scream for a system of government run healthcare for all. It is a difficult discussion. I’m not saying everyone shouldn’t have access to health care, I’m just saying I don’t think the government may be the best choice to administer it.

    As for Syria it wasn’t that long ago many were saying trump is going to cause a war with Russia in Syria. If congress wants to do “something” as they are saying, ok, pass some articles of war, declare war on Syria I guess, sounds like that will be helpful. Everyone who wants it should sign up and do their part.

  2. #3857
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I think that's the take Trump too serious when he is enjoying teasing people who lost their sense of houmor in 2016. Who thinks he meant that literal in 1940 something the Kurds could help in Normandy? Is and OBVIOUS jokeI think a disease have taken over the people that is sucking out the light-heartedness and sense of humor the people use to have. Obsession with face-value wording.

  3. #3858
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Every single thing the whistleblower said in his original complaint has been backed up by subsequent events. And there's now a second whistleblower to confirm the first one. And neither whistleblower matters anyway because Trump admitted his crime, did it again on live TV and released a partial transcript that confirms what the whistleblower claimed. Also a GOP senator has confirmed the main allegation.

    There's no SUPPOSED to happen. There's no set way to conduct impeachment proceedings. In 1868 the House voted to impeach before they'd even drawn up articles of impeachment. Repulicans want a vote on impeachment as soon as possible because the numbers are moving away from them. The longer the Democrats wait the better the numbers are so the GOP are making this a big issue which is why you're currently parroting it but it's just politics Lyle, it doesn't matter.

    They will eventually vote to impeach him but it's highly unlikely that there are enough GOP defections in the Senate to boot him out of office. You never know though. Two of his legal representatives, two Russian criminals, were indicted and arrested today. This is likely the start of an FBI investigation into the whole thing. Apart from Trump using half a billion dollars of taxpayer money to try and get an investigation of his political rival started this is a connected set of crimes involving Giuliani and these Russian criminals/Trump legal representatives and it's impossible the FBI don't get involved at some point.

    Why am I going to be crestfallen on October 18th?

    Trump now saying in he's above the law. Nobody has the right to judge his action as prez. Do you agree with that Lyle?
    OK Kirkland these two upstanding "whistleblowers" have told their side of the story....President Trump released the transcript of the call (which YOU find less believable than NOT first-hand information) and then President Zelinskyy said "There was no quid pro quo" but I suppose the "whistleblowers" know best......and that's why we can't see them, hear them talk, or know their names or anything about them.....but they're totally 100% real people who were NOT politically motivated in any way despite one (if not both) of them meeting with Rep. Adam Schiff BEFORE filing their "whistleblower" report which Rep. Schiff then lied about. Rep. Schiff also decided to have a bit of riff on the actual conversation that went on between Trump and Zelinskyy which I guess you believe more than the transcript as well, who knows

    Fine, whatever....have your "Impeachment Inquiry" with your super secret masked "whistleblowers" that Republicans aren't allowed to cross examine because that's Constitutional . Drag it out and all you've got is Trump front and center 24/7 and the Democrat primaries are going on in the darkness. Think that's going to help or hinder their chances? Trump can work with free press, good, bad,'s what he does.

    Yeah see I don't think they will vote to impeach. It's not a winning issue for a great deal of the Democrats, but I'm sure they know what they're doing . The FBI have already investigated and investigated and investigated Trump if there was anything there before they would have found it. Presidents can talk to Presidents of other countries about corruption ESPECIALLY when there are treaties between those nations which cover that specifically.

    Oh you won't I'm's nothing, nothing about how the initial FBI investigation and FISA warrants were obtained by bogus intel and things of that nature. That bogus intel by the way bought and paid for by HRC's Campaign AND aided and abetted by Obama's DOJ....but hey we'll see what happens

    Trump hasn't broken the law and he's being treated in a manner no other American citizen let alone the President should be treated. But hey we'll see how it all plays out
    There are explicit quid pro quos in the texts and emails that have already been made public. There was a months long effort started by Trump and carried out by Giuliani, Trump's Russian mobster legal representatives who got arrested fleeing the country yesterday and various State Department people who Trump is now desperately trying to block from testifying. This went as far as actually drafting a statement for the Ukrainian PM to read on TV announcing investigations into the guy hammering Trump in the 2020 polls in return for Trump agreeing to host a meeting with him at the White House. What part of this don't you understand?

    The FBI have only just started investigating Trump Lyle. There are about a dozen ongoing investigations from the Mueller report that have been farmed off to various FBI field offices and this latest Ukraine investigation has apparently been going for months. Here's some news on just one of these investigations:

    A team of investigators from Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office visited former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen in prison about a month ago and asked a broad set of questions about the president’s business that went beyond the payments made to silence Stormy Daniels, according to two people familiar with the matter.
    Vance’s team is planning to follow up with another interview of Cohen this month, the people said. CNN reported that Cohen would be brought from his upstate New York prison to New York City for that meeting.
    Though federal prosecutors in New York have closed their campaign-finance investigation that led to Cohen’s conviction, Vance’s probe shows no sign of letting up. A federal judge ruled Monday in Vance’s favor, saying the city prosecutor should be allowed to investigate Trump and obtain several years of tax records from the real-estate mogul turned president.

    This was an investigation into the hush money illegally paid to the porn star where Trump is currently an unindicted co conspirator. This investigation has now widened into a look at the Trump Organisation according to the latest reports.

    You must be so jealous of my scandal Lyle with its facts and evidence and actual reporting of things that are actually happening in the real world when all your scandal has to offer you is some nutcase posting on an anime porn messageboard and a bunch of nuts on Youtube.

    And since you're continuing to dodge the questions I'm asking after I answered yours I'm going to post them again until you answer them. Answer the questions Lyle:

    1. Why am I going to be crestfallen on October 18th?

    2. Trump is now saying he's above the law. Nobody has the right to judge his action as prez. Do you agree with that Lyle?

  4. #3859
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    The SDF or Ypg are our next to only allies in the region and fought our fight being very much the literal boots on the ground over the last few years. They've lost roughly 12k and have fought alongside a very small contingent of U.S Special forces to remove Islamic state extremists and every single pop and praise of 'ISIS being near ruins' frankly should be credited to the Kurds of multiple ethnicities as much if not more than some Washington politician blabbering about keeping campaign promises. This isn't 'ok go get you some Syria we gave you a gun', he's essentially greenlighted Turkey that we're cool will moving it to 86 the very same Kurdish allies that stepped up and walked in with us. It's a clear sign our word is absolute shat and not to be trusted. It will come back to bite us in the arse yet again and instead of the a couple hundred troops remaining to assist we'll be sending the next generation. We've seen this movie before. You don't do foreign policy in a war zone via tweet and unilaterally unless you really don't give a flying feck about anyone but yourself.
    Yeah if only there were some body of people that were elected from all of the different states that had some kind of power NAY some OBLIGATION to declare when, how, and why our military were used.

    The Kurds have been provided weapons and resources from us for quite some time. We were only supposed to be in Syria 30 days....that was when OBAMA was in office. So yeah Congress can declare war or they can allow the President to bring our boys home because ISIS has had their dicks knocked in the dirt.

    Yeah we're allies with the Kurds, we're also allies with (at least on paper) Turkey and Turkey considers the Kurds to be terrorists. Now whose issue is that to resolve? Is it America's issue OR is that some shit the Kurds and Turkey should sort out between themselves, hopefully in a peaceful manner.

    Does the US get in trouble for leaving or do we get in trouble for going in in the first place? Syria? I don't give one solitary fuck about Syria. We've been at undeclared war (authorization for use of military force ain't the same thing as declaring war) for (checks watch) almost 20 years. How long do we owe them? How many men do we owe them? How much of our money do we owe them? If we owe them then Congress should go ahead and declare war, but they won't because they know it's bogus.

    If the US gets stuck in we're liable to stay stuck in whether it's Syria or Afghanistan or Iraq or wherever. Let's leave those nations be. Surely Russia and China get stuck in places (I'm sure we'll see more of that moving forward) China is doing a bang up job in South Africa already . But I'd rather American troops, American money, American efforts be focused on America for a while. We've got our own issues too. Homeless veterans being a major one, healthcare, infrastructure....our armed forces build more stuff overseas than our citizens get to appreciate yeah sorry Kurds, we're not going to fight your fight for you, we've armed you to the teeth, best wishes, if Turkey gets froggy we'll try to dissuade them and if they attack maybe we'll step back in, but time to leave the nest baby chick, fly on your own.
    He's the commander in Chief Lyle. We haven't declared war ffs since what 1945? Rather than stand for something and stand with allies he threw up his hands reverting to weak rhetoric and Erdogan planted his middle finger on Trumps forehead and launched an offensive right off. He withdrew immediate boarder OPs and btw majority are still there ordered to stand down. We stepped aside and he's using the 'boys and girls coming home' as a cow bell to base who still lap it up. We never had large scale troop levels in the immediate combat zones and frankly what we were doing was working in advising and training roles as Kurd forces played the role of door kickers and keeping Isis prisoners on lockdown. Again, minimal force and minimal exposure. We stabbed them in the back for god know what reason and just pulled the pin on a contained and greatly diminished shit show. More sons and daughters will ultimately pay for an ill advised unilateral idiotic decision.

    The 30 day stuff is nonsense as timelines on military operations be they deployment or withdrawal are a set up for problems. Trump repeated it on initial withdrawal..Obama put troops in and Trump initially sent more once in office. Why Syria well it could be Raqqah was caliphate capital according to ISIS and we have lost the convenience to run home and hide behind walls with our fingers in our ears and less we forget ISIS was claiming responsibility for deadly attacks on U.S soil just 2 years ago.

    We do very much have major issues at home most of which the President has been tone deaf at addressing and finding serious solutions for, especially the health care. I would also love every single Military member in their homes with their families and veterans not having to wait months to have a medical concern addressed. I'd also like fake emergency declarations not to happen and 6K soldiers not deployed to U.S boarders to string razor wire and doing ride alongs with Boarder patrol agencies. Yes we armed the Kurds. And it's not their's our fight. We arm a lot of people and foreign armies and we also make 110 Billion dollar arm sales arming Saudi Arabia to the teeth...minus the approval of that pesky Congress..and we also deploy hundreds of troops there rather than telling them to 'fight their own battles'. Turkey got froggy..bridges burned, refugee crisis and adding to the Isis ranks on deck. Oh and Trump blames Kurds for not storming the beaches at Normandy. For the love of god .
    He hasn't even brought any troops home from Syria. He's just moved a bunch of people away from the northern border so Erdogan can get his war on. And yeah, he's sending troops to Saudi with more to follow.

    The Kurds would have loved to have fought at Normandy but they all had bone spurs so couldn't make it.

  5. #3860
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    At least four national security officials were so alarmed by the Trump administration’s attempts to pressure Ukraine for political purposes that they raised concerns with a White House lawyer both before and immediately after President Trump’s July 25 call with that country’s president, according to U.S. officials and other people familiar with the matter.
    The nature and timing of the previously undisclosed discussions with National Security Council legal adviser John Eisenberg indicate that officials were delivering warnings through official White House channels earlier than previously understood — including before the call that precipitated a whistleblower complaint and the impeachment inquiry of the president.
    At the time, the officials were unnerved by the removal in May of the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine; subsequent efforts by Trump’s lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani to promote Ukraine-related conspiracies; as well as signals in meetings at the White House that Trump wanted the new government in Kiev to deliver material that might be politically damaging to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
    Those concerns soared in the call’s aftermath, officials said. Within minutes, senior officials including national security adviser John Bolton were being pinged by subordinates about problems with what the president had said to his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky. Bolton and others scrambled to obtain a rough transcript that was already being “locked down” on a highly classified computer network.
    “When people were listening to this in real time there were significant concerns about what was going on — alarm bells were kind of ringing,” said one person familiar with the sequence of events inside the White House, who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter. “People were trying to figure out what to do, how to get a grasp on the situation.”


    Those worries were also shared with Bill Taylor, who had been dispatched to Ukraine to serve as acting U.S. ambassador after Yovanovitch’s removal. Taylor pressed Sondland in a series of text messages before and after Trump’s call.
    “President Zelenskyy is sensitive about Ukraine being taken seriously, not merely an instrument in Washington domestic, reelection politics,” Taylor wrote to Sondland in the days leading up to the call. Weeks later, Taylor’s tone grew more alarmed.
    “As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign,” he wrote to Sondland.
    Sondland backed out of a scheduled appearance before House impeachment investigators this week after being ordered not to participate by the administration. Hearings with other officials, however, appear to remain on track. Yovanovitch is scheduled to testify Friday, and Fiona Hill, who served as the top White House aide on Russia, is due to meet with congressional investigators Monday.

    Quid meet quo.

  6. #3861
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    There are explicit quid pro quos in the texts and emails that have already been made public. There was a months long effort started by Trump and carried out by Giuliani, Trump's Russian mobster legal representatives who got arrested fleeing the country yesterday and various State Department people who Trump is now desperately trying to block from testifying. This went as far as actually drafting a statement for the Ukrainian PM to read on TV announcing investigations into the guy hammering Trump in the 2020 polls in return for Trump agreeing to host a meeting with him at the White House. What part of this don't you understand?

    The FBI have only just started investigating Trump Lyle. There are about a dozen ongoing investigations from the Mueller report that have been farmed off to various FBI field offices and this latest Ukraine investigation has apparently been going for months. Here's some news on just one of these investigations:

    A team of investigators from Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office visited former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen in prison about a month ago and asked a broad set of questions about the president’s business that went beyond the payments made to silence Stormy Daniels, according to two people familiar with the matter.
    Vance’s team is planning to follow up with another interview of Cohen this month, the people said. CNN reported that Cohen would be brought from his upstate New York prison to New York City for that meeting.
    Though federal prosecutors in New York have closed their campaign-finance investigation that led to Cohen’s conviction, Vance’s probe shows no sign of letting up. A federal judge ruled Monday in Vance’s favor, saying the city prosecutor should be allowed to investigate Trump and obtain several years of tax records from the real-estate mogul turned president.

    This was an investigation into the hush money illegally paid to the porn star where Trump is currently an unindicted co conspirator. This investigation has now widened into a look at the Trump Organisation according to the latest reports.

    You must be so jealous of my scandal Lyle with its facts and evidence and actual reporting of things that are actually happening in the real world when all your scandal has to offer you is some nutcase posting on an anime porn messageboard and a bunch of nuts on Youtube.

    And since you're continuing to dodge the questions I'm asking after I answered yours I'm going to post them again until you answer them. Answer the questions Lyle:

    1. Why am I going to be crestfallen on October 18th?

    2. Trump is now saying he's above the law. Nobody has the right to judge his action as prez. Do you agree with that Lyle?
    I guess the biggest part I don't understand is the part where you say Biden was "hammering Trump in the 2020 polls" first off WOW, "hammering him in the polls" ...secondly it's like there's this black hole that has swallowed up what was going on behind closed doors to Trump in 2016, but hey I don't blame you for not wanting to remember that. The Russians, the Ukrainians, the it's like a John Le Carre novel, where's George Smiley when you need him? What were these guys arrested for and when are their trials? Anything good? I mean hell if the truth and facts and evidence are there then obviously it'll need to be show to the people AND President Trump like him or not will need to be allowed to cross examine those who accuse him of all these horrible things, it's his Constitutional right as an American citizen and we'll see where things end up.

    Oh the FBI have only just NOW started investigating so Comey and Mueller and all that bullshit wasn't investigating? OK then, I guess we'll see what happens with that then.

    Well Michael Cohen was SUPPOSED to spill the beans to Congress about Trump because they held Cohen's taxi medallion scandal over his head and threatened to imprison his wife as well. But what happened there? Oh that's right NOTHING! So this time will be different you're telling me? OK, I guess we'll see. Cyrus Vance Jr? The same guy who claimed Jeffrey Epstein was harmless and attempted to get him a reduced sex offender status? Well he certainly seems like a straight shooter.

    Ah yes good old Stormy Daniels, trying this route again are we. Why? When the Great Michael Avanatti can't nail Trump how will anyone else?

    Yeah, a great deal of "facts" you have about there being investigations....what will they find? We'll see, what do you want me to say? I've been saying "We'll see what happens" for a while...these things take time we'll see.

    1. The IG Report will be coming out on October the 18th and I am just taking a wild guess that it'll contain some new information which may turn a few heads. That's all.

    2. Has he said that though? I listen to him an awful lot, I haven't heard him say that. Oh people are free to judge his actions as President, but the trouble is how consistently inconsistent they are in doing such. "It's illegal to go get information on your political adversaries...TRUMP"....meanwhile you look at Obama and HRC and there's 0 about them doing EXACTLY that. So yeah that's not right. Trump meanwhile isn't digging for "information" he's following a thread of how the FISA warrants and Russiagate business all got started in the first place and that dear Kirkland is why the media and establishment politicians are in a constant uproar about Trump.

    We'll see what happens, I look forward to it.

  7. #3862
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    He's the commander in Chief Lyle. We haven't declared war ffs since what 1945? Rather than stand for something and stand with allies he threw up his hands reverting to weak rhetoric and Erdogan planted his middle finger on Trumps forehead and launched an offensive right off. He withdrew immediate boarder OPs and btw majority are still there ordered to stand down. We stepped aside and he's using the 'boys and girls coming home' as a cow bell to base who still lap it up. We never had large scale troop levels in the immediate combat zones and frankly what we were doing was working in advising and training roles as Kurd forces played the role of door kickers and keeping Isis prisoners on lockdown. Again, minimal force and minimal exposure. We stabbed them in the back for god know what reason and just pulled the pin on a contained and greatly diminished shit show. More sons and daughters will ultimately pay for an ill advised unilateral idiotic decision.

    The 30 day stuff is nonsense as timelines on military operations be they deployment or withdrawal are a set up for problems. Trump repeated it on initial withdrawal..Obama put troops in and Trump initially sent more once in office. Why Syria well it could be Raqqah was caliphate capital according to ISIS and we have lost the convenience to run home and hide behind walls with our fingers in our ears and less we forget ISIS was claiming responsibility for deadly attacks on U.S soil just 2 years ago.

    We do very much have major issues at home most of which the President has been tone deaf at addressing and finding serious solutions for, especially the health care. I would also love every single Military member in their homes with their families and veterans not having to wait months to have a medical concern addressed. I'd also like fake emergency declarations not to happen and 6K soldiers not deployed to U.S boarders to string razor wire and doing ride alongs with Boarder patrol agencies. Yes we armed the Kurds. And it's not their's our fight. We arm a lot of people and foreign armies and we also make 110 Billion dollar arm sales arming Saudi Arabia to the teeth...minus the approval of that pesky Congress..and we also deploy hundreds of troops there rather than telling them to 'fight their own battles'. Turkey got froggy..bridges burned, refugee crisis and adding to the Isis ranks on deck. Oh and Trump blames Kurds for not storming the beaches at Normandy. For the love of god .
    Indeed he is Commander in Chief and he's acting like it. June 5, 1942 was the last time war was officially declared by Congress and it was against Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania. That being said, YES exactly, aren't you dubious to these ambiguous uses of military force? What are we even doing? What's the goal? When can we officially say "Mission Accomplished" let's go home?

    50 Special Forces soldiers are going to stop that? That's who we're talking about. 50 people with families, loved ones, friends, etc....we don't want to bring them home because the Kurds?

    Trump sent more troops in so as to expedite the ending of the war. Obama let it fester.

    The President has addressed a great deal of things, but he's not a dictator, he needs help from the other branches of government. The Congress can declare war if they so choose.....if they so choose.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Wait, what happened to Russia and collusion are we done with that yet. Where is Schiffs proof? He said he had it right.

  9. #3864
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    There are explicit quid pro quos in the texts and emails that have already been made public. There was a months long effort started by Trump and carried out by Giuliani, Trump's Russian mobster legal representatives who got arrested fleeing the country yesterday and various State Department people who Trump is now desperately trying to block from testifying. This went as far as actually drafting a statement for the Ukrainian PM to read on TV announcing investigations into the guy hammering Trump in the 2020 polls in return for Trump agreeing to host a meeting with him at the White House. What part of this don't you understand?

    The FBI have only just started investigating Trump Lyle. There are about a dozen ongoing investigations from the Mueller report that have been farmed off to various FBI field offices and this latest Ukraine investigation has apparently been going for months. Here's some news on just one of these investigations:

    A team of investigators from Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office visited former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen in prison about a month ago and asked a broad set of questions about the president’s business that went beyond the payments made to silence Stormy Daniels, according to two people familiar with the matter.
    Vance’s team is planning to follow up with another interview of Cohen this month, the people said. CNN reported that Cohen would be brought from his upstate New York prison to New York City for that meeting.
    Though federal prosecutors in New York have closed their campaign-finance investigation that led to Cohen’s conviction, Vance’s probe shows no sign of letting up. A federal judge ruled Monday in Vance’s favor, saying the city prosecutor should be allowed to investigate Trump and obtain several years of tax records from the real-estate mogul turned president.

    This was an investigation into the hush money illegally paid to the porn star where Trump is currently an unindicted co conspirator. This investigation has now widened into a look at the Trump Organisation according to the latest reports.

    You must be so jealous of my scandal Lyle with its facts and evidence and actual reporting of things that are actually happening in the real world when all your scandal has to offer you is some nutcase posting on an anime porn messageboard and a bunch of nuts on Youtube.

    And since you're continuing to dodge the questions I'm asking after I answered yours I'm going to post them again until you answer them. Answer the questions Lyle:

    1. Why am I going to be crestfallen on October 18th?

    2. Trump is now saying he's above the law. Nobody has the right to judge his action as prez. Do you agree with that Lyle?
    I guess the biggest part I don't understand is the part where you say Biden was "hammering Trump in the 2020 polls" first off WOW, "hammering him in the polls" ...secondly it's like there's this black hole that has swallowed up what was going on behind closed doors to Trump in 2016, but hey I don't blame you for not wanting to remember that. The Russians, the Ukrainians, the it's like a John Le Carre novel, where's George Smiley when you need him? What were these guys arrested for and when are their trials? Anything good? I mean hell if the truth and facts and evidence are there then obviously it'll need to be show to the people AND President Trump like him or not will need to be allowed to cross examine those who accuse him of all these horrible things, it's his Constitutional right as an American citizen and we'll see where things end up.

    Oh the FBI have only just NOW started investigating so Comey and Mueller and all that bullshit wasn't investigating? OK then, I guess we'll see what happens with that then.

    Well Michael Cohen was SUPPOSED to spill the beans to Congress about Trump because they held Cohen's taxi medallion scandal over his head and threatened to imprison his wife as well. But what happened there? Oh that's right NOTHING! So this time will be different you're telling me? OK, I guess we'll see. Cyrus Vance Jr? The same guy who claimed Jeffrey Epstein was harmless and attempted to get him a reduced sex offender status? Well he certainly seems like a straight shooter.

    Ah yes good old Stormy Daniels, trying this route again are we. Why? When the Great Michael Avanatti can't nail Trump how will anyone else?

    Yeah, a great deal of "facts" you have about there being investigations....what will they find? We'll see, what do you want me to say? I've been saying "We'll see what happens" for a while...these things take time we'll see.

    1. The IG Report will be coming out on October the 18th and I am just taking a wild guess that it'll contain some new information which may turn a few heads. That's all.

    2. Has he said that though? I listen to him an awful lot, I haven't heard him say that. Oh people are free to judge his actions as President, but the trouble is how consistently inconsistent they are in doing such. "It's illegal to go get information on your political adversaries...TRUMP"....meanwhile you look at Obama and HRC and there's 0 about them doing EXACTLY that. So yeah that's not right. Trump meanwhile isn't digging for "information" he's following a thread of how the FISA warrants and Russiagate business all got started in the first place and that dear Kirkland is why the media and establishment politicians are in a constant uproar about Trump.

    We'll see what happens, I look forward to it.
    You're complaining because the FBI weren't investigating events that only happened a few months ago any sooner?

    "What happened to Trump" was that a series of illegal meetings between his campaign and the Russians were investigated. There was so much evidence that there was a possibilty of charging him with a specific crime, conspiracy to defraud the United States of America (from being able to have a free and fair election). Mueller was unable to produce conclusive proof, the Mueller report tells us this was due to Trump campaign people refusing to testify, or taking the fifth, or destroying evidence and so on.

    While the Mueller investigation was going on we now know that Trump was working on a conspiracy to defraud the United States in the 2020 elections. We know this because there's actual evidence out there already. It was always unlikely the Mueller investigation would manage to nail the guy at the top but this time Trump has helpfully provided evidence that he was directing the whole thing and then repeated the crime on live TV.

    Trump is currently in court in various juristictions claiming the law doesn't apply to him. Here's one case:

    Trump tried to stop his accountants from complying with the subpoena by seeking an injunction, claiming that as long as he is in office, he’s above the law. I’m not exaggerating. Trump’s lawyers argued that while in office, Trump “enjoys absolute immunity from criminal process of any kind.”
    This goes way beyond not being able to indict a sitting president. As the court noted, Trump was seeking a “virtually limitless” sphere of protection that would prevent everything from prosecution to even investigating him for possible crimes while in office. And astoundingly, Trump even claimed this king-like immunity would also apply to third parties that are in possession of Trump’s information, like his accountants at Mazars, or to his “associates, or relatives who may have collaborated with the president in committing purportedly unlawful acts.” (Trump’s lawyers conceded that no court had afforded a sitting president this much immunity before.)
    Judge Marrero was not having any of this, slamming Trump’s goal as being “repugnant to the nation's governmental structure and constitutional values.” He wrote bluntly that Trump’s very argument was one that would place him “above the law” as President, a notion “that the Founders rejected at the inception of the Republic, and that the Supreme Court has since unequivocally repudiated.”

    2. Trump is also claiming that he has the right to run investigations of political opponents:

    Do you agree with this?

    1. I can understand you not wanting to make any claims about this IG report. You have claimed that there are going to be mass arrests of deep stae figures so presumably this IG report will at the least turn up a bunch of crimes that deep state people can be indicted for? Go on, have the courage of your crazy convictions Lyle. What is this report going to reveal? Why will I be crestfallen on the eighteenth?

  10. #3865
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    The U.S. ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, intends to tell Congress this week that the content of a text message he wrote denying a quid pro quo with Ukraine was relayed to him directly by President Trump in a phone call, according to a person familiar with his testimony.
    Sondland plans to tell lawmakers he has no knowledge of whether the president was telling him the truth at that moment. “It’s only true that the president said it, not that it was the truth,” said the person familiar with Sondland’s planned testimony, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive diplomatic matters.
    The Sept. 9 exchange between Sondland and the top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine has become central to the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into whether the president abused his office in pressuring Ukraine to open an investigation into his political rival Joe Biden and his son, who sat on the board of a Ukrainian energy company. The White House and its defenders have held up Sondland’s text, which included “no quid pro quo’s of any kind,” as proof that none was ever considered.

    The person familiar with Sondland’s testimony said the ambassador “believed Trump at the time and on that basis passed along assurances” that Trump was not withholding military aid for political purposes.

    But Sondland’s testimony is expected to raise the possibility that Trump wasn’t truthful in his denial of a quid pro quo as well as an alternative scenario in which the president’s interest in the scheme soured at a time when his administration faced mounting scrutiny over why it was withholding about $400 million in security assistance to Ukraine and delaying a leader-level visit with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
    “Whether he’s deciding it’s getting too hot to handle and he backs off whatever his position really was a month earlier, I don’t know,” the person said of Sondland’s understanding.
    Hours before Sondland called the president, he received a text message from the acting ambassador to Ukraine, William B. Taylor, raising questions about the aid holdup. “I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign,” Taylor texted Sondland.
    That’s when Sondland, according to the person’s understanding, called Trump, who then told him he didn’t “want a quid pro quo . . . didn’t want anything from Ukraine.” The call lasted less than five minutes, and Trump appeared to be in a foul mood, according to the person, who spoke to The Post with Sondland’s permission, an intermediary said.
    The White House did not respond to a request for comment. Sondland declined to comment through his lawyers.
    Sondland, who has emerged as a central actor in Trump’s efforts to persuade Ukraine to open investigations, will be deposed before House investigators on Thursday.
    Sondland is expected to say that for months before the Sept. 9message, he worked at the direction of Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney, to secure what he would call in another text message the “deliverable” sought by Trump: a public statement from Ukraine that it would investigate corruption, including mentioning Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, by name. In exchange for the statement, the president would grant Ukraine’s new president a coveted White House audience.


    Sondland appears poised to say that he and other diplomats did not know that the request to mention Burisma was really an effort to impugn the reputations of Biden and his son Hunter, who had served as a Burisma board member. Sondland contends that he didn’t know about the Biden connection until a whistleblower complaint and transcript surfaced in late September.
    To trust Sondland’s testimony, members of Congress will have to believe Sondland had not seen televised appearances by Giuliani over the spring and summer, or numerous newspaper and magazine articles questioning whether Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma could prove to be a drag on his father’s presidential campaign.
    “If people find that incredulous, it strikes me that the incredulity is hindsight bias,” said the person familiar with Sondland’s testimony. “The things that seem so clear to people now didn’t seem so clear in real time.”
    The testimony by Sondland, a Portland hotelier who gave $1 million to Trump’s inaugural committee through four of his limited liability companies, could prove damaging to Giuliani and the president.
    For months, Sondland’s deep involvement in issues related to Ukraine struck diplomats in Brussels and Washington as highly unusual, given his role as envoy to the European Union, a large trade bloc that does not include Ukraine. Former U.S. officials have said Sondland viewed the Ukraine assignment as critical to winning Trump’s favor and auditioning for a more senior job in the administration.
    In Sondland’s account, he describes an assignment that begins with excitement and enthusiasm and ends with concern about how the Trump administration was pressing Ukraine, a country fending off Russian-backed separatists that relies heavily on the United States for economic and military support.


    By Sept. 9, Sondland, however, had grown increasingly concerned, as military funding for Ukraine now appeared tied to the statement as well. The person said Sondland was never briefed about Biden being part of the issue and was not aware of it until the transcript of the phone call was released. “If he had known earlier, he never would have touched this.”
    Some analysts have expressed skepticism that Sondland, who spoke frequently with the president, would not have been read in on why Burisma was of interest to him.
    Sondland “somehow wants all of us to believe that he is ‘shocked, shocked’ that anything he was wrapped up in was aimed at the Bidens. That beggars belief,” said Andrew Weiss, vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “After all, he is a political appointee who prided himself on having direct access to Trump during this period.”

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Lyle, I have to say that this would be the perfect moment for Trump to drop the hammer and start the mass arrests of all the deep state plotters.

    You fucking idiot.

  12. #3867
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Lyle, I have to say that this would be the perfect moment for Trump to drop the hammer and start the mass arrests of all the deep state plotters.

    You fucking idiot.
    Nope, not yet. But you know what?

    We'll see what happens

  13. #3868
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    1. Trump is currently in court in various juristictions claiming the law doesn't apply to him. Here's one case:

    Trump tried to stop his accountants from complying with the subpoena by seeking an injunction, claiming that as long as he is in office, he’s above the law. I’m not exaggerating. Trump’s lawyers argued that while in office, Trump “enjoys absolute immunity from criminal process of any kind.”
    This goes way beyond not being able to indict a sitting president. As the court noted, Trump was seeking a “virtually limitless” sphere of protection that would prevent everything from prosecution to even investigating him for possible crimes while in office. And astoundingly, Trump even claimed this king-like immunity would also apply to third parties that are in possession of Trump’s information, like his accountants at Mazars, or to his “associates, or relatives who may have collaborated with the president in committing purportedly unlawful acts.” (Trump’s lawyers conceded that no court had afforded a sitting president this much immunity before.)
    Judge Marrero was not having any of this, slamming Trump’s goal as being “repugnant to the nation's governmental structure and constitutional values.” He wrote bluntly that Trump’s very argument was one that would place him “above the law” as President, a notion “that the Founders rejected at the inception of the Republic, and that the Supreme Court has since unequivocally repudiated.”

    Trump is also claiming that he has the right to run investigations of political opponents:

    Do you agree with this?

    2. I can understand you not wanting to make any claims about this IG report. You have claimed that there are going to be mass arrests of deep stae figures so presumably this IG report will at the least turn up a bunch of crimes that deep state people can be indicted for? Go on, have the courage of your crazy convictions Lyle. What is this report going to reveal? Why will I be crestfallen on the eighteenth?
    Stop dodging the questions Lyle.

  14. #3869
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    1. Trump has the right to fight any and all charges hurled at him and as for complying with subpoenas I'm certain the law will work itself out. A judge will say he must, Trump will appeal, another judge might agree with the previous judge they might not, it'll work itself out. I don't see his being legally cagey considering what has happened to him to this point to be illegal or devious. I see that as being wise.

    1A. I love how you look at Trump and ALL YOU SEE is corruption, then you look at the Biden's and it's all smiles and rainbows. A Ukrainian prosecutor was digging into Burisma the company Hunter Biden worked for at the time, then Vice President Joe Biden demanded that Prosecutor be fired or else Ukraine wasn't going to get the money promised to them from President Obama.......and yet that doesn't bother you AT ALL. Ditto for when Hunter Biden was gifted some diamond in China by a guy who was eventually nabbed for (checks notes) oh yeah corruption....and you have the unmitigated gall to demand what from me? You want me to say "Yeah Trump shouldn't defend himself in the court of law"? Given what continues to go on? Given Rep Adam Schiff is doing the UNPRECEDENTED in holding impeachment inquiry in private and keeping the "whistleblower's" (whom he worked on the wb report with and then they both lied about it by the by) identity secret....yeah seems fair, seems legit

    2. FISA court abuses and more. I don't know what the "more" would entail, but apparently there's more than JUST FISA court abuses.....but yeah nah yeah Trump should totally just go with the flow and allow the Democrats to railroad him just like they've done with various others. I see Paul Manafort is held to ONE kind of justice for his dealings in Ukraine, yet I see no such "justice" for the Podesta'

    But please do get all worked up again and remind us all how close we are to impeaching President Trump.....I want you to have your hopes sky high because this one, THIS ONE, this one is real, it's really happening this time and it's totally not a stall tactic or shakedown attempt, not this time

  15. #3870
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post

    1. Trump has the right to fight any and all charges hurled at him and as for complying with subpoenas I'm certain the law will work itself out. A judge will say he must, Trump will appeal, another judge might agree with the previous judge they might not, it'll work itself out. I don't see his being legally cagey considering what has happened to him to this point to be illegal or devious. I see that as being wise.

    1A. I love how you look at Trump and ALL YOU SEE is corruption, then you look at the Biden's and it's all smiles and rainbows. A Ukrainian prosecutor was digging into Burisma the company Hunter Biden worked for at the time, then Vice President Joe Biden demanded that Prosecutor be fired or else Ukraine wasn't going to get the money promised to them from President Obama.......and yet that doesn't bother you AT ALL. Ditto for when Hunter Biden was gifted some diamond in China by a guy who was eventually nabbed for (checks notes) oh yeah corruption....and you have the unmitigated gall to demand what from me? You want me to say "Yeah Trump shouldn't defend himself in the court of law"? Given what continues to go on? Given Rep Adam Schiff is doing the UNPRECEDENTED in holding impeachment inquiry in private and keeping the "whistleblower's" (whom he worked on the wb report with and then they both lied about it by the by) identity secret....yeah seems fair, seems legit

    2. FISA court abuses and more. I don't know what the "more" would entail, but apparently there's more than JUST FISA court abuses.....but yeah nah yeah Trump should totally just go with the flow and allow the Democrats to railroad him just like they've done with various others. I see Paul Manafort is held to ONE kind of justice for his dealings in Ukraine, yet I see no such "justice" for the Podesta'

    But please do get all worked up again and remind us all how close we are to impeaching President Trump.....I want you to have your hopes sky high because this one, THIS ONE, this one is real, it's really happening this time and it's totally not a stall tactic or shakedown attempt, not this time
    1. I'm not asking you what you think of Trump's legal strategy. I'm asking you whether you agree with his claim that he's above the law, that while he's in office he has immunity from any legal process of any kind. I'd also like to know whether you think he has the legal right to run investigations into political rivals bypassing the actual investigative machinery that legally he's supposed to use, the DOJ, FBI and so on. You have answered neither question, just parroted a whole bunch of falsehoods about Hunter Biden*.

    2. FISA court "abuses". That's it? No indictments, no deep state arrests? I'm going to be crestfallen because some report nitpicks a bunch of perfectly legal and necessary actions by law enforcement? That's the fucking best your conspiracy theory can come up with?

    *The case against the firm Biden Junior was dormant at the time Biden Senior demanded the prosecutor should be fired. And Biden was simply representing the United States position on that guy. Even the GOP wanted him fired along with the EU, the IMF and so on. Firing that prosecutor actually meant it would be likely the case against the company would be reopened. Everybody wanted him out, Biden just passed along the United States position. Yes Hunter Biden like the children of American leaders for decades has made money from his father's name

    Like these children. Keep scrolling all the way down this link:

    Some context for you:

    Oh yeah, the investigation was into stuff that happened at the company two years before Junior joined the board:

    And more:

    I was an Assistant Secretary of State when this happened. All of us working on Ukraine wanted this prosecutor gone, because he was NOT prosecuting corruption. So did the Europeans. So did the IMF. This didn't come from Joe Biden - he just delivered our message.

    Anyway Lyle, you're not expecting anything to come from this report on Friday despite making posts like this one:

    That was a year ago Lyle. Very damning information was supposed to be coming out over a year ago! What happened Lyle?

    Don't let the end of this post put you off answering the questions you're still dodging. Here they are again:

    I'm not asking you what you think of Trump's legal strategy. I'm asking you whether you agree with his claim that he's above the law, that while he's in office he has immunity from any legal process of any kind. I'd also like to know whether you think he has the legal right to run investigations into political rivals bypassing the actual investigative machinery that legally he's supposed to use, the DOJ, FBI and so on -- or even using it?
    Last edited by Kirkland Laing; 10-14-2019 at 08:14 PM.

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