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View Poll Results: Have the Humanities Gone Mad?

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Thread: Have some lunatic fringe elements taken over the humanities?

  1. #31
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    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    Whoah! Haha! Beanz aka Beaner has won that exchanged with "little jack booster Adolf gargler" haha! That's truely a great one and the kiddingness is ramped up higher then before no time YET!

  2. #32
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You really are thick as pig shit. EFL. English as a Foreign Language. You are obsessed with fascists. Gandalf as an economic migrant and traitor to the UK, in the same way that you are a traitor to the USA, dumbs down culture and tradition in exactly the same way you do. Look at the title of this thread. Neither of you understand fuck all about the Western Culture you pretend to be interested in preserving. You are both Soyboys. You can never formulate an argument without qouting your identity politics posterboys.

    Look at yourself proclaiming

    "Anthropology was a good idea until Communists took it over and turned it worthless. Everything they touch turns to shit."

    Ha! Do you not see how laughable it is for you to opine on subjects you know absolutely fuck all about in order to 'Win'. It is not that you are an intellectual minnow it is that you have no honesty or morals or decency. You are willing to throw everything including your own fellow citizens and country into the garbage can just so you can say you 'won' an argument on the internet.

    You are there quoting from your fascist Bible like a good little jack booted Adolf gargler and ignoring the elephant in the room.
    Well see where I'm from, it's ESL which would be English Second Language....but hey it's early and it's not like you don't have a tendency for calling people fascists. Am I obsessed with fascists? I never really heard much about them until you started hurling the insult at me oh and look you've done it yet again down at the end there.

    I suppose you're not angry again

    Scientific American ain't exactly political, it's more....well SCIENCE focused ergo the name. Einstein himself contributed articles to it. And they're lamenting what a certain sect of educators have done to these subjects. And your rebuttal is what?

    The elephant in the room is how bellicose you are and for what reason? You have called me fascist/Nazi/etc and offered physical violence to me....why? I don't get along with you, but you take it to another level. You're quite clearly unwell.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You are an idiot. You make your living teaching a subject which falls under 'The Humanities' . You yourself are more guilty than most of dumbing down culture and tradition and the very things you pretend to stick up for. The Classics, English, History, Art, Philosophy etc these are the things that Western Culture is built upon, ever since the Renaissance. As opposed to Divinity? Do you not understand that very simple distinction. Things like Social Anthropology are the most scientific of the humanities but are much closer to the sciences than your airy fairy EFL discipline.

    It constantly amazes me how you can hold up pricks like Piers Morgan, the very icon of MSM, who hacked the phones of dead children for fucks sake, as some kind of barometer of sanity. No wonder you love sociopaths, you don't even understand yourself.
    How exactly does Gandalf "dumb down culture and tradition"? I mean I assume since you're accusing him of such you've got evidence to back up such claims.

    How exactly is Gandalf EFL? Can one not be proud of being English without being called a fascist? You seem to be of the belief that Britishness itself is defined by it's being a melange of different FOREIGN cultures...which is truly odd to me. Are other nations like that? I wonder about other nations, are they ALL a mishmash of specifically FOREIGN influence? If that's the case then why would any cultures differ at all?

    Anthropology was a good idea until Communists took it over and turned it worthless. Everything they touch turns to shit.

    The Unfortunate Fallout of Campus Postmodernism:
    The roots of the current campus madness
    In an article for on “Methods Behind the Campus Madness,” graduate researcher Sumantra Maitra of the University of Nottingham in England reported that 12 of the 13 academics at U.C. Berkeley who signed a letter to the chancellor protesting Yiannopoulos were from “Critical theory, Gender studies and Post-Colonial/Postmodernist/Marxist background.” This is a shift in Marxist theory from class conflict to identity politics conflict; instead of judging people by the content of their character, they are now to be judged by the color of their skin (or their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, et cetera). “Postmodernists have tried to hijack biology, have taken over large parts of political science, almost all of anthropology, history and English,” Maitra concludes, “and have proliferated self-referential journals, citation circles, non-replicable research, and the curtailing of nuanced debate through activism and marches, instigating a bunch of gullible students to intimidate any opposing ideas.”

    Students are being taught by these postmodern professors that there is no truth, that science and empirical facts are tools of oppression by the white patriarchy, and that nearly everyone in America is racist and bigoted, including their own professors, most of whom are liberals or progressives devoted to fighting these social ills.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    It is not a rant or angry it is treating you and your garbage threads with the ridicule that they deserve. You are seemingly on a rush toward the tabloid bottom. Of course the idea of 100 genders is nonsense only someone so invested in identity politics and destroying Britian in order to remake it in the shape of a simpering vacuous shallow America grovelling at the feet of Trump would even need to ask such a question. I get it, you don't like people, you look down your nose at them just like your boyfriend Brock, and so you love figures like Morgan and Tommy and Stefan because they use victims of violence and abuse to make money and put portray themselves as the victims. They are your bedfellows, the sociopathic and the blaggards, the fakes who fail to see that being so invested in portraying themselves as anti-woke, is no different than virtue signalling their fake wokeness. Lame. Sad. ...truly Mad.
    It never is, is it?

    If you truly believe "Of course the idea of 100 genders is nonsense" then why are you even arguing? Is it because Gandalf dared touch the third rail of ridiculing the Humanities which is something you hold so dear to it cannot be spoken ill of?

    The SJWs the PostModernists the Cultural Marxists, whatever they should be called, whomever those "post truth" victim celebrating iconoclasts decide they are....they've ruined perfectly fine fields of you care about THAT but you've got time to chastise Gandalf for daring point this bullshit, so stunning and brave of you.
    It is a funny one. I think as usual he didn't think before he posted and took it as an opportunity to have a good swipe. He agrees that 100 genders is nonsense. Yet when I point out credible data that shows the harmful impact of broken families etc, he still gets upset. That data comes from sociological research. He has taken the title so seriously he thinks I am dissing my own field which has nothing to do with any of those things.

    Would it have pleased him if I had said 'Some elements within the humanities? I think not.

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    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboxingfan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    There are loads. Americans are generally not super rich like the US wannabe Kirk. No palaces but solid homes. The key is avoiding major ciy center areas. Not hard to do.
    Haha yeah if you wanna live in Baltimore of course their is less then EVEN 200 G's. You'll still paying on Baltimore slum about $600/Mon properties tax
    Still uncool. Lyle what is the reality of US property taxes? Many earn quite low incomes so the notion of paying a fifth of your wages for having a home sounds harsh to say the least.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    There are loads. Americans are generally not super rich like the US wannabe Kirk. No palaces but solid homes. The key is avoiding major ciy center areas. Not hard to do.


    You mean like the Suburbs? Before you know it Fatboxingfart will be posting his video walking down thru them calling the hardworking American people who live there 'Cowards'. A bit like you shouting at single mothers in the UK from behind your sofa in SK in the arms of Stefan, shielding you from the big bad buwees.
    Hey that is data from the humanities. How dare you poo poo the harmful outcomes of bad parenting!

    It is not all single mothers. In war time many children were without a father and those kids have my full consideration. But Britney, the woman with 3 kids with 3 different Dad's, needs psychological treatment which is the field you dismiss. Best to get the treatment before potentially ruining young lives.

    It is all about the children. Adults who want to mess themselves up is cool with me. I just don't want to see kids struggle because of bad parents. It is a moral position to advocate only getting pregnant to someone in a position to be a good father. Not always possible, but today is a mess. Here not so much and that is why I think as I do.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You really are thick as pig shit. EFL. English as a Foreign Language. You are obsessed with fascists. Gandalf as an economic migrant and traitor to the UK, in the same way that you are a traitor to the USA, dumbs down culture and tradition in exactly the same way you do. Look at the title of this thread. Neither of you understand fuck all about the Western Culture you pretend to be interested in preserving. You are both Soyboys. You can never formulate an argument without qouting your identity politics posterboys.

    Look at yourself proclaiming

    "Anthropology was a good idea until Communists took it over and turned it worthless. Everything they touch turns to shit."

    Ha! Do you not see how laughable it is for you to opine on subjects you know absolutely fuck all about in order to 'Win'. It is not that you are an intellectual minnow it is that you have no honesty or morals or decency. You are willing to throw everything including your own fellow citizens and country into the garbage can just so you can say you 'won' an argument on the internet.

    You are there quoting from your fascist Bible like a good little jack booted Adolf gargler and ignoring the elephant in the room.
    Well see where I'm from, it's ESL which would be English Second Language....but hey it's early and it's not like you don't have a tendency for calling people fascists. Am I obsessed with fascists? I never really heard much about them until you started hurling the insult at me oh and look you've done it yet again down at the end there.

    I suppose you're not angry again

    Scientific American ain't exactly political, it's more....well SCIENCE focused ergo the name. Einstein himself contributed articles to it. And they're lamenting what a certain sect of educators have done to these subjects. And your rebuttal is what?

    The elephant in the room is how bellicose you are and for what reason? You have called me fascist/Nazi/etc and offered physical violence to me....why? I don't get along with you, but you take it to another level. You're quite clearly unwell.
    You are right to be confused. Most would not know the acronym and the usage depends on where and whom the teacher is teaching. It does sound akin to English Fascist League, but is not. Some oppressed groups might feel that way, but English is the great modern language and I love it.

    So I am now a traitor too, Beanz? Blimey, hopefully you are telling the 10 million that we know of in the UK that too. Or is that privilege only for me? Did they all fail in their home countries too? I keep hearing 'economic migrant', but I earn pretty much the same as what I would back home. I am not exactly like the Polish chap heading for the land where wages are much higher. And my tie is a legal one, not based on work at all.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    How is our Wizzard a trader?

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboxingfan View Post
    How is our Wizzard a trader?
    I think you need to go easy on the voice thing and type more. It is slower, but eases up on the large differences between things like trader and traitor. In truth I am not much of a trader and Kirkland is the man for that and Tuskman likes to dabble in that too. Me not so much.

    I am apparently a traitor though and this gets thrown at me a lot in my life by a solitary person who is not angry. Actually, not marrying an English girl and not spreading my English genes is pretty treasonous. From the Ethno-Nationalist perspective, I am a very awful person.

    However, I don't think Beanz means it like that and he would call that sick and racist which is why I said that as I like to wind him up like a clock sometimes. I think he just likes to have a dig because I left my home for a year as an experiment, decided I liked the life and settled down, and thus am a traitor unlike the 10 million migrants to the UK who I doubt love the country so much they all married English men and women. I stayed away for reasons of commitment and the heart, but my heart is English and more than ever. I think when you separate yourself from something you love, that connection actually increases. It explains why parts of England are no longer English as their love of home really overrides everything else too. I am not rude like that though and I would never inflict my ideology upon another culture and won't colonize. I respect nations staying largely as they have been and will always follow the law of the land.

    I am a traitor basically because I won't come home and disagree with aspects of his ideology. He will probably launch a thousand word essay now outlining why I am an evil sociopath, but that is neither here nor there with me.

    Thanks for changing the title Fenster. I liked it as it was, but some people take it far too literally for their own good.

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Have some lunatic fringe elements taken over the humanities?

    No I meant it you traded your England for those foreign country.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboxingfan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    There are loads. Americans are generally not super rich like the US wannabe Kirk. No palaces but solid homes. The key is avoiding major ciy center areas. Not hard to do.
    Haha yeah if you wanna live in Baltimore of course their is less then EVEN 200 G's. You'll still paying on Baltimore slum about $600/Mon properties tax
    Still uncool. Lyle what is the reality of US property taxes? Many earn quite low incomes so the notion of paying a fifth of your wages for having a home sounds harsh to say the least.
    In the area where my sister lives, a suburb of Chicago, annual property tax bills of more than $30,000 are commonplace.

  11. #41
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    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    Quote Originally Posted by greynotsoold View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboxingfan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    There are loads. Americans are generally not super rich like the US wannabe Kirk. No palaces but solid homes. The key is avoiding major ciy center areas. Not hard to do.
    Haha yeah if you wanna live in Baltimore of course their is less then EVEN 200 G's. You'll still paying on Baltimore slum about $600/Mon properties tax
    Still uncool. Lyle what is the reality of US property taxes? Many earn quite low incomes so the notion of paying a fifth of your wages for having a home sounds harsh to say the least.
    In the area where my sister lives, a suburb of Chicago, annual property tax bills of more than $30,000 are commonplace.
    @Gandalf @greynotsoold I'm trying to tell Gandalf about those thing, but he is talking from another continent and does not have any experience in the USA and he goes by a lot of hearsay about the USA. But he never wants to come to check it out to see what I am saying to him is true.

    Great point there gray not so old

  12. #42
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    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    Quote Originally Posted by greynotsoold View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboxingfan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    There are loads. Americans are generally not super rich like the US wannabe Kirk. No palaces but solid homes. The key is avoiding major ciy center areas. Not hard to do.
    Haha yeah if you wanna live in Baltimore of course their is less then EVEN 200 G's. You'll still paying on Baltimore slum about $600/Mon properties tax
    Still uncool. Lyle what is the reality of US property taxes? Many earn quite low incomes so the notion of paying a fifth of your wages for having a home sounds harsh to say the least.
    In the area where my sister lives, a suburb of Chicago, annual property tax bills of more than $30,000 are commonplace.
    How much are those properties? Are they located in the nicer parts of town? I am guessing they are not cheap properties. The average US income is not much above the amount you are stating. A progressive system is a better one, but still what is that really paying for?

    If someone has a very large income then I am in favor of a progressive form of taxation on that income. I just don't like the idea of paying a tax just because you live in a house and frankly I think councils are often sub par and provide poor service. I was walking on ice for days in the UK which seldom happens here despite having far more snow and apparently the street had rats in the summer because rubbish collection had been reduced. If you are not going to provide services, then reduce the fee.

    My issue with council tax in the UK too is that it is regressive and so the rich pay very little comparatively yet the poor can end up paying a fair bit. If your income is say 14,000 pounds a year then 1,500 pounds to live in a rented home is a fairly steep amount. To a person earning 140,000 pounds a year 2,300 pounds really is peanuts. Government in the UK spends billions subsidizing rents too which is again an absurd thing. Government has failed people in many ways. Council taxes themselves are a relatively new tax. My other issue is of course VAT which affects the poor more comparatively speaking unless the rich person has a vulgar caviar addiction.

  13. #43
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    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboxingfan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by greynotsoold View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboxingfan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    There are loads. Americans are generally not super rich like the US wannabe Kirk. No palaces but solid homes. The key is avoiding major ciy center areas. Not hard to do.
    Haha yeah if you wanna live in Baltimore of course their is less then EVEN 200 G's. You'll still paying on Baltimore slum about $600/Mon properties tax
    Still uncool. Lyle what is the reality of US property taxes? Many earn quite low incomes so the notion of paying a fifth of your wages for having a home sounds harsh to say the least.
    In the area where my sister lives, a suburb of Chicago, annual property tax bills of more than $30,000 are commonplace.
    @Gandalf @greynotsoold I'm trying to tell Gandalf about those thing, but he is talking from another continent and does not have any experience in the USA and he goes by a lot of hearsay about the USA. But he never wants to come to check it out to see what I am saying to him is true.

    Great point there gray not so old

    It would have to be a very expensive home as the rates are not quite what you were suggesting. The average person probably lives in a home between 150-250,000 dollars.

  14. #44
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    Default Re: Have the Humanities gone mad?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboxingfan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by greynotsoold View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboxingfan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    There are loads. Americans are generally not super rich like the US wannabe Kirk. No palaces but solid homes. The key is avoiding major ciy center areas. Not hard to do.
    Haha yeah if you wanna live in Baltimore of course their is less then EVEN 200 G's. You'll still paying on Baltimore slum about $600/Mon properties tax
    Still uncool. Lyle what is the reality of US property taxes? Many earn quite low incomes so the notion of paying a fifth of your wages for having a home sounds harsh to say the least.
    In the area where my sister lives, a suburb of Chicago, annual property tax bills of more than $30,000 are commonplace.
    @Gandalf @greynotsoold I'm trying to tell Gandalf about those thing, but he is talking from another continent and does not have any experience in the USA and he goes by a lot of hearsay about the USA. But he never wants to come to check it out to see what I am saying to him is true.

    Great point there gray not so old

    It would have to be a very expensive home as the rates are not quite what you were suggesting. The average person probably lives in a home between 150-250,000 dollars.
    dude if you ever saw a home in this country in the price range that you just said you would not want to live in that house or in the neighborhood. It would either be a ghetto or in the middle of nowhere with a 50-mile drive to the nearest supermarket or job

  15. #45
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    Default Re: Have some lunatic fringe elements taken over the humanities?

    but that's okay you keep all getting your information from books and websites and don't do anything on the ground with boots and with your own eyes and first head experience, you know, LIKE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE ACTUALLY LIVING HERE?

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