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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #4336
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    For a man who proclaims to want to end wars and bring our troops home he's now dipped our entire foot in the cement clusterfeck that is the Middle East. This was not a prepositioning or deterrent measured strike, it's been cooking up for an impulsive chaos driven individual with zero foresight to kick it off all over again and now we're in it. Redeploying Battalions, pre targeting " 52..some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture.." for military strikes is not the reaction to rocks, bottles and harsh words being thrown at what is effectively an Embassy city. We took action with strikes in Syria and Iraq immediately after an attack that killed a contractor which in turn killed militants and some civilians. Then protestors attacked the embassy resulting in damage and no loss of life. Threats and warnings flew from the Administration with Benghazi talking points. They dispersed, folded flags dropped barriers and backed off. Trump stewed on it on a golf course..watched favorable news footage, stewed on it some more, and then decided to go all in with striking and killing Soleimani. Call me cynical but this was never completely about the Embassy, this is about Irans footprint and growing influence in Iraq. Do we the mightiest Nation on this Earth target sites of 'culture' ffs? That Iraq who just voted to boot U.S troops out of. Look no one is losing sleep and shedding tears about Soleimani becoming a super sized charcoal briquette but ffs there's a reason you don't turn Military operations or acts of war..and that's what this was..into rah rah football celebrations and team sports complete with bluster temper tantrums. Oh and for good measure we've now suspended operations against Isis in Iraq though I'm sure they'll not be lacking for new recruits. I'm sick and tired of soldiers and sailors being used as props and matchsticks to slow burn and we have learned zero zippo fook all from the same mistakes passed Administrations have made namely in Iraq. And we're falling for the same vague non descript 'imminent threat' open ended pick a side rabble rabble verbal spew we fell for before. Irony is now the Administration is rallying Intelligence they've been slamming, ignoring and accusing for the entirety of it's existence. This isn't about 'going to war with Iran'..go eat some crayons with that simple minded's about reigniting a festering ideology and recommitting more blood and treasure to pay the ultimate price for some aloof Politicians bullshit and bluster. Oh and now we're using twitter as official notification to Congress and are committing to 'disproportional response'. This is a rant but we have seen this movie before and the three KIA in Kenya today will certainly not be the last.
    Last edited by Spicoli; 01-06-2020 at 01:36 AM.

  2. #4337
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    everyone must know that the $80,000,000 for the head of “yellow haired lunatic” is impossible to collect, might as well have said 80 quadrillion
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  3. #4338
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I am officially in the 'Trump is a dick' camp.

    1. Illegally invade and occupy a country.
    2. Kill half a million people.
    3. Weapons lie out therefore 'Erm democracy'.
    4. More violations on sovereign nation this time by Trump.
    5. Sovereign nation democratically says 'Get out'.
    6. Trump: Give us lots of money or else face sanctions.

    You couldn't make it up. What a dickhead.

  4. #4339
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I am officially in the 'Trump is a dick' camp.

    1. Illegally invade and occupy a country.
    2. Kill half a million people.
    3. Weapons lie out therefore 'Erm democracy'.
    4. More violations on sovereign nation this time by Trump.
    5. Sovereign nation democratically says 'Get out'.
    6. Trump: Give us lots of money or else face sanctions.

    You couldn't make it up. What a dickhead.
    Why is it only now it has registered?
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  5. #4340
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Qassem Suleimani was responsible for the deaths of at least 600 American soldiers and the injuries of far more. He had JUST taken part in attempting to overrun an American Embassy in Baghdad...think of that for a bit, just roll it around in your minds. How brazen, how bold, of an enemy that is...the Soviets didn't pull shit like that, Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong Il, never did anything like that, have the Chinese ever done anything like that? So don't even fucking attempt to say "Well this just came out of the clear blue sky, whatever did this innocent man ever do to America to deserve such action?"....the blood of many an American soldier was on that jackasses hands and he kept stoking the fire for Iran to go to war with the United States. Iran keeps on chanting "Death to America! Death to America!" well how's about some death FROM America, you're fucking welcome world! Suleimani killed any number of his very own countrymen who dared oppose the theocratic rule, there's no telling how many Sunnis he massacred either...but hey let's all gather round and hold a moment of silence for a person described by The New Yorker as (and I quote) "a flamboyant former construction worker and bodybuilder with snowy white hair, a dapper beard, and arching salt-and-pepper eyebrows", we really lost a dreamboat didn't we

    People think this leads to America vs Iran in war? Nope, that crisis has been averted specifically with this drone strike. Imagine if you will, the Nazi's killed Monty or the Allies nailed Goering & Rommel or the Americans assassinated's ballgame over before it begins. President Trump did what a President should do, he picked up his bud nippers and fucking nipped this shit in the bud. Suleimani deserved this, his shit talking and saber rattling paired with the actual blood on his hands earned him this sentence and good fucking riddance.....let's see how Tehran deals with their people protesting now that the big bad Suleimani is gone. Let's see if Iran gets froggy again with America now that they know for certain and have felt America punch them in the teeth...I HIGHLY doubt they do anything other than lick their wounds, but hey, maybe they have lost all hope at succeeding and will attempt to go for broke....Best of luck, not like there's any military presence nearby that would stop them dead in their tracks

    Oh please PLEASE worry about America striking the 52 culture centers and all that. Trump is laying out the worst case scenario for the leaders of Iran, he's making them visualize it. Would we actually do that? I highly doubt it. COULD we do that? We could do it right now if we chose to do so and THAT should give these rogue leaders pause, it SHOULD, but let's see how they play their hand, I mean like I said they could feel lost already, they could be really super pissed off and attempt some big time 9/11 style attack....Trump is saying that if that's the road they wish to go down, it's not going to end well for them and Suleimani is just an appetizer of what the American armed forces will be allowed to do.....I've spoken with lord knows how many vets and they all say the same things "The US military could conquer any nation as long as the rules of engagement were changed to be in their favor". I don't know about you guys, but President Trump strikes me as the kind of dude who would let the "big dogs eat" if you get my drift.

    Does anyone here actually want the 'War on Terror' brought to an end? How do you propose we do that? I believe (and maybe I'm in the minority here) that killing the leaders who are plotting and scheming these attacks on our soldiers (and civilians) is a damned good way to end things...but hey maybe we can give them more palates of cash and attempt to appease them because that worked so well the terrorists had their own lil nation all by themselves.

    Victory must be clear and decisive or we'll be back at war in no time...if Berlin was never taken would Victory in Europe have been truly achieved? If Japan wasn't brought to it's knees would it have stopped fighting and surrendered? Suleimani being dead is a positive step....I don't get the fuss, he wasn't an American citizen like Obama droned, he KILLED American soldiers and what you're pissed Trump nailed him? Check yourselves.

    THIS IS WHAT WINNING LOOKS looks like the enemy of your nation, the murderer of your soldiers, lying dead in a smoldering pile of wreckage that used to be his convoy. More of the same please.

    I've decided to many times have we all been PROMISED not, told, but PROMISED, that Donald Trump was marching America headlong into ERMUHGERD WERLD WER 3?
    1. When he was elected
    2. When he bombed Syria
    3. When he met with Lil Kim
    And on
    And on
    And on
    And on

    ...wise up folks #1 we are already AT war #2 Shithead Suleimani was heavily involved in it already #3 He ain't involved anymore....sure the newsmedia might show you a bunch of tear stained mourners of this courageous Terrorist ""Austere Military leader"" ....but I assure you, there's plenty of his very own countrymen drinking up in hopes they get to piss all over his grave.

    As for Kenya.....oh yeah I forgot that terrorists acts wouldn't ever happen ever had we just been nice and placated the guy paying for and instigating such attacks...seriously dude? You've apparently been smoking what Rose McGowan got into
    Last edited by El Kabong; 01-06-2020 at 04:39 PM.

  6. #4341
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Qasem Soleimani brutalised the Middle East, but the bloodshed is far from over
    Soleimani was brutal, merciless, and ruthlessly efficient at his trade, slaughtering his way across the Middle East in the pursuit of regional hegemony. If he could not bulldoze his way through civilian infrastructure, he had a near endless supply of impoverished, forcibly recruited Shia conscripts from Afghanistan and Pakistan that he could send over the trenches in World War One-like human wave attacks until all resistance was broken, their lives apparently as cheap to him as the lives of the civilian protest movements he crushed.

    It is little surprise to see social media videos of Iraqi protesters dancing in the streets of Baghdad last night in jubilation at the news that the man who had butchered hundreds of their brethren was dead. Nor was it surprising to see the celebrations in Idlib, Syria, home to 3 million people, the vast majority of them refugees from Aleppo, Douma, Darayya, Madaya, Homs, Hama, Daraa and every other city and town Soleimani had brutalised, besieged and starved before their forced displacement.

    Soleimani’s defenders point to battles between the proxy forces under his command and the Islamic State group across Iraq and Syria. But it is a preposterous and grotesque revisionism of history to suggest that the man who harboured al-Qaeda in Iran was some sort of counter-terrorist. The brutality of Soleimani’s policies in Iraq was as responsible for creating the material conditions IS needed to flourish as Bush’s disastrous invasion of Iraq did (Obama doesn’t get off lightly here, either), and his forces carried out acts of unimaginable cruelty against civilians in IS-occupied territory in the process.

    Nobody should fool themselves into thinking that Trump’s decision to assassinate Soleimani had anything to do with justice for Soleimani’s victims. The American president has proved his own brutality towards Middle Eastern civilians. Soleimani was killed because he was a vain and egotistical man who believed himself untouchable. His decision to order his proxies to storm the US embassy in Iraq on Tuesday was no more brazen in its audacity than his smiling selfies taken on his tour of every town and city he turned to rubble in Syria. But as his militias spray-painted his name on the side of the US embassy wall and publicly goaded Trump, he finally found the last line in the sand that he would ever cross.

    Qasem Soleimani was a tyrant, a terrorist and a mass murderer. His death has made the world a better place. But it has also made the world a less safe place. Iran cannot let the killing of its second most powerful figure go unpunished. It is no longer a matter of if Iran will respond, but how, and when. Despite the unprecedented nature of proceedings, it still seems unlikely that any sort of US invasion of Iran is on the table. The question Iran faces is: just how far is it willing to go to respond?

    The portions of this article I've underlined and bolded are closely linked. It's imperative for Iranian leaders to not mistake kindness for weakness.

  7. #4342
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Iranian leader’s tears a sign of respect for slain general

  8. #4343
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I am officially in the 'Trump is a dick' camp.

    1. Illegally invade and occupy a country.
    2. Kill half a million people.
    3. Weapons lie out therefore 'Erm democracy'.
    4. More violations on sovereign nation this time by Trump.
    5. Sovereign nation democratically says 'Get out'.
    6. Trump: Give us lots of money or else face sanctions.

    You couldn't make it up. What a dickhead.
    Why is it only now it has registered?
    I have no issues with immigration controls. That is common sense. Demanding an invaded country where you killed half a million give YOU compensation to leave insane. Trump's wife if she has any sense will throw a bucket of water over him.

    There is policy and then there is insanity. That crosses that line. Half a million dead means how many living with grief? And to then say give ME your taxes? Unbelievable.

    Utterly contemptible.

  9. #4344
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Qassem Suleimani was responsible for the deaths of at least 600 American soldiers and the injuries of far more. He had JUST taken part in attempting to overrun an American Embassy in Baghdad...think of that for a bit, just roll it around in your minds. How brazen, how bold, of an enemy that is...the Soviets didn't pull shit like that, Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong Il, never did anything like that, have the Chinese ever done anything like that? So don't even fucking attempt to say "Well this just came out of the clear blue sky, whatever did this innocent man ever do to America to deserve such action?"....the blood of many an American soldier was on that jackasses hands and he kept stoking the fire for Iran to go to war with the United States. Iran keeps on chanting "Death to America! Death to America!" well how's about some death FROM America, you're fucking welcome world! Suleimani killed any number of his very own countrymen who dared oppose the theocratic rule, there's no telling how many Sunnis he massacred either...but hey let's all gather round and hold a moment of silence for a person described by The New Yorker as (and I quote) "a flamboyant former construction worker and bodybuilder with snowy white hair, a dapper beard, and arching salt-and-pepper eyebrows", we really lost a dreamboat didn't we

    People think this leads to America vs Iran in war? Nope, that crisis has been averted specifically with this drone strike. Imagine if you will, the Nazi's killed Monty or the Allies nailed Goering & Rommel or the Americans assassinated's ballgame over before it begins. President Trump did what a President should do, he picked up his bud nippers and fucking nipped this shit in the bud. Suleimani deserved this, his shit talking and saber rattling paired with the actual blood on his hands earned him this sentence and good fucking riddance.....let's see how Tehran deals with their people protesting now that the big bad Suleimani is gone. Let's see if Iran gets froggy again with America now that they know for certain and have felt America punch them in the teeth...I HIGHLY doubt they do anything other than lick their wounds, but hey, maybe they have lost all hope at succeeding and will attempt to go for broke....Best of luck, not like there's any military presence nearby that would stop them dead in their tracks

    Oh please PLEASE worry about America striking the 52 culture centers and all that. Trump is laying out the worst case scenario for the leaders of Iran, he's making them visualize it. Would we actually do that? I highly doubt it. COULD we do that? We could do it right now if we chose to do so and THAT should give these rogue leaders pause, it SHOULD, but let's see how they play their hand, I mean like I said they could feel lost already, they could be really super pissed off and attempt some big time 9/11 style attack....Trump is saying that if that's the road they wish to go down, it's not going to end well for them and Suleimani is just an appetizer of what the American armed forces will be allowed to do.....I've spoken with lord knows how many vets and they all say the same things "The US military could conquer any nation as long as the rules of engagement were changed to be in their favor". I don't know about you guys, but President Trump strikes me as the kind of dude who would let the "big dogs eat" if you get my drift.

    Does anyone here actually want the 'War on Terror' brought to an end? How do you propose we do that? I believe (and maybe I'm in the minority here) that killing the leaders who are plotting and scheming these attacks on our soldiers (and civilians) is a damned good way to end things...but hey maybe we can give them more palates of cash and attempt to appease them because that worked so well the terrorists had their own lil nation all by themselves.

    Victory must be clear and decisive or we'll be back at war in no time...if Berlin was never taken would Victory in Europe have been truly achieved? If Japan wasn't brought to it's knees would it have stopped fighting and surrendered? Suleimani being dead is a positive step....I don't get the fuss, he wasn't an American citizen like Obama droned, he KILLED American soldiers and what you're pissed Trump nailed him? Check yourselves.

    THIS IS WHAT WINNING LOOKS looks like the enemy of your nation, the murderer of your soldiers, lying dead in a smoldering pile of wreckage that used to be his convoy. More of the same please.

    I've decided to many times have we all been PROMISED not, told, but PROMISED, that Donald Trump was marching America headlong into ERMUHGERD WERLD WER 3?
    1. When he was elected
    2. When he bombed Syria
    3. When he met with Lil Kim
    And on
    And on
    And on
    And on

    ...wise up folks #1 we are already AT war #2 Shithead Suleimani was heavily involved in it already #3 He ain't involved anymore....sure the newsmedia might show you a bunch of tear stained mourners of this courageous Terrorist ""Austere Military leader"" ....but I assure you, there's plenty of his very own countrymen drinking up in hopes they get to piss all over his grave.

    As for Kenya.....oh yeah I forgot that terrorists acts wouldn't ever happen ever had we just been nice and placated the guy paying for and instigating such attacks...seriously dude? You've apparently been smoking what Rose McGowan got into
    You have half a million dead in Iraq, Lyle. Put it into perspective. America was there based on lies, killed based on lies and has gone far beyond anything Iran has done. At least that is Iran's region. What is America even there for? It is not like you wouldn't play dirty locally too as seen in South American coup after coup and assassination attempt and attempt on Castro. Get out as indeed promised by Trump. You would have NO dead if you would actually get out of a region that does not like you.

    And to then suggest taxes of the grieving be used to pay off America? Trump isn't winning any friends here.

  10. #4345
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Trump isn't Bush or Obama! He didn't get us in those wars! His foreign policy is focused on ending those.

    How difficult is that?

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Trump isn't Bush or Obama! He didn't get us in those wars! His foreign policy is focused on ending those.

    How difficult is that?
    Do you not think asking a populace to pay to remove troops with their own taxes when everyone in that country likely knows someone who died is a low move? How many bases does one empire need? 800? 900?

    America owes Iraq and not the other way round. They lied to start the war, had no legal authority and even here Trump again had no legal right to do what he just did. It was a violation of international law.

    Same in Syria with the faked up chemical attack. That was an illegal act of war.

    Trump with the drones has continued what Obama was doing.

    These policies will enrage more and continue the wars indefinitely.

    America has a terrible track record of wasting trillions on war whilst accumulating debt and having orange people on TV pretend the economy is booming. It is more fragile than you think. This is all about the petrodollar.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Tucker Carlson breaks it down brilliantly here. It was a BS move and an act of war in a region that the US is only in because it illegally invaded it. The argument that 'he killed Americans' is neither here nor there all things considered. Killed them where? In New York? Los Angeles? In a region they have now been told to leave and are instead saying 'No. Pay us to go then'. Ridiculous.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Trump isn't Bush or Obama! He didn't get us in those wars! His foreign policy is focused on ending those.

    How difficult is that?
    Trump has no strategic foreign policy. He makes it up as he goes a long and how he feels on any particular day.
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  14. #4349
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  15. #4350
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Excellent article with many astute and brilliant observations in the comments. If only they would get Gabbard on a platform with him. She would unravel him like a ball of wool unleashed before a kitten.

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