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Thread: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    You are a freak Dennis. What kind of person even looks up bestiality? Oh, apparently white people....and deranged black people desperate to prove that some white people do strange things even though statistically black people are more likely to carry out violent crime.
    Another common tactic white supremacist use when they feel they're losing ground on one issue, they'll try another issue.

    So you go from sexual freaks to violent crime in the black community.

    OK. Let's talk about violent crime. You brought up the issue. Not me,

    You put forward you're evidence that black people are and have been the most violent race on earth over the past 400 years

    And I'll put my evidence that white people are and have been the most violent race on earth over the past 400 years

    And let's see who wins OK ?

    You being a member of the intellectually superior white race then this should be easy for you.......No ?
    @Denilson-The-Comeback, I’m not going to profess to having read this whole thread, not interested to be honest. But what I would say is , yes there are racists out here,and there are White Supremacists.
    However, I also feel that YOU are racist.
    Do you know what ? I probably am as well to some degree.
    The truth is that I think the World is full of racists of every colour , race or creed, and I don’t think it will ever be eradicated totally.
    The Human race when all said and done, is by and large a piece of shit.
    The difference is that some people are honest enough to admit it, and others play the victim ad infinitum.
    When you post about Boxing, some of your posts are ultra intelligent, you are not dumb by a very long chalk.
    But you like to give this impression of yourself that I think , is a bit of a smokescreen. Dunno why and it’s not really my business, but IMO you should stick to Boxing and forget about “White Supremacists.”
    Not being smarmy here or condescending, just think you’re contributions are more valuable when you’re talking Boxing .
    I am racist. I know this.

    The likes of @Gandalf and @TitoFan accuse me of this as if to "out me" or "smear me"

    But two things make it different.

    First, it goes in the opposite direction in that I favour blacks, not whites.

    Second, I am honest about being racist.

    And being honest about is the key.

    If a white man said "Look Man. Through out history, everyone has tried sh*tting and oppressing everyone, but now it's our turn and we've been better at it than you and other non white ppl and you'd be crazy if you think we'd wanna give all this sh*t up"

    That real talk because there is an element of truth to it

    But yeah I’ve seen in group preference from Italian men who idolize Italian women. I’ve seen it working in a restaurant where black guests asked for a black server so they could “keep the money in the good.” And of course I see this 24-7, 365, daily among whites that are almost unaware of their preference and bias.

    But racism is a power play and without power.

    So black racism is name calling really.

    Because name calling is really the only negative thing black ppl can do to white ppl and not be severely punished.

    So racial bias on the part of black folks, even the most viciousis pretty impotent.

    Even this guy

    He may hate white ppl and yet what kind of power does he have ? None. He's in a position to kill no one and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever.

    That’s not racism. Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives.

    And there are no black folks who can do any of that.

    But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them 24-7, 365 to blk ppl

    And I mainly do want to stick to boxing topics, after all that's why I joined here. To be honest I'm not even sure having a section on saddo for non boxing topics is a good thing. If I was a mod I'd have strictly boxing topics and combat topics only.
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 01-14-2020 at 04:07 PM.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    You are a freak Dennis. What kind of person even looks up bestiality? Oh, apparently white people....and deranged black people desperate to prove that some white people do strange things even though statistically black people are more likely to carry out violent crime.
    Another common tactic white supremacist use when they feel they're losing ground on one issue, they'll try another issue.

    So you go from sexual freaks to violent crime in the black community.

    OK. Let's talk about violent crime. You brought up the issue. Not me,

    You put forward you're evidence that black people are and have been the most violent race on earth over the past 400 years

    And I'll put my evidence that white people are and have been the most violent race on earth over the past 400 years

    And let's see who wins OK ?

    You being a member of the intellectually superior white race then this should be easy for you.......No ?
    @Denilson-The-Comeback, I’m not going to profess to having read this whole thread, not interested to be honest. But what I would say is , yes there are racists out here,and there are White Supremacists.
    However, I also feel that YOU are racist.
    Do you know what ? I probably am as well to some degree.
    The truth is that I think the World is full of racists of every colour , race or creed, and I don’t think it will ever be eradicated totally.
    The Human race when all said and done, is by and large a piece of shit.
    The difference is that some people are honest enough to admit it, and others play the victim ad infinitum.
    When you post about Boxing, some of your posts are ultra intelligent, you are not dumb by a very long chalk.
    But you like to give this impression of yourself that I think , is a bit of a smokescreen. Dunno why and it’s not really my business, but IMO you should stick to Boxing and forget about “White Supremacists.”
    Not being smarmy here or condescending, just think you’re contributions are more valuable when you’re talking Boxing .
    I am racist. I know this. The likes of @Gandalf and @TitoFan accuse me of this as if to "out me" or "smear me"

    But two things make it different.

    First, it goes in the opposite direction in that I favour blacks, not whites.

    Second, I am honest about being racist.

    And being honest about is the key.

    If a white man said "Look Man. Through out history, everyone has tried sh*tting and oppressing everyone, but now it's our turn and we've been better at it than you and other non white ppl and you'd be crazy if you think we'd wanna give all this sh*t up"

    That real talk because there is an element of truth to it

    But yeah I’ve seen in group preference from Italian men who idolize Italian women. I’ve seen it working in a restaurant where black guests asked for a black server so they could “keep the money in the good.” And of course I see this 24-7, 365, daily among whites that are almost unaware of their preference and bias.

    Wow. It's taken almost 200 posts (and countless more before "the Comeback" )...... but you've finally come clean about being racist. Well congratulations on that very important first step.

    I'm not being facetious, either. I'm being completely honest, because this is new ground we're treading on now. I truly congratulate you on your total honesty here, because it's unprecedented and totally welcome.

    The problem is, Denilson... that you want EVERY SINGLE white person to conform to your vision of what EVERY SINGLE white person is.... for some reason that some on here don't grasp.

    Maybe because you want to justify or make yourself feel better about some traumatic personal experiences you've had in the past.

    Or maybe because you've seen the whole spectrum of racism, and it's driven you to believe EVERY SINGLE white person is a racist.

    Well look..... racism is in itself a spectrum. I'm no expert, but racist views probably exist somewhere on a scale of say..... 1 to 100, with most people falling somewhere in between.

    You've said you prefer the white people closer to 100 (most racist) because at least their views are out there for everyone to see. They are outward and unabashed about their racist views. I can understand that.

    I can also understand your saying that those lower on the scale are the most dangerous because they're not outwardly racist..... but have deep rooted beliefs of superiority that drive their decisions and actions. They can appear non-racist to the normal observer.... but they'll stab you on the back any chance they get.

    This quote from you:

    If a white man said "Look Man. Through out history, everyone has tried sh*tting and oppressing everyone, but now it's our turn and we've been better at it than you and other non white ppl and you'd be crazy if you think we'd wanna give all this sh*t up"

    Is what sums up how you feel. You want EVERY SINGLE white person to say this, and admit that's how they really feel.

    But I hate to break it to you, Denilson. Not EVERY SINGLE white person on Earth feels this way. Many..... yes. Too many, in fact. It's a behavior borne out of ignorance, like I've been saying to Alpha in my own conversations with him.

    Many white people think like me. And I'm not claiming to be a saint by any stretch of the imagination. But like I've said many times before, racism... to me... is one of the most nauseating, disgusting characteristics a person can have.

    Call it part of my upbringing. Call it my own life circumstances and experiences. Call it part of my personality. It is what it is.

    Racism has soooo many aspects to it, Denilson. The only ones that should matter are the ones that in some way affect, either physically or psychologically or in any other way, shape, or form...... black people.

    If a white person sees no color in a person..... does not consider himself superior..... does not discriminate..... does not side with the white guy in every single incident out there...... etc, etc....... then this person is not part of some great conspiracy, Denilson.

    Is there systemic racism? Damn straight there is. Only a fool would think otherwise. That's probably the part that hurts you the most. But many of us can see that. Which is something you fail to see when you broad-brush people.

    Like I said, I've seen racism up close and personal. I've seen it against not only blacks, but Latinos, Asians, Jews, and other groups. It's ignorance personified.

    Alpha said one thing in our conversations I'll bring up now. That there is only the "human race." Unfortunately, you look up race in the dictionary and it'll specify differences in skin color, ethnicities, places of origin, etc. So we gotta deal with the reality of there being many races.

    But it's only those people that can truly see people as just one race that are truly devoid of racism.

    Anyway, enough ranting for now.

    I sincerely hope you'll eventually moderate your views on white people, and keep your views more grounded in reality. For your own peace of mind.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    I can't reply to every comment. Because I have not got the time at the moment. But just a few things you wrote.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Wow. It's taken almost 200 posts (and countless more before "the Comeback" )...... but you've finally come clean about being racist. Well congratulations on that very important first step.
    I've said many times. I know I'm racist. I'm honest about it. That's the difference between you and @Gandalf

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I'm not being facetious, either. I'm being completely honest, because this is new ground we're treading on now. I truly congratulate you on your total honesty here, because it's unprecedented and totally welcome.
    No new ground I'm treading. I've said it many times. Probably to brock.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    The problem is, Denilson... that you want EVERY SINGLE white person to conform to your vision of what EVERY SINGLE white person is.... for some reason that some on here don't grasp.
    And here is where you are messing up and I've said it many times.

    Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind because you come at these posts assuming am trying to persuade you and others

    I'm not.

    To persauade you need the

    1. 1) Appeal to trust
    2. 2) Appeal to the head
    3. 3) Appeal to the heart

    Hitler said you just need the last. My style of writing just appeals to the head. So I know it will not persuade because oersuading whites to give up the benefits of racism, to give up a false pride in their race, to become outcasts from white society, to face their shame and guilt at benefiting from a racist society – all that is way, way, way beyond my powers.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Maybe because you want to justify or make yourself feel better about some traumatic personal experiences you've had in the past.
    Once again. You are trying to read my mind instead of my words.

    You have to show some humility. Racism won’t go away as long as whites are too afraid to just sit down, be honest, and look at why it’s still a problem and actually help find a solution.

    No I don’t mean find a solution as in tell black people what to think or think that being nice to a black waitress gets you a medal. I mean genuinely sitting down, looking at themselves and realizing that there’s a whole world out there beyond themselves and their culture, and they don’t have the right to pretend the entire universe was reserved for only them.


    As long as you just view the situation as a case of "overly emotional black people" which is part of the way you have been taught to think about black ppl. Instead of viewing things from a perspective that doesn’t favor the privilege you (deep in side) are too scared to lose, you won’t have that “Kumbaya” you might ask for.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Or maybe because you've seen the whole spectrum of racism, and it's driven you to believe EVERY SINGLE white person is a racist.
    You should not be so ego-centric. If you think your not racist then let what I say rub of you. After all you don't get angry at things that don't apply to you. No ?

    I think another basic reason why guys like you are always on this "Not all whites" is that whites think of themselves as individuals; you don’t think that you being white has much of anything to do with who and what you are.

    You think it’s just something coincidental about yourself, like having red hair or hazel eyes or a birthmark. You don’t see that being in that racial group has a lot to do with your life chances, your psychology, your emotions, your reactions to others, and more.

    And so if someone even suggests that their being white MIGHT have some relevance in your life and thinking and behavior by pointing out that white people do this or that, you’re not used to thinking about yourself that way, and so you reject observations about whites “Hey, I’M not like that. I’m a good person! Okay, I’m white, but just because I’m white doesn’t mean I do any of the bad things you’re claiming white people do. Look at me, I’m white, and I don’t do that!” And so on.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Well look..... racism is in itself a spectrum. I'm no expert, but racist views probably exist somewhere on a scale of say..... 1 to 100, with most people falling somewhere in between.
    Exactly. You think when I say "All whites are racist" I'm saying "All whites are evil horrible people"


    If you can convince ppl you that certain brands of toilet paper to wash your ass are superior to others then what do you think they can do to your mind about groups of people who don't look like you, may not speak your language ?

    And that's an advert that runs 365, 24 -7.

    Unless you can find some white person that was brought up by wolves or gorillas and they have had no human contact what's so ever, then yes I would say that person could be totally free of any racial bias.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    You've said you prefer the white people closer to 100 (most racist) because at least their views are out there for everyone to see. They are outward and unabashed about their racist views. I can understand that. I can also understand your saying that those lower on the scale are the most dangerous because they're not outwardly racist..... but have deep rooted beliefs of superiority that drive their decisions and actions. They can appear non-racist to the normal observer.... but they'll stab you on the back any chance they get.
    There are three kinds of whites racist

    1) White bigots (Those who hate blacks and have views that even most whites would regard as racist)

    2) White implicit racists (They don't hate blacks people. They're careful to be politically correct in their speech. They often like to point to some study to prove their point. They say they don't see colour. But they still look down on blacks and stereotype them. They usually do it via some study. They see black people as poor, ghetto, screwed up, as less moral and intelligent. That's ppl like @Gandalf, yourself, @El Kabong Because racism is bad and most whites are not bad people, most whites cannot be racist. So racism is dead. Therefore something must be wrong with black people. Crime, Single Mothers, Pathologies, IQ blah, blah.

    3) Whites with integrity (Whites who at least are trying to unlearn their racism. Examples: John Brown, white Freedom Riders, Tim Wise, Robin D Aneglo

    At a guess I would say:

    10% are white bigots,
    85% are white implicit racists and
    5% are whites with integrity
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 01-14-2020 at 05:39 PM.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    I can't reply to every comment. Because I have not got the time at the moment. But just a few things you wrote.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Wow. It's taken almost 200 posts (and countless more before "the Comeback" )...... but you've finally come clean about being racist. Well congratulations on that very important first step.
    I've said many times. I know I'm racist. I'm honest about it. That's the difference between you and @Gandalf

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I'm not being facetious, either. I'm being completely honest, because this is new ground we're treading on now. I truly congratulate you on your total honesty here, because it's unprecedented and totally welcome.
    No new ground I'm treading. I've said it many times. Probably to brock.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    The problem is, Denilson... that you want EVERY SINGLE white person to conform to your vision of what EVERY SINGLE white person is.... for some reason that some on here don't grasp.
    And here is where you are messing up and I've said it many times.

    Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind because you come at these posts assuming am trying to persuade you and others

    I'm not.

    To persauade you need the

    1. 1) Appeal to trust
    2. 2) Appeal to the head
    3. 3) Appeal to the heart

    Hitler said you just need the last. My style of writing just appeals to the head. So I know it will not persuade because oersuading whites to give up the benefits of racism, to give up a false pride in their race, to become outcasts from white society, to face their shame and guilt at benefiting from a racist society – all that is way, way, way beyond my powers.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Maybe because you want to justify or make yourself feel better about some traumatic personal experiences you've had in the past.
    Once again. You are trying to read my mind instead of my words.

    You have to show some humility. Racism won’t go away as long as whites are too afraid to just sit down, be honest, and look at why it’s still a problem and actually help find a solution.

    No I don’t mean find a solution as in tell black people what to think or think that being nice to a black waitress gets you a medal. I mean genuinely sitting down, looking at themselves and realizing that there’s a whole world out there beyond themselves and their culture, and they don’t have the right to pretend the entire universe was reserved for only them.


    As long as you just view the situation as a case of "overly emotional black people" which is part of the way you have been taught to think about black ppl. Instead of viewing things from a perspective that doesn’t favor the privilege you (deep in side) are too scared to lose, you won’t have that “Kumbaya” you might ask for.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Or maybe because you've seen the whole spectrum of racism, and it's driven you to believe EVERY SINGLE white person is a racist.
    You should not be so ego-centric. If you think your not racist then let what I say rub of you. After all you don't get angry at things that don't apply to you. No ?

    I think another basic reason why guys like you are always on this "Not all whites" is that whites think of themselves as individuals; you don’t think that you being white has much of anything to do with who and what you are.

    You think it’s just something coincidental about yourself, like having red hair or hazel eyes or a birthmark. You don’t see that being in that racial group has a lot to do with your life chances, your psychology, your emotions, your reactions to others, and more.

    And so if someone even suggests that their being white MIGHT have some relevance in your life and thinking and behavior by pointing out that white people do this or that, you’re not used to thinking about yourself that way, and so you reject observations about whites “Hey, I’M not like that. I’m a good person! Okay, I’m white, but just because I’m white doesn’t mean I do any of the bad things you’re claiming white people do. Look at me, I’m white, and I don’t do that!” And so on.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Well look..... racism is in itself a spectrum. I'm no expert, but racist views probably exist somewhere on a scale of say..... 1 to 100, with most people falling somewhere in between.
    Exactly. You think when I say "All whites are racist" I'm saying "All whites are evil horrible people"


    If you can convince ppl you that certain brands of toilet paper to wash your ass are superior to others then what do you think they can do to your mind about groups of people who don't look like you, may not speak your language ?

    And that's an advert that runs 365, 24 -7.

    Unless you can find some white person that was brought up by wolves or gorillas and they have had no human contact what's so ever, then yes I would say that person could be totally free of any racial bias.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    You've said you prefer the white people closer to 100 (most racist) because at least their views are out there for everyone to see. They are outward and unabashed about their racist views. I can understand that. I can also understand your saying that those lower on the scale are the most dangerous because they're not outwardly racist..... but have deep rooted beliefs of superiority that drive their decisions and actions. They can appear non-racist to the normal observer.... but they'll stab you on the back any chance they get.
    There are three kinds of whites racist

    1) White bigots (Those who hate blacks and have views that even most whites would regard as racist)

    2) White implicit racists (They don't hate blacks people. They're careful to be politically correct in their speech. They often like to point to some study to prove their point. They say they don't see colour. But they still look down on blacks and stereotype them. They usually do it via some study. They see black people as poor, ghetto, screwed up, as less moral and intelligent. That's ppl like @Gandalf, yourself, @El Kabong Because racism is bad and most whites are not bad people, most whites cannot be racist. So racism is dead. Therefore something must be wrong with black people. Crime, Single Mothers, Pathologies, IQ blah, blah.

    3) Whites with integrity (Whites who at least are trying to unlearn their racism. Examples: John Brown, white Freedom Riders, Tim Wise, Robin D Aneglo

    At a guess I would say:

    10% are white bigots,
    85% are white implicit racists and
    5% are whites with integrity

    If you think (without knowing me) that I "look down on blacks" and "stereotype them"....... then you're not just racist....... you're an racist asshole.

    You see, I don't look down on blacks. I look down on racists, and you.... you sad, twisted fuck..... are the worst kind.

    Nice talking to you.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    What's in YOUR wallet?

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Tito, I cannot believe you are trying to reason with him.

    It is absurd that you are arguing that anyone alive today needs to show 'humility', Dennis. Is it Tito's fault that black people who marry other black people are more likely to divorce and raise kids without fathers? Or carry out violent crime? Or go to prison for child abuse? How is he being racist when he even avoids such topics? You can try and go after me for raising uncomfortable facts, but again it is not racism. It is simply making an observation of something in society. I am interested in social behavior and it is only by raising issues that we raise consciousness and in turn can improve. By living in denial, then nothing improves. Thus we look at personal agency. Should one ignore it all completely and indeed just go full on SJW ignoring reality? No, I think people in any ethnic group have it in them to display agency and it is their duty to raise their children well or else just not have them. That is my approach and I apply it across all ethnic lines. That is indeed one way for black communities to improve their quality of life. It is the kind of thing Candace Owens argues all the time, but she is black so cannot be called racist.

    If you know anything about me you will know I have been calling out the same flaws in the white community as well and get heat for it. If you want to discuss IQ you know full well that white people are only in the middle and I do not believe in superiority. Only that some groups perform better on abstract tests of intelligence than others, but that members of any group can and do excel on them. They are a general predictor of good outcomes, but far from absolute. There is no superiority there, more aspiration on my part as I want to make good decisions myself too and even if I cannot push my IQ above 140, will at least learn something new everyday and never harm a child.

    I don't admit to being a complete racist because I really do not see myself as such. However, if I know someone has genitally mutilated their child, or abandoned their child, or beaten their child, or carried out a violent crime for a drug habit thus leaving a child neglected etc, then I will call it out as I simply disagree with actions that harm children. Hurt yourself, fine. But if you have it in you to bring children into this world then show a little agency. That is my philosophy. There are good and bad people in any race, but it is bad to ignore clearly bad actors. Those that think they mean well and show humility can themselves be causing more harm than good. I do not agree with that whence being strong willed and not terribly woke.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Tito, I cannot believe you are trying to reason with him.

    It's that pesky belief in me that I can help the emotional disturbed, Miles.

    I'll go through cycles with this idiot. I'll engage for a while, trying to establish meaningful dialogue and reason with the clown. After a while I see nothing but dead ends, as some twisted fucks are truly beyond help, and I hurl a few insults his way.... basically for being a moron. Then I'll go through a poking fun stage, which seems to bother some on here (won't name names)..... and I'll just have a little fun with Denny. Then he'll disappear, presumably to poison other sites with his same racist bullshit. Then he'll pop back in again and we'll go through the same cycle over again. The duration of these vary. If I'm feeling overly optimistic and generous, the serious engagement stage might last a little longer. The insult hurling stage is usually quite short, as I prefer to use ridicule (more fun, too).

    The important part to remember here is that Denny is a point waaaaayyy off the curve. Other black people on here probably cringe in total embarrassment every time the jackass types his trash. Unless he's a total recluse, people he associates with probably avoid him like the plague. "Oh no..... here comes that imbecile again." Normal black people would just as soon this jerk move to the Moon.

    Why does he persist on this crusade? It's been said before. Because that way he has an easy out for all the failures of his miserable little life. He can blame it all on the white man. He's constructed this whole make-believe universe where ALL WHITE PEOPLE have secret meetings to discuss how to continue oppressing the black man. He can't get anywhere in life, because racist is systemic, and permeates every living being, fills every corner of the Earth. I'm no psychiatrist, but I would've given this guy his money back and referred him to some other unsuspecting mental health victim professional. Either that, or electroshock treatments.

    Denny loves his black skin more than anything else in the world. It's his permanent excuse to live in mediocrity and wallow in self-pity. What a fucked up, poor excuse of a human being.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Dennis is very special. I have known plenty of black and Asian people in my life, but Dennis is nothing like any of them. I shared a house for a year with black girl at University and she did not have any of these hangups. I mean she studied well at school, got into University, did a Masters degree, had no issues sharing a house with a bunch of white people, had no issues finding work to help pay for the costs of the then increasingly expensive tertiary education. I hear from Dennis that she must have been scared to talk about her horrific racist experiences because of our evil white presence, but if you were really bothered by a bunch of white men you wouldn't live with them to begin with. She did not have the hang ups Dennis did.

    I might point out IQ data, but I also constantly point out that many people will be way above average and do very well like she did and the black professors I have come across. Why are they not making excuses constantly? It is because they have agency and have made decisions that make sense. Denilson is a funny one and so 21st century with all the pictures and flipping from one point to the next so randomly, but then he will flip it and deny that race exists, so if he wants it that way, then he might as well deny that race exists and stop going on about it.

    It clearly does exist and there are statistical group differences, but I honestly don't see an issue with that. You must have a serious chip on your shoulder to be threatened by the notion that people might have higher IQ's than others, or that somebody else might be better than you at something. We are all inferior to someone else in some way or another and we have to get used to it or else work on it. Damn, 1970'S Al Pacino was better looking than me. Where is the noose? James Toney even approaching 50 could knock me out. Damn, where is the rat poison. Just life and the way it is.
    Last edited by Gandalf; 01-15-2020 at 05:23 AM.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Denny claims there is systemic racism.

    Up to that point I don't necessarily disagree with him. There are plenty of white people in positions of power throughout industry and politics who, through their policies and decision-making, make it extremely difficult for blacks to achieve many things in life. It's under those conditions that certain blacks manage to ascend in spite of the prejudice and discrimination and somehow achieve the standards of living they desire. These individuals should be admired, because their achievements have been again... in spite of.... adverse conditions aimed at keeping them down because of their skin color.

    But then Denny goes off half cocked and conjures up this global conspiracy theory bullshit where he childishly broad-brushes every single human being on this Earth. This from a 30-year old who likely has very limited travel experience, and knows squat about most of the people and cultures around the world. That's where he begins to come apart at the seams.

    If he had the gumption and personality to conjure up a group of black people, and began his rant..... he'd probably have quite a few interested people listening to him for a while. But as he delved further and further into his obsessions and fantasies about how racism is globally set up and rigged to keep the black man down, people would begin losing interested and walking off shaking their heads. Denny would go on about his tiger analogies and the group would thin out severely. In the end there would be no one left, because there are nut jobs of every color, and Denny is a nut job of the worst kind.

    Denny does a disservice to the real cause of racism. Good thing he has zero voice and zero influence in society.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    If you think (without knowing me) that I "look down on blacks" and "stereotype them"....... then you're not just racist....... you're an racist asshole.

    You see, I don't look down on blacks. I look down on racists, and you.... you sad, twisted fuck..... are the worst kind.

    Nice talking to you.
    Well that's what you are telling me.


    All white people say they're not racist.

    The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance.

    But guess what ?

    That's always been the case

    In 1963 whites told Gallup polls that blacks were treated equally in their communities.

    • This in the same year that Medgar Evers was shot down dead in his driveway in Jackson.
    • This in the same year that Bull Connor plowed tanks through the black community and hosed down children in Birmingham.
    • This in the same year that 4 young black girls were murdered at the 16th Street Baptist Church there and George Wallace gave his “segregation forever’” speech.

    In 1962, most whites said that black children had just as good a chance to get a good education as white children.

    Even in the 60s when Dr King was around. Yeah sure, he's seen as a saint now but bk when he was alive, most whites hated him and most whites said blacks would be better off just “taking advantage of the opportunities they have already been given” as opposed to protesting and even after Dr King passed away whites said that blacks had a better chance than they did to get a good paying job.

    What can you say about a group of people so utterly divorced from reality at one of the most fked up periods in American history ?

    So do you think I'm going to take seriously the perceptions on group of people who have run up a bad track record ?

    In every era, black folks said they were the victims of racism and we were right. In every era, whites have said the problem was exaggerated, and you have been wrong.
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 01-15-2020 at 04:59 PM.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I have known plenty of black and Asian people in my life
    Is that supposed to impress me ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    but Dennis is nothing like any of them.
    How do you know ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I shared a house for a year with black girl at University and she did not have any of these hangups.
    When, or if, black people begin , lynching, raping, oppressing, exploiting, shooting, jailing, whipping, maiming, torturing, evangelizing, robbing, stereotyping, bullying, bombing, segregating, building highways and thruways to dislocate businesses, communities and neighborhoods; creating SUN-DOWN towns, experimenting on, discriminating against, prohibiting, murdering, holding back/controlling in every imaginable way while hating white ppl en mass via de jure and de facto racism for 100's of years, then and only then you saying a black person has racial hangups will make sense.


    You assume that black people always speak their minds to white people.

    Most don't.

    Black people are actually reluctant to allege racism, be it on the job, or in schools, or anywhere else.

    Far from “playing the race card” at the drop of a hat, black folks typically “stuff” their experiences racism, only making an allegation because of many incidents have transpired.

    White denial has long trumped claims of racism.

    Because what would have happened had she have went as hard on white people and racism as I do ?

    I tell you.

    You would have ran to you're white landlord, white boss, white dorm officer and got her kicked out of the house in a minute.

    That's how white supremacy works in that it creates a dependency for the people it's shits on

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I mean she studied well at school, got into University, did a Masters degree, had no issues sharing a house with a bunch of white people,
    Once again.

    You assume that black people always speak their minds to white people.

    Most don't.

    She knew most whites are so closed-minded about race and get upset about it so easily that it becomes a waste of breath. Then, partly from this engineered silence, you conclude that it was no big deal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    had no issues finding work to help pay for the costs of the then increasingly expensive tertiary education.
    I'm pretty sure you know that a white person with a criminal record is more likely to get the job than black person without one.

    I'm pretty sure you know this

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I might point out IQ data, but I also constantly point out that many people will be way above average and do very well like she did and the black professors I have come across. Why are they not making excuses constantly? It is because they have agency and have made decisions that make sense. Denilson is a funny one and so 21st century with all the pictures and flipping from one point to the next so randomly, but then he will flip it and deny that race exists, so if he wants it that way, then he might as well deny that race exists and stop going on about it.
    Are white people smarter than black people ? And if so why are they ? Do white people have different brains than black people ? And does that make black people a sub species of mankind ?

    And finally if black people are an inferior race - then what do you do with people that you claim are inferior ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    It clearly does exist and there are statistical group differences, but I honestly don't see an issue with that. You must have a serious chip on your shoulder to be threatened by the notion that people might have higher IQ's than others, or that somebody else might be better than you at something. We are all inferior to someone else in some way or another and we have to get used to it or else work on it. Damn, 1970'S Al Pacino was better looking than me. Where is the noose? James Toney even approaching 50 could knock me out. Damn, where is the rat poison. Just life and the way it is.
    Are white people smarter than black people ? And if so why are they ? Do white people have different brains than black people ? And does that make black people a sub species of mankind ?

    And finally if black people are an inferior race - then what do you do with people that you claim are inferior ?
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 01-15-2020 at 05:02 PM.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    What's in YOUR wallet?

  13. #163
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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    What's in YOUR wallet?
    TitoFan is an Injun?

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Right Dennis, so a black woman who chose to live in a house with 3 white men was someone who who probably had race etched deep within her bones and thus would never share the horrors of constant day in day out racism? Erm, it is a possibility. Or else it could simply have been that she did not have the hang ups that you do and had no qualms living with a bunch of relatively friendly white people.

    She experienced no racism among us, was a regular drinking partner, and I don't recall her experiencing any racism on nights out or anything of the sort. You would think drunk people would bring out all that hidden racism, right. But no. Like I say she found work relatively easily and she was academically capable. I think though you might share the same skin color with her, you and her have nothing in common beyond that. She would listen to your bile and think you are an idiot because though you bring up salient points at times, you are at heart a spiteful, agenda driven idiot.

    Do I think she was of an inferior race? No, of course not. She was a capable human being I treated as an individual and she was smart, snappy and funny. Why would I have any reason to think that her IQ might be in question? I don't even see things in terms of superiority in the way you want me to. Everyone is an individual, but if there are patterns be it via race, class, gender or whatever, then we should not be scared by it. I am not scared of exploring concepts and it is harmful that people are encouraged not to think about them due to dishonest claims of racism. I am not sure you even read my posts, Dennis and you are extremely hung up on the group differences question.

    You want to see racism because I highlight well recognized data and simply say 'Hey it is not all racism, there is also a lack of agency'. You REFUSE to recognize the agency angle. It is all evil white men, but white men are not even the smartest, not even the best behaved, kind of average when compared to other groups on the whole. Why am I not upset by the Ashkenazi Jew IQ data, why am I not frothing at the mouth screaming about the injustice. Probably because I am not much of a Hitler.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    All white people say they're not racist.

    Wrong, Sherlock. Plenty of white people admit to being racist. For being "all-knowing" you certainly drop the ball on a lot of shit. Many white people don't give a damn about you knowing they're racist. They'll tell it to your face.

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    In every era, black folks said they were the victims of racism and we were right. In every era, SOME whites have said the problem was exaggerated, and you have been wrong.

    There..... fixed it for ya.

    Of course, I don't expect that correction to penetrate that 12-foot concrete barricade between your ears.

    So go on. Continue talking for EVERY SINGLE WHITE PERSON ON EARTH.

    The rest of us will just sit here and laugh at you.

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