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Thread: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    uestion: Have you ever lived in South America?
    I've been to Brazil and that's a place where racial slavery lasted the longest, and where by far the largest number of Africans were taken. And white supremacy runs rampant.

    You'll struggle to see Afro Brazilians in the wealthy areas of Rio or even Salvador, and if you do find them there they're likely to be homeless or on their way back to the favela from doing some kind of shitty work.

    This despite the fact that the majority of Brazil’s population is black and that Brazil has the largest population of black people in any country on earth aside from Nigeria.

    In fact I had a run in with the police in the 2 weeks i was there. On the way bk to the airport, the car was packed with my equipment.

    I was with 2 white Brazilians in the front of the car and I was in the back. As we left a police car followed us and pulled us over. He didn't demand to speak to the driver or see his licence. They demanded that I get out of the back of the car then the policemen pointed his gun in my face and started shouting. I don't know Portuguese to well but the officer took his gun off safety. I kept my hands in the air where they had been the whole time and said nothing. I thought "if your gonna kill me, kill me" not out of bravery but just simply as a reaction to the absurdity of it all.

    Then then white Brazilians ran over and pulled up my top to reveal my waist to the officer, and I immediately understood. The officer had been shouting at me to pull up my top and show that I did not have a gun on me; he assumed that I was a favela drug dealer accompanying my two rich clients somewhere because why else would an Afro Brazilian be in a car with two rich kids?

    The 2 white Brazilians claimed that the policeman had been getting ready to shoot me. The police shoot black children. That's why when ppl say "Not all white r racists" I just laugh.

    These good non racist white ppl are never to be seen when sh*t get's heavy

    And just because those white Brazilians did what they did also means nothing because they were working for me and plus if we set the bar as low, as a white person not wanting a black person killed, then it's not even worth having this discussion. They didn't change how I view whites in regards to their racism one bit

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Another question: Have you ever lived in Puerto Rico? In fact..... have you even VISITED South America or Puerto Rico? No? Then kindly STFU. You know as much about racial conditions outside of your immediate 4 or 5 city blocks radius as I do about neurosurgery.
    No. Never P.Rico. But I know the white P.Ricans are on top and the black P.Ricans are on the bottom
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 01-25-2020 at 04:49 PM.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Well I'm an intellectually inferior black person so of course I'm stupid and you are an intellectually superior white man as white ppl are intellectually superior to black ppl according to you

    Wair for it ............."But ...but no .....but there are some smart black ppl....but just saying on av" lol
    Black people are intellectually superior.

    You had an advanced space program in Africa, but it was sabotaged by the USA.

    Last edited by Freedom; 01-26-2020 at 12:58 AM.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Black men have the highest moral standards and the most honorable personal conduct of any people in the world.

    Last edited by Freedom; 01-25-2020 at 07:51 PM.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    In fact I had a run in with the police in the 2 weeks i was there. On the way bk to the airport, the car was packed with my equipment.

    I was with 2 white Brazilians in the front of the car and I was in the back. As we left a police car followed us and pulled us over. He didn't demand to speak to the driver or see his licence. They demanded that I get out of the back of the car then the policemen pointed his gun in my face and started shouting. I don't know Portuguese to well but the officer took his gun off safety. I kept my hands in the air where they had been the whole time and said nothing. I thought "if your gonna kill me, kill me" not out of bravery but just simply as a reaction to the absurdity of it all.

    Then then white Brazilians ran over and pulled up my top to reveal my waist to the officer, and I immediately understood. The officer had been shouting at me to pull up my top and show that I did not have a gun on me; he assumed that I was a favela drug dealer accompanying my two rich clients somewhere because why else would an Afro Brazilian be in a car with two rich kids?

    The 2 white Brazilians claimed that the policeman had been getting ready to shoot me. The police shoot black children. That's why when ppl say "Not all white r racists" I just laugh.

    These good non racist white ppl are never to be seen when sh*t get's heavy

    And just because those white Brazilians did what they did also means nothing because they were working for me and plus if we set the bar as low, as a white person not wanting a black person killed, then it's not even worth having this discussion. They didn't change how I view whites in regards to their racism one bit

    Ahh yes..... I remember that scene in Federal Bank Heist, a Brazilian thriller film. The Brazilian police were probably looking for the money from the Banco Central heist.

    I imagine you were lucky to get out alive.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Now if I was really a white supremacist
    It does not get more white supremacist than the belief that black people are the most stupidest race on the planet and the most violent and the ones with AIDS

    And look I know your gonna do the "But hey, I mean, there are some smart black ppl, there are some black ppl who are not violent and don't have AIDS, I mean, cmon I just saying on average"

    OK. But guess what ?

    David Duke says that
    Richard Spencer says that
    Bull Connor said that
    Jared Taylor says that

    So what ?

    There is a 16 year black child in the UK called Ramarani Graham who has an IQ higher than Bill Gates or Einstein in the 160's. That's genius level

    But of course he's an exception. Right ? But so what anyway ? Because serial killer Ted Bundy apparently had an IQ in the 140's. That's Mensa level. But would it be right to describe a man who used to slit women from their vagina to their throat as intelligent ?

    I've said to you before

    What I can not understand is this : Why can’t you be just a racist?

    Why do you need these pseudo-scientifical explanations? What is wrong with racism? You do promote it, so why be a shame of it? Why you just can not say; “N****s are stupid.”? Why do you feel the need to have “scientifical crutches”? That is mystery to me.

    Why not just be who you are ? Is there a nagging uncertainty that you have ?
    It is perfectly within reason that a black kid can have an IQ of 160. You are clearly rather stupid as I have pretty much said that all along. But yes, to have an IQ of 160 would be an exception and far from the norm. It is unlikely anybody on this forum would have an IQ that high regardless. It is exceptional.
    Well I'm an intellectually inferior black person so of course I'm stupid and you are an intellectually superior white man as white ppl are intellectually superior to black ppl according to you

    Wair for it ............."But ...but no .....but there are some smart black ppl....but just saying on av" lol

    You are chewing your own tail now Dennis. The kid with an IQ of 160 proved what I was saying a dozen pages ago. It is not my fault you fail to compute.
    Of course I can't compete because I'm an intellectually inferior black person and you are intellectually superior white person.

    So the question are these

    What do you do with a race of intellectually inferior black people ?
    If white ppl are intellectually superior to black ppl then why do whites need a system of racism to prop them up ?
    Why are black people intellectually inferior ?
    a) There is not a system of racism to 'prop up whites'. If there was then they would not allow Asian people to be the most successful in their societies. It is a meritocracy in that regard.

    The issue is more about weath inequality, but even then you are going to have the likes of Adrien Broner who has no skills beyond hitting people ending up broke and in prison. And then there is welfare that rewards bad decisions and is thus a detriment to any positive change.

    b) My solution is one I repeat again and again. You copy the successful meaning stronger families, focus on education, good role models (hello again Broner) good nurturing, good diet, etc. Even if there is a genetic factor, then that means environment is there to be worked on.

    As you yourself point out and I always have, there are exceptional black people. They were always going to be rampantly intelligent. Everyone else has a better shot with better environmental factors.

    c) My solution is aspiration instilled with intrinsic motivation and less of the victimhood you are so into. I was homeless as a kid and from a screwed up family. It didn't stop me reading books and doing well in tests. I am nothing special, but you have to do those things to get anywhere.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    a) There is not a system of racism to 'prop up whites'.
    Well you must also argue that racism doesn't exist and all black ppl are lying

    White privilege is simply the flipside of discrimination against black people.

    Listen to the 100's of stories said by white people themselves about how the system of racism has propped them up

    There can be no down without an up. So if black people are the targets of discrimination (in housing, employment, the justice system) then whites are being elevated above those black people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    The issue is more about weath inequality,
    And black Americans built the wealth of the US with free uncompensated labor. This is beyond doubt. Even white supremacist trump agrees.

    The wealthy and specifically their corporations rely heavily on government handouts more than $100 billion annually. These go to all white men and women. Far more than all the money spent on blk folks. Plus the wealthiest Americans get at lot of their income not from work at all, but from the money they already have, in the form of rent, dividends and interest payments.

    White families are more likely than black families to be able to give wealth to their children. To suggest that where people end up is earned ignore the truth about the racism.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    but even then you are going to have the likes of Adrien Broner who has no skills beyond hitting people ending up broke and in prison. And then there is welfare that rewards bad decisions and is thus a detriment to any positive change.
    Meanwhile over in the white society. You have the likes of Bernie Madoff who stole 50 000 000 000 dollars (That's 50 billion)

    And you wanna talk shit A.B being bad with money ?

    By the way all the experts say Madoff was not the only one. Financial crisis of 2008 was a huge pyramid scheme according to the Noble prize winner of economics. All them white men. So the whole sub prime mess was just a swindle in which someone had to loose.

    What’s funny is the same racist trolls never stereotype middle aged to older wealthy white men as being criminals, even though every big pyramid and Ponzi scheme has comprised of that demographic to near exclusivity. People like Bernie Madoff only go to jail because they steal from their rich partners.

    It is also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population. Can Broner do that ? These guys are truly more dangerous to the public than street corner hustlers, whose activities I don’t accept either.

    The same thing is going on right now in EU with the euro. Private banking sector extorts the tax payers of Europe with hundreds of billions of dollars using a national debt as a leverage, after they pushed billions in cheap loans to those governments who were stupid enough to take them, or clever enough. Some estimate that the Greek government, the actual politicians and officials, stole billions there too.

    William Bennett blowed several million dollars in casinos it’s just a hobby, but if black ppl do it, different story

    If we think of this whole culture of stealing, robbing, swindling, we get the to the bottom of the cultural differences between whites and others.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    You copy the successful meaning stronger families, focus on education, good role models (hello again Broner) good nurturing, good diet, etc. Even if there is a genetic factor, then that means environment is there to be worked on.
    OK. So let's take the most famous black man on the planet ?

    Barack Obama. He focused on Education. He was a good role model. I'm pretty sure they cooked him good stuff in the oval office so he had a good diet

    But did the white supremacist lay of him ?

    Did they say "Hey This Obama. Focused on education, diet and nutrure his kids"

    Did they lay off him ?

    I think we both know the answer to this.

    Black degradation is essential 2 white society.

    Thriving Black business districts and countries and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

    Rosewood in the early part of the last century ?

    The Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.

    Same again. Thriving black community. Blew up by white ppl with the aid of the US government.

    Growth of ones own country can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place, restrictions will ultimately always apply to black nations.

    Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

    One only has to look at the likes of Colonel Gaddifi who was trying to create a central african bank and an african communication network in Africa. Africa is a massive source for mobile phone networks and internet. Africans make billions for the white supremacists. Gaddifi plan went against there wishes just as would have an African bank. So he had to be killed

    Patrice Lumumba, one of the greatest black leaders to emerge in this century, was assinated by the Belgians with the aid of US, so that the white international community could get the puppet government that they wanted in the Congo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    As you yourself point out and I always have, there are exceptional black people. They were always going to be rampantly intelligent. Everyone else has a better shot with better environmental factors.
    Exceptional black ppl allow whites to feel like they are not racist while keeping their stereotypes untouched

    A white person in America can be racist and yet be a fan of Michael Jordan or LeBron, or be married to a black person, that is the Exceptional Negro thing at work.

    Look - There is no such thing as an “Exceptional black people” in the eyes of white ppl. It is really called “Acceptable black people” due to the fact that black, in and of itself, by definition cannot be exceptional.

    I've also observed the ways of structuring reality according to racist tenets.

    Group “white accomplishments”: the typical white
    Individualize “white pathologies” : the atypical white
    Individualize “black accomplishments” : the atypical black
    Group “black pathologies” : the typical black

    The individual blacks who don’t fulfill the stereotypical expectations become your “Exceptional black people”. The white racist mindset deeply desire a black achiever or hero to fall from grace just so they can dance with glee and celebrate that what they believe in is true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    It didn't stop me reading books and doing well in tests. I am nothing special, but you have to do those things to get anywhere"[/I]
    Education is part of the system of white supremacy.

    Black kids are punished more harshly than white kids for minor behavioral infractions, even if they commit those infractions no more frequently than whites.

    Black children are tracked into basic and remedial level classes while white kids are tracked into advanced and honors classes (whether or not they show promise and even sometimes quite a bit less)

    • Why are predominantly Black school districts are under-funded ?
    • Why are predominantly Black school districts under-staffed with inexperienced teachers ?
    • Why are predominantly Black school districts denied books ?
    • Why are predominantly Black school districts denied microscopes and other lab equipment ?
    • Why are predominantly Black school districts always have hazardous waste near by black schools ?
    • Why are predominantly Black school districts always have to cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria ?

    Because of the system of white supremacy.

    You are white and you were seen as white by your teachers. So as you were coming up you reaped the benefits of presumed whiteness :

    The presumptions of competence
    The presumptions of law-abidingness
    The presumptions of general intelligence

    None of these thing black people attending school can assume others will presume about us

    Yeah you worked hard and passed your tests but your hard work was met with an access to an opportunity structure to which millions of black people have been denied.
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 01-26-2020 at 03:40 PM.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I was homeless as a kid
    White privilege goes way beyond the wallet.

    Yes, there are rich black folks, but even they are subject to racial profiling and stereotyping as well as bias in mortgage lending, and unequal treatment in schools.

    Even the children of well-off black families are more likely to be suspended or expelled from school than the children of poor whites. This is true despite the fact that there being no difference in the rates of serious school rule infractions between white kids or black kids

    • Poor whites still receive better treatment in school (placement in advanced track classes even when they're not a good student).
    • Poor whites still receive better treatment by law enforcement officers.
    • Poor whites still get more job opportunities because of connections they are able to take advantage of that were pretty much unavailable to the blk folks.

    Also even though you were poor and homeless you would still have been able to clean up, go to a job interview and be seen as just another white person, whereas a blk person, even who isn’t low-income, has to wonder whether or not they might trip some negative stereotype about their group when they go for an interview or sit in the classroom answering questions from the teacher.

    Oh, and not to put too fine a point on it, but even low-income whites are more likely to own their own home than middle income black families, thanks to past advantages in housing and asset accumulation, which has allowed those whites to receive a small piece of property from their families.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    from a screwed up family
    Yeah and no one ever said "yeah but those white families are screwed up anyway" "Those white men need look after there white kids better"

    See now you wanna sit down and have a 1 on 1 heart to heart interview with Oprah don't ya ? And talk about how fked up your father, mother or brother was and how that might have affected you as an adult.
    Now you want compassion. Now you want understanding.

    The last thing you want is to be judged as a white person and your how screwed up family (Your words not mine) was a problem in the white community as a whole. you don't want that sh*t.

    But when the shoe on the other foot. All of sudden the poison comes out. All of sudden guys Adrien Broner are just what dumb black men do. How do you know how AB was brought up ? How do you know he didn't have screwed up family ?

    You see you'd think that dealing with poverty, racism, crumbling schools and dilapidated housing, as is common for blk ppl would be pretty stressful. Yet, it's whites and those with money who are more likely to drink alcohol, use drugs, or smoke cigarettes. It's because it's the lack of coping skills of whites

    See black ppl were tough.

    Because we must as a matter of survival, learn to deal with these conditions from an early age.

    Despite racism black ppl don't do suicide. None of this is to say that I'm gonna now pity whites but as the old saying goes, "the fish tends to rot from the head down"

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    My solution is aspiration instilled with intrinsic motivation
    Black folks are doing self-help all the time. We have to. We have enough experience with white institutions to know that they have never done much to improve our situation. But I see very little self-help in the white community. Rarely do you spend time dealing with your own internalized racism and which only you have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    less of the victimhood you are so into.
    So no one would think about racism were it not for the constant presence of black ppl raising the issue ?

    Black folks are aware of racism about us by an early age because at an early age black children are being tracked into lower-level classes regardless of ability and punished harsher.

    Also whites are great at making themselves victimsof taxes, big government, immigrants, antifa, Michelle Obama’s healthy schools initiative, or “radical Islam,”.

    White's love being victims. So long as your the ones who get to decide what victims count. Never has a group with so much out-sized power been so quick to play victim. This, despite the fact that whites continue to be less likely as black folks to be out of work, and despite the fact that blacks are a tiny % of students at the USA's most selective colleges

    But no whites are oppressed by black History Month and BET and Ebony Magazine and black super heroes and black Rue in the Hunger Games movie (even though she was black in the book too), and black Hermione in the London Harry Potter stage play, and black Annie in the Annie remake, and taxes on tanning bed visits, for starters.

    Surely, nobody knows the trouble you’ve seen. Nobody knows the sorrow.

    To tell my kid that he can be anything he wants to be if he tries hard enough is nice, but unless I warn him about the obstacles in his path, I'm ill-suiting him for the real world.

    Knowing the odds, black folk try even harder, because to do otherwise would all but have guaranteed defeat. Knowing the truth inspires perseverance and passionate resistance to victimization, not resignation to one’s status as a target. To ignore the importance of racism will not make it go away.
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 01-26-2020 at 04:28 PM.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Black men have the highest moral standards and the most honorable personal conduct of any people in the world.

    100% mate,Ive been there twice and worked in the worse areas. Poor children and women. The Zulu are probably the worse in the south . The Corsa are much more law abiding and respectful people. Some of the Zulu sharmen have stated that you can cure cure aids by having sex with a virgin. There are babies being raped there due to their stupid religious beliefs in these total mindless fucking idiots.
    Hidden Content " border="0" />

    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Black men have the highest moral standards and the most honorable personal conduct of any people in the world.

    And how does that affect white ppl ?

    Because let's be clear. You don't care about blk ppl thousands of miles away in S.Africa

    I mean once every 28 seconds ? What ? Is there some guy with a stop watch timing every rape in S.Africa. Once every 28 second is two a minute, 120 an hour. That's six hundred thousands a month. There's no way that half a million women are raped in a month in S.Africa

    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 01-26-2020 at 04:34 PM.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Black men have the highest moral standards and the most honorable personal conduct of any people in the world.

    100% mate,Ive been there twice and worked in the worse areas. Poor children and women. The Zulu are probably the worse in the south . The Corsa are much more law abiding and respectful people. Some of the Zulu sharmen have stated that you can cure cure aids by having sex with a virgin. There are babies being raped there due to their stupid religious beliefs in these total mindless fucking idiots.
    The raping going in S.Africa is done by many whites like Nick Ninow who brutally raped a 6 year old Black child in a bathroom stall after he snatched her from a play area at the Dros Restaurant in Pretoria South Africa.

    In fact all over the world white men are flocking to have sex with black children in Africa.

    The sick freaks in our community get taken care off. Now you take care of the sicko's in your community.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Another question: Have you ever lived in Puerto Rico? In fact..... have you even VISITED South America or Puerto Rico? No? Then kindly STFU. You know as much about racial conditions outside of your immediate 4 or 5 city blocks radius as I do about neurosurgery.
    No. Never P.Rico. But I know the white P.Ricans are on top and the black P.Ricans are on the bottom

    Depends. Sometimes white Puerto Ricans are on the bottom and black Puerto Ricans are on top.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Sigh. Dennis, everybody knows economic systems are corrupt and that everything from your state pension to derivatives are forms of ponzi scheme. There is organized state financial corruption anywhere you look regardless of race.

    I haven't even bothered to read beyomd the first point as I sense it is going to be more rinse and repeat and whining. I notice with other posters you deny anything they say too as the black man is apparently always outdone by the white man when it comes to pure evil.

    Yet you say it all from the relative comfort of a very tolerant white society. Go and live in South Africa or Uganda and enjoy if you are so confident. Nobody is stopping you living the dream. But ya want the dollar don't ya! Hypocrite.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    So even inheritance is now racism? Does the money printed by authorities outside of the welfare to keep the poor quiet really go to the majority of ordinary white people? Not at all.

    Dennis, I won't inherit a single thing either, but I don't see it holding me down to a life of perpetual poverty and excuses. It is nothing to do with racism. When it comes to the nitty gritty my lack of any inheritance has nothing to do with race, but the failings of people who were never fit to be parents. Yes, people of any race can be poor parents and refuse to guide their children. In a way I appreciate it as it made me think outside the box, refuse to copy, and do it my way.

    Then you have your other argument about tiered education. Well, we had tiered education in my school and because there were few minorities in the school then it affected pretty much only white people. Thus the more capable were in higher tiers and the less capable in lower tiers. I hated languages in those days and was thus in a mid tier group for that. There was little racism in that as the system existed with 99.5% white students. Again, you are making excuses along racial lines when really it is mediocre parenting and lazy students. But a smart kid can overcome that and thus I was decent in everything except languages. It was really my attitude more than anything as I am pretty capable. I now enjoy learning a language, but as a 14 year old had little intrinsic interest.

    Poor people often stay poor and it is not because of white supremacy as it affects people of all groups only at different rates. It is just another in your endless list of excuses. If you decide at 12 to be a doctor, have your wits about you, then you can indeed go on to be doctor and probably be set for life providing you don't have a penchant for stealing the opium. It doesn't matter what race you are. 7% of the students in medical school are black and have made a sensible decision. They are likely pretty up there when it comes to critical thinking and rationality and probably not a bit like you Dennis.
    Last edited by Gandalf; 01-27-2020 at 12:52 AM. Reason: cut a bit of waffle

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    Miles, Miles, Miles.......

    May I introduce you to the art of arguing with someone like Denilson. It's something I've always employed.... but was not appreciated by some people on here at the time.

    I call it the 3-step process, and its steps can vary in duration depending on what the situation calls for.

    Step 1: Honest engagement

    Yes. I'll attempt to engage with honest logic, making an equally honest effort to understand the other person's feelings and why he feels that way. I'll counter accusations with logic and facts, but in a benign way. Not meant to ridicule or be aggressive.... but actually an honest effort to make the other person see the light.

    Step 2: Impatience

    Once I detect that the other person is making absolutely NO effort to debate, but rather is repeating or rather regurgitating the same drivel over and over and over again..... yes..... a degree of impatience does set in. During this phase there may be some nastiness exchanged, though I rarely try to initiate the hostilities. But my tone does get a bit harsher, which may bring on some insult hurling from the other person. This is a phase I try not to indulge for very long. In fact.... the more ridiculous the other person's claims..... the shorter this phase tends to be.

    Step 3: Ridicule and Sarcasm

    This is actually the "funnest" phase of the process, as it gets my creative juices flowing. In fact, you can probably see some of my handiwork in my last several responses to Denilson. I know I'm not going to get anywhere no matter what I say..... so why stay in Step Two? This phase takes less writing but more creativity.

    Since Denilson tends to stay awhile and then take a hiatus, I've repeated the cycle more than once with him. One would think I would just skip to Step 2..... but the good Samaritan in me makes me start from the beginning step. Yeah..... shucks.... what can I say. I guess I'm just an ol' softie.

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    Default Re: Orthodox Jews murdered by 2 Black Hebrew Israelites in Jersey City NJ

    To be honest, I don't even make it through the entire posts. I try and reason with a few of the points he makes and then leave it at that. Otherwise you end up typing and typing and it is not as though he listens to it anyway.

    "So blacks are inferior.....what do you want to do about it?"
    "No, some blacks excel, others do not, but there do appear to be patterns. Raise people in strong family structures!"
    "It is white supremacy. Inheritance is the problem!"
    "I am not inheriting anything."
    "But tiered schools."
    "We had them too and affected pretty much only white people."
    "But blacks have no access to education."
    "7% of medical students are black."

    It just goes around in circles. Choose a good man. Teach your kid to read. Study hard in school. Check your homework with your Dad. Have some aspiration. That is all I argue as a white man having seen how people not like me have done things.

    All this white supremacy crap. Boring.

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