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Thread: George Floyd murdered by cops

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    Default George Floyd murdered by cops

    Saw this footage yesterday of this guy being pinned down face first with a knee in the back of his neck.
    He repeatedly says "I can't breathe" but the cops just carry on and eventually kill him.

    Shocking stuff.

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    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    Fucking damn right. Fucking sickening.
    And then peeps wanna say there should be no riots.

    Martin Luther King: "The language of unheard voices is rioting."

    Yeah, the Let Them Eat Cake crowd could never relate to that.

    Oh wait, but if you ask them to wear a mask.....

  3. #3
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    I don't think that officer acted appropriately, however, I've seen videos like this where extra context was added and stories changed dramatically due to that little extra context. I don't know of George Floyd, I don't know of previous run ins with the law, I don't know of how he was acting in this specific run in either.

    It's a bad result and a bad look for the police.

    But I'm sure rioting will be the cure which heals all wounds

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    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    • It's all on video.
    • It's obvious that Floyd wasn't "resisting arrest."
    • Floyd CLEARLY says he couldn't breathe.
    • Floyd died as a result of this police brutality.
    • Again..... it's all there in full color video.

    So obviously this now entails a 12-month investigation before all the facts can be clarified and some sort of (insufficient) verdict handed down.

  5. #5
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    • It's all on video.
    • It's obvious that Floyd wasn't "resisting arrest."
    • Floyd CLEARLY says he couldn't breathe.
    • Floyd died as a result of this police brutality.
    • Again..... it's all there in full color video.

    So obviously this now entails a 12-month investigation before all the facts can be clarified and some sort of (insufficient) verdict handed down.
    Is it ALL on this video though? It starts with George Floyd on the ground under that officer's knee.

    Don't confuse my stance with supporting the officer sitting on that guy's neck though. These things aren't mutually exclusive.

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    Default Re: George Floyde murdered by cops

    Don’t ever ever ever fall for the false narrative that police who kill unarmed Black victims because they “lack police training”. These people have PERFECT training on how to deescalate situations as long as the suspects are WHITE

    That fake mayor of Minneapolis with his fake concern STILL made sure the national guard were protecting the killer cop outside his home

    He’s no longer on the force so why are they still defending him ? Waste of taxpayers dollars. The thin blue line has just gotten a lot thicker and sicker. As I've always said white supremacists stay on code.

    People on the ground in Minnesota are saying there are a lot of white undercover cops doing a lot of the vandalizing and arson out there. But all of it gets blamed on Black people. They caught this guy red handed with a hammer in his hand

    Yeah it's totally normal to be walking around with an umbrella and gas mask on and he didn't answer when asked if he was a cop. This will be their excuse to mobilize armed guards. They did this in Detroit back in the day to get the National Guard deployed. It is an old trick that they use. Agent provocateurs to the max. It happens at a lot these kind of protests. The goal is to discredit the protesters as "looting thugs." Thereby no has to listen to their pleas for justice.

    Another thing

    The police are not scared of black people

    That's the go to excuse they use to kill us
    Last edited by Denilson3.0; 05-28-2020 at 05:39 PM.

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    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    • It's all on video.
    • It's obvious that Floyd wasn't "resisting arrest."
    • Floyd CLEARLY says he couldn't breathe.
    • Floyd died as a result of this police brutality.
    • Again..... it's all there in full color video.

    So obviously this now entails a 12-month investigation before all the facts can be clarified and some sort of (insufficient) verdict handed down.
    Is it ALL on this video though? It starts with George Floyd on the ground under that officer's knee.

    Don't confuse my stance with supporting the officer sitting on that guy's neck though. These things aren't mutually exclusive.

    No. It starts before that.

    There is video of Floyd already handcuffed and being led around by a police officer. In no way shape or form is the guy even remotely close to "resisting arrest", the go-to excuse for all police murders nowadays.

  8. #8
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    No. It starts before that.

    There is video of Floyd already handcuffed and being led around by a police officer. In no way shape or form is the guy even remotely close to "resisting arrest", the go-to excuse for all police murders nowadays.
    The one posted here just started with him on the ground already. I've checked into a bit more and seen more videos yeah, I'd say George Floyd was cooperating fully and under complete control of the 4 officers. I've got 0 clue as to how he got to be underneath the 3 officers and that's unacceptable for anyone to hold someone down with a knee to the carotid artery. What the fuck did he think was going to happen?

    Another thing which bothers me is that apparently EMS/Fire checked for a pulse but didn't do any lifesaving procedures which is just as terrifying as how those officers acted.

    All that being said all rioting will do is harm working people and then the cops get called in to enforce the law and then what happens all over again?

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    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    No. It starts before that.

    There is video of Floyd already handcuffed and being led around by a police officer. In no way shape or form is the guy even remotely close to "resisting arrest", the go-to excuse for all police murders nowadays.
    The one posted here just started with him on the ground already. I've checked into a bit more and seen more videos yeah, I'd say George Floyd was cooperating fully and under complete control of the 4 officers. I've got 0 clue as to how he got to be underneath the 3 officers and that's unacceptable for anyone to hold someone down with a knee to the carotid artery. What the fuck did he think was going to happen?

    Another thing which bothers me is that apparently EMS/Fire checked for a pulse but didn't do any lifesaving procedures which is just as terrifying as how those officers acted.

    All that being said all rioting will do is harm working people and then the cops get called in to enforce the law and then what happens all over again?

    Yeah... I don't condone rioting, as someone else insinuated on another thread. All I said was that people's anger is understandable. Unfortunately, a few scumbags are always at the ready to destroy and loot at the first sign of a protest..... which turns an angry protest into a full-blown riot. The fucking looters don't realize they're giving the other side ample ammunition to downplay or even justify the murder committed by officers paid to uphold the law. It's rinse and repeat to the Nth degree.

    Frankly, I'm just tired of all the useless handwringing that always ends in zilch, with penalties being too little too late to satisfy anybody. You'd think that with phone cameras and camcorders out the ying-yang, the course of justice would be just a bit more streamlined..... but no. It's cringeworthy to imagine how these things would play out without the usual videos and half a dozen eye witnesses.

    Racism and racist attitudes will NEVER go away. That is a fantasy and will not happen in a million years. So the next best thing is to make the consequences for these actions unbearable to the point of deterrence. If you're an angry cop with a chip on your shoulder... and feel your badge gives you a licence to fuck up any black guy you wish... then hopefully you'll think twice before doing so, knowing justice will deal with you swiftly and harshly. A guy like that shouldn't even be on the force to begin with.

    Too many times we invest too much time into looking for the slightest excuse that will make these goddamn murders seem justified.


  10. #10
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    Tweet from 'The Gravel Institute'(Left nonprofit. Launching 2020. Pronounced gruh-VELL. Tweets from Sen. Mike Gravel signed -SMG.) :

    "In 2006 Amy Klobuchar, then a district attorney, declined to bring charges against a cop who had shot and killed a Native American man.

    Two days ago that cop, Derek Chauvin, murdered George Floyd.

    Amy Klobuchar needs to resign."

    Well there goes Vice President for Klobuchar

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    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    We as society seem to be on a roll lately. This was as clear a cold blooded murder by a coward that there is. The man was cuffed, completely flat on his face, bleeding fully detained and asking for his dead momma FFS. Cop knew exactly what he was doing kept his hand in his pocket staring into the cam and ratcheting up his foot with knee on his neck until he stopped breathing. I seriously cannot understand how people continue to dance around what is as clear as day but it's what we do these days.

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    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    People will dance around it because they see admitting that racist and evil people are working in law enforcement as a kind of surrender. It means that their supposed fear of the powerful abusing that power, does not really extend to enuring that people not like them are treated not just equally, but even just as a human being and not some kind of animal. It is hard to admit it, and God knows for years i have tried to give them the opportunity to prove me wrong, but the fact is those making excuses for the cunts that Killed George Floyd are the same spineless bastards that pretended an unarmed teenager shot to death by a security guard deserved it, because all this standing up to a tyrannical government horseshit is just a convinient blagging card to pull out to justify their fantasy rebel daydream.
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    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    No. It starts before that.

    There is video of Floyd already handcuffed and being led around by a police officer. In no way shape or form is the guy even remotely close to "resisting arrest", the go-to excuse for all police murders nowadays.
    The one posted here just started with him on the ground already. I've checked into a bit more and seen more videos yeah, I'd say George Floyd was cooperating fully and under complete control of the 4 officers. I've got 0 clue as to how he got to be underneath the 3 officers and that's unacceptable for anyone to hold someone down with a knee to the carotid artery. What the fuck did he think was going to happen?

    Another thing which bothers me is that apparently EMS/Fire checked for a pulse but didn't do any lifesaving procedures which is just as terrifying as how those officers acted.

    All that being said all rioting will do is harm working people and then the cops get called in to enforce the law and then what happens all over again?

    You just gave a textbook example of how to modify your initial view based on seeing a few more facts. If only everyone here was as flexible...

    It's why you and I can totally disagree on something, and yet argue like civil, logical adults. But again, if only...

    Back to Floyd however. Let's just say he had resisted arrest. I say his killing by the police officer still amounts to murder.

    Nowhere in the police handbook does it justify the killing of a citizen because they've resisted arrest.

    They're only supposed to use enough force to subdue the person and perform the arrest.

    But lately, especially with "white cop/black man", nothing could be further from reality.

    Plenty of killings have happened without due cause.

    Remember.... the officer's life or welfare must be endangered before he should be able to use lethal force.

    We're waaaaaayyyyy beyond that now... don't you think?

    Police forces across America are in dire need of a complete overhaul. Gotta get those rotten apples outta there.

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    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    Also why the duplicate thread there has been one on this for days?
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    Default Re: George Floyd murdered by cops

    did the guy die or not? i don't know but things look staged. either way it got the desired result. order out of chaos. no one is buying the covid 19 bullshit so they need to create another rodney king further inciting the kgb long term objective of a race war in america & another reason for marshall law. divide & conquer
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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