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Thread: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

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    Default Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper


    Last edited by NoSavingByTheBell; 06-14-2020 at 04:38 PM.

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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    See..... this is where I diverge a little bit.

    It's a tragedy just the same that another citizen got shot and killed by the police, but........... (and I hate to have to insert that "but" in there)

    .... what was Gordon doing behind the wheel of a car anyway?

    If he was truly schizophrenic, he was certainly endangering the lives of other people by driving 101 and 110 mph as stopped by police on two different occasions.

    The first officer was truly decent and friendly.

    The second one was doing his job....... but damned if Gordon didn't become increasingly more uncooperative.

    "Walk this way sir." And damned if Gordon tried to walk the other way (to the middle of the freeway).

    "Sit here sir." "Don't get out of the car, sir." "Get back in the car, sir."

    Geeeez..... how many fucking warnings did the officer give Gordon to be cooperative?

    Then scuffles ensue. Couldn't see clearly with the camera angle....... but Gordon basically decided to up and fight with the officer.

    I'm sorry..... but death was pretty much a probability at that point.

    It's the distinction we must be able to make between just plain police brutality and murder......... and instances where the suspect just doesn't know enough to follow orders and preserve his own life.

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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    Did the police have tasers? If they did they should have been used or CS gas spray first.
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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    The poor guy had a valid license, wasnt being detained or arrested, was asked if you would like to sit in the back of the cop car, was totally cooperating.....

    after sitting a really long time and then being asked if he wanted to wear a mask, he panicked and bolted out of the car.

    That fucking cop had no right to chase him, he was NOT arrested or detained, WHY WAS THE COP CHASING HIM?? IT MADE THE POOR GUY PANIC EVEN MORE

    Of course there will be a struggle after that. The cop then told him SIT BACK IN THE CAR


    The cop then starts really roughing him up, and the struggle gets worse.


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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    We as law-abiding citizens must pick our battles.

    If we're going to blindly side with the victim every time there's an incident, that's where credibility erodes and polarization increases.

    The taser point I'll agree to..... thank you @Master

    Tasers exist for a reason, and cops seem to have forgotten their use. (Except when they get taken away from them... then it's ok to shoot the guy in the back ).

    Cops are too quick to pull their gun and use deadly force. Gordon needed to be subdued... but the cop should've tased the fuck out of him.

    But FFS......... when is a certain sector of the public going to realize that it's not a "free-for-all" out there??

    If the cop says SIT..... you sit. If he says STAND.... you stand. If you struggle.... if you fight..... if you run..... I'm sorry, but you're sort of asking for trouble.

    If Gordon was in fact a schizophrenic, what in the hell was he doing alone behind the wheel of a car doing over 100 mph to the point where he was detained several times??

    This is a two-way street. The door swings both ways in interactions between cops and citizens.

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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    I am not excusing the man, but if someone is mentally vulnerable then they need help for their own good. If that means subduing him then they should do that but not with a gun.

    Do they have CS gas in the USA? Police also have batons over here and they aim for the legs which is another way to subdue a perpetrator.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  7. #7
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    Can't wait for 100% of crime to be handled by social workers. What a Utopia that will be.

    And motherfuckers want to take my guns? Hard no!

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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    Alrighty then.

    Let's take stock of where we all stand.

    I'm not gonna start another thread on this, although I could.

    In quick succession, we have:

    1. Rayshard Brooks, shot in the back and killed by a white cop in Atlanta as he tried to run away.
    2. Maurice Gordon, shot and killed during a scuffle on a New Jersey freeway after getting pulled over.

    Here is where I stand, because I like to make things clear up front..........

    1. Excessive deadly force... unwarranted shooting and killing. The cop should be brought up on charges, not to mention getting the hell thrown out of the police force.
    2. Gordon should have been tased instead.... but he grappled with the cop after multiple instructions to sit and stay in the car. Gordon should be reprimanded for the use of lethal force, but no further.

    As I understand it, NoSaving feels it was murder in both counts......... and Kabong feels the deaths were warranted in both counts.

    At the risk of oversimplifying things, does this cover it accurately enough?

    Shit..... maybe I will start a poll on this.

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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    Tito I am not blindly defending him I watched the video myself first before I came to the conclusion that he was wrongfully executed

    Police are public defenders. Police should be trained to recognize mental instability. The man was asked where he was going and he said stocker. The police officer asked him where is stocker is that in New Jersey? And the man answered no it's in the video game at the end of the Street. The police officer said, in a video game? And the Jamaican guy said yes it's at the end of the Street in the video game. Any well-trained police officer should suspect that he is either on some hallucinogenic drug or he is mentally unstable.

    We have to factor in the mentally unstable and the mentally ill. Skitzofrenix are not forbidden from driving a car. There are different levels of schizophrenia. Some are functional and some are not.

    We do not execute the mentally unstable or those who are high on substances. Police officers are public defenders I repeat police officers are public defenders I repeat their motto is protect and serve I repeat their motto is protect and serve police officers are public defenders they are there to protect and serve

    police officers are trained to recognize mental illness and substance abuse

    they should also recognize that at times people could be having a stroke and behaving bizarrely

    .... the man bolted from the police car. He was not even under detainment or arrest. He had every right to get out of the police car and run away. The police officer had no right to forbid him from running away because he was a free man not being detained and not under arrest

    A free man who is not being detained and is not under arrest should not be forbidden from running away freely. The police officer then wrongly try to detain and arrest him and that is when the struggle ensued

    The police officer was wrong

    Then the police officer executed an innocent man

    So now the police officer will serve 20 years in jail for first-degree manslaughter and an innocent Jamaican man another black man was wrongfully executed

    Tito I repeat I am not blindly defending these victims. Blindly would mean I did not watch the video before I came to my conclusion. I watch the video two times before I posted this thread

    Of course if a police officer says sit or stand we should comply. But not everyone is clear-minded and clear-headed and not everyone is mentally stable at any given moment

    A free innocent black man was executed by a white police officer

    Bottom line

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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    The officer with Gordon should have arrested him LONG AGO. That was long overdue.

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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    If we're going to DEMAND reform with the police, we should also educate the public to NOT RESIST ARREST AND COOPERATE WITH THE POLICE.

    How difficult can this be? It's not rocket science. You do not resist arrest... you increase your chances on not getting killed.

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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    Well Tito to answer your question

    The schizophrenic Jamaican should have been given some consideration like I said police officers are trained to recognize mental illness. Sometimes people are having a stroke and behaving strangely or under the influence. The man was a paranoid schizophrenic and I believe that after he was in the back of that car for a very long time he had some kind of panic attack and got out and ran. The police officer had no right to chase him or try to detain him because he was not being detained in the first place. Now while it was not a good move for the Jamaican guy to start the scuffle and struggle with the police officer I do not see why the police officer chased him in the first place when he was not being detained and he was not being arrested for anything so this has aggravated and agitated the schizophrenic and all he did was probably freak out and try to defend himself.

    The cop pumped 7 bullets into him. master and you I agree with why wasn't a taser or pepper spray or a club or something used?

    Why was seven shots pumped into the Jamaican? I mean really come on

    The Jamaican was executed

    to be honest the guy who was running in Atlanta and turned around and aimed a weapon at the police officer you could actually make an argument that the police officer in that case was maybe be maybe more scared because a weapon was being aimed at her.

    I don't believe the Jamaican was aiming any weapon at the police officer but I could not see in the video so I will say that if the Jamaican had taken the police officer's gun at any point in the scuffle and aimed it at the police officer and the police officer got the gun back well I could see how the police officer then would freak out and shoot the Jamaican but I don't know why he would have to shoot the Jamaican and kill him with seven shots

    Tito to answer your fan to answer your question I believe both cases are manslaughter. Although I can understand both police officers perspectives in each case that they did feel endangered

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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    On the other hand, the cop that shot Brooks in the back should be thrown in jail immediately. Do not pass GO..... do not collect $200.

    NOWHERE does it say a cop can shoot a suspect in the back as he's running away. NOWHERE.

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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    and I also agree that as to the general public they really need to be trained to understand that they must comply and not fight back when a police officer tells them to stand up or sit down or put their hands up or stop running or whatever they ask

    there is no doubt that some of these victims are making it much more complicated and bring the danger upon themselves by resisting and being audacious and disrespectful

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    Default Re: Maurice Gordon, Schizophrenic, EXECUTED JUNE 8, 2020 by NJ State Trooper

    Brooks turned and pointed a deadly weapon at the cop?? C'mon..... let's keep our stories straight here.

    He turned and pointed a glow-in-the-dark taser at a cop (BTW... in the video this turning and pointing is not visible... maybe it was lightning quick ).

    The cop, "FEARFUL FOR HIS LIFE" shot Brooks in the back.

    2nd degree manslaughter for the guy.

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