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Poll: Should Boris Resign?

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Thread: Should Boris Resign?

  1. #331
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Update so far.

    yes - 4.
    no - 5.
    interesting things polls.

    Yes they are. This is how the vote to test NHS staff and keep them and those they care for safe went on the 24th.
    Those who want to boast about supporting those bastards, your clapping meant nothing, you virtue signalling hypocrites.

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  2. #332
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Update so far.

    yes - 4.
    no - 5.
    interesting things polls.

    Yes they are. This is how the vote to test NHS staff and keep them and those they care for safe went on the 24th.
    Those who want to boast about supporting those bastards, your clapping meant nothing, you virtue signalling hypocrites.

    I clapped as a mark of respect for the NHS as many people did, casting a vote is what people do in an election.
    When A party is voted in and a global pandemic occurs, then the voters can hardly be held personally responsible or indeed celebrate any lives lost.

    Last edited by Dark Lord Al; 06-26-2020 at 03:26 PM.

  3. #333
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Update so far.

    yes - 4.
    no - 5.
    interesting things polls.

    Yes they are. This is how the vote to test NHS staff and keep them and those they care for safe went on the 24th.
    Those who want to boast about supporting those bastards, your clapping meant nothing, you virtue signalling hypocrites.

    I clapped as a mark of respect for the NHS as many people did, casting a vote is what people do in an election.
    When A party is voted in and a global pandemic occurs, then the voters can hardly be held personally responsible or indeed celebrate any lives lost.

    You were hardly voting in a responsible party with any intention of doing anything but selling off the NHS. You can not them pretend to care about something you were willing to gamble so irresponsibly with. They never even tried to hide it. Greed and privatize everything has been their mantra for years, and this version of the Tories are unrecognizable, even to a lot of conservatives. So corrupt. lying, manipulative and utterly disdainful of any working class voters who voted for them. Far worse and more patronizing than what you would call remoaners or the loony left. They would not have dragged their feet and ignored the science like these bufoons.

    Nobody is claiming tory voters were celebrating any lives lost, but the party you lot voted for joked about it. 'Operation last Gasp' saw pensioners as 'expendable' they ripped the piss out of all of us and thousands more are dead because of their failures, not the pandemic.

    Stop making excuse for them.

    All you can do is bitch about Corbyn and Abbott, as though that kind of lame distraction is even relevant.
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  4. #334
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Update so far.

    yes - 4.
    no - 5.
    interesting things polls.

    Yes they are. This is how the vote to test NHS staff and keep them and those they care for safe went on the 24th.
    Those who want to boast about supporting those bastards, your clapping meant nothing, you virtue signalling hypocrites.

    I clapped as a mark of respect for the NHS as many people did, casting a vote is what people do in an election.
    When A party is voted in and a global pandemic occurs, then the voters can hardly be held personally responsible or indeed celebrate any lives lost.

    You were hardly voting in a responsible party with any intention of doing anything but selling off the NHS. You can not them pretend to care about something you were willing to gamble so irresponsibly with. They never even tried to hide it. Greed and privatize everything has been their mantra for years, and this version of the Tories are unrecognizable, even to a lot of conservatives. So corrupt. lying, manipulative and utterly disdainful of any working class voters who voted for them. Far worse and more patronizing than what you would call remoaners or the loony left. They would not have dragged their feet and ignored the science like these bufoons.

    Nobody is claiming tory voters were celebrating any lives lost, but the party you lot voted for joked about it. 'Operation last Gasp' saw pensioners as 'expendable' they ripped the piss out of all of us and thousands more are dead because of their failures, not the pandemic.

    Stop making excuse for them.

    All you can do is bitch about Corbyn and Abbott, as though that kind of lame distraction is even relevant.
    In case you didn't realise more people agreed with the tory direction I'm pretty sure that's why they are now in power.
    I don't bitch about Corbyn and Abbott its just a lot of fun talking about them, because for some people here it touches a nerve and causes a reaction.
    That is also alot of fun, and let us not forget this forum is a fun pastime, i enjoy spending a few minutes a day chatting here.
    It sets me up for the new day with a smile on my face, life is for living and should be fun.
    I am a happy man today, hope everyone else is too.

  5. #335
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    “I have reported on British politics for almost three decades, and have never encountered a senior British politician who lies, cheats and fabricates as habitually or systematically - or with as much inventive relish - as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Or gets away with deceit with such ease.

    “Not Margaret Thatcher, who was regularly (though in my view often unfairly) accused of lying by the left. Not even Tony Blair. To his credit, somewhere in Blair there actually lurked a sense of shame; he reacted with resentment, anger and denial when critics claimed that he lied.

    “Not so Johnson. With him, we have entered a fifth dimension, where there is no distinction at all between fact and fiction or truth and falsehood.”

    - Peter Oborne
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  6. #336
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Turns out we have here in the UK been training Saudi Terrorists to bomb starving kids in Yemen -
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  7. #337
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Turns out we have here in the UK been training Saudi Terrorists to bomb starving kids in Yemen -
    That seems harsh if that is true, I mean why would they exclusively target starving kids ?

  8. #338
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    boris' dad doesn't give a shit about lockdowns. & boris doesn't even want to address it. they both know it's bullshit
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  9. #339
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Turns out we have here in the UK been training Saudi Terrorists to bomb starving kids in Yemen -
    That seems harsh if that is true, I mean why would they exclusively target starving kids ?

    It must be very good if it is successful, a starving kid is quite a small target really. I mean, it's not going to be like bombing fat Scouse chavs or Texans.

    Makes you proud to be British. 🇬🇧
    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

  10. #340
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Another day, another ludicrous debacle from this freakshow of a government, and yet more outright complicity from the corporate media.

    When Johnson and Cummings tried to install their stooge Chris Grayling as chair of the cross-party Intelligence and Security Committee last week, everyone made the same joke about putting a notorious idiot in charge of the nation's intelligence.

    After all Grayling has left a trail of absolute destruction wherever he's gone, from his absolutely disastrous, and now-reversed, privatisation of the probation system, through the Southern Rail fiasco that happened on his watch, to the notorious unlawful untendered £50 million ferry contract to a company that had no ferries!

    Grayling's glaring unsuitability for such a crucial national security role was further underlined when he failed to even notice that his expected coronation was being undermined by other members of the committee, who quite understandably didn't appreciate the government trashing the vital impartiality of their activities by trying to parachute in a hand-picked stooge.

    When it came to the vote, the Tory backbencher Julian Lewis nominated himself instead of backing Grayling, and won by 5 votes to 4.

    The first move of the committee under his leadership was to announce the imminent publication of the long-delayed report into Russian interference in UK politics.

    Retribution was instant from Johnson and Cummings, who immediately expelled Lewis from the Tory party (another brazen political "cancellation" to be absolutely ignored by the right-wing "cancel culture" whingers).

    In the space of just a few hours Johnson and Cummings were faced with a humiliatingly failed stitch-up, the imminent release of the report they've been deliberately hiding, and the brutal retribution against a Tory MP for doing the right thing and putting the national interest above party political advantage.

    They'd failed to install Grayling as their Intelligence and Security stooge, but they still had plenty of others to do their dirty work, so they sent out Dominic 'what's a Dover' Raab to rehash a load of old unsubstantiated anti-Corbyn smears, with the obvious intent of distracting the media narrative away from the government chaos.

    According to Raab's nonsense smears, Russia intervened in the 2019 general election to help Jeremy Corbyn, despite the fact that Labour had pledged to stop the massive flows of dodgy Russian cash into the City of London and the UK political system, and the fact that it's the Tories who are bankrolled with literally £millions in donations from Russian oligarchs and Putin cronies!

    Any mainstream media hack with a grain of sense or integrity would have seen through Raab's ruse, and reported it in the correct context of it being a deliberate diversionary tactic to draw attention away from their latest screw up, and their documented history of raking in £millions in dodgy Russian donations.

    But that's obviously not how it played out. Instead of holding this horrendous government to account, the corporate media hack pack played along with the Tory attention-shifting ruse by doorstepping Jeremy Corbyn and his family to yell conspiracy nonsense at them.

    Instead of doorstopping Johnson, Cummings, Grayling, or Raab, to demand answers on the cock-up, the impending Russia report, and the vindictive sacking of Julian Lewis, they're hounding and abusing a backbench opposition MP, at the behest of a Tory government minister.

    The profoundly ugly spectacle of mainstream media hacks wilfully and deliberately doing the Tory government's dirty work for them, by hounding the ex-leader of the opposition, just goes to show how profoundly broken the UK media system is.

    They don't just have an obvious bias towards the party of capitalism, greed, inequality, and handouts for the mega-rich, and an equally obvious agenda against anyone who dares to question or critique the hard-right neoliberal groupthink of the British establishment class, they actively run the Tory party's propaganda operations for them!

    No matter how horrific the Tory scandal, there's always an enormous queue of detestable hacks clamouring to do their dirty work for them, by deliberately distracting public attention away from the latest example of Tory corruption, incompetence, or malice.

    Just imagine if it was the other way around and Prime Minister Corbyn had just failed in his attempt to politicise the nation's security oversight committee, instantly purged the Labour MP who intervened to prevent this politicisation, then put out a load of drivel attacking Theresa May as a distraction tactic.

    Do you honestly think the hack pack would be playing along with Corbyn's attention-shifting ruse by doorstepping Theresa May to yell conspiracy gibberish at her?

    Of course not. You'd have to be absolutely deluded to think it would ever have played out that way, because the corrupt and incompetent Tory MPs and their enablers in the corporate media are all part of the elitist establishment club that absolutely detested Corbyn for challenging the orthodoxy that they've all benefited so handsomely from.

    Corbyn wasn't in their club, and he actively wanted to distribute more political power away from people like them, and towards ordinary people and ordinary communities. So they worked tirelessly to destroy his Scandinavian-style democratic socialist agenda, and they still won't even stop hounding him now.

    And in all likelihood, you're not in this elitist establishment club either, meaning they'd be just as willing to destroy you, if you ever represented any kind of threat to their power and privilege.

    If they're still hounding Corbyn over abslute nonsense now, months after he stood down, and they blamed the firefighters for Grenfell, and blaming care home workers for their coronavirus calamity, do you really think the Tories and their media lackeys wouldn't kick someone like you under a bus if it suited their interests to do so?
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  11. #341
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    There'd be little or no point in Johnson resigning because he isn't running the country, so the sh!tshow would continue.

    Dominic Cummings is the real PM & he's the one with his hand up Johnson's jacksy, directing the traffic.

    If you want real change, get rid of Cummings.
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by Syntax Error View Post
    There'd be little or no point in Johnson resigning because he isn't running the country, so the sh!tshow would continue.

    Dominic Cummings is the real PM & he's the one with his hand up Johnson's jacksy, directing the traffic.

    If you want real change, get rid of Cummings.
    Yes a harrowing thought anyone called CUMMINGS is doing anything with your jacksy.

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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  14. #344
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  15. #345
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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